Manuscript - I Love You Dangerously.

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Main Character

Son Chaeyoung

The daughter of Fredrich Son born with a silver spoon on her mouth. She never once had a
hard time with anything. All the opportunities were spoon fed to her and that's what she doesn't

With her parents anything is easy. She hated it.

She was appalled when she witnessed her dad with the new psychiatrist he's been seeing and
after that her dad became more of something else.

What was happening in that room behind closed doors? She seeks answers.

Mina Haynes

Mina is a psychiatrist with old money. Only rich people can reach her and schedule
appointments with her.

It is believed that Mina gives the richest the answers they want to hear. Cause if it weren't the
case why would everyone line up their schedule just for an hour of conversation.

She's blonde with the bloodiest lipstick there is. Tall and has fair skin. Her stare can entrance
you in an instant.

But there's actually more than just her stare. And Fredrich is not just her Client.

Son Fredrich

Fredrich is not rich at birth. He was born in slums. He didn't have any certificate of birth since he
was an illegitimate child. The money he has today was from the elites he had swindled. No one
had evidence of what he took since there was a big fire and that fire was created and sorted by

Only on that fire Mina's child died. It definitely ignited something out of her.

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