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Meio do Céu Aquário

O MEIO DO CÉU é nosso status, o reconhecimento público.

O que chamamos de meio do céu é a cúspide (início) da Casa 10 no mapa astral.

Exibe como somos vistos socialmente, a nossa fama e status pessoal. É um norte que
pode indicar o melhor caminho a seguir para suprir as necessidades do superego, um
bom indicador social e profissional.

What Does the Midheaven Signify in the Birth Chart?

The MC is an indicator of career and profession. This point gives you an idea what you
are growing towards in life, what qualities you are about to integrate as you grow older
and gain more experience in life. This also means that Midheaven is more expressed
at an older age.

The MC is about the impression the world gets of you in the first place. It doesn’t reveal
what you are like in your everyday life but you when in the spotlight.

By definition, the Midheaven is calculated as the intersection between the meridian and
the ecliptic. This point changes very quickly, so you need your exact birth time to
calculate it, the more accurate the information, the better. All twelve signs appear on
the MC in a 24-hour period.

The Midheaven is associated with the tenth house in the natal chart.

MIDHEAVEN in AQUARIUS: Career and Public Image

Knowing the nature of Aquarius, your path is not always straightforward if you have
your Midheaven in this sign. However, it is bound to be interesting. You have lots of
interesting stories with tell and they don’t lack unexpected twists. If you have your
Midheaven in Aquarius in your natal chart, you are a naturally curious person and you
crave a career that allows you to keep learning. Routine jobs are not your thing. You
need a unique and complex professional environment.

Throughout your life, you experience many sudden ups and downs. It’s not rare for
Midheaven in Aquarius folks to change careers and start from scratch again and again.
You are driven by a desire to prove your competence to the world. Sharing your
knowledge brings you fulfillment.

You dislike ready-made patterns and want to carve out your own path. Going against
the mainstream is a big part of the Midheaven in Aquarius. You are mesmerized by
knowledge and are interested in many different things. You are the most fulfilled when
you can blend all your talents into a unique path that allows you to fully express your

In astrology, the Midheaven is primarily used as a vocation indicator. This point speaks
about your career potential, reputation, the way society sees you. It reveals what gifts
you offer the world. This point is more expressed at a later age. The Midheaven doesn’t

reflect your personality. It refers to what the world sees from you, not what you are like
in your everyday life.

The Midheaven in Aquarius is the most often found in charts where the ascendant is in
Taurus or in Gemini.

10th House or Midheaven in AQUARIUS: Agent of Change

The Midheaven in Aquarius is ruled by two planets: it has its traditional ruler, Saturn, and
the modern ruler, Uranus. Since Uranus is a generational planet, many astrologers prefer
giving emphasis to Saturn in this context. Where these planets fall in your birth chart shows
which life areas and themes is your career linked to.

The Midheaven in Aquarius implies that the traits of Aquarius are the most expressed in
your professional life. People with this placement are eternal seekers of untried ways to do
things. The ultimate goal of Aquarius is to come up with new ideas that help humanity get
ahead. People with this placement are often ahead of their time and drawn to cutting-edge
technologies. They are pretty open-minded.

Despite being open-minded, you don’t like it when something is imposed on you. The
Midheaven in Aquarius suggests that your soul wants a unique trajectory, one completely
authentic to you. Your perfect career consists of all the skills you possess combined in a
unique way. It’s a must that it lets you be who you really are. Freedom is essential for you.
No wonder many Aquarius MC people end up working for themselves.

At a young age, you are often all over the place. As a sign co-ruled by Saturn, the planet of
delays, people with their natal Midheaven in Aquarius often find their true path at a later
age. They have many interests and often try out a new field. When you are interested in
something, you dedicate yourself completely to it and you are able to get to the bottom of
the matter. You are hyper-focused on what really captures your attention.

This placement suggests that you thrive in a position that lets you express your creativity.
This can be in the artistic sense of the world but it can also manifest as coming up with
unique solutions. You enjoy experimenting.

In the birth chart, this placement suggests that you need a career that allows you to express
your creativity. You have a pretty unique way of looking at things, and it’s vital that your
professional environment encourages you to innovate. You often end up in a dynamic, ever-
changing field.

The Midheaven in Aquarius indicates that you enjoy working with others as long as they
respect your individuality. It’s important to you to be surrounded by people who inspire you
and show you new ways of doing things.

At a young age, projecting a glamorous image is important to you. As you grow older, you
learn to think independently and follow your own path. However, if you overdo the
Aquarius energy, it can lead to ignoring useful, constructive criticism as well. When young,
people with this placement can be overly self-focused and stubborn. They are often
perceived as the black sheep of the family.

One of the pitfalls of this placement is not caring about feedback or rebelling for the sake of
rebellion. You love breaking the rules but the ultimate question is whether you have a
viable alternative. Midheaven in Aquarius in the birth chart can sometimes indicate an
anarchist. If you express the negative manifestation of this placement, you can be known as
aggressive or even break the law.

Midheaven in Aquarius Careers

The MC is one of the key career indicators in the birth chart. However, you should combine
its interpretation with the other career placements to get a more accurate idea, because it is
just one factor.

Aquarius loves everything related to technology. The Midheaven in Capricorn is an

excellent position for all kinds of engineering (especially electrical engineering or
electronics), computer science, technology, the internet, but it can also be good for teaching.
People with this placement tend to be good at the aforementioned things.

The Midheaven in Aquarius can also be good for psychology, sociology because this sign
loves to analyze people. It can be a very political placement as well.

This MC sign suggests a need for systematic thinking. You are good at analyzing things,
which is a great asset in your professional life.

Aquarius MC people are often drawn to volunteering or the non-profit sector. They enjoy
networking and meeting like-minded people. They are often genuinely concerned about the
future of humanity and dislike seeing inequality in the world.

If you have this placement, you probably dislike authority. You respect people who have
earned their status, but it’s common for MC in Aquarius people to have conflicts with
authority figures. Many of them end up working for themselves. Freedom and independence
are very important to them when it comes to career.

People with their natal Midheaven in Aquarius are often unwilling to compromise. As an
authority figure, you are prone to using autocratic tools can be domineering. You dislike

How does the world see you if you have your natal Midheaven in Aquarius?

People with their natal Midheaven in Aquarius have the most exciting reputation. They are
seen as effervescent, fun to be around, and always able to surprise the crowd with
something new. Even if you start out on a conventional path, sooner or later you are likely
to choose the path less taken. You are often seen as the weird one, but you enjoy it.

In the birth chart, this placement suggests that you are seen as an eccentric personality and
it’s impossible to ignore you. Often, you are either loved or hated, no middle ground. Your
authenticity makes you really attractive, but it can annoy some people.

You are seen as an outgoing person, even if you are an introvert. It’s easy for you to get
along with others.

The Sun trine Midheaven aspect is very easy in some ways. It’s natural for you to work
towards what you want; you don’t have to push yourself. However, you need to make
sure that you develop your inner self, too.
Remember that there is more than just success. Depending on the rest of your chart,
you may need to learn balance with Sun trine Midheaven.
Marte, se analisado isoladamente interagindo com este setor, indica instabilidade devido a
forças externas ou às consequências de qualquer má postura que você possa ter. Por outro lado,
também aplica o potencial de modificar as leis e regulamentos de onde você estiver para um
melhor pragmatismo e justiça, reagindo àqueles que se beneficiam de forma injusta.
Ao ter Marte na Casa 10, o nativo tende a se sentir bem toda vez que é visto publicamente como
autoridade ou alguém corajoso, mas é preciso ter muito autocontrole para não ser ambicioso
demais e acabar se tornando dependente dessa percepção.
Provavelmente, pode haver certa preferência em ter mais autonomia na carreira, colocando as
coisas em modo de ação ou liderando outras pessoas para que terminem. Se não é o chefe, então
provavelmente prefere trabalhar de forma independente, ou até mesmo sozinho.
Tendência a possuir uma forte vontade de obter sucesso, sendo bastante prático em sua forma de
agir publicamente. Pode colocar também bastante energia em sua carreira devido a essa maior
necessidade de realização. O ideal é que aprenda a evitar conflitos e discussões, tanto com
pessoas em posição superior na hierarquia quanto as que estiverem abaixo. Pode haver também
uma certa propensão a terem algum atrito com um dos pais, geralmente com a mãe.
Evite problemas com chefes e autoridades, discussões que vão a público e intrigas,
especialmente em ambiente corporativo ou político e tenha cautela para não ser malvisto ou mal
interpretado, mas sem deixar de mostrar seus pontos de vista com segurança e uma dose
adequada de agressividade.
Como chefe, é provável que o nativo seja mais rigoroso e queira ações e resultados, ao mesmo
tempo em que, se não tiver autocontrole, pode se tornar muito dependente dos modelos
tradicionais de hierarquia e das regras estabelecidas.
Há muitas ocupações e profissões que seriam úteis nesta regência, tais como cargos ligados a
lei, especialmente porque isso requer confronto e argumentação. É um posicionamento
favorável para atletas, advogados, juízes, líderes e afins, que já estão acostumados com batalhas
e posições de comando, mas pode ser um pouco mais complicado para quem tenha que cumprir
ordens o tempo todo, a não ser que Marte seja regente do Ascendente. O restante do mapa,
sendo ele colaborativo, poderá alçá-lo ao topo através da superação dos obstáculos que cruzarão
seu caminho ao longo da vida.
Sugere também mais autoconfiança, principalmente quando sentir que está exercendo uma
grande influência social. A imagem pública é algo que muitas vezes poderá tirar o sono do
nascido com esse posicionamento, porque além do sucesso profissional, a pessoa pode
eventualmente sentir que precisa ser reconhecida e ter uma boa reputação.


A Casa 4 é chamada de Fundo do Céu porque ela revela muito sobre suas raízes,
ancestralidade, família. Enfim, seu passado. Mas também revela sobre seu futuro lar,
aquele que você está construindo ou vai construir quando morar com alguém ou

Exatamente em oposição ao Meio do Céu, está o Fundo do Céu, que fala sobre nosso
lar e raízes. Como falamos anteriormente, é o signo que se encontra na Casa 4 e
 Nossa base ética e moral;
 Nossa criação;
 Como nos comportamos em casa, com nossos parentes;
 Como somos vistos pela família;
 Nossa relação com nossos pais, principalmente com nossa mãe;
 Como será o lar que estamos ou iremos construir.

IC (Imum Coeli - from Latin for "bottom of the sky")

The IC (Imum Coeli) is the point directly across the MC. It is a fictional point too, not an
actual celestial body. The MC stands for your public life, and the IC is about your
private life.

This point speaks about your family, home, roots, and ancestors, but also about old
age. It is associated with the fourth house. The IC can be the cusp of the fourth house
or fall in a different house, depending on the house system used.

The IC is generally traits from childhood that you learned to conceal. It describes your
childhood in some way and indicates the role you were given by your family.

Typically, the IC describes the more painful qualities of your childhood and upbringing.
These are qualities that hold you back, but it also shows a core part of yourself that you
feel you must hide.

The IC is often unconscious. You hide these pieces of yourself because you were
taught, in some way, that they aren’t acceptable values to show to society. Some
people may reveal these inner pieces in private, while others shun their core self

The IC on the birth chart is placed exactly opposite to your Midheaven sign. The
Midheaven point is located at the very top of your birth chart, on the cusp (begining) of
the tenth house of public affairs, and it illustrates the most powerful contributions you'll
make to the world through your career and public image.

Conversely, the IC is located on the cusp of the 4th house of your birth chart, which
represents your home, family, and foundation. Unlike the public-facing, legacy-building
energy of the Midheaven, the IC speaks to the inward-focused energy of our private
lives, as well the roots and foundations of who we are — including our past memories,
our childhoods, and our family lives.

The IC tells about your private self, the self you don’t show to anyone except people
who you are very close with. It’s your inner awareness. As the cusp of the fourth house
of home and family, the IC reveals what habits and thought patterns you got in
childhood. When talking about the IC-MC axis in astrology, you can’t forget that this is
the parental axis.

The fourth house is one layer deeper than the ascendant, and it’s somewhat harder to
access, too. However, it’s very important to do this work, because the IC lays the
foundation of your whole adult life. It’s a cliche, but no tree can grow if it has no roots.
The IC and the fourth house show your roots.

The sign on the Immum coeli tells about your childhood upbringing and nurturing,
your family, and your emotional self. Understanding the fourth house helps you create
the life you want in the tenth house on a solid foundation.

If you know a bit about the what the planets represent astrologically, you'll notice that
the I.C. shares a bit of thematic overlap with the meaning of the moon in astrology, too.

That's because the fourth house is naturally associated with the sign of Cancer, which
is the one zodiac sign ruled by the moon. Of course, that doesn't mean your IC falls
into the sign of Cancer, or that it's anywhere near the moon in your birth chart.

If you want more insight into how the IC manifests in your life, check the zodiac
sign that the fourth house cusp falls into, which is located at the very base of the chart.
That zodiac sign's energy will flavor your IC and speak to the foundations of who you
are, as well as your relationship to your home, family, and private side.

The IC is said to refer to people's roots and also to the least conscious part of the self.
It symbolizes foundations, beginnings in life, what may have been experienced through
parental inheritance and homeland influences, need for security and relationships with
the home and family life. It also may describe the circumstances that someone will
encounter at the end of their life. Because this house was the most distant point
possible from the visible part of the horoscope, Hellenistic astrologers considered the
IC to be the home of the underworld, or Hades.

The meaning of the IC in astrology focuses on our private lives, personal foundations,
and roots, and it can tell us lots about our inner world.

It marks the start (or cusp) of your fourth house and represents the most private parts
of your life. It signifies your home, family relationships, and early childhood
development including relationship to nurturing parental figures and any trauma you
may endure in your youth.

It's The Foundation Of Who You Are

It's no coincidence that the IC is placed at the very bottom of your birth chart. This is
because it represents your roots and personal foundations — the lessons you learned,
patterns you created, and early life experiences that shaped who you are today. "The
IC represents your personal views and emotions," astrologer Lisa Stardust tells Bustle.
It speaks to the pieces of your soul and psychology upon which your identity was built
— the pieces that come together to make up who you are at your very core, on an
unconscious level. While the outside world may not always see these more
subterranean parts of you, they can still drive your emotions, views, and other aspects
of who you are. Understanding your IC sign can help you get in touch with those things.

The IC represents our inner world and the foundations on which we build our public-
facing identities and goals, so it's an important place in our chart to manifest a feeling
of safety and security, emotionally and otherwise. Let your IC sign lead the way when
you're looking to fully relax and be yourself, without worrying about anyone else seeing
or judging you.

The IC Tells You How To Feel Comfy & Cozy

Want to ground yourself and make yourself feel at home, wherever you are? Let your
hair down, carve out some space for privacy, and lean into the energy of your IC sign
— then watch yourself relax. The IC represents our inner world and the foundations on
which we build our public-facing identities and goals, so it's an important place in our
chart to manifest a feeling of safety and security, emotionally and otherwise. Let your
IC sign lead the way when you're looking to fully relax and be yourself, without worrying
about anyone else seeing or judging you.

The IC Gives Insight Into Your Family Life & Childhood

The fourth house is all about our home, family life, and even our childhoods, so the IC
represents the way these elements of our lives are felt and expressed. "It is our home
and relationship with our family, particularly the maternal," Stardust says of the IC's
meaning. This point can shed light on the dynamics within our family lives growing up,
as well as the families we've created for ourselves in adulthood. Some astrologers
believe the IC qualities get activated when we take on a maternal role for someone
else in our lives, too. Obviously we're able to outgrow things, evolve ourselves, and
break free from patterns created by our early life circumstances, but the growth that
comes with learning lessons through formative experience is what your IC is all about.
You need a solid foundation under your feet in order to launch yourself off the ground,
after all.

It's The Most Private Part Of Your Birth Chart

"The IC is the part of the chart that we hold private, don’t share with anyone, and hold
Given that the IC represents such personal, vulnerable, formative pieces of our soul,
mind, and past, it's a really vulnerable aspect in our chart — and one of the most
intimate and private, as mentioned above. That said, it's likely that the qualities of our
IC zodiac sign align with personality traits that we're more private about. The qualities
of the zodiac sign your IC falls into might be qualities that you tend to repress, find
undesirable or too vulnerable to share, or that you simply don't strive toward — and
that's totally OK. While you should look to your Midheaven sign (the direct opposite of
the IC) to highlight your public-facing persona, don't forget the importance of the IC as
your jumping off point. The traits of your IC sign are still very much a part of you, even
if you keep them hidden from view. Don't be afraid to acknowledge them, even if you
don't show them off.

The zodiac sign of your IC says a lot about your approach to personal matters. What
types of relationships make you feel secure and “at home.”

How do you relate to family, from interacting with relatives to creating your own ideal
domestic situation as an adult?

The IC tells about your private self, the self you don’t show to anyone except people
who you are very close with. It’s your inner awareness. As the cusp of the fourth house
of home and family, the IC reveals what habits and thought patterns you got in

childhood. When talking about the IC-MC axis in astrology, you can’t forget that this is
the parental axis.

This is how I view the IC — as a medicine point that speaks specifically to what type of
self-care is most supportive to each of us.

The sign of your IC sheds light on the moods and atmospheres at home — whether in
your upbringing and ancestral lineage, or the domestic realm you’re creating for
yourself right now.
You feel most at ease if home follows your sacred system of order and preparation —
whatever that means for you.

The nurture of the Imum Coeli;

We can imagine both MC (medium coeli) and IC (imum coeli) as parts of our personal
tree. Imagining this, the MC would be all information concerning the leaves, the colour
of our flowers, the taste of our tree’s fruits and the sturdiness of its trunk. In turn, the IC
would be represented in the tree’s roots.

When interacting with others in a social context, we cannot clearly see the origins of
people’s personalities, as we hardly have access to people’s pasts, the conditions of
their family, the major themes of their upbringing and the environment offered by their
homes. However, like the hidden, private roots of a tree are essential to its public
prosperity, we cannot deny that all of these things have a critical participation in how
people are shaped to interact in socially.

If the roots of a tree are rotten, the trunk and everything it holds are worthless and
beyond help. In the same fashion, if we are unable to nurture ourselves from our IC in
healthy ways, we will hardly be able to bear our MC’s responsibilities as to realise our
social ambitions and duties. For this reason, I thought it’d be useful to talk about how
we can feel empowered by our IC in order to climb all the way to our MC.

Given the 4th house’s and the IC’s private nature, the point is that we must
appropriate ourselves of our deepest traits in order to feel motivated and healthy
enough to expose ourselves and take MC responsibilities.

Moreover, when we’re having trouble contacting our 4th house, it may be useful to
spend some alone time, by ourselves, especially at home, or to consider our
relationships with our family members or with those who are extremely close to us,
enough that we feel so comfortable around them that we act as if we were alone.


O Fundo do Céu em Leão é um posicionamento que aponta para várias questões
que o indivíduo precisa melhorar para ser mais feliz no lar e no convívio em família.
É alguém que pode cair no erro de nunca se sentir satisfeito, pois sempre coloca
metas grandiosas para sua vida e quando as alcança, já estipulou outras ainda

Quem tem Fundo do Céu em Leão tende a ter uma necessidade de estar sempre em
destaque perante os familiares. Por isso, está sempre criando metas grandiosas e
tentando superá-las para se manter em um posto de visibilidade.

Você é uma pessoa que oferece seu melhor para sua família, mas também deseja que
seus parentes façam o mesmo por você, já que adora ser bem tratado e querido. Para
você, cada membro da família tem um papel específico a desempenhar.

Deseja que sua casa seja impecavelmente decorada. Não importa qual seja o seu
orçamento, você aspira por uma habitação grandiosa.

Outro ponto que você precisa trabalhar é a sua tendência a criticar demais seus
parentes, se considerando melhores que eles.


The IC in Leo suggests that growing up, you were a creative and self-willed personality.
People around you were probably dramatic and energetic.

This placement often indicates ego conflicts in the home. If you are surrounded by
domineering personalities.

People with their IC in Leo want to be the king of the home. It makes them very happy
if their family respects them and appreciates their efforts. They enjoy being the center
of attention and they love entertaining their family members.

This placement suggests that you enjoy living in a lavish home. People with this
placement love surrounding themselves with luxury and good-quality materials.

A Leo IC can make for a dramatic childhood, whether you were naturally drawn to
performing or got pulled into emotional riptides by the adults in your life. (Or both.)
Either way, your active imagination may have been your saving grace. But as an adult,
that desire to race off into an imaginary world—or turn every moment into a three-ring
circus—can create massive chaos!

Learning to manage the playful part of your nature is the key to your stability. Some
activities are best kept simple, if only to give you enough time to devote to the projects
that actually matter. That said, your adult home will probably have plenty of
entertainment stations, like a game room or basketball court.

As a child, your emotions were large—and often in charge of everyone’s experience in

the family. As you mature, you must learn how to cope with these ebbs and flows and
also to create space for other people’s feelings too. If your parents didn’t validate your
feelings growing up, you may have to work through an anxious attachment style or
need for praise and validation. But your sensitivities are also your superpower giving
your incredible empathy for children and making you a standout parent or teacher.

Adults: I sometimes think that celebrity gossip magazines were made for those with this
placement! Learning about celebrities, Hollywood, fame, or any about-to-happen trend
is the happy place for adults with Leo at the IC. Making art (the messier the better),
trying out different hairstyles (Lions love their manes!), and shopping are also ways that
Leo IC folks can find ease, replenishment, and relaxation. Heart massages and
attending plays, performances, and concerts are also all good with the IC in Leo.

Your upbringing has taught you how especial and unique you are, as your family
expected great things and demonstrations of confidence from you. However, you can
grow so people-oriented on your professional life, that you can eventually forget about
your own personal needs. When you’re comfortable or at home you must let show a

more self-expressive and creative part of you, and you’ll feel even more nurtured when
people can admire this more private, but radiant version of you. Reminding yourself of
your own upbringing, the greatness of your family and the prestige of it all makes you
feel more empowered of your own self and more capable to realize other people’s
dreams when you’re on professional mode (Aquarius MC).

A lot revolves around attention and praise for the Leo IC. They could have been the
center of attention, an only child, spoiled, or the golden child. They could have also
been neglected and attention starved, or maybe they were constantly put down and
scolded, rarely hearing praise.

Disappointing their family may be their worst nightmare. They could come from a family
with a high standing in the community, has a very demanding and set code of beliefs,
or a family that places a lot of emphasis on honor and good behavior.

The Aquarius MC tends to go after careers that are unconventional, they have a unique
reputation, and may have a drive to help others on a big scale or change the world.

Leo and Aquarius are both leaders and this person has an inner leader and an outer
one. The inner one can sometimes come from a selfish place of wanting power and
adoration. The outer one see’s things with clarity and objectivity and acts in the best
interest of a group/collective.

The inner leader may have been taught entitled and arrogant values but learns about
the human condition and to be tolerant and giving throughout life. Or the “inner leader”
could have had selfish streaks when young as a rebellion towards the hurt they
experienced. The Aquarius MC may act “quirky”, extreme, or try to stand out to gain
attention they lacked in childhood. Or through a healthy sense of self-esteem they were
able to grow into the unique individual that they are.

The Leo IC at their best can be good-hearted, affectionate, loves in a big way, and
generous. The Aquarius MC in relation to the big hearted and generous side of their IC
wants to give back and does so with intelligence and originality.

With your IC in Leo, you probably didn’t get enough one-on-one attention as a child.
You probably had to compete with either your siblings or parents to get noticed.
These IC in Leo qualities forced you to fight for attention or learn to be independent
without care from others. You probably started to hide your feelings and learned not to
ask for help. You figured out how to do things for yourself and deal with not being

Often with IC in Leo, you had another family member who always seemed to steal the
spotlight. Look to the aspects to determine exactly who this was and how this

Sometimes with IC in Leo, you may have had a family who looked down on emotional
outbursts. You were taught that excessive displays of emotions were bad; you may
have even been strongly punished when you got too upset.

However, you were probably fun-loving as a child, too. You figured out how to create
your own fun without getting in trouble or being too emotional.

Inside, you have this IC in Leo inner child who truly loves to have fun. This child may
also want that attention that they didn’t receive in childhood, but you have pushed that
deep down and learned to ignore this need.

You wanted more affection and warmth as a child. You had to share the limelight and
didn’t get the amount of attention that you needed.

Your inner child is larger than life and quite energetic and playful, when they are
allowed to come out. However, you may also have an inner part of yourself that can be
a bit egotistical, simply because you want to be noticed.

When your inner child does come out, you might find yourself bragging or showing off
your skills. You can come off as a little desperate because you want recognition, but
this all comes from a real need that you have. No matter how much you hide your
desire to be noticed, it doesn’t actually go away.

Additionally, your parents may have shown off a bit in childhood. Maybe they cared a
lot about status in society or were a bit “braggy” themselves. You subconsciously
learned how to brag by watching them, but you also reject this part of yourself. It’s a bit
of a push-pull feeling.

With IC in Leo, you’re probably very loving. You have a large heart and are quite giving
in your private life. Anyone who is lucky enough to glimpse this secret self will discover
a generous, caring individual.

Ultimately, these inner feelings develop because you wanted more openness or
affection but didn’t get it from your parents. You wanted more warmth. You had to
share the “limelight” and didn’t get enough attention compared to your siblings or other
people. You learned to ignore your feelings and might even now think that emotions
are bad.

Lua na Casa 4
A Lua na Casa 4 sugere uma maior necessidade de segurança, onde o nativo sente
que para estar seguro, precisa criar raízes fortes com seu lar e seus relacionamentos.
Sente que precisa pertencer a algum lugar, a círculos de amigos, trabalho, família, etc.
Nesse sentido, sua criação pode ter tido um papel fundamental, pois é durante essa
fase que ele absorveu seus valores e criou suas raízes.
Alguns nativos podem inclusive preferir trabalhar em casa, ou transformam seu
escritório em extensão do seu lar pois tal comportamento pode gerar uma maior
sensação de bem-estar. Além disso, podem querer guardar quinquilharias que
ganharam quando ainda eram crianças, pois pode ser um pouco mais difícil conseguir
desfazer a conexão emocional com os objetos. Também pode ser igualmente difícil
conseguir se adaptar facilmente a lugares mais distantes, pois o lugar onde nasceu e
cresceu terá sempre um enorme apelo emocional, assim como os valores passados
para a pessoa quando criança. Se afastar de sua criação e de sua família pode não
ser um sentimento muito natural, mas que ao longo da vida precisa ser conquistado
para que haja crescimento e a criação de uma identidade própria, de modo que a
pessoa não siga pensando e agindo de forma imatura.
Quando finalmente deixa o ninho, pode acabar se mudando muito até encontrar um
canto onde consiga se sentir bem e seguro. Enquanto não conseguir lidar e equilibrar
os laços do passado, torna-se um pouco mais complicado se encaixar no mundo.
Deve sempre descobrir que, para se sentir bem em outros lugares e com outras
pessoas não tão íntimas, a segurança deve vir de dentro, e não somente do que nos
cerca, sendo necessário quebrar alguns moldes enraizados para buscar sua

If Moon is in the 4th house, it shows that the native has a strong attachment to his
mother. Also, his/her emotional bonding with the native place is very strong. Family is
very important to these people. They get highly distressed and depressed by any
imbalance on the emotional front.
The Moon is at home in the fourth House, so its influence is dramatically increased on
people having it here in their birth chart. Moon in 4 th House individuals will be
melancholic, attached to their home and very similar to the sensitive Cancer, which is
ruled by the Moon and retreats in difficult situations.
They will have mood swings ever since young, this being something that gets
accentuated in them with every passing year. Moon in 4 th House natives will always
keep their father in mind, being very loving with this person.
When the Moon in 4th House moves all the time, they won’t be able to settle in one
place, realizing that home can be anywhere in the world. Their favorite places are near
water and they have a need for change in their environment, so it’s possible for them to
change houses or rearrange furniture as often as possible.

A lasting emotional impression

The House where the Moon is placed in a birth chart determines how that native
expresses his or her emotional needs and how supportive is with others. Responsive
and sensitive when it comes to the traits that specific House rules, each and every one
of the characteristics influenced by this celestial body will have great impact on the

Moon in 4th House people give a great importance to home and family, needing to
always feel emotionally secure. They usually have a deep connection with their father,
and the place where they have their roots has a great impact on them.

These are the most patriotic natives, the ones who need a settled spirit and really love
the place where they have been born and raised.

Everything about their personality has ties with their family’s origin because the fourth
House is also a ruler of ancestry. Therefore, they will feel happy when dealing with
issues about their heritage and land.

It’s very possible they’ll pursue a career in archeology or history, while everything they
have experienced in childhood, together with their relationship with their parents, is
going to be everything they need in order to feel secure and anchored in reality.

Many will consider them to be too changeable and not at all reliable. The Moon
represents the mother and has a strong feminine influence, being associated with the
important females in a person’s life.

That’s why these natives may inherit a consistent fortune from their aunt, grandma or

While family and home are essential aspects of their life, they are very appreciative
about anything that has to do with them. It doesn’t matter that they’re freedom-loving
like the independent Aquarius, they’ll still want to dedicate their life to the domestic

All of their emotions and love will be focused on their home and family. It’s impossible
to get along with them if you don’t like their loved ones, because their devotion to these
people is very deep, which means only something very dramatic can have them
detached from these people.

Many will see Moon in 4 th House natives as the caretakers who also have a great
relationship with the ones they’re looking after. The problem with them is that they can
find it difficult to leave their parents’ home and even to change their ways.

For example, Moon Libras won’t be able to realize that keeping things balanced and
the peace are not all the time that important. Breaking the old habits may be something
problematic and almost impossible to get done for them.

They will find security only in what they are used in, because Moon in 4 th House people
can feel very insecure too often. Their emotions are always changing and their moods
reflect the Moon’s influence very well.

At least they have a great intuition that helps them provide what their loved ones want
from them, from an emotional point of view.

Very caring and sensitive, natives having Moon in fourth House crave intimacy and to
be warm with their most loved ones. It can be difficult to get to their inner world, but
once you do, you can be sure of their never-ending love.

They won’t be themselves until becoming parents, because up to that moment, the
Moon’s energy wouldn’t be properly channeled and they may use it in an irrational way.

The coming to the world of their children will have them more down-to-earth and
fulfilled as they would have someone to care for. However, they would still need to
establish some boundaries when it comes to how much they spoil their kids.

Dependent on the ones they love

It doesn’t matter how much they move around, invididuals with the Moon in the
4th House still need to belong somewhere, so their life can be really agitated because
they are searching for the perfect place. That’s why they may change their home or its
furniture very often.

It can be healthy for them to move, because they’d be emotionally satisfied, but if
they’d regret doing it afterwards, this would be a sign of restlessness and a search for
perfection that can’t end. Therefore, it would be more important for them to find out
they belong to themselves first.

Many of them will be emotionally immature and never want to take care of themselves,
being very attached to their family and all kinds of childhood traditions.

It’s not natural for Moon in 4 th House people to have one-night stands because they
want something stable and a spouse who’s nurturing. If emotionally happy with
someone, they will spend their entire life with that person.

The man with Moon in this House will look for a woman just like his mother. He’s the
feminine type, as the Moon gives him sensitivity and a lot of spirit.

If people having Moon in the 4 th House have a mother who drinks, they will be very
affected by this, their trauma being noticeable in the way they speak and move. It’s like
they’d be copying the woman who raised them, in her most embarrassing moments.

You can only imagine what an effect a partner whom they love very much would have
on them, seeing how influenced they get by those of whom they’re very emotionally

They’re usually very dependent on the ones they love and worried about their finances.
Thinking only financial security brings them happiness, they also believe their family
needs to approve their romantic relationships.

It’s essential for them to establish some precise goals and to seriously work towards
them. Their success can be tremendous and they can gain security only if they plan

As said before, Moon in 4 th House natives are always changing their home or
renovating. Anything wrong with a home they don’t like will be a reminder of the things
they felt the most insecure about as children.
It can be a challenge for individuals having Moon in fourth House to live on their own,
especially when they’re always looking for their parents to approve of their actions.

As soon as they’re ready to be financially and emotionally independent, they will find it
easier to choose their profession and succeed.

Don’t think they need to be indifferent to those they care about, it’s just important for
them to think of their entire life as something they have to deal with by themselves.

Their partner could help them take initiative when required to, if he or she is supportive.
These people need to be appreciated and reminded that their career matters.
Accepting the fact that competition is healthy will help them enjoy sweet victories and a
lot of success.

The 4th House in astrology is a powerful placement for the Moon. The fourth house
signifies the foundations of things, where our roots are, and how we base our sense of
security on our environment.

In this case your life principles are based on home and family. The Moon here can give
you a deep yearning for emotional security which can be provided by family or home -
an emotional desire known as the “Moon hunger.”

The Moon in the 4th House symbolizes the mother and all that which belongs to
mother: the home, and family. The mother’s physical body, her feelings, moods and
mindset, are all reflected within you and your environment.

The 4th house represents the area of life where this placement is focused. For
example, an afflicted house would indicate problems with the home environment. The
message of this placement is “Home sweet home!”

When the Moon is in your 4th house you feel that home is your place of refuge. You
need to put down heavy emotional roots, and to define yourself in terms of your family.
This position is often found in natal charts of women who marry out of a sense of duty
to their family and end up feeling trapped for many years.

The Moon in the 4th house represents security, stability, memory, and ancestral ties.
This placement is not necessarily good or bad. It’s just part of who you are.

The Moon here makes for a highly observant person who tends to observe life from a
more detached perspective. Offspring tend to be close to their mother unless there are
other strong planetary placements in the chart that counteract this influence.

A Moon in the fourth house of astrology tells you how your inner identity, the invisible
part of yourself shapes your life. This person is likely to have an emotionally supportive
and charged relationship with mother, a connection that provides a steady sense of
safety and inner direction. This placement reveals that a person’s sense of self is
deeply influenced by his mother, sister or female relative.

The Moon is the instinctive, feminine principle and this placement means that family
and domestic environment will be very important to you. Your childhood may also play
a vital role in your life as you search for security and connection with loved ones.

Moon in your Fourth House may make you a little emotional, especially during your
earlier years. The Moon is traditionally associated with the mother, and this placement
can give a strong emotional attachment to your family in general.

You tend to have strong parental instincts yourself, possibly as a result of having had
too much responsibility during childhood when your own parents were away from home
or simply negligent.

Moon in 4th House Personality Traits

You are self-reliant and independent, yet you may be afraid to express your emotions.
You want to be accepted for who you are, not what you do. You can be quietly
stubborn when issues involve people you love.

The Moon in the 4th House is a sensitive, impressionable person with a strong sense
of aesthetics. Because this is where the Moon is located, your life may be affected by
what you see and by images in your mind.

There is a strong desire for comfort and an appreciation of beautiful surroundings. The
sensitivity and impressionability of this placement means that the Moon in 4th House
people are easily influenced by family and home surroundings. Your sensitivity to
beauty also means you can have a flair for art, design or colors.

Moon in 4th House people can be warm and sociable, yet their moods are liable to
change rapidly as they often feel unobserved or misunderstood. They can appear shy
or introverted, but this is often just a front, for what they don’t show on the outside, they
make up for with charm and enthusiasm on the inside.

If you have your Moon in the Fourth House, you are especially sensitive to the home
environment and everything about it. This includes healthy home factors such as how
the occupants take care of their house, and of course things like people. In a similar
vein, you also need health and comfort physically to be at your best.

Moon in 4th House Woman


The Moon in the 4th House woman is touched by all the phases and affects of
the Moon. She is emotional, moody, and prone to explosive changes in emotions; one
day she’s happy, warm and friendly, the next she’s screaming, crying and angry.

Because of her inner turmoil she needs to find a way to bring structure into her life
through some sort of outside interest – an art form or a craft, a hobby or some kind of
pet project that gives her peace of mind and calmness.

The Moon in the fourth house can give her a very intense feeling of what type of home
she wants. She will work hard for her home and family. Moon in 4th house people tend
to be highly protective of their family and make sure everyone is well fed and taken
care of.

The Moon in the 4th House is a woman who is direct and down to earth, and doesn’t
beat around the bush. She relates with others well from her own experience but also
because she feels their pain.

So it’s not hard for her to find an understanding of others that may seem at odds with
her go-against-the-grain nature. The Moon represents things that have remained
constant in life, and in the 4th House, it symbolizes those thought patterns that you
have clung to since childhood.

The Moon in the 4th House gives you a personality that is keenly intuitive about the
feelings and motives of those around you. Your sensitivity makes it possible for you to
sense another’s deepest feelings, giving you an advantage in knowing what will make
them happy and what will sadden them.

A natural homebody, you are happiest in your own private world where you can create
fantasies to suit yourself. You need plenty of down time with a creative outlet such as
music or art.

Someone with the Moon in her fourth house may feel that family is her first priority in
life, even when she is out in the world. She probably values family heirlooms and
traditions and has a sense of responsibility toward the needs of relatives and members
of her immediate tribe.

Moon in Fourth House : Vedic Astrology

Well, the 4th house is about mother, domestic life, belongings, family, vehicle, property
and mental peace. If Moon is in the 4th house, it shows that the native has a strong
attachment to his mother. Also, his/her emotional bonding with the native place is very
strong. Family is very important to these people. They get highly distressed and
depressed by any imbalance on the emotional front.

The Areas Affected Due To Moon In The 4th House:

 Life’s priorities
 Attitude towards family
 Work and profession
 Goals and ambitions

Positive Traits Or Impact:

Moon in the 4th house leads to a strong identification with the family and domestic
interests. These natives tend to withdraw to the home when the challenges and

difficulties in the outer world become too stressful and challenging. When these natives
have a family of their own, even then they pack their bags and run back to their original
families if there are difficulties.

Those who have Moon in the fourth house want their home to be like a retreating
place or a sanctuary. Thus, these natives are highly in tune with the undercurrents and
changes of atmosphere in the environment. However, most of the time, they do not
make their feelings known to others. They are likely to regress into their early childhood
pattern, if and when life’s struggle becomes too much.

The position of Moon in the fourth house is considered to be a strong placement. It is

sometimes referred to as accidentally dignified. It happens because the Moon is a
natural ruler of the sign of Cancer and the 4th house. The people who have Moon in
the 4th house usually draw emotional security from harmonious relationships with their
family members or maybe some friends. However, if these relationships get strained,
they may feel very insecure, and there will be a big change in the person’s emotional
outlook as in Moon in 4th house marriage.

When Moon is seated in the 4th house, it really shows that the inner nature of the
person is indeed emotional. The things that really matter to the individual are security,
self-protection and privacy. The nature and the flow of emotional needs during day to
day life and their fulfilment is more important for them than for others.

They keep on having intuition, which fluctuates and varies on a daily basis, sometimes
it becomes very strong; at other times it is conspicuous by its absence. They always
stay in touch with their inner guides, which is their emotional self inside, the guardians
and the source of their protection from harm.

Negative Traits Or Impact:

The downside of this excessive emotionality is that the natives can become much
defensive, so that they may not be at ease at fulfilling their emotional needs from
others. One of the significant challenges in their life is, they find it very difficult to
provide their loved ones with a firm & enduring emotional foundation.

The 4th house indicates that their emotional dependence on others makes them very
much concerned about their financial security. The Moon in the 4th house natives feel
that if their material needs are satisfied, they will get more stable in life. However, the
reality is that they won’t be able to form personal relationships without the support and
cooperation of their family. Moon in 4th house natives are advised to have goals
which are more practical and realistic in nature. They can accomplish long-lasting
security if they make plans more realistically and work on it diligently.

The natives who have Moon in the fourth house are emotional and family-oriented.
However, they will be more effective in life if they can lessen their emotional
dependence and put on some elements of practicality.


Meio do Céu 17° Aquário

O MEIO DO CÉU é nosso status, o reconhecimento público.

O que chamamos de meio do céu é a cúspide (início) da Casa 10 no mapa astral.

Exibe como somos vistos socialmente, a nossa fama e status pessoal. É um norte que
pode indicar o melhor caminho a seguir para suprir as necessidades do superego, um
bom indicador social e profissional.

A ambição pelo novo e a vontade de fazer algo de valor na carreira estão

impressos nesse posicionamento. Aquário é uma energia bastante adaptada ao
futuro e suas possibilidades, um signo idealista e amigo do progresso, embora radical.
Ao colorir o Meio do Céu, a cúspide da Casa 10 no mapa astral, pode tornar o nativo
um exímio comunicador e aumentar o sentimento de que deve deixar o mundo um
pouquinho melhor do que quando o encontrou.

Novas tecnologias, descobertas científicas, tendência a trabalhar em revoluções

tecnológicas e com tecnologia da informação são coisas que podem ter apelo. Pode
ainda se interessar na investigação, novos métodos soluções para muitos problemas e
questões de sua época. Se não possuir uma tendência científica ou matemática, sua
clareza intelectual pode ser colocada em uso de outras maneiras, como em áreas de
ensino e marketing, por exemplo. Pode ainda ser muito bom em lidar com grupos,
como um treinador, um gerente de projeto, um líder de sindicato ou uma pessoa
integradora com uma ótima network ao seu dispor.

Tal posicionamento muitas vezes inspira o desejo de participar de alguma forma de

ativismo ou ser bastante ouvido no grupo. Assim como rege o novo, Aquário também
tem influência sobre coisas antigas, fazendo com que elas pareçam novas. Adora ver
as pessoas e as situações mudarem, de preferência para melhor.
Tornando-se um guia na multidão
Debaixo do idealismo e espírito de comunidade no topo, estão a criatividade e
amor-próprio do Fundo do Céu em Leão. No entanto, há de se ter cuidado com uma
mania de grandeza e o interesse exclusivo pelas suas próprias opiniões. Embora
democrático em seus discursos, pode se tornar terrivelmente autoritário e exigir que os
outros se conformem com a sua liderança, praticamente forçando as pessoas a
seguirem o seu caminho e suas opiniões.
Talvez seja necessário seguir mais as palavras de seu próprio discurso, geralmente
coletivista, sendo legal reconhecer todo o esforço do grupo além de sua própria
contribuição. Quando a pessoa consegue lidar com a superação do ego leonino
em sua base, consegue se tornar um exemplo de singularidade como um guia
para os outros, melhorando a conexão em todo o seu círculo social.

What Does the Midheaven Signify in the Birth Chart?

The MC is an indicator of career and profession. This point gives you an idea what you
are growing towards in life, what qualities you are about to integrate as you grow older
and gain more experience in life. This also means that Midheaven is more expressed
at an older age.

The MC is about the impression the world gets of you in the first place. It doesn’t reveal
what you are like in your everyday life but you when in the spotlight.

By definition, the Midheaven is calculated as the intersection between the meridian and
the ecliptic. This point changes very quickly, so you need your exact birth time to
calculate it, the more accurate the information, the better. All twelve signs appear on
the MC in a 24-hour period.

The Midheaven is associated with the tenth house in the natal chart.

MIDHEAVEN in AQUARIUS: Career and Public Image

Knowing the nature of Aquarius, your path is not always straightforward if you have
your Midheaven in this sign. However, it is bound to be interesting. You have lots of
interesting stories with tell and they don’t lack unexpected twists. If you have your
Midheaven in Aquarius in your natal chart, you are a naturally curious person and you
crave a career that allows you to keep learning. Routine jobs are not your thing. You
need a unique and complex professional environment.

Throughout your life, you experience many sudden ups and downs. It’s not rare for
Midheaven in Aquarius folks to change careers and start from scratch again and again.
You are driven by a desire to prove your competence to the world. Sharing your
knowledge brings you fulfillment.

You dislike ready-made patterns and want to carve out your own path. Going against
the mainstream is a big part of the Midheaven in Aquarius. You are mesmerized by
knowledge and are interested in many different things. You are the most fulfilled when
you can blend all your talents into a unique path that allows you to fully express your

In astrology, the Midheaven is primarily used as a vocation indicator. This point speaks
about your career potential, reputation, the way society sees you. It reveals what gifts
you offer the world. This point is more expressed at a later age. The Midheaven doesn’t
reflect your personality. It refers to what the world sees from you, not what you are like
in your everyday life.

The Midheaven in Aquarius is the most often found in charts where the ascendant is in
Taurus or in Gemini.

10th House or Midheaven in AQUARIUS: Agent of Change

The Midheaven in Aquarius is ruled by two planets: it has its traditional ruler, Saturn, and
the modern ruler, Uranus. Since Uranus is a generational planet, many astrologers prefer
giving emphasis to Saturn in this context. Where these planets fall in your birth chart shows
which life areas and themes is your career linked to.

The Midheaven in Aquarius implies that the traits of Aquarius are the most expressed in
your professional life. People with this placement are eternal seekers of untried ways to do
things. The ultimate goal of Aquarius is to come up with new ideas that help humanity get
ahead. People with this placement are often ahead of their time and drawn to cutting-edge
technologies. They are pretty open-minded.

Despite being open-minded, you don’t like it when something is imposed on you. The
Midheaven in Aquarius suggests that your soul wants a unique trajectory, one completely
authentic to you. Your perfect career consists of all the skills you possess combined in a
unique way. It’s a must that it lets you be who you really are. Freedom is essential for you.
No wonder many Aquarius MC people end up working for themselves.

At a young age, you are often all over the place. As a sign co-ruled by Saturn, the planet of
delays, people with their natal Midheaven in Aquarius often find their true path at a later
age. They have many interests and often try out a new field. When you are interested in
something, you dedicate yourself completely to it and you are able to get to the bottom of
the matter. You are hyper-focused on what really captures your attention.

This placement suggests that you thrive in a position that lets you express your creativity.
This can be in the artistic sense of the world but it can also manifest as coming up with
unique solutions. You enjoy experimenting.

In the birth chart, this placement suggests that you need a career that allows you to express
your creativity. You have a pretty unique way of looking at things, and it’s vital that your
professional environment encourages you to innovate. You often end up in a dynamic, ever-
changing field.

The Midheaven in Aquarius indicates that you enjoy working with others as long as they
respect your individuality. It’s important to you to be surrounded by people who inspire you
and show you new ways of doing things.

At a young age, projecting a glamorous image is important to you. As you grow older, you
learn to think independently and follow your own path. However, if you overdo the
Aquarius energy, it can lead to ignoring useful, constructive criticism as well. When young,
people with this placement can be overly self-focused and stubborn. They are often
perceived as the black sheep of the family.

One of the pitfalls of this placement is not caring about feedback or rebelling for the sake of
rebellion. You love breaking the rules but the ultimate question is whether you have a
viable alternative. Midheaven in Aquarius in the birth chart can sometimes indicate an
anarchist. If you express the negative manifestation of this placement, you can be known as
aggressive or even break the law.

Midheaven in Aquarius Careers

The MC is one of the key career indicators in the birth chart. However, you should combine
its interpretation with the other career placements to get a more accurate idea, because it is
just one factor.

Aquarius loves everything related to technology. The Midheaven in Capricorn is an

excellent position for all kinds of engineering (especially electrical engineering or
electronics), computer science, technology, the internet, but it can also be good for teaching.
People with this placement tend to be good at the aforementioned things.

The Midheaven in Aquarius can also be good for psychology, sociology because this sign
loves to analyze people. It can be a very political placement as well.

This MC sign suggests a need for systematic thinking. You are good at analyzing things,
which is a great asset in your professional life.

Aquarius MC people are often drawn to volunteering or the non-profit sector. They enjoy
networking and meeting like-minded people. They are often genuinely concerned about the
future of humanity and dislike seeing inequality in the world.

If you have this placement, you probably dislike authority. You respect people who have
earned their status, but it’s common for MC in Aquarius people to have conflicts with
authority figures. Many of them end up working for themselves. Freedom and independence
are very important to them when it comes to career.

People with their natal Midheaven in Aquarius are often unwilling to compromise. As an
authority figure, you are prone to using autocratic tools can be domineering. You dislike

How does the world see you if you have your natal Midheaven in Aquarius?

People with their natal Midheaven in Aquarius have the most exciting reputation. They are
seen as effervescent, fun to be around, and always able to surprise the crowd with
something new. Even if you start out on a conventional path, sooner or later you are likely
to choose the path less taken. You are often seen as the weird one, but you enjoy it.

In the birth chart, this placement suggests that you are seen as an eccentric personality and
it’s impossible to ignore you. Often, you are either loved or hated, no middle ground. Your
authenticity makes you really attractive, but it can annoy some people.

You are seen as an outgoing person, even if you are an introvert. It’s easy for you to get
along with others.


Sun-Midheaven aspects indicate how much of your true essence is shown through
your public image and career. However, these aspects can also dictate what
your ego needs to feel successful.
Sometimes, these aspects will show tendencies to either work with or rebel against
authority figures. This will have a lot to do with your parents.
Your father is especially important with Sun-Ascendant aspects because the Sun can
sometimes represent the male parental figure. These aspects will show why you want
to be successful based on your relationship with your father.
With Sun-Ascendant aspects, your sense of self tends to be tied to your ability to find
success. If you can’t display your personal power in the world, you may struggle to feel
a strong sense of self-assurance.
Sun Trine Midheaven

With Sun trine Midheaven, you have a strong sense of what you want to accomplish in
life. You may feel as though you were born to be a leader.
This aspect gives you a natural drive to succeed. You typically want a good level of
public visibility to feel truly successful.
You probably want a lot out of life with Sun trine Midheaven. However, you’re willing to
work for what you desire.
This aspect gives you a lot of confidence and power. Whether or not you truly achieve
success, you give off the appearance of it.
You have strong ideals with Sun trine Midheaven. Your values are very fixed; you won’t
agree with anyone who thinks differently.
In work, you tend to choose paths that may be more difficult, so you experience a lot of
highs and lows.
Sun trine Midheaven means that you want to be independent. However, because this
desire is so nature, you can appear a bit aloof or egotistical. You don’t take the advice
of others often and wish to be totally self-reliant, even if other people have something
beneficial to offer.
Your father or paternal figure typically has an impact on your career. You learned
lessons about what success means and why it’s important as a child. Now, you live by
those values.
The Sun trine Midheaven aspect is very easy in some ways. It’s natural for you to work
towards what you want; you don’t have to push yourself. However, you need to make
sure that you develop your inner self, too.
Remember that there is more than just success. Depending on the rest of your chart,
you may need to learn balance with Sun trine Midheaven.
When you feel that you’re not getting where you want to go, turn to your own inner

Marte na Casa 10
Marte, se analisado isoladamente interagindo com este setor, indica instabilidade devido a
forças externas ou às consequências de qualquer má postura que você possa ter. Por outro lado,
também aplica o potencial de modificar as leis e regulamentos de onde você estiver para um
melhor pragmatismo e justiça, reagindo àqueles que se beneficiam de forma injusta.
Ao ter Marte na Casa 10, o nativo tende a se sentir bem toda vez que é visto publicamente como
autoridade ou alguém corajoso, mas é preciso ter muito autocontrole para não ser ambicioso
demais e acabar se tornando dependente dessa percepção.
Provavelmente, pode haver certa preferência em ter mais autonomia na carreira, colocando as
coisas em modo de ação ou liderando outras pessoas para que terminem. Se não é o chefe, então
provavelmente prefere trabalhar de forma independente, ou até mesmo sozinho.
Tendência a possuir uma forte vontade de obter sucesso, sendo bastante prático em sua forma de
agir publicamente. Pode colocar também bastante energia em sua carreira devido a essa maior
necessidade de realização. O ideal é que aprenda a evitar conflitos e discussões, tanto com

pessoas em posição superior na hierarquia quanto as que estiverem abaixo. Pode haver também
uma certa propensão a terem algum atrito com um dos pais, geralmente com a mãe.
Evite problemas com chefes e autoridades, discussões que vão a público e intrigas,
especialmente em ambiente corporativo ou político e tenha cautela para não ser malvisto ou mal
interpretado, mas sem deixar de mostrar seus pontos de vista com segurança e uma dose
adequada de agressividade.
Como chefe, é provável que o nativo seja mais rigoroso e queira ações e resultados, ao mesmo
tempo em que, se não tiver autocontrole, pode se tornar muito dependente dos modelos
tradicionais de hierarquia e das regras estabelecidas.
Há muitas ocupações e profissões que seriam úteis nesta regência, tais como cargos ligados a
lei, especialmente porque isso requer confronto e argumentação. É um posicionamento
favorável para atletas, advogados, juízes, líderes e afins, que já estão acostumados com batalhas
e posições de comando, mas pode ser um pouco mais complicado para quem tenha que cumprir
ordens o tempo todo, a não ser que Marte seja regente do Ascendente. O restante do mapa,
sendo ele colaborativo, poderá alçá-lo ao topo através da superação dos obstáculos que cruzarão
seu caminho ao longo da vida.
Sugere também mais autoconfiança, principalmente quando sentir que está exercendo uma
grande influência social. A imagem pública é algo que muitas vezes poderá tirar o sono do
nascido com esse posicionamento, porque além do sucesso profissional, a pessoa pode
eventualmente sentir que precisa ser reconhecida e ter uma boa reputação.


A Casa 4 é chamada de Fundo do Céu porque ela revela muito sobre suas raízes,
ancestralidade, família. Enfim, seu passado. Mas também revela sobre seu futuro lar,
aquele que você está construindo ou vai construir quando morar com alguém ou

Exatamente em oposição ao Meio do Céu, está o Fundo do Céu, que fala sobre nosso
lar e raízes. Como falamos anteriormente, é o signo que se encontra na Casa 4 e
 Nossa base ética e moral;
 Nossa criação;
 Como nos comportamos em casa, com nossos parentes;
 Como somos vistos pela família;
 Nossa relação com nossos pais, principalmente com nossa mãe;
 Como será o lar que estamos ou iremos construir.

IC (Imum Coeli - from Latin for "bottom of the sky")

The IC (Imum Coeli) is the point directly across the MC. It is a fictional point too, not an
actual celestial body. The MC stands for your public life, and the IC is about your
private life.

This point speaks about your family, home, roots, and ancestors, but also about old
age. It is associated with the fourth house. The IC can be the cusp of the fourth house
or fall in a different house, depending on the house system used.

The IC is generally traits from childhood that you learned to conceal. It describes your
childhood in some way and indicates the role you were given by your family.

Typically, the IC describes the more painful qualities of your childhood and upbringing.
These are qualities that hold you back, but it also shows a core part of yourself that you
feel you must hide.

The IC is often unconscious. You hide these pieces of yourself because you were
taught, in some way, that they aren’t acceptable values to show to society. Some
people may reveal these inner pieces in private, while others shun their core self

The IC on the birth chart is placed exactly opposite to your Midheaven sign. The
Midheaven point is located at the very top of your birth chart, on the cusp (begining) of
the tenth house of public affairs, and it illustrates the most powerful contributions you'll
make to the world through your career and public image.

Conversely, the IC is located on the cusp of the 4th house of your birth chart, which
represents your home, family, and foundation. Unlike the public-facing, legacy-building
energy of the Midheaven, the IC speaks to the inward-focused energy of our private
lives, as well the roots and foundations of who we are — including our past memories,
our childhoods, and our family lives.

The IC tells about your private self, the self you don’t show to anyone except people
who you are very close with. It’s your inner awareness. As the cusp of the fourth house
of home and family, the IC reveals what habits and thought patterns you got in
childhood. When talking about the IC-MC axis in astrology, you can’t forget that this is
the parental axis.

The fourth house is one layer deeper than the ascendant, and it’s somewhat harder to
access, too. However, it’s very important to do this work, because the IC lays the
foundation of your whole adult life. It’s a cliche, but no tree can grow if it has no roots.
The IC and the fourth house show your roots.

The sign on the Immum coeli tells about your childhood upbringing and nurturing,
your family, and your emotional self. Understanding the fourth house helps you create
the life you want in the tenth house on a solid foundation.

If you know a bit about the what the planets represent astrologically, you'll notice that
the I.C. shares a bit of thematic overlap with the meaning of the moon in astrology, too.

That's because the fourth house is naturally associated with the sign of Cancer, which
is the one zodiac sign ruled by the moon. Of course, that doesn't mean your IC falls
into the sign of Cancer, or that it's anywhere near the moon in your birth chart.

If you want more insight into how the IC manifests in your life, check the zodiac
sign that the fourth house cusp falls into, which is located at the very base of the chart.
That zodiac sign's energy will flavor your IC and speak to the foundations of who you
are, as well as your relationship to your home, family, and private side.

The IC is said to refer to people's roots and also to the least conscious part of the self.
It symbolizes foundations, beginnings in life, what may have been experienced through
parental inheritance and homeland influences, need for security and relationships with
the home and family life. It also may describe the circumstances that someone will
encounter at the end of their life. Because this house was the most distant point
possible from the visible part of the horoscope, Hellenistic astrologers considered the
IC to be the home of the underworld, or Hades.

The meaning of the IC in astrology focuses on our private lives, personal foundations,
and roots, and it can tell us lots about our inner world.

It marks the start (or cusp) of your fourth house and represents the most private parts
of your life. It signifies your home, family relationships, and early childhood
development including relationship to nurturing parental figures and any trauma you
may endure in your youth.

It's The Foundation Of Who You Are

It's no coincidence that the IC is placed at the very bottom of your birth chart. This is
because it represents your roots and personal foundations — the lessons you learned,
patterns you created, and early life experiences that shaped who you are today. "The
IC represents your personal views and emotions," astrologer Lisa Stardust tells Bustle.
It speaks to the pieces of your soul and psychology upon which your identity was built
— the pieces that come together to make up who you are at your very core, on an
unconscious level. While the outside world may not always see these more
subterranean parts of you, they can still drive your emotions, views, and other aspects
of who you are. Understanding your IC sign can help you get in touch with those things.

The IC represents our inner world and the foundations on which we build our public-
facing identities and goals, so it's an important place in our chart to manifest a feeling
of safety and security, emotionally and otherwise. Let your IC sign lead the way when
you're looking to fully relax and be yourself, without worrying about anyone else seeing
or judging you.

The IC Tells You How To Feel Comfy & Cozy

Want to ground yourself and make yourself feel at home, wherever you are? Let your
hair down, carve out some space for privacy, and lean into the energy of your IC sign
— then watch yourself relax. The IC represents our inner world and the foundations on
which we build our public-facing identities and goals, so it's an important place in our
chart to manifest a feeling of safety and security, emotionally and otherwise. Let your
IC sign lead the way when you're looking to fully relax and be yourself, without worrying
about anyone else seeing or judging you.

The IC Gives Insight Into Your Family Life & Childhood

The fourth house is all about our home, family life, and even our childhoods, so the IC
represents the way these elements of our lives are felt and expressed. "It is our home
and relationship with our family, particularly the maternal," Stardust says of the IC's
meaning. This point can shed light on the dynamics within our family lives growing up,
as well as the families we've created for ourselves in adulthood. Some astrologers
believe the IC qualities get activated when we take on a maternal role for someone
else in our lives, too. Obviously we're able to outgrow things, evolve ourselves, and
break free from patterns created by our early life circumstances, but the growth that
comes with learning lessons through formative experience is what your IC is all about.
You need a solid foundation under your feet in order to launch yourself off the ground,
after all.

It's The Most Private Part Of Your Birth Chart

"The IC is the part of the chart that we hold private, don’t share with anyone, and hold
Given that the IC represents such personal, vulnerable, formative pieces of our soul,
mind, and past, it's a really vulnerable aspect in our chart — and one of the most
intimate and private, as mentioned above. That said, it's likely that the qualities of our
IC zodiac sign align with personality traits that we're more private about. The qualities
of the zodiac sign your IC falls into might be qualities that you tend to repress, find
undesirable or too vulnerable to share, or that you simply don't strive toward — and
that's totally OK. While you should look to your Midheaven sign (the direct opposite of
the IC) to highlight your public-facing persona, don't forget the importance of the IC as
your jumping off point. The traits of your IC sign are still very much a part of you, even
if you keep them hidden from view. Don't be afraid to acknowledge them, even if you
don't show them off.

The zodiac sign of your IC says a lot about your approach to personal matters. What
types of relationships make you feel secure and “at home.”

How do you relate to family, from interacting with relatives to creating your own ideal
domestic situation as an adult?

The IC tells about your private self, the self you don’t show to anyone except people
who you are very close with. It’s your inner awareness. As the cusp of the fourth house
of home and family, the IC reveals what habits and thought patterns you got in

childhood. When talking about the IC-MC axis in astrology, you can’t forget that this is
the parental axis.

This is how I view the IC — as a medicine point that speaks specifically to what type of
self-care is most supportive to each of us.

The sign of your IC sheds light on the moods and atmospheres at home — whether in
your upbringing and ancestral lineage, or the domestic realm you’re creating for
yourself right now.
You feel most at ease if home follows your sacred system of order and preparation —
whatever that means for you.

The nurture of the Imum Coeli;

We can imagine both MC (medium coeli) and IC (imum coeli) as parts of our personal
tree. Imagining this, the MC would be all information concerning the leaves, the colour
of our flowers, the taste of our tree’s fruits and the sturdiness of its trunk. In turn, the IC
would be represented in the tree’s roots.

When interacting with others in a social context, we cannot clearly see the origins of
people’s personalities, as we hardly have access to people’s pasts, the conditions of
their family, the major themes of their upbringing and the environment offered by their
homes. However, like the hidden, private roots of a tree are essential to its public
prosperity, we cannot deny that all of these things have a critical participation in how
people are shaped to interact in socially.

If the roots of a tree are rotten, the trunk and everything it holds are worthless and
beyond help. In the same fashion, if we are unable to nurture ourselves from our IC in
healthy ways, we will hardly be able to bear our MC’s responsibilities as to realise our
social ambitions and duties. For this reason, I thought it’d be useful to talk about how
we can feel empowered by our IC in order to climb all the way to our MC.

Given the 4th house’s and the IC’s private nature, the point is that we must
appropriate ourselves of our deepest traits in order to feel motivated and healthy
enough to expose ourselves and take MC responsibilities.

Moreover, when we’re having trouble contacting our 4th house, it may be useful to
spend some alone time, by ourselves, especially at home, or to consider our
relationships with our family members or with those who are extremely close to us,
enough that we feel so comfortable around them that we act as if we were alone.


O Fundo do Céu em Leão é um posicionamento que aponta para várias questões
que o indivíduo precisa melhorar para ser mais feliz no lar e no convívio em família.
É alguém que pode cair no erro de nunca se sentir satisfeito, pois sempre coloca
metas grandiosas para sua vida e quando as alcança, já estipulou outras ainda

Quem tem Fundo do Céu em Leão tende a ter uma necessidade de estar sempre em
destaque perante os familiares. Por isso, está sempre criando metas grandiosas e
tentando superá-las para se manter em um posto de visibilidade.

Você é uma pessoa que oferece seu melhor para sua família, mas também deseja que
seus parentes façam o mesmo por você, já que adora ser bem tratado e querido. Para
você, cada membro da família tem um papel específico a desempenhar.

Deseja que sua casa seja impecavelmente decorada. Não importa qual seja o seu
orçamento, você aspira por uma habitação grandiosa.

Outro ponto que você precisa trabalhar é a sua tendência a criticar demais seus
parentes, se considerando melhores que eles.


The IC in Leo suggests that growing up, you were a creative and self-willed personality.
People around you were probably dramatic and energetic.

This placement often indicates ego conflicts in the home. If you are surrounded by
domineering personalities.

People with their IC in Leo want to be the king of the home. It makes them very happy
if their family respects them and appreciates their efforts. They enjoy being the center
of attention and they love entertaining their family members.

This placement suggests that you enjoy living in a lavish home. People with this
placement love surrounding themselves with luxury and good-quality materials.

A Leo IC can make for a dramatic childhood, whether you were naturally drawn to
performing or got pulled into emotional riptides by the adults in your life. (Or both.)
Either way, your active imagination may have been your saving grace. But as an adult,
that desire to race off into an imaginary world—or turn every moment into a three-ring
circus—can create massive chaos!

Learning to manage the playful part of your nature is the key to your stability. Some
activities are best kept simple, if only to give you enough time to devote to the projects
that actually matter. That said, your adult home will probably have plenty of
entertainment stations, like a game room or basketball court.

As a child, your emotions were large—and often in charge of everyone’s experience in

the family. As you mature, you must learn how to cope with these ebbs and flows and
also to create space for other people’s feelings too. If your parents didn’t validate your
feelings growing up, you may have to work through an anxious attachment style or
need for praise and validation. But your sensitivities are also your superpower giving
your incredible empathy for children and making you a standout parent or teacher.

Adults: I sometimes think that celebrity gossip magazines were made for those with this
placement! Learning about celebrities, Hollywood, fame, or any about-to-happen trend
is the happy place for adults with Leo at the IC. Making art (the messier the better),
trying out different hairstyles (Lions love their manes!), and shopping are also ways that
Leo IC folks can find ease, replenishment, and relaxation. Heart massages and
attending plays, performances, and concerts are also all good with the IC in Leo.

Your upbringing has taught you how especial and unique you are, as your family
expected great things and demonstrations of confidence from you. However, you can
grow so people-oriented on your professional life, that you can eventually forget about
your own personal needs. When you’re comfortable or at home you must let show a

more self-expressive and creative part of you, and you’ll feel even more nurtured when
people can admire this more private, but radiant version of you. Reminding yourself of
your own upbringing, the greatness of your family and the prestige of it all makes you
feel more empowered of your own self and more capable to realize other people’s
dreams when you’re on professional mode (Aquarius MC).

A lot revolves around attention and praise for the Leo IC. They could have been the
center of attention, an only child, spoiled, or the golden child. They could have also
been neglected and attention starved, or maybe they were constantly put down and
scolded, rarely hearing praise.

Disappointing their family may be their worst nightmare. They could come from a family
with a high standing in the community, has a very demanding and set code of beliefs,
or a family that places a lot of emphasis on honor and good behavior.

The Aquarius MC tends to go after careers that are unconventional, they have a unique
reputation, and may have a drive to help others on a big scale or change the world.

Leo and Aquarius are both leaders and this person has an inner leader and an outer
one. The inner one can sometimes come from a selfish place of wanting power and
adoration. The outer one see’s things with clarity and objectivity and acts in the best
interest of a group/collective.

The inner leader may have been taught entitled and arrogant values but learns about
the human condition and to be tolerant and giving throughout life. Or the “inner leader”
could have had selfish streaks when young as a rebellion towards the hurt they
experienced. The Aquarius MC may act “quirky”, extreme, or try to stand out to gain
attention they lacked in childhood. Or through a healthy sense of self-esteem they were
able to grow into the unique individual that they are.

The Leo IC at their best can be good-hearted, affectionate, loves in a big way, and
generous. The Aquarius MC in relation to the big hearted and generous side of their IC
wants to give back and does so with intelligence and originality.

With your IC in Leo, you probably didn’t get enough one-on-one attention as a child.
You probably had to compete with either your siblings or parents to get noticed.
These IC in Leo qualities forced you to fight for attention or learn to be independent
without care from others. You probably started to hide your feelings and learned not to
ask for help. You figured out how to do things for yourself and deal with not being

Often with IC in Leo, you had another family member who always seemed to steal the
spotlight. Look to the aspects to determine exactly who this was and how this

Sometimes with IC in Leo, you may have had a family who looked down on emotional
outbursts. You were taught that excessive displays of emotions were bad; you may
have even been strongly punished when you got too upset.

However, you were probably fun-loving as a child, too. You figured out how to create
your own fun without getting in trouble or being too emotional.

Inside, you have this IC in Leo inner child who truly loves to have fun. This child may
also want that attention that they didn’t receive in childhood, but you have pushed that
deep down and learned to ignore this need.

You wanted more affection and warmth as a child. You had to share the limelight and
didn’t get the amount of attention that you needed.

Your inner child is larger than life and quite energetic and playful, when they are
allowed to come out. However, you may also have an inner part of yourself that can be
a bit egotistical, simply because you want to be noticed.

When your inner child does come out, you might find yourself bragging or showing off
your skills. You can come off as a little desperate because you want recognition, but
this all comes from a real need that you have. No matter how much you hide your
desire to be noticed, it doesn’t actually go away.

Additionally, your parents may have shown off a bit in childhood. Maybe they cared a
lot about status in society or were a bit “braggy” themselves. You subconsciously
learned how to brag by watching them, but you also reject this part of yourself. It’s a bit
of a push-pull feeling.

With IC in Leo, you’re probably very loving. You have a large heart and are quite giving
in your private life. Anyone who is lucky enough to glimpse this secret self will discover
a generous, caring individual.

Ultimately, these inner feelings develop because you wanted more openness or
affection but didn’t get it from your parents. You wanted more warmth. You had to
share the “limelight” and didn’t get enough attention compared to your siblings or other
people. You learned to ignore your feelings and might even now think that emotions
are bad.

Lua na Casa 4
A Lua na Casa 4 sugere uma maior necessidade de segurança, onde o nativo sente
que para estar seguro, precisa criar raízes fortes com seu lar e seus relacionamentos.
Sente que precisa pertencer a algum lugar, a círculos de amigos, trabalho, família, etc.
Nesse sentido, sua criação pode ter tido um papel fundamental, pois é durante essa
fase que ele absorveu seus valores e criou suas raízes.
Alguns nativos podem inclusive preferir trabalhar em casa, ou transformam seu
escritório em extensão do seu lar pois tal comportamento pode gerar uma maior
sensação de bem-estar. Além disso, podem querer guardar quinquilharias que
ganharam quando ainda eram crianças, pois pode ser um pouco mais difícil conseguir
desfazer a conexão emocional com os objetos. Também pode ser igualmente difícil
conseguir se adaptar facilmente a lugares mais distantes, pois o lugar onde nasceu e
cresceu terá sempre um enorme apelo emocional, assim como os valores passados
para a pessoa quando criança. Se afastar de sua criação e de sua família pode não
ser um sentimento muito natural, mas que ao longo da vida precisa ser conquistado
para que haja crescimento e a criação de uma identidade própria, de modo que a
pessoa não siga pensando e agindo de forma imatura.
Quando finalmente deixa o ninho, pode acabar se mudando muito até encontrar um
canto onde consiga se sentir bem e seguro. Enquanto não conseguir lidar e equilibrar
os laços do passado, torna-se um pouco mais complicado se encaixar no mundo.
Deve sempre descobrir que, para se sentir bem em outros lugares e com outras
pessoas não tão íntimas, a segurança deve vir de dentro, e não somente do que nos
cerca, sendo necessário quebrar alguns moldes enraizados para buscar sua

If Moon is in the 4th house, it shows that the native has a strong attachment to his
mother. Also, his/her emotional bonding with the native place is very strong. Family is
very important to these people. They get highly distressed and depressed by any
imbalance on the emotional front.
The Moon is at home in the fourth House, so its influence is dramatically increased on
people having it here in their birth chart. Moon in 4 th House individuals will be
melancholic, attached to their home and very similar to the sensitive Cancer, which is
ruled by the Moon and retreats in difficult situations.
They will have mood swings ever since young, this being something that gets
accentuated in them with every passing year. Moon in 4 th House natives will always
keep their father in mind, being very loving with this person.
When the Moon in 4th House moves all the time, they won’t be able to settle in one
place, realizing that home can be anywhere in the world. Their favorite places are near
water and they have a need for change in their environment, so it’s possible for them to
change houses or rearrange furniture as often as possible.

A lasting emotional impression

The House where the Moon is placed in a birth chart determines how that native
expresses his or her emotional needs and how supportive is with others. Responsive
and sensitive when it comes to the traits that specific House rules, each and every one
of the characteristics influenced by this celestial body will have great impact on the

Moon in 4th House people give a great importance to home and family, needing to
always feel emotionally secure. They usually have a deep connection with their father,
and the place where they have their roots has a great impact on them.

These are the most patriotic natives, the ones who need a settled spirit and really love
the place where they have been born and raised.

Everything about their personality has ties with their family’s origin because the fourth
House is also a ruler of ancestry. Therefore, they will feel happy when dealing with
issues about their heritage and land.

It’s very possible they’ll pursue a career in archeology or history, while everything they
have experienced in childhood, together with their relationship with their parents, is
going to be everything they need in order to feel secure and anchored in reality.

Many will consider them to be too changeable and not at all reliable. The Moon
represents the mother and has a strong feminine influence, being associated with the
important females in a person’s life.

That’s why these natives may inherit a consistent fortune from their aunt, grandma or

While family and home are essential aspects of their life, they are very appreciative
about anything that has to do with them. It doesn’t matter that they’re freedom-loving
like the independent Aquarius, they’ll still want to dedicate their life to the domestic

All of their emotions and love will be focused on their home and family. It’s impossible
to get along with them if you don’t like their loved ones, because their devotion to these
people is very deep, which means only something very dramatic can have them
detached from these people.

Many will see Moon in 4 th House natives as the caretakers who also have a great
relationship with the ones they’re looking after. The problem with them is that they can
find it difficult to leave their parents’ home and even to change their ways.

For example, Moon Libras won’t be able to realize that keeping things balanced and
the peace are not all the time that important. Breaking the old habits may be something
problematic and almost impossible to get done for them.

They will find security only in what they are used in, because Moon in 4 th House people
can feel very insecure too often. Their emotions are always changing and their moods
reflect the Moon’s influence very well.

At least they have a great intuition that helps them provide what their loved ones want
from them, from an emotional point of view.

Very caring and sensitive, natives having Moon in fourth House crave intimacy and to
be warm with their most loved ones. It can be difficult to get to their inner world, but
once you do, you can be sure of their never-ending love.

They won’t be themselves until becoming parents, because up to that moment, the
Moon’s energy wouldn’t be properly channeled and they may use it in an irrational way.

The coming to the world of their children will have them more down-to-earth and
fulfilled as they would have someone to care for. However, they would still need to
establish some boundaries when it comes to how much they spoil their kids.

Dependent on the ones they love

It doesn’t matter how much they move around, invididuals with the Moon in the
4th House still need to belong somewhere, so their life can be really agitated because
they are searching for the perfect place. That’s why they may change their home or its
furniture very often.

It can be healthy for them to move, because they’d be emotionally satisfied, but if
they’d regret doing it afterwards, this would be a sign of restlessness and a search for
perfection that can’t end. Therefore, it would be more important for them to find out
they belong to themselves first.

Many of them will be emotionally immature and never want to take care of themselves,
being very attached to their family and all kinds of childhood traditions.

It’s not natural for Moon in 4 th House people to have one-night stands because they
want something stable and a spouse who’s nurturing. If emotionally happy with
someone, they will spend their entire life with that person.

The man with Moon in this House will look for a woman just like his mother. He’s the
feminine type, as the Moon gives him sensitivity and a lot of spirit.

If people having Moon in the 4 th House have a mother who drinks, they will be very
affected by this, their trauma being noticeable in the way they speak and move. It’s like
they’d be copying the woman who raised them, in her most embarrassing moments.

You can only imagine what an effect a partner whom they love very much would have
on them, seeing how influenced they get by those of whom they’re very emotionally

They’re usually very dependent on the ones they love and worried about their finances.
Thinking only financial security brings them happiness, they also believe their family
needs to approve their romantic relationships.

It’s essential for them to establish some precise goals and to seriously work towards
them. Their success can be tremendous and they can gain security only if they plan

As said before, Moon in 4 th House natives are always changing their home or
renovating. Anything wrong with a home they don’t like will be a reminder of the things
they felt the most insecure about as children.
It can be a challenge for individuals having Moon in fourth House to live on their own,
especially when they’re always looking for their parents to approve of their actions.

As soon as they’re ready to be financially and emotionally independent, they will find it
easier to choose their profession and succeed.

Don’t think they need to be indifferent to those they care about, it’s just important for
them to think of their entire life as something they have to deal with by themselves.

Their partner could help them take initiative when required to, if he or she is supportive.
These people need to be appreciated and reminded that their career matters.
Accepting the fact that competition is healthy will help them enjoy sweet victories and a
lot of success.

The 4th House in astrology is a powerful placement for the Moon. The fourth house
signifies the foundations of things, where our roots are, and how we base our sense of
security on our environment.

In this case your life principles are based on home and family. The Moon here can give
you a deep yearning for emotional security which can be provided by family or home -
an emotional desire known as the “Moon hunger.”

The Moon in the 4th House symbolizes the mother and all that which belongs to
mother: the home, and family. The mother’s physical body, her feelings, moods and
mindset, are all reflected within you and your environment.

The 4th house represents the area of life where this placement is focused. For
example, an afflicted house would indicate problems with the home environment. The
message of this placement is “Home sweet home!”

When the Moon is in your 4th house you feel that home is your place of refuge. You
need to put down heavy emotional roots, and to define yourself in terms of your family.
This position is often found in natal charts of women who marry out of a sense of duty
to their family and end up feeling trapped for many years.

The Moon in the 4th house represents security, stability, memory, and ancestral ties.
This placement is not necessarily good or bad. It’s just part of who you are.

The Moon here makes for a highly observant person who tends to observe life from a
more detached perspective. Offspring tend to be close to their mother unless there are
other strong planetary placements in the chart that counteract this influence.

A Moon in the fourth house of astrology tells you how your inner identity, the invisible
part of yourself shapes your life. This person is likely to have an emotionally supportive
and charged relationship with mother, a connection that provides a steady sense of
safety and inner direction. This placement reveals that a person’s sense of self is
deeply influenced by his mother, sister or female relative.

The Moon is the instinctive, feminine principle and this placement means that family
and domestic environment will be very important to you. Your childhood may also play
a vital role in your life as you search for security and connection with loved ones.

Moon in your Fourth House may make you a little emotional, especially during your
earlier years. The Moon is traditionally associated with the mother, and this placement
can give a strong emotional attachment to your family in general.

You tend to have strong parental instincts yourself, possibly as a result of having had
too much responsibility during childhood when your own parents were away from home
or simply negligent.

Moon in 4th House Personality Traits

You are self-reliant and independent, yet you may be afraid to express your emotions.
You want to be accepted for who you are, not what you do. You can be quietly
stubborn when issues involve people you love.

The Moon in the 4th House is a sensitive, impressionable person with a strong sense
of aesthetics. Because this is where the Moon is located, your life may be affected by
what you see and by images in your mind.

There is a strong desire for comfort and an appreciation of beautiful surroundings. The
sensitivity and impressionability of this placement means that the Moon in 4th House
people are easily influenced by family and home surroundings. Your sensitivity to
beauty also means you can have a flair for art, design or colors.

Moon in 4th House people can be warm and sociable, yet their moods are liable to
change rapidly as they often feel unobserved or misunderstood. They can appear shy
or introverted, but this is often just a front, for what they don’t show on the outside, they
make up for with charm and enthusiasm on the inside.

If you have your Moon in the Fourth House, you are especially sensitive to the home
environment and everything about it. This includes healthy home factors such as how
the occupants take care of their house, and of course things like people. In a similar
vein, you also need health and comfort physically to be at your best.

Moon in 4th House Woman


The Moon in the 4th House woman is touched by all the phases and affects of
the Moon. She is emotional, moody, and prone to explosive changes in emotions; one
day she’s happy, warm and friendly, the next she’s screaming, crying and angry.

Because of her inner turmoil she needs to find a way to bring structure into her life
through some sort of outside interest – an art form or a craft, a hobby or some kind of
pet project that gives her peace of mind and calmness.

The Moon in the fourth house can give her a very intense feeling of what type of home
she wants. She will work hard for her home and family. Moon in 4th house people tend
to be highly protective of their family and make sure everyone is well fed and taken
care of.

The Moon in the 4th House is a woman who is direct and down to earth, and doesn’t
beat around the bush. She relates with others well from her own experience but also
because she feels their pain.

So it’s not hard for her to find an understanding of others that may seem at odds with
her go-against-the-grain nature. The Moon represents things that have remained
constant in life, and in the 4th House, it symbolizes those thought patterns that you
have clung to since childhood.

The Moon in the 4th House gives you a personality that is keenly intuitive about the
feelings and motives of those around you. Your sensitivity makes it possible for you to
sense another’s deepest feelings, giving you an advantage in knowing what will make
them happy and what will sadden them.

A natural homebody, you are happiest in your own private world where you can create
fantasies to suit yourself. You need plenty of down time with a creative outlet such as
music or art.

Someone with the Moon in her fourth house may feel that family is her first priority in
life, even when she is out in the world. She probably values family heirlooms and
traditions and has a sense of responsibility toward the needs of relatives and members
of her immediate tribe.

Moon in Fourth House : Vedic Astrology

Well, the 4th house is about mother, domestic life, belongings, family, vehicle, property
and mental peace. If Moon is in the 4th house, it shows that the native has a strong
attachment to his mother. Also, his/her emotional bonding with the native place is very
strong. Family is very important to these people. They get highly distressed and
depressed by any imbalance on the emotional front.

The Areas Affected Due To Moon In The 4th House:

 Life’s priorities
 Attitude towards family
 Work and profession
 Goals and ambitions

Positive Traits Or Impact:

Moon in the 4th house leads to a strong identification with the family and domestic
interests. These natives tend to withdraw to the home when the challenges and

difficulties in the outer world become too stressful and challenging. When these natives
have a family of their own, even then they pack their bags and run back to their original
families if there are difficulties.

Those who have Moon in the fourth house want their home to be like a retreating
place or a sanctuary. Thus, these natives are highly in tune with the undercurrents and
changes of atmosphere in the environment. However, most of the time, they do not
make their feelings known to others. They are likely to regress into their early childhood
pattern, if and when life’s struggle becomes too much.

The position of Moon in the fourth house is considered to be a strong placement. It is

sometimes referred to as accidentally dignified. It happens because the Moon is a
natural ruler of the sign of Cancer and the 4th house. The people who have Moon in
the 4th house usually draw emotional security from harmonious relationships with their
family members or maybe some friends. However, if these relationships get strained,
they may feel very insecure, and there will be a big change in the person’s emotional
outlook as in Moon in 4th house marriage.

When Moon is seated in the 4th house, it really shows that the inner nature of the
person is indeed emotional. The things that really matter to the individual are security,
self-protection and privacy. The nature and the flow of emotional needs during day to
day life and their fulfilment is more important for them than for others.

They keep on having intuition, which fluctuates and varies on a daily basis, sometimes
it becomes very strong; at other times it is conspicuous by its absence. They always
stay in touch with their inner guides, which is their emotional self inside, the guardians
and the source of their protection from harm.

Negative Traits Or Impact:

The downside of this excessive emotionality is that the natives can become much
defensive, so that they may not be at ease at fulfilling their emotional needs from
others. One of the significant challenges in their life is, they find it very difficult to
provide their loved ones with a firm & enduring emotional foundation.

The 4th house indicates that their emotional dependence on others makes them very
much concerned about their financial security. The Moon in the 4th house natives feel
that if their material needs are satisfied, they will get more stable in life. However, the
reality is that they won’t be able to form personal relationships without the support and
cooperation of their family. Moon in 4th house natives are advised to have goals
which are more practical and realistic in nature. They can accomplish long-lasting
security if they make plans more realistically and work on it diligently.

The natives who have Moon in the fourth house are emotional and family-oriented.
However, they will be more effective in life if they can lessen their emotional
dependence and put on some elements of practicality.

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