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Black Moon Lilith Astrology:

The Wild Woman In The Signs & Houses

Black Moon Lilith

The word Lilith means night, and Lilith was a female demon.
In the birth chart (and in astrology in general), Lilith represents a part of you
suppressed into the unconscious. It is associated with trauma, pain, shame, rejection,
things taken forcefully from you. Lilith is usually a quite challenging point in the

Lilith, the Dark Feminine, and the redemptive power of grief.

Lilith represents that aspect of the Divine Feminine that has yet to be integrated into

Lilith is a mythical figure of tremendous power that has often been either overlooked or
demonized in Jewish tradition. She symbolizes the chthonic, or earthy, Dark Feminine
that has the strength to bear the overwhelming emotions of deep grief. Her wisdom
selves us as we, individually and collectively, learn how to bear the collective suffering
of our people.
Lilith symbolizes our capacity to withstand enormous suffering and pain as we open to
the truth of who we are.
Rediscovering our ancient original Mother may give us the strength and courage to
enter our personal depths, to integrate the unhealed traumas of our ancestral lineage,
to grieve, to mourn, to wail and suffer—and to heal.
Lilith represents, among other things, the power of female sexuality.
Lilith is She who was left behind, in the rich lands of the Fertile Crescent, in the times of
powerful Goddesses and rites honoring the Queen of Heaven. Are her rage and
bitterness part of her nature, or are they the consequence of her exile?
Many of us know Lilith in our female lineage — women who were denied a voice,
denied access to power, whose feminine wisdom was devalued, perhaps hidden even
from themselves. Many came to embody the destructive aspects of Lilith—raging,
angry, dissatisfied women. Depressed, anxious, terrified women. Sad and
disempowered women. Temptresses vying for male attention as the only source of
power available to them.
Lilith is also a casualty of response to intergenerational trauma. Seeking safety from
the overwhelming feelings associated with trauma, we cling to the logical, rational,
masculine approach of logos and cut off feminine eros. When under siege, we cannot
afford the luxury of feeling, grieving, and fully embodying experience.
Yet the feelings, unlived, do not go away. They get pushed deeper into the
unconscious. They fester (= become worse and more intense). They get passed down
from one generation to the next in the form of complexes. They get expressed as
distortions of our true nature. In this way, Lilith manifests as the intrusive mother who
devours her children’s autonomy, or who abandons her children through depression
and despair, unable to personally metabolize the overwhelming trauma of our collective

When Lilith’s power is cut off she has no choice but to manifest as depression—the
numbness that overtakes us when our capacity to connect with our own depths, our
feeling self, is exiled. We need to redeem Lilith collectively, to reclaim her, to do the
hard work of acknowledging and digesting the despair, grief, rage, terror, and
powerlessness that are our inheritance. As we do so, we can begin to heal from
transgenerational trauma rather than bequeathing it to our children and descendants.

Entering the darkness—reclaiming psychological wholeness

The Baal Shem Tov, the great Hasidic master, taught that we need to descend to our
depths to ascend spiritually. We must move into our dark and frozen places to uncover
the Divine spark that has become trapped there, awaiting redemption. In shamanic
approaches, this process is referred to as soul retrieval.

Facing the Lilith aspect of one’s own consciousness requires entering the realm of the
Dark Feminine, where grief, rage, and loss dwell. As Lilith’s powerful energy has been
exiled and repressed, it manifests instead as depression, which differs from grief.
Depression is a numbing that cuts off the life force. We are unable to give birth to
creative expression; our gifts are devoured by our self-loathing inner critic. Jung
observed that the only way to heal depression is to allow ourselves to engage the
unconscious through “dreams, fantasies, visions, and especially in active imagination.”

Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb recognized that in splitting off and repressing the dark aspects of
the feminine, we have lost access to parts of the psyche that are necessary for our
healing and our redemption. Lilith and Shekhinah are polarized aspects of the
Feminine that are portrayed as enemies, not sisters. Gottlieb suggests that we might
imagine Shekhinah descending to the underworld to meet her twin sister Lilith and to
listen to hear her suffering, as the Sumerian Goddess Inanna descended to meet her
fearsome sister Ereshkigal.

Those parts of ourself cast off by the patriarchal world are slowly becoming
acceptable ... We can never return to a myth that does not honor our most sacred
quest, the quest to wholeness of being. Our descent to the underworld of our
imagination will eventually allow us to give birth to a new vision of wholewoman for our
own time.

In the great Sumerian myth of Inanna, the Queen of Heaven must descend to the
underworld to find her wholeness. It is only when she meets her dark sister Ereshkigal
in the depths that Inanna is transformed. Ereshkigal is an underworld Goddess who is
consumed with the pain she has seen and experienced, and is also in the throes of
labor. Turning towards our suffering allows something new to be born in both the
individual and collective psyche. When Inanna is able to fully embrace Ereshkigal and
to empathize with her, Inanna becomes whole. Like Inanna, we must each surrender
our innocence, and experience the depths of suffering of our sister Ereshkigal, or Lilith,
to come into our fullness.

To enter the “Red Sea”, to undergo the initiation into the depths and leave behind the
constricted consciousness of trauma, we require connection to a holding presence.
When our connection to the feminine depths has been cut off, we may feel we do not
have the capacity to face whatever may arise. Redeeming Lilith allows her to serve as
a midwife to the depths, where we can integrate the grief, rage, and terror that live in
our family histories engendered by collective trauma. In so doing, the essential life
force that has been constricted in order to survive the trauma may once again begin to
flow freely, birthing new psychic life.

One thing is always certain: Lilith is powerful. Even in astrology, I’ve found this to be
100% true.

Regardless of the sign that she’s in, Lilith has both positive and negative qualities in the
chart. Your Lilith shows how you can become obsessive, but also reveals your secret
desires that aren’t necessarily bad. In fact, Lilith in astrology can be quite empowering
for anyone, not just women.

Wherever Lilith pops up in mythology, you will almost always find the theme of the
patriarchy forcing women into submission. Originally, it wasn’t meant to be political at
all. Instead, Lilith represents the power within us that can never be snuffed out,
regardless of what’s happening in the world.

In astrology, Lilith is the wild feminine sign. She shows many different elements that the
traditional planets don’t encompass.

L i l i t h T h r o u g h t h e HOUSES
Unlike other planets, lilith changes a lot depending on what house she’s in. I
recommend putting equal weight on the sign and the house. Sometimes it can even be
helpful to study the house your Lilith astrology sign is in first, then flavor that
description according to the sign.

Black Moon Lilith Astrology Through the SIGNS:

Keep in mind that because you have an individual chart, it’s totally OK if not every part
of these descriptions fits. I put in info for all parts of each sign, so you’ll have to see
which sentences fit with your chart (based on house and aspects).

Lilith in the signs is important, but I find that Lilith in the houses (below) is equally
important. I recommend that you read both descriptions and see how they can fit
together into your life. It can take some time to piece together but there is always some
common ground between the sign and the house that Lilith is in.

I find that Lilith in Libra expresses itself in one of two ways.
If you have Lilith in Libra, you may run into relationship issues. You probably have an
unconscious need to have a partnership, but something might block you from this,
whether it’s society, your parents, or your own shame about that fact that you want a

Black Moon Lilith in Libra, especially in the relationship sense, is a difficult placement to
heal. It is a lifelong lesson to learn how to be strong on your own yet coexist in a
partnership, but this is what you need to evolve your Lilith astrology sign.

The key is for you to learn how to be in healthy relationships without sacrificing
yourself, feeling guilty, or avoiding things altogether when it gets tough to handle.

Alternatively, you have a need to please others, but may sacrifice yourself to do it. You
swing back and forth between trying to indulge others and satisfy yourself. You might
feel a sense of constant guilt that you haven’t done enough to help other people. Other
times, you might all but ignore the plight of others in order to please yourself.

In this scenario, you need to work on your Black Moon Lilith in Libra in order to find the
middle ground between helping others and feeling satisfied with your own actions.

This is one of the more challenging Lilith signs in the natal chart. Libra is the sign of
balance and harmony, while Lilith is about the lack of harmony. Needless to say, there
is some conflict between them.

Black Moon Lilith in Libra suggests that you are fascinated by relationships, but for
some reason, you are often unsuccessful in this life area. Things start out well, but they
come to an end before time. In other cases, you fall in love with people who are for
some reason unavailable.

Lilith in Libra suggests a heart-shaped hole in your soul. You are hungry for love, but
you can’t get enough of it, no matter how much someone loves you. There is a
tendency to see your shadow side mirrored back by others. You don’t trust easily and it
is hard to maintain harmony in the long run with this placement. You pay a lot of
attention to what others want from you, even define yourself as the function of your

Lilith is raw, wild, independent, rebellious. In the natal chart, it shows what was
repressed into the unconscious. It is the dark side of the Moon that can’t come freely to
expression. Black Moon Lilith influences the birth chart in various ways. Some people
completely reject the traits of its sign, while in other cases, Lilith is overcompensated. It
can have a quite destructive effect. Lilith can bring the worst out of a sign, but if you
manage to integrate it, it helps you find your own power.

This placement suggests deep-seated insecurities related your self-worth. You are a
person who cares a lot about what others think. Lilith in Libra is driven by the desire to
appeal to others—you are very sensitive to the influence of your environment. Make
sure to choose your friends carefully with your natal Black Moon Lilith in Libra. Your
significant others should also be a beneficial influence in your life, because their
opinion matters a lot to you. Bad company can be detrimental for people with this

Lilith in Libra suggests that as a child, you witnessed many arguments in your family. In
some cases, Lilith here indicates that the parents were divorced or on bad terms.
Conflicts were frequent and there was little peace. As an adult, you probably dislike
conflicts. If there is a lot of drama in your relationship, you want to get out of it.

People with their Black Moon Lilith in Libra want to be close to someone, but they are
afraid of it too. Unconsciously they often sabotage their relationships. There can be a
tendency to project your own insecurities onto others. Lilith here can indicate that you
settle down only later in life. It is not easy for you to make a final decision and commit
to someone.

People with this placement are usually very seductive. They possess strong sexual
energy, and the other sex (or the sex they prefer) finds them attractive. Lilith in Libra
finds power in being desired. This placement suggests that you pay attention to your
physical appearance.

This placement suggests that you like to consider every option. There can be a fear of
committing to one thing only, letting all the other options go. You are interested in many
things. Lilith here wants to observe things from multiple perspectives. Because of this,
people with their Black Moon Lilith in Libra are very good at negotiation. Others like to
talk to you.

People with their natal Black Moon Lilith in Libra tend to look for satisfaction in places
that are not good for them in the long run, such as overeating. This placement indicates
a wound related to being unlovable. You crave to be accepted and appreciated for who
you are, and learning to give the love you want to yourself first is one of the most
important lessons of this Lilith placement.

Lilith in Libra has felt ashamed or wrong for needing companionship or seeking
approval from others. Or, they may otherwise feel that dependency and compromise
are weak and not “right”, and can feel uncomfortable with people who seem to need
these things. In the absence of self-acceptance regarding these very real needs,
extremes of behavior in these areas can be the result, and this perpetuates the cycle
and the problem. Working on self-acceptance is the key to empowerment. This can
also apply to Lilith in the seventh house.

Lilith represents the denied, rejected, and shamed feminine which wants to be
autonomous and live in dignity. In the birth chart, the position of Black Moon Lilith is
often a point of denial, pain, trauma. It tends to cause problems on the level of the
unconscious. Lilith is part of the journey towards finding your power. It represents the
integrity, strength, autonomy you can gain by facing your demons and integrating them
into your conscious mind. In some way, it operates in a similar way to Pluto.


☉ Sun conjunct Lilith:

Especially (but not only in a female chart), a major aspect of Lilith to the Sun tends to
create a "Lilith character":
strong-willed, stubborn, independent mind and lover of freedom, original, non-
conformist, rebellious, passionately disliking routines and enslavement at large.
Lilith was the woman who did not need Adam and left him - not a common thing to do
in early biblical times - one reason being that she bluntly refused to lie under him during
There is a profound need to go beyond limitations of all kinds. This, naturally, leads the
native to challenge establishment. At times, it will create difficulties; a Lilith character
does not hesitate to tell his/her boss what he/she thinks of him, and can't give a damn
about consequences once she/he has made up her mind to do something.
The eyes shine, at times defiantly. The personality is sharp, with a marked taste for
intensity. This corresponds to violent astrality - venom in large measure!
There are strong likes and dislikes, and a tendency to know immediately whether one
likes someone or not. This may have to do with the profound insights into the
psychological motivations of other people. Being herself/himself so well in touch with
her/his shadow, the native has a fine understanding of other people's psyche.
A Lilith character is often subtle, with a great sense of nuances, and an extreme

Problems with the father:

With this aspect, it is not rare to find that the native had major problems with the father
(especially in the chart of a female).
Either the father was absent, or perceived as absent, or was fought against. There is
likely to be some deeply rooted wound in the psyche, relating to the father, with
profound consequences on the whole organisation of the personality.
In symbolical terms this conflict with the father goes far beyond childhood scenarios. It
is the father image, in its widest meaning, which is involved here. Think of Lilith, angry

at God for making her subjected to Adam's authority (and patriarchal establishment at
large), and lamenting, "How could He (God of Father) do that to me?"
It is the same wound that you are carrying. It was so deep that it never healed. When
experienced on its highest level, a major aspect of Lilith to the Sun can make native
quite psychic: premonitory dreams, intuition, natural affinity with the hidden mysteries
of life, and clairvoyance.

Sun conjunct Lilith seems to play out as the ego feeling exiled from the ruling elitist
system. Sometimes this is as a result of actual abuse from male authority figures. The
closer Lilith is to the Sun the more it may feel eclipsed by the males in their life
because a conjunction* of under 8º will make Lilith combust by the Sun, meaning
symbolically you cannot see it. However it is possible the old rules may not work in the
traditional way here, as one is not be able to “see” Lilith in the normal way anyhow!

The Outcast
These sensitive folk may fall for the forbidden fruit of drugs to numb the pain of feeling
like an outcast. Despite Sun conjunct Lilith’s anti-establishment behavior, Black Moon
subjects need more than most to feel like they belong and feel part of a family. The way
they can do this successfully is to bond with nature and animals. If other planets
confirm this, their sexuality will be instinctive and untamed, and they feel very
comfortable in their own skin.

If we can use the combustion theory, the subject may defensively reject any male/solar
collaboration for fear of being outshone. Females could refuse to marry, or have same-
sex relationships. Most subjects, whatever their sex, will prefer to work for themselves.
There is a case where Lilith and the Sun can work as a super-planet in the case of the
phenomena known as Cazimi. This is when a planet is within 17’ of the Sun and sits in
its throne. It is interesting that two Cazimi cases in my research worked closely with

Cazimi is pretty rare and is supposed to make one a genius with the regular planets.
With the lunar apogee the effects may be different. I would imagine though that the
fiery creativity of the Sun fused with the piercing intuition of Lilith would make these
subjects sexually magnetic and intense. They are closely bound to the spirit world, and
can perform powerful magic for good or for ill. Mostly it seems, even the combust
subjects are exiled, they will create their own breed of sexuality or moral code. In effect
then, Sun conjunct Lilith crowns itself.

Lilith – Ascendant Aspects -

In aspect to the ascendant, Lilith will show how “taboo” your outer mask appears to the
world, how alluring, taboo, sexual, or Scorpionic you seem.

These Lilith-ascendant aspects can be good or bad since taboo is exciting to others but
can also be scary or too intense. Typically, these Lilith-ascendant aspects both attract
and repel at the same time.

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