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Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Purulia

Dabar Balrampur, 723103

ENGlish Project

Prepared by: Jeet Sen

Guided by: Mr. S.N. Hansdah
Class: XII Section: B
Roll No.: 11

SESSION: 2022-2023

Teacher's Sign:................. Principal's Sign:.................


SL. No. Contents Page No.

01. Extract Questions 01- 10

02. Long Answer Type Questions 11

03. Answer Keys 12- 16

04. Letter Writing 17- 18

05. Notice Writing 19

First and foremost, I would like to thank our
English Teacher Mr. S.N. Hansdah who guided
me in doing this projects. He provided me
invaluable advice. His motivation and help
contributed tremendously to the successful
completion of the project.
Secondly i would also like to thank my friends
who helped me a lot in finishing this project
within the limited time.
I am making this project not only for marks
but to also increase my knowledge.

Jeet Sen
JNV Purulia
This is to certify that Jeet Sen of class
XIIth B has completed his project fill
under my supervision. He has taken
proper care and shown atmost
sincerity in the completion of this
project. I certify that this project is
upto my expectations and as per the
guidelines issued by C.B.S.E.

S.N. Hansdah (PGT ENGLISH)

JNV Purulia (W.B.)

Signature: .....................
Extract Questions
Extract 01
I started for school very late that morning and was in great dread of a
scolding, especially because Mr. Hamel had said that he would question
us on participles, and I did not know the first word about them. For a
moment, I thought of running away and spending the day out of
doors. It was so warm, so bright!

1. Who is the speaker of these lines?

A. Franz
B. The Mayor
C. The blacksmith
D. The Postmaster

2. Who was Mr. Hamel?

A. Principal
B. French Teacher
C. Village Sarpanch
D. Franz's Father

3. Why was Franz in great dread?

A. He had not prepared for his grammar lesson
B. He had bunked the class the previous day
C. He had not brought his notebook.
D. None of these

4. What did Franz think for a moment?

A. Teaching a lesson to his
B. Bunking the class
C. Pranking the Patents
D. Joining the Class

Extract 02
When I passed the town hall there was a crowd in front of the
bulletin-board. For the last two years all our bad news had come from
there the lost battles, the draft, the orders of the commanding officer
and I thought to myself, without stopping,
“What can be the matter now?”

1. Why was there a huge crowd in front of the bulletin board?

A. Due to bad news
B. Due to order from Berlin
C. Due to introduction of new language
D. All of these

2. What was the bulletin board famous for?

A. Good News
B. Bad News
C. Neither good nor bad
D. None of these

3. Who is the author The Last Lesson?

A. Selma Lagerlof
B. Stephen Spender
C. Alphonse Daudet
D. John Updike

4. What does the word ‘Draft’ mean here?

A. Compulsory Military Service
B. Drawing
C. Designs of Alsace and Lorraine
D. Both A and B

Extract 03
On the roof the pigeons cooed very low, and I thought to myself,
“Will they make them sing in German, even the pigeons?” Whenever
I looked up from my writing I saw M. Hamel sitting motionless in his
chair and gazing first at one thing, then at another, as if he wanted to
fix in his mind just how everything looked in that little school-room.
Fancy! For forty years he had been there in the same place, with his
garden outside the window and his class in front of him, only the desks
and benches had been worn smooth; the walnut-trees in the garden
were taller, and the hopvine that he had planted himself twined about
the windows to the roof.

1.Who said “Will the make them sing in German, even the Pigeons”?
A. Franz
B. M. Hamel
C. Old Hauser
D. Blacksmith Watcher

2.What changes had occurred ever since M. Hamel joined the

A. People had realized the importance of their mother tongue
B. Benches had been smoother and walnut tree had been taller
C. All of these

3.Who had planted the Hopvine?

A. Old Hauser
B. Little Franz
C. M. Hamel
D. All of them

4.What is the tone of the Speaker in the first line?

A. Full of pleasure
B. Full of displeasure
C. Full of Rage

Extract 04
“...but after the airport's
security check, standing a few yards
away, I looked again at her, wan,
as a late winter's moon…”

1. What did the poetess do after the security check?

A. She gone to her home.
B. She looked again at her mother
C. She began to cry
D. She returned back to her mother

2. Why did the poetess Compare her mother's face to a late winter's moon?
A. Beacuse it was shiny and beautiful
B. Because it was paled and dulled
C. Because her face was fair and lovely
D. Because her face was glowing

3. What is yards?
A. A distance measuring unit
B. Liquid measuring unit
C. SI Unit of distance
D. None of the above

4. What is the poetic device used in these lines?

A. Metaphor
B. Simile
C. Personification
D. Alliteration

Extract 05
“I looked again at her, wan,
as a late winter’s moon and felt that
familiar ache, my childhood’s fear,
but all I said was, see you soon,
all I did was smile and smile and

1. Who is the poet of this poem?

A. Sitarama Bai
B. Kamala Das
C. Nani Palkhiwala
D. Leo Tolostoy

2. What was the poet's childhood fear?

A. fear of become old
B. fear of falling of hair
C. fear of permanent separation from her mother
D. None of these

3. What is the poetic device used in lines 1-2?

A. Alliteration
B. Metaphor
C. Personification
D. Simile

4. Explain: late winter's moon'.

A. moon of the late winter season
B. shiny moon
C. it means moon which dull and pale
D. fool moon

Extract 07
To make sure, I walked over to a newsboy and glanced at the stack of
papers at his feet. It was The World, and The World hasn't been
published for years. The lead story said something about President
Cleveland. I've found that front page since, in the Public Library files,
and it was printed June 11, 1894.

i) What was the name of the newspaper?

(a) The Lead Story
(b) The World
(c) The Public Library
(d) None of these

ii) The newspaper said it was the year:

(a) 1984
(b) 1849
(c) 1894
(d) 1948

iii) What does Charley want to make sure?

(a) That he is on the third level
(b) That he is on the second level
(c) That he is on the first level
(d) None of these.

iv) What was the lead story about?

(a) Public library
(b) President Garfield
(c) President Roosevelt
(d) President Cleveland

Extract 08
I turned toward the ticket windows knowing that here on the third
level at Grand Central - I could buy tickets that would take Louisa and
me anywhere in the United States we wanted to go. In the year 1894.
And I wanted two tickets to Galesburg, Illinois. Have you ever been
there? It's a wonderful town still, with big old frame houses, huge
lawns, and tremendous trees whose branches meet overhead and roof
the streets.

i) "Have you been there?" Who said to whom?

(a) Charley to ticket clerk
(b) Clerk to Charley
(c) Charley to readers
(d) Charley to himself

ii) Charley wanted ________

(a) two tickets to Galesburg, Illinois
(b) big old frame houses in Galesburg, Illinois
(c) huge lawns in Galesburg, Illinois
(d) both (i) and (ii)

iii) Who is Louisa?

(a) Charley's wife
(b) Author's wife
(c) Sam's wife
(d) Clerk's wife

iv) Why did Charley want to go to Galesburg?

(a) Because he wanted to be free from all worries, fear and stress
(b) Because he wanted to show his wife how beautiful Galesburg looks
(c) Because he wanted to see Galesburg once in his life
(d) None of these

Extract 09
But I never told my psychiatrist friend about that idea. The corridor I
was in began angling left and slanting downward and I thought that
was wrong, but I kept on walking. All I could hear was the empty
sound of my own footsteps and I didn't pass a soul. Then heard that
sort of hollow roar ahead that means open space and people talking.
The tunnel turned sharp left; I went down a short flight of stairs and
came out on the third level at Grand Central Station.

1. Why did Charley not tell anything to his psychiatrist?

A. Because his psychiatrist would have gone to Galesburg
B. Because his psychiatrist would have rejected his claims
C. Because his psychiatrist would have told everything to Louisa
D. None of these

2. What does 'pass a soul" mean?

A. That nobody was there
B. That everybody was there
C. That lots of people were there
D. That there were many roaming souls

3. Choose the synonym of the word "Empty" from the following.

A. Hollow
B. Vacuous
C. Drained
D. All of these

4. Which noun has been used in 'flight of stairs?

A. Proper noun
B. Common noun
C. Collective noun
D. None of these

Extract 10
There were brass spittoons on the floor, and across the station a glint of
light caught my eye; a man was pulling a gold watch from his vest
pocket. He snapped open the cover, glanced at his watch and frowned.
He wore a derby hat, a black four-button suit with tiny lapels, and he
had a big, black, handlebar mustache. Then I looked around and saw
that everyone in the station was dressed like eighteen-ninety-
something; I never saw so many beards, sideburns and fancy mustaches
in my life.

1. What is spittoon?
A. A receptacle for spit
B. A receptacle for saliva
C. A receptacle for spittle
D. All of these

2. What are tiny lapels?

A. Laps at the front of a coat
B. Laps at the back of a coat
C. Laps at the bottom of a coat
D. Laps at the top of a coat

3. Charley, in his dream, travelled to....

A. Past
B. Present
C. Future
D. None of these

4. Dressed like eighteen-ninety-something. Which literary device has been

used in this line?
A. Antithesis
B. Alliteration
C. Simile
D. Personification

Long Answer Type Questions

1. Do you see an intersection of time and space in the story?

2. What was the scene inside the class when Franz reached the school?
3. How was the last lesson different from earlier lessons?
4. Explain:
" wan, pale as a late winter's moon."
5. What do you infer from Sam's letter to Charley?

Answer Keys
Extract 01
1) D. All of the above
2) A. Patience
3) A. Because he was serious that day
4) C. He was ordered to do so

Extract 02
1) A. Franz
2) B. French Teacher
3) A. he had not prepared for his grammar lesson.
4) B. bunking the class

Extract 03
1) A. Franz
2) B. Bad news
3) C. Alphonse Daudet
4) A. Compulsory Military Service

Extract 04
1) A. Franz
2) B. Benches had been smoother and walnut tree had been taller
3) C. M. Hamel
4) C. Full of rage

Extract 05
1) B. She looked again at her mother
2) B. Because it was paled and dulled
3) A. A distance measuring unit
4) B. Simile

Answer Keys
Extract 06
1) B. Kamala Das
2) C. Fear of permanent separation from her mother
3) D. Simile
4) C. It means moon which dull and pale

Extract 07
1) B. The Public Library.
2) C. 1894.
3) A. That he is on the third level.
4) D. President Cleveland

Extract 08
1) C. Charley to readers.
2) A. Two tickets to Galesburg, Illinois.
3) A. Charley's wife.
4) A. He wanted to be free from all worries, fear and stress

Extract 09
1) B. Because his psychiatrist would have rejected his claims
2) A. That nobody was there
3) D. All of these
4) C. Collective noun

Extract 10
1) D. All of these
2) A. Laps at the front of a coat
3) A. Pas
4) C. Simile

Answer Keys
Long Answer Type Questions
Question 01
Yes, there are certain instances in the story that show an intersection of time
and space. Firstly, the first two levels of Grand Central Station were located
in the present time while the third level existed in the 1890s. Secondly,
Charley and his wife, Louisa, live in the present time yet he rushes to get old
currency to buy two tickets to go to the Galesburg of 1894. Further, the old
architecture of the platform at the third level is different from the modern
platforms of the first two levels. Besides, the archaic manner of dressing by
the people, and the newspaper, The World, dated June 11, 1984 also overlaps
with Charley's real time world and existence. Lastly, the letter that was
mailed to Charley's grandfather on 18th July, 1894 highlights the intersection
of time and space as the sender (Charley's friend Sam) and receiver (Charley
himself) belong to the present time.

Question 02
When Franz reached the school, the scene inside the class was unusually very
quiet. Usually when school began, there was a great bustle, which could be
heard out in the street. He saw his classmates had already taken their places
and his teacher, M. Hamel, was walking up and down with his terrible iron
ruler under his arm. Franz had to open the door and go to in before
everybody. He was very blushed and frightened. But when M. Hamel saw
him, he said very kindly, “Go to your place quickly, little Franz. We were
beginning without you.” Franz jumped over the bench and sat down at his
desk. When he sat down, he noticed that his teacher had put on his beautiful
clothes. Besides it, the whole school seemed very strange and solemn. One
thing surprised Franz very much, he saw on the back benches of the class,
there were people of village who were sitting like themselves.

Answer Keys
Long Answer Type Questions
Question 03
The last lesson was different from earlier lessons in many ways. It revealed
the love and respect of the teacher and students for their mother tongue. M.
Hamel spoke very kindly and taught very patiently. He did not scold
anybody that day. It seemed as if he wanted to give all that he knew before
going away.
He was in his best attire and his ‘iron ruler’ was no more in use. This lesson
was attended by villagers to show their love and respect for their mother
tongue and M. Hamel. The students listened very carefully and everybody
was absolutely quiet. Franz was sorry for not learning his lesson. The last
lesson was an emotional time which stirred patriotic feelings and awakened
the villagers to the importance of their mother tongue.

Question 04
In this simile, the poet compares the mother's pale and withered face with the
winter's moon. The moon seems to lose its brightness in the winter season as
it is veiled
behind fog and mist. The mother's face also seemed to have lost its radiance
which was
now misted by age. Winter symbolises death and the waning moon
symbolises decay.

Answer Keys
Long Answer Type Questions
Question 05
The letter was addressed to Charley but mailed to his grandfather in
Galesburg, Illinois. It was mailed in 1894 and now appears in his
grandfather's collection. The letter was suddenly found among the first-day
covers where it had never been seen earlier. Moreover, the contents of the
letter are exactly what Charley thought about Galesburg of 1890s. Sam's
letter to Charley is a mystery that blends together the worlds of reality and
fantasy, and thus, needs further exploring. There are two perspectives from
which one can look at the letter. At one level, it proves that Sam has reached
Galesburg of 1984. However, if we look at a deeper level, we can infer that
the letter is just another instance of his hallucination or dreams of escapism. It
is possible that while Charley was looking at the old first-cover letter, he was
carried away to a different world where the letter was sent to Charley by
Sam. The letter reflects Sam's undeterred urge that forces him to keep
looking for the third level.

Answers Key

Letter Writing
23 Raman villa
Race Course Road
13th May 2022
The Manager
Pioneer (Pvt.) Ltd. Co.

Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Purulia (W. B.)

Sub: Application for the post of an accountant Reg.
English Project Work

Sir/ Madam
In response to your advertisement in The Times of India in
dated 15th March 2022, I wish to be considered for the
position mention above.
I feel my qualifications and experiences are good enough to
enable me to discharge my duties and responsibilities. If you
given me a chance, I may assure you that I shalll spare no
pains in the discharge of duty or performing my duty
honestly and devotedly. I will certainly win the confidence
of my superiors.
I attach herewith self-attested copy of my certificate/
documents and my biodata for your persual( observation/
examination) and sympathetic consideration.
Yours faithfully

Answers Key


Name: Nipun Sharma

Father's Name: Mohan Sharma
Mother's Name: Shitala Sharma
Gender: Male
DOB: 23/02/1995
Marital Status: Unmarried
Contact NO: 8016xxxx98

Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Purulia (W. B.)

Email Id:
i) SC from CBSE with 95% in 2014
English Project Work

ii) HSC from CBSE with 87% in 2016

iii) Graduation- B.Com in 2019 with 8.9 CGPA
Experience: Two years experience in TISCO.
i) Dr. V. Anand (HOD Comm., Halkar University)
ii) R. K. Sanin ( Indian National Comm. Dept.)


Answers Key

Notice Writing

Jawahar Navodaya vidyalaya Purulia

5th May, 2022
It is hereby notified that all the students of JNV Purulia are

Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Purulia (W. B.)

requested to participate in the inter-house solo dance
competition. The details are as given below:
Date: 12th May, 2022
English Project Work

Time: 3:30 pm
Venue: School auditorium
i) Four students from each houses can participate.
ii) House uniform is essential for the non classical dancers.
For more details consult to the undersigned.

CCA Incharge

English Project Work

Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Purulia (W. B.)

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