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The future is something we can’t really predict, but let’s give this 18-year-old, first-year

engineering student some time to fantasize. For the next 17 years, there’s going to be a lot
for her to achieve. Four years from now, hopefully, she will graduate with a degree in BS
Civil Engineering. After passing the licensure board exam in the same year, she graduated.
She will be planning to enter a reputable engineering firm. In her mind, experience is the
most important thing for her to achieve in this field. Just like how the famous Engr. Slater
Young has 32 years of experience. By this time, she also took BS Architecture to expand her
skills in the engineering field, along with her master's degree in structural engineering. She
will be planning to climb the corporate ladder. But, as the daughter of a business-minded
single mother, she plans to invest her money in passive income businesses.She is also set
to lead the renovation of their house. expanding their sari-sari store into a local grocery shop
and making a budget-friendly open bakery, just like her mother envisioned. By then,
construction of a new house different from their ancestral house is set to be built for her
mother to just relax, and with her daughter as an engineer, she can now afford to travel
leisurely, just like she deserves. The present-day aspiring engineer doesn’t have any plans
on having kids; however, she is open to that idea, but this one is for career-oriented and
independent people. In that sense, the decision lies with her fiancee. The construction of her
own house is also already starting, and she plans to build her own family. In those years, she
was also building her own investments and shares in different engineering firms. By then,
she will be one of the valuable shareholders in the engineering firms. She also promised her
younger self that once she reaches a point where she has money that she can easily give
away, she will donate and possibly build a shelter for stray animals. The financial state point
where she can easily transfer money to everyone who needs it. Lastly, in honor of the first
engineer in her life, a mausoleum is built to pay tribute to the soul that gave her life.

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