SMMA Cold Call Script

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AdsGroo cold call script

Gatekeeper objections:
Where are you calling from?
[local city/village]

What company?
Not calling from a company.

What is it regarding?
Getting you guys [result] over the next months or so.

Can I take a message?

No,not at this time. The things I would like to discuss are a little too complex to leave in a
message. Maybe you could help me? When would be a good time for me to reach [name] for
literally 2 minutes?

Can you send an email?

Honestly this is pretty time sensitive as I’m only looking for one [subniche] in the [city/village
name] area, so I’d rather call back later if there’s a better time?
No,not at this time. The things I would like to discuss are a little too complex to leave in an
email. Maybe you could help me? When would be a good time for me to reach [name] for
literally 2 minutes?

The script
Hi is this [name] I’m speaking to?

Perfect, it’s [own name] here, I know you’re busy so I’ll be quick.

I'll be completely honest with you, this is a cold call so would you like to hang up now or
would give me 30 seconds to pitch you and then you can decide?

Service pitch: So we are offering some referrals according to the needs of the business we
use Facebook ads and then manually filter the best possible customers for you so that you
can see more numbers in your bank.

And there’s more I'd like to discuss with you, can I get a timeslot for a quick 15-minute call
with you anytime this or the upcoming ?

Negative response - Ok, before you hang up I’m not trying to sell you anything right now, I
just wanted to arrange another ti15-minutewe can have a quick 15 minute meeting to get
past this awkward cold call phase, so I could share some ideas with you. No obligations, if
you like my ideas you could implement them yourself.
Positive response - Awesome, [Write down when they are available an ask for their best
email ]

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