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Question Question Text Option a Option b

Behaviors based on rules of a polite

UNIT3.1 What is “etiquette”? Formal English food
The set of rules, forms and practices established for behavior in a
UNIT3.2 Etiquette Business Etiquette
polite society or in official or professional life?
You have to supervise a group of Cadets who will put the place
settings on the tables at your spring Dining-Out. When one of them X = Salad Fork; Y = Dinner X = Dessert Fork; Y = Salad Fork; and
asks, “Why are there so many forks?”, what should you say is the Fork; and Z = Dessert Fork Z = Dinner Fork
purpose for each?

You and your spouse are

The host and his spouse are first,
first, then the host and his
The guest of honor for your Dining-Out asks, “What’s the order in the then you and your spouse, and then
UNIT 3.4 spouse, and then the
receiving line?” the company commanders and their
company commanders and
spouses or guests.
their spouses or guests.

You have a meeting with a colleague from a different department

scheduled for 10:00am. You’ve spoken to the receptionist and you Peek your head in the
Stand near the door where your
UNIT 3.5 have been waiting outside the colleague’s office for a while and it is doorway and say “Excuse
colleague will see you
now 10:05. You want to make sure the person knows you’re there. me”

Maintain eye contact with

Look for someone to whom you can
UNIT 3.6 Which of the following should you do when shaking hands? the person whose hand you
introduce them while shaking hands
are shaking
Where should you place a piece of silverware when you are not using Back on the table in the With the tip resting on the plate and
UNIT 3.7
it? same position the handle on the table
After a meeting with a contact, in order to express your thanks, it is Send him/her a small box of Drop by the office and give him/her
UNIT 3.8
appropriate to? chocolates with a note a hot cup of coffee
UNIT 3.9 A mayor falls into which level of management? top management middle management
You can be sure that your
Why do you need to pick up the call as soon as possible? It is Your caller is having an impression
UNIT 3.10 caller will not be in a good
because…? that you are a lazy person.

Option A: Stress
Option B: Stress management helps
management is learning
UNIT 4.1 Which of the following statements is true about stress management? us control our health in a positive
about the connection
between mind and body
How to avoid the pressures
UNIT 4.2 Stress management is about learning?
of life
One of your co-workers has been sharing confidential information
refer to the company policy ask co-workers for an interpretation
UNIT 4.3 with others outside the company. If you are unsure of the company
manual. of how to handle the situation.
rules relating to this, you should?
UNIT 4.4 dependable, can be trusted to do what needs to be done? confidence reliable
Habitual behavior patterns
like over scheduling,
Thoughts like fear, worrying about
UNIT 4.5 Which of the following statement is true? procrastination, feeling
future etc. can cause negative stress
unpleasant etc. Can cause
negative stress

Alan has been studying for his math test for an hour. He knows he
He should talk to his friend, eat a
needs to study for at least another hour, but he is feeling distracted. He should keep studying
UNIT4.6 snack and keep studying all at the
His phone keeps buzzing with text messages, and he's hungry. What until he falls asleep
same time
would be the best thing for Alan to do now?

Zeina is following the time management steps. She just made a list of
She should take a break and She should organize her tasks
UNIT 4.7 her tasks and estimated how much time they will take. What should
eat a snack. alphabetically
she do next?
UNIT 4.8 What is one common time management mistake? Procrastination Manage Distractions

Time management means

Good time management means
UNIT 4.9 Which of the following is a true statement? always doing more than one
never taking breaks.
task at the same time.

A co-worker comes to your office to introduce you to a friend of his. You stand up, establish eye contact,
UNIT 4.10 Smile and nod
You? smile and shake his hand
Option c Option d Correct answer
The proper way to wear a military Parents' support for public
uniform education

Ethics Netiquette a

X = Spare Fork; Y = Primary Fork; and

Z = Serving Fork X = Serving Fork; Y = Primary Fork;
and Z = Spare Fork

The host is first, then you and your The company commanders and
spouse, then the host’s spouse, and their spouses or guests are first,
then the company commanders and the host and his spouse are second,
their spouses or guests. and then you and your spouse.

Enter the office confidently,

introduce yourself and remind
Continue to sit and wait c
them you have a 10:00 am

Stand at attention and only offer your

Look at the other person’s name
hand when the other person puts a
badge so you know their name
their hand out
Separated across the top of your
Across the bread plate c
Send a dozen red roses to his/her
Send a thank you letter d
Supervisory Management Lower level Management b

Your caller will think that you have Your caller might also think that
bad manners. your company is very organised.

Option C: Stress management

Only ‘A’ & ‘B’ are right d
teaches us to avoid all kinds of stress

write a letter to your supervisor so contact the company personnel
that you will be cleared of manager to report the employee a
anyresponsibility. who made the mistake.
flexibility patience b

Both ‘1’ & ‘2’ are true none of the above c

He should take a quick break, so he

He should stop studying and make
can get a snack and respond to his c
plans to see his friends
texts before he goes back to studying

She should cross off tasks that she She should prioritize her tasks, or
doesn’t want to do right away put them in order of importance.

Taking Breaks Scheduling Tasks a

One way to manage your time well

Time management is about planning
is to ignore deadlines and focus on c
to get tasks done and doing them.
doing the most fun activities.

Wave and tell him how happy you

Give him a “high five” b
are to meet him

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