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Louisiana Delta Community College

(Week of May 8-12)

Monday, May 8th: JUNO

Start time: 8:30am Attendees: Miranda Reed and Almalisha Miller-Anderson

We began with the head-to-toe of Juno’s features and functionalities.

 the powering up and down
 Eyes/nose/ears/mouth/ irrigation/ care and maintenance
 Airway (Bag-mask ventilation, ETT care and maintenance)
 ROM of Juno
 Chest tube care and maintenance
 Trach care and maintenance
 Pulses/ BP sound
 Sounds - Lung, heart, and bowel
 Manual blood pressure (assembled the equipment by the watching the cae video)
 Fluids: IVs, Gastric, Secretions, Urinary and Enema
 When through the Juno’s accessories and wound kits
 Change Pt from Male to Female.

After Lunch (1hr)

Overview Maestro software

 operation in manual
 Home page/SCE Manager tab/History tab/Cogwheel on the home page
 Run screen: widgets, checklists, sounds, pulses, system parameters, conditions,
treatments, event log
 Parameters - manual physiologies. We also addressed using onset timers.
 Eye, sound, voice, and pulse control.
 Body system parameters - Cardiac, Respiratory, and Neuro
 Conditions - How to use and why
 Review screen
 Details: including the overview, learning objectives, performance measures, facilitator
notes and debrief points
 Patient Info
 Scenarios: including creating states, automatic transitions, and notes
 Checklists: how to import and create new checklists
 Patient records: How to import and use patient files.
 Runtime configuration and how select and use quick links
 Preparations
 Exploring a preconfigured SCE and how to create your own SCE’s.
 We explored running on the fly then into SCEs
 Showed how to create own SCEs and discussed how we can integrate simulation into
their program
Performed SCEs and on the fly by them
 A great way for teach back moment

We explored the desktop of the tablet

 Hard copies of the SCES
 Watched all the instructional videos

We debriefed about the day

 Overall, the class was great class
 It was very engaged,
 asked a lot of questions
 a lot of hands on with Juno and Maestro

Tuesday, May 9th: Luna

Start time: 8:30am Attendees: Miranda Reed and Almalisha Miller-Anderson

The participants did a head to toe of JUNO to me and we performed a SCE. The attendees
have a good understanding of Juno

We began the training by covering a head-to-toe of Luna’s features and functionalities.

•Powering up the manikin
• Dynamic fontanelle
• Using Tri-state eyes
• Cyanosis control
• Seizures/Arm movement
• The parts/accessory tray
• StethoSym
• Sim defib box (went over and explain how to use it, but they did not have a defibrillator in their
center for now. We used the SimDefib)
• Dynamic fontanelle
• Laryngospasm
• Tracheostomy
• Pulses, including umbilical

• primed the fluid system of Luna while watching the video
• did couple of iv punctures
• drained the system by following the video

Overview Maestro software

• operation in manual physiology
• Home page/SCE Manager tab/History tab/Cogwheel on the home page
• Run screen: widgets, checklists, sounds, pulses, system parameters, conditions, treatments,
event log
• Review screen
• Details: including the overview, learning objectives, performance measures, facilitator notes
and debrief points
• Patient Info
• Scenarios: including creating states, automatic transitions, and notes
• Checklists: how to import and create new checklists
• Patient records: How to import and use patient files.
• Runtime configuration and how select and use quicklinks
• Preparations
• Exploring a preconfigured SCE and how to create your own SCE’s.
• We explored running on the fly then into SCEs
• Showed how to create own SCEs and discussed how we can integrate simulation into their

We explored the desktop of the tablet

 Hard copies of the SCES
 Watched all the instructional videos

Performed SCEs and on the fly by them

 A great way for teach back moment

We debriefed about the day

 Overall, the class was great class
 It was very engaged,
 asked a lot of questions
 a lot of hands on with LUNA and Maestro

Wednesday, May 10th: ARIA

Start time: 8:30am Attendees: Miranda Reed and Almalisha Miller-Anderson

The participants did a head to toe of LUNA to me and we performed a SCE. The attendees
have a good understanding of LUNA

We began with the head-to-toe of Aria’s features and functionalities.

 the powering up and down
 Eyes/pupils
 Airway (Bag-mask ventilation, different degree of intubation)
 Difficult airway features
 Use of adjuncts nasal and oral
 Cricothyrotomy/tracheostomy
 ECG/ Electrical Therapy using the Sim AED (Defibrillation, Pacing, Synchronized
 Chest tube/needle decompression
 Trach care
 Pulses/Pulse Deficits
 Sounds using the Stethosym - Lung, heart, and bowel
 Manual blood pressure (assembled the equipment by the watching the cae video)
 IVs
 Fluids
 Seizures
 We talked about the Locations of ports for bleeding, external air, IV ports, and fluids.
 We performed the fluids on Aria
 Change Pt from Male to Female.

After Lunch (1hr)

Quick Overview Maestro software and see the difference between Aria, Juno and Luna:
 operation in manual/modeled physiology
 Home page/SCE Manager tab/History tab/Cogwheel on the home page
 Run screen: widgets, checklists, sounds, pulses, system parameters, conditions,
treatments, event log
 Parameters - Including the differences between modeled and manual physiologies. We
also addressed using onset timers.
 Eye, sound, voice, and pulse control.
 Body system parameters - Cardiac, Respiratory, and Neuro
 Conditions - How to use and why
 Review screen
 Details: including the overview, learning objectives, performance measures, facilitator
notes and debrief points
 Patient Info
 Scenarios: including creating states, automatic transitions, and notes
 Checklists: how to import and create new checklists
 Patient records: How to import and use patient files.
 Runtime configuration and how select and use quick links
 Preparations

We debriefed about the day

 Overall, the classes were great class
 It was very engaged,
 asked a lot of questions
 a lot of hands on with Juno, Luna, Aria and Maestro (2hrs)

Thursday, May 11th: Juno, Luna, Aria, Apollo, Lucina and Maestro

Start time: 10am Attendees: Miranda Reed and Almalisha Miller-Anderson

The participants did a head to toe of ARIA to me and we performed a SCE. The attendees have
a good understanding of ARIA

We did a recap on Juno, Luna, Aria, Ares, Apollo, Lucina and Maestro. The day was all about
practice and more practice.

Friday, May 12th: Advance SCE Programming

Start time: 8:30am Attendees: Miranda Reed and Almalisha Miller-Anderson

We will build an SCE from scratch and showed how the algorithm works. Then I let the
participants create their own SCE and help to include transition. Once the SCEs were
completed, we performed it on the simulators. The attendees understand how important it is to
know inside and out the SCES to perform at a high level. That was the take home message. At
the end of week, the participants have good handle of the maestro and the simulators.

The customers were encouraged to ask any questions at the end or call/email myself with any
questions in the future.

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