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Poquita, John Edcel M.


M4. Act. 1

Prepare a frequency distribution, a cumulative frequency distribution and “less than” ogive of frequency distribution on the scores
of 40 students in a Math quiz. Show below are their scores.

86 83 81 81 86 91 79 82

81 80 96 87 82 89 82 89

94 91 90 82 85 88 71 99

76 87 78 80 83 73 98 72

72 83 74 85 90 71 75 87


Class Interval Tally Frequency LCB UCB CM <CF >CF Relative Frequency
71 - 75 IIIIIII 7 70.5 75.5 73 7 40 17.50%
76 - 80 IIII 5 75.5 80.5 78 12 33 12.50%
81 - 85 IIIII IIIII II 12 80.5 85.5 83 24 28 30%
86 - 90 IIIII IIIII 10 85.5 90.5 88 34 16 25%
91 - 95 III 3 90.5 95.5 93 37 6 7.50%
96 - 100 III 3 95.5 100.5 98 40 3 7.50%
Total n = 40 100%

Step 2
R = Highest number - Lowest number
R = 99 - 71
R = 28

Step 3
# of classess
K = (1+3.322 log N)
N = number of data
K = (1+3.322 (log 40))
K =6.322

Step 4
class interval size
c = R/K
c = 28/6
c = 4.666

Step 5: 1st column of FDT

Class interval
 lower and upper limits
 start in lowest no.
 lowest number in data + class interval size from step
4 Class Interval size = 71 + 5 -1
= 75

= 76 + 5 - 1
= 80

Step 6 = 2nd Column of FDT

Tally the raw

Step 7. 3rd Column of FDT

Class Frequency

Step 8. 4th and 5th column of FDT

Determine the LCB and UCB

Lower class boundary

Upper class boundary

LCB = LL - 0.5
UCB = UP + 0.5

71 - .5 = 70.5
75 +.5 = 75.5

Step 9. 6th Column of the FDT

Class Mark ( CM)

CM = (LL +UP)/ 2

CM = (71 + 75) /2
CM = 73

Step 10. 7th and 8th column of FDT

Commulative frequency "less than ( <cf)

Commulative frequence "Greater than ( >cf)

Step 11. 9th column of the FDT
Relative Frequence percentage (RF%)

1st RF% = f/n x 100

1st RF% = (7/40) x 100

RF% = 17.50

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