Primary Four Revision

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Primary four revision

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Unit 1
Choose the correct answer:
1. We use our (digestive- respiratory- bones) system when we breathe.
2. Our bones and (lungs- heart- muscles) help us move.
3. Our (skeleton- lungs- muscles) is made up of all the bones in our body.
4. There is a special liquid in the (bones- stomach- heart).
5. We use our digestive system when (breathe- move- eat) and drink.
6. We can chew and (pump- breathe- swallow) food.
7. In the lungs, the oxygen is passed to the (stomach- blood- bones).
8. Our bones (cut- break- protect) our organs.
9. We can see with our (nose- eyes- ears).
10. We can smell with our (skin- eyes- nose).
11. We use our senses to (make- understand- protect) the world around us.
12. A (blind- deaf- stupid) person is a person who can’t hear.
13. A (blind- deaf- stupid) person is a person who can’t see.
14. Some foods are sweet and some are (savory- hungry- thirsty.
15. Our senses take (of- in- at) a lot of information.
16. Braille has different combinations of (words- dots- sentences).
17. Braille was (attached- worked- invented) by Louis Braille.
18. Blind people can (see- feel- hear) the dots with their hands.
19. My mother told me to tidy the (park- lounge- language).
20. We can run and play in the (museum- bank- park).
21. She (ask- answer- practice) football every day.
22. Our brain (stops- controls- walks) how we move.
23. There are two (signs- dots- hemispheres) in our brain.
24. I can’t (join- remember- control) where I put my pencil and paper.
25. The Paralympic Games is an international (food – competition – subject).
26. The Paralympic Games takes (in– part– place) every four years.
27. (Athlete - Swimmer - Para sports) is an important area in sports.
28. Aya Ayman Abbas is a swimming (champion– medal– country).
29. The Paralympic Games is (helped- held- won) in a different country each time.
30. Aya Ayman has (changed – won – left) a lot of medals.
31. Aya Ayman was the first (thing – male – female) Paralympic swimmer in Rio.
32. Aya Ayman has won (wood - metal – gold) medals.
33. Mostafa Fathalla is a (footballer – runner – vet).

34. Mostafa Fathalla takes (part – off– out) in a lot of races.
35. Ahmed Abdel Fattah plays (standing – sitting – dancing) volleyball.
36. Being a Paralympic or Olympic athlete takes years of (dictation– Germination –
37. There are many (opportunities– pictures– diets) for everyone to take part in the
38. I enjoy (making – doing – carrying) sports.
Choose the correct answer:
1. I (like- likes- liking) fish.
2. They (have- has- having) a computer.
3. She doesn’t (play- plays- playing) football.
4. My brothers (love- loves- loving) pasta.
5. She (want- wants- wanting) a new phone.
6. (Do- Does- Did) you like riding a bike?
7. No, we (don’t- doesn’t) eat sweets.
8. Ahmed and I (don’t- doesn’t- does) like spiders.
9. Sara (watch- watches- is watching) TV every day.
10.(Do- Does- Have) he wear black shoes?


Read the passage and answer the questions.

The Paralympic Games is an international competition for athletes with disabilities. Like the
Olympics, it takes place every four years, and is held in a different country each time.
Parasports is an important area in sports, and Egypt has many athletes who take part in these
A. Fill in the blank boxes with (True) or (False).
1. The Paralympics takes place every year. ( )
2. Para sports is an important area in sports. ( )
3. Egypt has many athletes. ( )
B. Answer the following questions:
4. What is the main idea of the passage? ………………………………………
5. Where is Paralympic games held? ………………………………………..

Read the passage and answer the questions.
Teamwork is very important for the success of a project. You should share your ideas and
feelings with others. Make sure to listen to others ideas too. Stay calm and don't get upset. Be
positive and help the other team members be more successful

A. Fill in the blank boxes with (True) or (False).

1. To do a project, you should be negative. (……………………)
2. We should help others. (……………………)
3. We shouldn't listen to others in the team (……………………)

B. Answer the following questions:

4. How can a project be successful?
5. Should we share our ideas with other people?

Read the following passage and answer:

Today is Friday! It’s family day. We’re all going to meet at my grandparents’ house. My
aunt and uncle are coming and so are my cousins. Grandma makes us delicious cupcakes.
Grandpa tells us stories. When he starts the story we’re all ears. Friday is really our fun day.
Put (√) or (x):
1- Monday is the family day. ( )
2- Their cousins aren’t coming. ( )
3- Grandpa tells them boring stories. ( )
Answer the following:
1- Where are they going to meet?
2. What does grandpa do?

-Re-write the following sentences:

1 – A baby cries loudly. ( not )

2 – Judy and Ahmed help their mum on Friday. (Who)
3 – Mohamed is absent because he is sick . ( Why )
4 – My grandfather lives in New York . ( Where)
5 – No , they don't make their bed. ( Do )
6 – Aya sleeps at 9 o'clock . ( When )
7 – Tim plays football every day . (always)
8 – Sara do homework every morning. (Correct )
9 – Mona often cooks pasta . ( What )
10 –She doesn’t play basketball. (never)
11 – Yes, Sara always watches TV at night (Does)
12-She get up early. (Correct)
13- Rana…………(never/ like) to go to the concert. (Correct)
14-……………(he lives) near the park? (Correct)
15- Every summer, Rania go to the swimming pool. (Correct)
16-I am late for the school. (never)
17- She rides her bike in the park. (sometimes)
18- You go to bed at 9 o’clock. (always)
19- We go to the cinema on Wednesdays. (usually)
20- I don't read a magazine on Sunday morning. (often)
21- Yes, she speaks English well. (Does)
22-No, Ali doesn't wake up early. (Ask)
23-No, I don’t help her little sister. (Do)

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