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02 nd

Dear Esteemed Business Owners,

We are delighted to extend a special invitation to you to join us for a momentous occasion—the
100th meeting of our BNI Magicians chapter! As we celebrate this remarkable milestone, we want
to make it even more extraordinary by inviting you to our Grand Visitors Day.
On June 2nd, 2023, at 07:30 AM, we will gather at Hyatt Regency, Thiruvananthapuram to
showcase the power of collaboration and business networking. This is a fantastic opportunity to
connect with like-minded professionals, expand your network, and explore potential collaborations.
Join us as we unveil the secrets to business success, exchange valuable referrals, and witness the
magic of collective achievement. RSVP at your earliest convenience to secure your place at this
momentous event.
We eagerly await your presence at our BNI Magicians chapter meeting and look forward to
celebrating this remarkable milestone with you.

Personal invitation from one of

our chapter members is
necessary to join our meeting. To
register, please contact the
person who sent you this invite.

7:30 AM June 2nd 2023, Friday

Meeting at Hyatt Regency, Thiruvananthapuram

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