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1. How would you rate your communication skills?

(Extending, Proficient, Developing,

Emerging) Why?

I would rate my communication skills as Proficient. I am able to communicate effectively as

needed and clearly explain and receive instructions. Although my voice is naturally soft, I try to
project it with clear enunciation. For example, during the back-to-back drawing activity, I was
able to explain the drawing fairly accurately to my partner and their drawing turned out similar to
the original. I also managed to verbally give the instructions for the Escape the Boom activity
with my team and we managed to finish all the levels, although we did blow up a few times due
to confusion or mis-clicking. I was absent on the day of mock interviews but during real
interviews, I am able to answer questions effectively and clearly, although I do get nervous.

2. How can you improve your communication skills?

I can learn to be more concise with my words and express a point without using unnecessary
words. During the back-to-back drawing activity, I did not finish explaining the steps to the
drawing and we did not finish the last part of it. I can work on being more concise especially in
time limits, such as the Escape the Boom activity. I notice this is a reoccurring issue sometimes
when I am asked a question or need to explain something, so I will try to shorten my sentences
and remove unnecessary information.

3. Do you feel confident to market yourself in an interview?

I feel confident to some extent about my ability to market myself in an interview. During
interviews, I try to be confident and friendly and market myself honestly and without arrogance.
I find it difficult to advocate for myself sometimes and I feel very nervous in professional
settings, but in the few interviews I have been in, I was able to keep my composure and stay
calm and confident. I would like to speak clearer and seem more confident than I am by
removing nervous body language such as fiddling with my hands and bouncing my leg, which
are things I noticed I did during the “speed-dating” activity. I was also asked to speak clearer in
the first mock interview I did in grade 10, which I have since then worked on and still work on.
However, most of my recent interviews have gone well, so I do feel confident to some extent
about my abilities in them.

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