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By: Angel Rafael Melo Loera

Concepts learned in my course August-May 2023

POLYMER CHEMISTRY Heterogeneous reactor design: Involves the design and
Condensation mechanisms: Are chemical reactions in which two or more optimization of chemical reactors in which reactants exist
molecules combine to form a larger molecule, eliminating a small
molecule, such as water, as a by-product. These reactions involve the
in different phases. These phases can include gas-liquid,
formation of covalent bonds between the reacting molecules. solid-liquid, and gas-solid, and the design considerations
must account for the interactions between these phases.
Examples of condensation reactions in polymers: The synthesis of
polyethylene terephthalate (PET) involves the condensation of
terephthalic acid and ethylene glycol.

WH questions: Are a type of interrogative sentence that begins with words like
"who," "what," "when," "where," "why," and "how." These questions are used to
gather specific information and require detailed answers. The choice of the
WH word depends on the type of information being sought.

Oxidation numbers: Also known as oxidation states, are assigned
to atoms in compounds to indicate the apparent charge that an

ADVANCED UNIT OPERATIONS atom would have if all its bonds were ionic. These numbers are
used to track the flow of electrons in chemical reactions.
Pump design and calculation: Involves the selection, sizing, and
analysis of pumps for various industrial processes. It includes
determining the required flow rate, pressure, and pump
efficiency to achieve the desired process outcomes.

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