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The World As It Appears To A Dog

Woof Woof , My name is Harry and I am a Dog,

And today I am going to tell you about my life

I am a pet dog and I was adopted when I was 1 month.

The one who adopted me was from Varanasi hos name was

BANKUthe name harry was given to me by him only .

He loved me so much ,he would always carry me around with

him ,he would feed me ,play with me ,show me to his friends

in his society they too will play with me and when I got tired

I would take nap in one of their lap .Sometimes I used to get

irritated because everyone kept o shouting my name and my ears

hurt so bad that I barked at them and then they would frown like I

was the culprit ,but then I licked them and they would tickle me back

in my tummy .

I used to wake up early in the morning at 4 a.m I never missed me a

Sunrise ,because I just loved the view , then watching the sunrise I
usually went for a walk with Banku for getting a little lighter .

At 6.30 me ,my master and the friends of my master would go to the

Garden and do some YOGA ,obviously I could’t do YOGA because I

am a dog . Then I would run side by side with my master riding

a bike ,then a ride on the bike ,I would be tired a lot and run straight

back to home take some milk and royal kenine (I know my food is

costly then theirs , but I am drama king and would not eat anything

else ) Then I would sleep In the AC with my master’s grandfather till

I P.M .When I woke up I used to go in the kitchen and jump on the

Platform and sit with my mother (mother of Banku), she always

Cooked something nice and I was the first one to taste it .

Then around 2P.M I usedto get my lunch and then I would hear my

Master play some Instruments with His friends ,he played very well.

Then I would sit in the balcony and look at the street dogs ,from

Street dogs I forgot to tell u about my best friend Sheru ,He was a

Street dog but he lived in with the guard of the society .we played

A lot in the evening we bit our paws ,punch each other and many

More things .
In the evening I used to go with my master to his tution ,his teacher

Was very strict and every moment she would say (mummy ko call

Kare ,hain??) then finally I would go to play some fetch with


At 8 o’clock I would go to a walk and be some more lighter .

Then I would go to my house play with my toy bone and then eat

My dinner and watch some TV with my family .I am a very lucky dog

To have so many lovers and so much space to run and even the best


THIS WAS MY LIFE !! a life of a dog


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