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Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

IIT Kharagpur


Date: 17-10-2023
Experiment No. 8 Time: 1 Lab. Period

Charpy Impact Test

To carry out Charpy Impact Test
1. Measure the dimensions of the specimen for regular and instrumented Charpy impact
2. Load the specimen at the appropriate position for the Instrumented Charpy Test and
carry out the experiment. Take the reading from positions of the pendulum.
3. Dip one of the specimens in liquid nitrogen. Load this specimen at the appropriate
position for the regular Charpy Test and carry out the experiment. Record the readings
obtained from the positions of the hammer.
4. Observe the nature of fracture surface visually, and measure lateral contraction, if any.
5. The sample fractured at liquid nitrogen should be immediately washed in running water
and then dipped in acetone.
6. Cut the fractured pieces to have length of 10 mm.
7. Observe the fractured specimens in SEM.

Report: ꞏ
Provide the energy absorbed during the impact tests at room temperature and at liquid
nitrogen in tabular form.
Report the load-time curve obtained from the Instrumented Charpy Test.
Report the lateral contraction at fractured ends.
Compare the features on fracture surfaces generated by the tests at room temperature
and liquid nitrogen temperature.
1. What is the reason for choosing two temperatures for these tests.
2. What additional information is obtained from the instrumented Charpy tests, when
compared with that obtained from the regular Charpy test? . .
3. Is the data obtained from the impact test suitable for design of engineering components?

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