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Unit 7: Artists 7A. Vocabulary * Art forms |. Complete the sentences with the art forms below. cartoon drawings classical music ~— musicals. mime ballet siteom sculptures dance painting 1A is a funny television programme in which the same characters appear in different situations each week 2. Carroll appeared in a number of Broadway in which part of the stories are sung to music. 3. The waltz is an easy to lean . is @ performance in which dancing and music tell a story without any speaking 5. Thete was a large of his father on the wall 6. He made detailed of animals and flowers in his book 7. The first scene of the play was performed in in which actors use movements of their hands and bodies, and expressions on their faces, without speech 8. Local artists were asked to create life-size bronze for the garden. 9. Do you prefer like Mozart and Haydn, or pop? 10.4 is a short film that is made by photographing a series of drawings + Artists Il, Match each word below with its definition. model conductor audience busker stage hand choreographer sound technician juggler - a person who combines movements into dances to be performed . a person who sits still for an arfist to paint them . a person who performs on the street throwing and catching a set of balls . a person who holps move the scenery . a person who makes sure the microphones are working properly "a person who plays music on the street . the people watching the show II Choose the correct answers. 1. | always give money to composers/ buskers in the street 2. We went to the opening night at the theatre last week and we met a playwright / cartoonist after the show. 3. The jugglers / sculptors are performing at the festival. 4. He's at music college, training to be a composer / scriptwriter. 1 2 3 4. 5. the person who leads an orchestra 6. 7 8 5. | saw a wonderful portrait of the countryside by a famous painter / sculptor. IV. Complete the sentences with the words below. rapper busker DJ folk group orchestra string quartet choir 1. The in the new club played some great records. 2. MoonDance only play traditional music because they are a(n) 3.| sing in a(n) at school 4. That man can't sing very well, but he is a good 5. | gave some money to a(n) who was playing the guitar outside the station 6. There are 50 musiciansin that 7. My uncle plays in a(n) with three friends who play the cello and the violin. He plays the viola V. Identify which artist is, based on the critics’ quotes about their work. 1. “Tho giant metal figure looks out of place in this small town square.’ 2. ‘His deep voice is perfect for these slow, romantic songs 3 “The last verses is one of the best I've ever read.’ 4. ‘Her best book yet. A captivating story of romance and mystery. 5. “Some wonderfully written lines. | left the theatre remembering many of them 6. “A fascinating description of the life of one of our greatest scientists. VI. Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals in brackets to form a word that fits in each gap. Teenage Actors Many young people are tempted by the idea of a career in (ACT). It certainly looks like very * (EXCITE) work, but it's not for everyone. The rewards can be huge, but it can also be difficult to make a living. In order to be successful as an actor, you must be ? (TALENT) and willing to learn new skills. It helps to be + (ATTRACT), but there's no need to be a super model. Many people who are not traditionally attractive have had success. An = (INTEREST) face is what people want to see. Sometimes it also helps to look a little © (DIFFER) from the rest. It means that people who see you perform will remember who you are. A 7 (QUALIFY) from a well-known acting school can be useful, but not all * (KNOW) is leamed at school. Experience really counts. Taking part in performances is often more important than exam results. Beyond that, you have to be able to put up with ° (TIRE) hours of rehearsals and some * (DISAPPOINT) along the way. If you can do all that, you just might become a star. + Artistic activities VIL. Complete the sentences with the verbs below in the correct form. conduct appear direct carve compose sing write act create perform 1. To Hoai often very interesting stories about his native village and animals. 2. Someone had their initials on the tree 3. Picasso a complete new style of painting 4. She has already in a numbers of films. 5. Before every concert, she worries about how well she will 6. Who will be the orchestra? 7. Schumann was better at music than playing it 8. She is the role of Lady Macbeth six evenings a week. 9. Ho wanted to give up acting and start his own films 10. | could hear the birds outside my window. VIII. Complete the story with the correct form of the verbs below. rehearse practise _test not work move look at forget change into The opening night was a complete disaster. The sound technician was late, so he didn’t have time to * the microphones. That meant that we didn't realise they * until after the play had started. The lead actor * his opening lines, so the lead actress had to say them for him. But the lead actress hadn't had time to * her costume, so she went through the entire first act with her jeans on. The stage hands wouldn't stop © at the audience when they © the scenery. So they kept on dropping all the equipment. And then in the interval one of the dancers twisted her ankle while she? the steps. Honestly, | don't know why we spent so much time ® + Cultural activities IX. Complete the sentences with the words below. musical sitcom art galleries theatre novels ballets opera concert 1. Last Sunday they went to watch ‘Swan Lake’, one of the greatest classical 2. I'd far rather go to the than watch a video 3. Have you read any of Charles Dickens’ 2 4. They also performed at a(n) in Rome last month 5. London is famous for its museums and . and they visited some during their trip in London last month. 6. The Browns often went to see a Broadway every week when they lived in New York. 7. We watched America’s most popular ‘Friends’ to improve our English 8. We regularly go to the theatre to enjoy in which all of the words are sung to music + Musical genres X. Complete the sentences with the words below. pop rock techno classical music heavy metal folk music rap hip-hop 1. is a type of popular modern music with a strong, loud beat played with guitars and drums. 2. is a type of dance music with regular heavy beat and spoken words. 3. is a type of popular music in which the words of a song are spoken in time to music with a steady beat. 4. is modern music, popular with young people, having simple tunes with a strong beat. 5. is considered important and serious, and has a value for a long time. 6. is traditional music that has been played by ordinary people in a particular area for a long time 7. is a type of popular electronic dance music with a fast, strong beat. 8. is a type of rock music with a strong beat, played very loudly on electric guitars, + Aspects of music XI. Choose the correct words. 1. The choir has sung only two tunes / verses of the last hymn 2. He knows how to slow down the tempo / chorus and when to speed it up. 3. We listened to the choir singing in perfect harmony / tempo. 4. |tis a song with a harmony / beat that you can dance to 5. She started moving to the verse / rhythm of the music 6. The beat’s / chorus's singing was excellent, and so was the orchestral playing 7. He wrote some great music, but the speeds / lyrics weren't that good 8 }. Melody / Chorus is not the central element in Martino’s compositions - rhythm is more important 9. |'ve heard that tune / tempo before, but I don’t know the words to the song. XI. Complete the sentences with the words below. symphony beat chords chorus harmony lyrics melody movement solo opera 1. The singer began to sing an aria. . The girl clapped at the end of the first . There were a hundred people in the choir, all singing in . Beethover’s Fifth is a very famous piece of music . The boy quite likes the clever , butisn't keen on the music A drum can go on for quite a long time, and can be a bit boring. With modern jazz, there often isn’t a strong . It's no good having a good voice if you play all the wrong ). Dance music has a very that makes people want to dance 0. Live performers sometimes ask the audience to join in with the BOEMPrNaaRON + Cultural events and shows XII. Complete the sentences with the words or phrases below. magic shows open-air theatro circus comedy club art exhibition classical concert piano recital musical 1. They've set up a(n) at school so that students can practise acting 2. The museum is holding a(n) of Picasso's work 3. His secret hobby is performing tricks in 4. That musician performed a(n) of classical favourites. 5. In summer there is a(n) in the park giving concerts. 6. Ain) is a play or film in which the story is told using songs and often dancing 7. The children loved being taken to the to watch the acrobats and clowns. 8. There were 200 people at the in the City Hall, enjoying the music by Beethoven and Mozart. 7B. Grammar + The passive 1. Choose the correct answers. 1. The meeting will hold / will be held next Thursday 2. We ride / are ridden our mountain bikes at the weekend 3. The school replaced the plants that had been stolen / had stolen. 4. The first World Cup played / was played in 1930 5. Mona Lisa painted / was painted by Leonardo da Vinci in the early 16” century. 6. Police have arrested / have been arrested two boys for shoplifting 7. A new school has built / has been built in cur neighbourhood 8. What language is spoken / speaks in Brazil? Il. Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets. 1. They were late because the flight (delay) 2. Reality shows by millions of people every week. (watch) 3. Classes next Friday because of the power cut. (cancel) 4, Paper by the Chinese 2,000 years ago. (invent) 5. Today mobile phones in developing countries. (make) 6. Ellen is happy because she a pay rise. (give) 7. David couldn't find his wallet because it (steal) 8. Those trees. next week to make room for an apartment building. (cut down) Ill. Complete the passive sentences. 1. Every year, hundreds of mobile phones left in taxis 2. Please keep the windows closed while your car washed 3. How many jobs lost since they introduced the new computer system? 4. The next Olympics held in three months’ time 5. When | opened the fridge, | noticed that my chocolate bar eaten 6. Their house burgled last night, but only a few things taken IV. Complete the sentences in appropriate passive forms. Use the verbs in brackets. 1. The most dangerous snakes (usually transport) in special boxes. 2. In the late nineteenth century most machinery (drive) by steam. 3. The manager was angry that he (not tell) about the strike sooner. 4. The oil in your motorbike should (change) long ago 5. The road in front of their house (repair) this week so they can’t use their car. 6. The device must first (unplug) from the electricity supply for safety. 7. Since then a number of complaints (receive) about noise from the club 8. When | arrived, the passengers (treat) by three doctors. 9. Some crops (not harvest) yet due to this year's bad weather 10. The local bread (usually, make) from a mixture of wheat and rye flour. V. Rewrite the sentences using the passive. Include the agent if you think it is important. 1. | realised that someone had opened my emails. 2. The Prime Minister gave a speech on TV ast night. 3. Someone has stolen all the computers from their office. 4. My dad designed the new hospital building 5. The storm destroyed all the crops. 6. They will deliver our new furniture at the weekend 7. The neighbour's cat bit me on the leg 8. My brother will arrange everything in my birthday’s party. 9. Somebody will give you instructions on arrival 10. People are spending more on smartphones than ever before. VI. Use the passive to write answers to the questions with the words in brackets. 1. Where is paella eaten? (Spain) 2. Where will a new museum be built? (in Alexandria) 3. Who has the prize been given to? (Professor Dang Vu Minh) 4. When was the Eiffel Tower built? (between 1887 and 1889) 5. When is the meeting being held? (this afternoon) 6. When was basketball invented? (1891) ‘VIL Complete the sentences with the verbs below in the correct form. kill leave publish teach use follow 1. Her latest novel next month. 2. The same currency in about twenty European countries. 3. King Tran Du Tong by Chu Van An. 4. Last year, a CD containing top secret information on a bus. 5. Don’t look now, but I think we 6. Over three hundred soldiers by landmines since the conflict began last year. VII. Complete the text with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets. Our house * (decorate), so we've gone on holiday to Nha Trang. When we arrived at Cam Ranh Airport, we discovered that one of our suitcases * (leave) in Ho Chi Minh City. At the hotel our room? ___ (clean) at the moment so we couldn't use it. Then we wanted to go for a swim but we couldn't because the pool * (close) for repairs the week before. So we went to the restaurant to eat but it was full because i (use) for a wedding. It was worse than being at home. IX. Complete the text with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets. Martin Scorsese was born in 1942 in Queens, New York. As a child he suffered from asthma, and so he ' (stop) trom playing games and sports with other children. Instead, he spent much of his time in small cinemas, and soon became fascinated with the art of film- making His first major film was Taxi Driver, which * (make) in 1976 and starred Robert de Nito and Jodie Foster. After this film, de Niro (establish) as Scorsese's central on-screen figure and the two worked together for many years later. In 1988 he‘ (criticise) heavily for his portrayal of Christ in The Last Temptation of Christ, but the main result of this controversy was to increase ticket sales. He * (nominate) for an Oscar five times before he finally won one. He * (award) the Oscar for Best Director in 2007 for his film The Departed, which also won the prize for best film X. Five of the seven underlined clauses in the text can be made passive. Choose which five and rewrite them in the passive. Last year | experienced real kindness from a girl who has since become my best friend. I had to change school last summer because earlier in the year Dad’s company had moved him to an office in a different town, and the rest of the family joined him. That was difficult for mo - not only leaving my friends but the thought of having to make new jriends. People have often described me as shy and it's true, | find it very difficult to be relaxed with new people Anyway, on my first day at the new school, someone was showing me into the building when this girl came bouncing up to us and said, ‘Hi, I'm Kate, your school friend. They've given me the job of making you feel welcome here.’ Kate stayed with me all day - she sat with me in lessons, she explained how everything worked, she took me to lunch and introduced me to all her friends. Her kindness really impressed me that day. 1. 2. 3. 4. + have something done XI. Rewrite the sentences using the get /have something done structure. 1. Someone cuts our grass We 2. Someone cleaned my dad's car. My dad 3. Someone has built our house. We 4. Someone is painting my bedroom \ 5. Someone will install my new computer. \ XI. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs have. 1. | didn't repair my laptop. | it repaired 2. My dad hasn't serviced his car. He it serviced 3. We aren't building a new house. We anew house built 4. 'm not going to clean the carpets. I'm going to the carpets cleaned 5. Did you cut down the tree or __ you it cut down? 6. We didn’t make the new curtains. We them made XII Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the causative have. 1. I'm going to my hair (cut) tomorrow 2.1 the bedroom walls (paint) last week. 3. He's just his car (wash). 4. When | broke my leg, | the house (clean) by professionals. 5. I've got a strange rash on my arm, so I'm going to the doctor to it (check) 6.|needto___——semyeyes___— (test) XIV. Complete the sentences with the correct form of have something done and the verbs in brackets. 4. My mum the carpets (clean) last week 2. For her wedding next summer, my sister the flowers (arrange) bya local shop. 3. My great-grandfather this house (design) by a famous architect 80 years ago. 4. One day | my teeth (whiten) 5. My mum her hair (cut) every six weeks. 6.1 the windows (clean) every two weeks. 7. After we moved into the new house, we the roof (replace) 8. My dad his blood (check) tomorrow. 9. My parents their new sota (deliver) last week 10. | usually my homework (check) by a tnend before | give it to the teacher. XV. Complete the sentences with the correct form of have or get and one of the verbs below. clean build cut deliver look paint take take out 1. If your computer isn't working, why don't you Phong at it? He’s good at that sort of thing 2.!'m thinking of my bicycle pink. What do you think? 3. You'll have to your photo if you're applying for a passport. 4. | couldn't afford to go to the hairdresser’s, so | my friend my hair 5. | really need to my school coat It's filthy 6. She a tooth yesterday. 7. Mum couldn't be bothered to cook, so we a pizza 8. My friend's parents a swimming pool in their garden next month. XVI. Complete the sentences with the correct form of have something done and the words in brackets. Example: | didn’t repair my bike. (repaired) had my bike repaired. 1. They aren't decorating their house. (decorated) They 2. We don't iron our clothes. (ironed) We 3. Nick isn't cleaning his house. (cleaned) He's 4. Nam isn't going to test his eyes. (tested) He 5. Linda hasn't dyed her hair. (dyed) she 6. Phong isn't going to cut his hair. (cut) He XVII. Rewrite the sentences with the correct form of have something done. Example: The shoe repairer is mending Jane's shoes. Jane is having her shoes repaired 1. The workers painted their house last year. They 2. The photographer is going to take my photo. \ 3. The plumber is going to install our new shower. We 4. The hairdresser has dyed my mums hair. My mum 5. The mechanic is repairing Tom's car. Tom 6. The dry cleaner has cleaned Jacks’ coat Jack 7. The builders are changing my neighbour's windows. My neighbour 8. The doctor tested Anna's eyes last week Anna XVIII. Put the words in the correct order to make statements or questions. 1. you/ your teeth / Have / whitened / had 2. yesterday / you / tested / Did / have / your eyes /? 3. had/ stolen / his mobile phone / Nam/ has 4. had / Jane / painted / last week / her nails 5. my photo / going to / have / tomorrow / I'm / taken 6. painted / Lan / her portrait /is having XIX. Complete the dialogue using the past simple form of have something done. Mai Hi, Jane. You look great! Jane Thanks. | went to a beauty parlour yesterday and | * (my hair / cut) Mai? you (it / dye) too? Jane No, | did that myself at home. I's cheaper. But | * (my nails / paint). Look! And 1 (my make-up / do) Mai Very nice. Jane You look different too Mal Yes, 1° (my teeth / whiten) last week. They used to be really yellow. Jane Did it cost a lot? Mai Actually, yes. Especially because | * (my bag / steal) while | was there! XX. Match situations 1-8 to actions a-h. Then complete a-h with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. My camera isn't working.” 2. ‘I want to look really good at the Halloween horror party.’ 3. My car has broken down! " 4, My dog doesn't seem to be eating very much.” 5. ‘It's Valentine’s Day and I’ve forgotten to buy flowers for Susan.’ 6. ‘My hair's getting a bit too long’ 7. I don't want Mum and Dad to see their Christmas presents when they come in the post.’ 8. That wasn't a goal!’ a ‘You must it (get / fix) before we go on holiday. b ‘You could some (have / send) to her office.” ¢ ‘Why don't you them (get/ deliver) to a friend’s house?” d “Maybe you should him (get / check) by a vet.’ e ‘it sure is. You really need to ___it______ (have / cut) soon fm sure you can it (have / fix) at the nearest garage’ g ‘That referee really needs his eyes (get / test)!’ hh ‘Why don't you your hair (have / dye) black and red? 7C, Word Skilis + Indefinite pronouns I. Choose the correct words. 1. There was no one / anyone else on the train. 2. It's dark. I can’t see anything / something. 3. 'm really hungry. I've had anything / nothing to eat. 4. Does anybody / nobody mind if | eat garlic? 5. He's smiling. He must be thinking about anything / something funny 6. You can got onlino anywhere / nowhere in tho airport 7. ‘I can't find my ticket. It's somewhere / nowhere to be seen.’ - ‘It must be anywhere / somewhere’ ll. Complete the indefinite pronouns in these sentences. Use some-, any- or no. Sometimes more than one answer is possible. 1. Does one know the answer to this question? 2. Would you like thing to eat? 3 4. There was hardly body | knew at the party 5. | don’t mind where we go on holiday. where as long as it's warm, and sunny! 6. | heard a noise outside one's outside. Ill Complete the sentences with the correct indefinite pronouns. 1. Has seen my glasses? 2.Can help me move the wardrobe, please? 3. We'd like hot to drink. 4.| haven't got new to wear to her party body wanted to go to the cinema with me, so | went by myself. 5. Let's go on holiday near the sea 6. She's so hungry; she'll eat ! IV. Complete each sentence with an appropriate indefinite pronoun. 1. Does know where the bus stop is? 2. That coach is empty. There's init 3. We arrived in plenty of time because gave usa lift 4. That suitcase is very light because there're nearly init 5. | didn't buy in the duty-free shop 6. The nurse gave the small child to drink while he was waiting for his mother 7. Let's go different on holiday this year. 8. There's to sit in the cinema. Every seat has been occupied. 9. We never go nice at the weekend V. Complete the dialogue with correct indefinite pronouns. David I'm going out to get* to eat. There's* in the fridge Jane Whoare you going with? David * I'm going on my own Jane Where are you going? David | don't know. * It doesn’t matter. Jane You're behaving very strangely. Is ° wrong? David No, | just don’t want to tak to® right now Vi. Rewrite the indefinite pronouns starting starting with any- and vice versa. Example: She is having nothing to do this evening » She isn’t having anything to do this evening. no- with the indefinite pronouns 1. |'m bored. | haven't got anything to do. 2. There was nobody at the airport to meet us. 3. Their relationship is going nowhere. 4. Anna hasn't seen anybody today. 5. Don't shout at him. He’s done nothing wrong. 6. We didn’t go anywhere special last weekend. VII. Complete the sentences with the correct indefinite pronouns. 1. Did you hear during the night? 2. Let's go on holiday really hot and sunny 3. There's else we can look. It's gone. 4. is wrong. He’s not answering his phone. 5. | didn'ttell her about the weekend 6. My dad hasn't been in his new car yet. 7. called while you were out but | don’t know who it was. 8. The teacher explained the homework but was listening 9. | haven't got to wear for the party tonight. 10. There's on TV tonight. Let's go out. VIll. Rewrite the sentences that are incorrect. 1. Would you like something to eat? 2. There wasn’t nobody at the check-in desk. 3. Can | have anything to drink? 4. ll move anywhere, as long as it's out of the city centre. 5. He's hungry because he didn’t have something for breakfast 6. We were tired because we didn’t have nowhere to sleep 7. Has somebody seen my passport? 8. There was nothing on TV, so we turned it off, IX. Complete the text with the correct indefinite pronouns with some-, any-, no-, or every. It was October, and three friends were on a walking holiday in the Lake District. It was seven o'clock in the evening and starting to get dark. They needed to spend the night. Jim looked at the map. ‘There's within two hours’ walk of here,” he said. Let's camp in this field then,’ suggested Sarah “Good idea, agreed Chris, sitting down on the grass. 'm exhausted . Can | have * to eat?’ ‘What do you want?’ Sarah asked. ‘I don't mind. ¢ ! replied Chris. ‘I've had > since breakfast.’ Then he turned round. ‘That's strange. | thought | heard * ‘No, there’s * around here,’ said Sarah. ‘Just us. Maybe you heard a rabbit.’ An hour later, ® was fast asleep inside the tent. The next morning, as Chris was making tea, Sarah came out of the tent looking confused ‘Did® touch my camera last night?’ she asked Jim and Chris shook their heads. ‘Is ® ____ wrong?’ asked Jim. Sarah didn't say " - she just held out the camera so * could see the picture. It showed all three friends fast asleep in their sleeping bags. ° said * for a few moments. Then Sarah started packing her bag ‘It's time to go,’ she said. ‘Where?’ asked Jim. “s : replied Sarah. ‘Let's just grab and go! 7D. Reading |. Read the text, and decide whether the sentences are true (T) or false (F). Not here! Where would you expect to find graffit? On walls and bridges? Perhaps in special exhibitions? But probably not all over the front of a historic Scottish castle But soon that’s exactly where you will be able to see it. And this is not vandalism on a grand scale. Four grafiit artists, who are well-respected in thelr home country of Brazil, have been commissioned by the owner to completely cover one side of the castle with bright, colourful araffiti. The reason is that the outer covering of the walls of the castle is in very bad condition and in a couple of years it will need to be replaced. The family thought it would be interesting to have the graffiti painted on until then. The artists will be staying at the castle and working on it for a month. After that it will no doubt become a tourist attraction for visitors to the area Most local people support the idea but there have been some negative reactions from people across the country who think it is completely inappropriate. But the family are convinced that when it is completed people will love it. They hope they are helping graffiti to be accepted as a valuable and respected art form 1. The graffiti at the castle will not be permanent 2. Artists from different countries will be doing the graffiti 3. People living near the castle don't like the idea 4. The graffiti wll include dark scenes from history. 6. It will probably be popular with visitors. IL Read the text, and choose the correct answers. Hustling In the last year the viewing public have learned a great deal about a certain type of criminal in the extremely successful TV series Hustle. The first Hustie DVD is released this week and it's set to be a best-seller. Hustle is all about the adventures of a group of con artists. Con artists are people who persuade rich people to give them lots of money to finance projects or plans that do not exist. The ideas are often very complicated. Sometimes the group create a real background for the trick by hiring actors, offices, or houses to persuade the people they are conning that they are genuino. For them, lying is an art! In reality, con artists are criminals, but in this series the group take money from the rich for a reason. The rich person might have committed a crime themselves or might just be a really nasty person. However, unlike the famous Robin Hood, who stole from the rich and gave to the poor, the ‘Hustle’ group keep the money for themselves. This is an excellent series and this DVD is a must for those who like their stories complicated but very clever. 1. This text is A. giving a review B. a news article about con artists C. educational 2. The con aitists in Hustle are A. actors B. very creative C. genuine business people 3. Con artists in the real world A. give money to the poor B. steal money that isn’t theirs C. work in offices 4. In Hustle the con artists A. make a lot of money B. can be quite nasty C. help poor people 5. The stories in Hustle A. are easy to understand B. are true C. are not straightforward Ill. Read the text, and mark the sentences T (true), or F (false). Gilbert and George Contrary to public opinion, the members of Britart were not the first to experiment with shock tactics. Contemporary art lovers have been viewing the works of art duo Gilbert and George in major art galleries worldwide since the 1970s. Gilbert, born in Italy, and George, from England, met at art college in London in 1987. Soon after they started working together as performance artists, whose show ‘The Singing Sculpture’ consisted of them standing on a table sprayed in gold paint, miming a well-known song. From this moment on, Gilbert and George adopted the identity of ‘living sculptures’ in both their art and their daily lives. They are always to be seen wearing their trademark sutt and te, and they never appear separately in public. In front of the camera they walk with robotic movements, and their voices sometimes sound unnatural when they speak As for their art, their most famous works are huge, brightly-coloured photo montages on a black grid. Gilbert and George often feature in these works themselves, along with friends, flowers, and other symbols. In their later work, they have experimented with more unusual materials, which has attracted a great deal of media attention Some people question Gilbert and George's talent and refuse to see the value of their work However, in the world of contemporary art they are regarded as two of the very best. At the age of 65 they are still going strong, as their success in the 2016 exhibition at Tate Modem shows 1. The members of Britart were the first artists who aimed to shock the public. . Gilbert and George started to work together at art college . They first became known as sculptors, . They always wear the same type of clothes. . They often use photographs of themselves in their works. . The press is interested in their work because of their talent. . Gilbert and George stopped exhibiting when they turned 65 Noopon IV. Read the text, and choose the best answers. Wyland’s Whaling Walls Some of the largest and most beautiful outdoor murals in the world have been created by the American artist Robert Wyland Wyland’s murals are called Whaling Walls’ because they describe an animal that he is passionate about: the whale. His inspiration lies in the whales he has studied and swum with asa diver and practising environmentalist. Wyland’s first encounter with the sea was on a family visit to Califoria when he was fourteen. The experience of seeing his first whale in the Pacific Ocean had an enormous impact on his life and his future. When he returned home, he threw himself into the study of marine life. In 1977 he painted his first ‘Whaling Wall’ in Laguna Beach, California, which is now a famous landmark. His goal is to paint a hundred ‘Whaling Walls’ in ten years. The whales in Wyland’s murals are all painted life-size, which means the ‘Whaling Walls’ are absolutely huge. He never knows exactly what he is going to paint until he approaches the blank wall with his paint sprayer. His painting technique is also unusual, as he uses none of the traditional methods typical of such large projects, like sketches, outlines on grids. Most of his murals take about a week to make and he has done painting tours where he has painted seventeen murals in seventeen weeks. However, Wyland does not only paint whales because he likes them. His main objective is to bring the serious condition of the whale to the attention of the public in the hope that it will not become extinct. And he has chosen his medium well. It is not easy to walk past one of his giant murals without admiring the beauty of his whales. We can only hope the real thing outlives Wyland's artistic representations 1. Wyland paints his ‘Whaling Walls ‘A. on the outside of buildings B. on the inside of buildings C. in art galleries D. in buildings by the sea 2. Wyland’s interest in whales started A. when he saw one in a documentary B. when he started studying marine biology C. when he went to Canada D. when he was a teenager 3. Wyland’s murals are planned A. carefully bofore he starts painting B. when he's standing in front of the wall C. ina sketch he makes beforehand D. on his computer 4. Wyland paints whales because A. he only likes them B. he wants to show people how beautiful they are C. he wants to save them from extinction D. they are very bia 5. The ward ‘murals’ in the text is closest in meaning to A. walls in the streets in the shape of large whales B. the methods that Wyland has used to paint pictures of the whale C. large pictures that have been painted on a wall D. large photos of the whales on the walls in public places V. Read the following letter and do the tasks that follow. Behind the Scenes Who makes films? Actors and directors, of course. But if you watch the credits at the end of a film, you'll find hundreds of other names and jobs. Most of the crucial people in filmmaking aren't famous because they do their work behind the scenes. Here are four important jobs. Makeup artist: Making characters look believable The makeup artist's work sounds simple, but there's more to it than making the lead actress look beautiful. If the hero gots a cut on his face, the makeup artist must create that cut and ensure it looks exactly the same tomorrow and the day after. Some films may require actors to look older or younger, or like a monster or a space alien. Putting on special makeup can sometimes take more time than the actor’s scene! For example, Jim Carey's makeup artist needed two and a half hours every day to transform him into his character for the film, The Grinch. The audience should notice the character, and not the makeup Property Master: Setting of scene The property (or “prop") master is responsible for selecting parts of the set and costumes This includes large items like furniture and vehicles, but also small items like tools and weapons. When you see a mother cooking breakfast for her kids, the prop master has chosen the stove, the frying pan, the plates, and almost everything else in the scene. For a prop master, details are everything. In the 2011 film The Social Network, the prop master had to find the exact model of computer that Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg used when he was studying at Harvard University back in 2004. Part of the job is also keeping track of every item purchased for the film and making sure no item disappearing during production. Special effects coordinator: Making the impossible look real After a film, people often ask, “How did they do that”. In films, people can fly, dinosaurs roam through cities and spaceships travel to other planets. These are all the work of the special effects coordinator. This person is responsible for creating fires, and explosions, rainy days, or snowy nights. Most special effects nowadays are made with computers. A big fm like Avatar took several years to make, and had many special effects companies working on difterent things. One company had about 120 people working exclusively on the look of the aliens on the planet Pandora Foley artist: Creating the sounds of the cinema Think of your favourite scary flm and its sounds - footsteps, loud rain, and creaking doors. All of these are the work of the Foley artist. Many sounds can’t be recorded during the filming of a film, so Foley artists produce them in their studios. They create the punching and kicking sounds of a fight scene, and the wind, rain, and thunder in the background. They often have unexpected methods - for example, to make the sounds of bones breaking, Foley artists have recorded the sound of celery sticks being snapped in half. In a Foley artist's studio, there might even be special floors for recording different kinds of footsteps. So next time you watch a film, be sure to look for these jobs in the credits. The film wouldn't be the same without these hardworking people! Notes: - People who work behind the scenes help to make a film but do not appear in it - founder (n) = a person who first started a company or an organization Task 1. Choose the best answer for each question 1. The names of people who work behind the scenes A. are notin the film credits B. are not very famous to the public C. appear first in the film credits D. get the attention most 2. The work of the makeup artist is A. to make actors look younger B. to make actors become unrecognizable C. to transform an actor into a monster D. to make actors look like the characters 3. Which of the following is true about the makeup artist? A. People notice the makeup artist when they watch a film. B. People notice the characters, and not the makeup artist C. The makeup artist's work is quite simple D. It always takes a makeup artist more time than the actor's scene. 4. All of the following are the duties of a prop master EXCEPT that A. he decides which objects actors use in a film B. he chooses the furniture and items to make the scenes look real C. he collects all the items from the old days D. he uses the same items throughout the film 5. Special effects coordinators A. direct actors to act scenes needing special effects B. make every detail come true and real C. look for places with rainy days or snowy nights to film D. usually need computers for their job 6. Most of the sounds we hear ina film are A. recorded during filming B. recorded in the studios C. made in simple ways D. recorded before filming 7. Which person can make the restaurant look exactly the same in the next scene? A. the makeup artist B. the prop master C. the special effects coordinator D. the Foley artist 8. The spacial effects coordinator can make A. a fire start in the family’s kitchen B. us hear a car accident outside the window C. the hero’s skin look pale after his space flight D. a man sit in a carfrom the 1990s Task 2. Match each ward with its definition. Write the answer in each blank. 1. director ____ A. very important 2. credits ____ B. one part of a film 3. scene ____ C.a place where films are made 4. crucial ____ Da list of all the people who worked on a film 8. production _____ E. to change completely 6. transform _____F. the making of a film 7. exclusive ___ G. involving only one specific thing 8. studio ___ H. the person who gives instructions to make a film VI. Read the text, and mark the sentences T (true), or F (false), and correct the false ones. Outsider art: how it found its way in Modem art can be strange. Here's some of the work that's turned up in galleries: a sliced-up shark, a video of a wall falling down, a self-portrait made of wire and string, lights going on and off. No wonder someone said about the modern art scene, The lunatics have taken over the asylum.’ And there's also the rise of outsider art. What exactly is it? It's art produced by people who are on the edges of society: prisoners or people with mental illness, who are untrained as artists. They often have a history of institution (orphanage, asylum, prison), litte or no education and an obsession with art-making. Their work tends to show fantasy worlds and extreme mental states, and its made of anything that comes to hand In the past, art meant cil paintings and watercolours. These were painted using @ canvas that was placed on an easel. The artist would do a sketch first, using a pencil or pethaps charcoal. Then he or she would apply the paint with a paintbrush. In contrast, outsider art can mean sculptures of gotillas made of tin foil, plastic Star Wars figures glued to boards, chairs made of chicken bones and stuffed squirrels fitted with angels’ wings So what's happening now? It seems that outsider art Is becoming insider art. At a recent Venice Biennale, one of the world’s biggest art exhibitions, the main attraction was an installation: || Palazzo Encidopedico. This was a copy of a 1950s work by self-taught Italian Marino Auriti (1891-1980). According to the Biennale’s artistic director, Auriti had built ‘an imaginary musoum that was meant to house all worldly knowledge - from the wheel to tho satellite’ Why is outsider art suddenly popular? For several years there's been a growing intorest in ‘alternative’ art: graffiti, collage, handmade objects, digital photography and multimedia works. As a result, major museums and galleries are starting to exhibit the work of self-taught artists and art dealers are capitalising. Among today’s finest outsider artists are the Dutchman Huub Niessen, whose drawings are in permanent collections all over Europe, and the Brazilian Marilena Pelosi, who says, ‘If | didn’t draw, | would die.” One of the earliest outsider artists was William Edmonson (1874- 1951). The son of former slaves, Edmonson was a self-taught sculptor and the first African American to have an exhibition at the Museum of Modem Artin 1937 Another outsider artist was Guo Fengyi (1942-2010), from China, who made ink drawings She had worked in a rubber factory but retired at thirty-nine because of ill health. Later she began to have visions - for example, of imaginary beasts and angels - which she included in her work, 1. Outsider art is produced by people who went to art school 2. Outsider art usually consists of oil paintings. 3. William Edmonson is a recent outsider artist from the USA. 4. Guo Fengyi made art out of rubber. 5. The Venice Biennale refuses to show outsider art 6. There is less interest in outsider art now than in the past. VIL Read the text, and do the tasks that follow. MORE THAN A HOBBY 1 When Wallace Stevens walked into his office every moming, his colleagues didn’t know about his secret: Steven lived a double life. By day he worked for an insurance company. The rest of his life was spent becoming one of the greatest American poets of the twentieth century 2 Secret talent is more common than we think, even with people who are already famous in one area. Take Luciano Pavarotti, who was one of the world’s greatest classical singers. Not many people know that before he became a singer, he was an outstanding football player. The same is true of TV chef Gordon Ramsay, who is now well-known for his brilliant cooking and his bad language. Ramsay played professional football for Glasgow Rangers, one of Scotland's best teams. 3 Anumber of politicians first made their name in other jobs. Most people know that Arnold Schwarzenegger had a very successful acting career before becoming Governor of California. Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of Great Britain, also had another talent: he wrote great history books. Churchill's books won him the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1953. Vaclav Havel, who was the first president of the Czech Republic, was also a great writer 4 There are also musicians and actors who have secret talents. Paul McCartney and David Bowie are both painters. Paul Newman was a racing car driver and actor Colin Farrell is a professional line dancer. And only those who go to a little hotel bar in New York City every Monday would know that one of the best clarinet players in town is actor and film director Woody Allen. He certainly plays the clarinet better than Bill Clinton plays the saxophone! Task 1. Read the text again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? 1. The people in the text are famous for one thing, but also good at another thing 2. Wallace Stevens’ colleagues didn’t know he was a poet 3. Gordon Ramsay was a chef before he became a famous footballer. 4. Churchill and Havel were both actors and politicians. 5. Woody Allen plays the clarinet and the saxophone. Task 2. Choose the correct meaning for the words and phrases from the text. 1 lived in a double life (paragraph 1) a) had two very different lifestyles b) had a difficult life 2 the same is true (paragraph 2) a) this situation is very different from b) this situation is very similar from 3 _ bad language (paragraph 2) a) speaking badly about another person b) saying bad words 4 made their name (paragraph 3) a) became famous b) learned to do something VIII. Read the texts, and do the tasks that follow. Alonzo Clemons Alonzo Clemons is from Boulder, Colorado. According to Alonzo’s mother, Evelyn, he was always trying to sculpt things as a baby, but she did not realise what he was doing. And then, he got hold of some modelling clay and she soon realised that he had a special talent. Before he could even feed himself or get dressed, he could make models of animals that were correct in every detail As Alonzo grew, his ability to sculpt increased rapidly, but he did not develop other skills which children normally learn. Some doctors call people like Alonzo ‘savants’. They have a developmental disability like autism, a conditon which makes it hard for them to communicate or perform everyday tasks. But at the same time, they have a skill which they can do incredibly well. In some cases, that skill involves maths or memory; in other cases, music or painting. With Alonzo, it’s sculpture It takes only 45 minutes for Alonzo to complete a small work. Recently, however, he has begun to do more ambitious projects. His most impressive work is called Three Frolicking Foals. It took Alonzo just three weeks to complete this life-size of three young horses. Like all of his work, they are anatomically correct in every detail In 1986, Alonzo exhibited his work for the first fime. It was very popular and today, his work is on constant display at a gallery in Colorado, USA. Alonzo's special ability has helped him deal with his autism. He is now able to communicate better and lead a more independent life He has a job and his own apartment, and he enjoys doing weightlifting at the gym. But sculpture is stil his main passion. Richard Wawro Tadeusz Wawro was an officer in the Polish Amy who decided to settle in Scotland after the Second World War. He married a Scottish primary school teacher called Olive and together they started a family. Their son, Richard, was clezrly unlike other children from an early age His behaviour was extremely repetitive: he would spend hours playing the same note on the piano. He used to spend hours staring at the illustrations in books. Schools refused to teach him because he was difficult. In those days, little was known about autism, so Richard was simply described as being mentally disabled Richard's parents found a school for him when he was six, and his teacher there discovered his talent for drawing. ‘What | saw was magic,’ she recalls. ‘I couldn't believe my eyes.’ Richard hardly spoke; nis drawings were a form of communication. He sketched pictures of his everyday life: his school bus, his breakfast, characters from the television. He always drew from memory, and the details were always perfectly accurate. He drew so much that his parents had difficulty providing enough paper. In 1970, when Richard was eighteen, his works were exhibited for the first time in an art gallery. The exhibition was reported on a BBC news programme, and his career as an artist suddenly took off. Margaret Thatcher, who lator become tho British Prime Minister, described him as her favourite artist, and before long, he wes travelling around the world. His favourite countty to visit was the USA, because there he was treated as an artist, not an artist with learning difficulties. Task 1. Answer the questions 4. What medical condition do both artists have? 2. What amazing talent do they share? Task 2. Read the text again. Choose the correct answers. 1. Alonzo Clemons A. learned how to sculpt from his mother B. could make detailed models ata very early age C. had a talent which his mother immediately recognised D. was very slow to lean how to put on his clothes 2. ‘Savants' like Alonzo A. all have fantastic memories B. can communicate well C. perform everyday tasks very quickly D. have learning difficulties 3. When Richard's parents found a school for him A. his teachers sent him home B. his talent wasn't recognised for a long time C. he communicated with his teachers through his drawings D. he became interested in magic 4. American people A. didn’t realise Richard had learning difficulties B. considered Richard as just an artist C. didn’t consider Richard to be a true artist D. described Richard as their favourite artist Task 3. Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F) for each artist. Clemons — Wawro 1. He was born in Britain 2. His parents discovered his rare talent 3. He had an interest in art from an early age 4. He became popular as soon as his works were exhibited 5. He couldn't communicate with people very well IX. Read the text and do the tasks that follow. Every month we feature a different artist. Hore is a star from Now Zealand who has made a big name for herself Bio Ella Marija Lani Yelich-O’Connor is a singer- songwriter, but she is better known by her stage name, Lorde. The daughter of a well-known poet, Sonja Yelich, she grew in Auckland 2 the age of 12, she was spotted in a school talent show by someone from a music company, and * of this, she was offered a recording contract with Universal Music in New Zealand Success She became * first female artist in 17 years to get to the top of the song chart, and in 2014 she won two Grammy awards. * was for the best song of the year, ‘Royals’, and the other was for tho best individual performance. She * continued to win many more prizes since then. Connecting with fans Social media is an obvious way to stay in touch with your fans, and Lorde regularly uploads photos to her Instagram account and writes about what she's doing on Twitter. One of her social media followers told her she wanted to do lots of school projects about her. The artist replied, saying she really liked doing school projects and she loved the idea that someone wanted to do one on her. By reading her comments and posts, it's easy to see why people love her. She sings about personal topics that lots of people can relate to What's next? Lorde released her second album, Melodrama, in 2017, which went to number one in the album charts of the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, But as she arows older, will she continue singing? Or will she do something completely different, like acting or writing novels? What do you think? She's just the best. She's got the talent to do anything she wants. Go, Lorde! @rainbows There are so many singers who, after thoy finish their third album, fade away. Sho sooms really nice, though, and if she continues to work hard, she will be successful for a long time @loves4 I don’t know. She’s got a great voice, but that's all. People will get bored of her and someone else will appear. Musicians these days aren't like the old greats. @fl ea_pea02 Task 1. Read the article quickly and choose the best title. a. Singer Lorde to make her acting debut in new film b. Lorde - a rising star with a bright future c. New Zealand pop star Lorde fails to achieve success abroad Task 2. Read the first two paragraphs of the article again and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. Task 3. Read the article again. Decide if each sentence is true (T), false (F) or not mentioned (NM). The singer uses part of her real name as her stage name. . The singer's mother is famous for writing poetry. . She was the first female artist to get to number one in the charts. . The last awards she won were two Grammy awards . She was upset that a fan wanted to do a project about her. . Lorde tries to reply to every social media message she receives from her fans. Her second albuin hasn't been very successful . Lorde is planning to write her first book next year. Task 4. Match the words in bold in the text to their meanings. 1. the sounds someone makes when they speak or sing ON OMRON 2. a legal agreement signed by two people or companies 3. lists of the most popular songs or albums each week 4. slowly disappear 5. the name an actor or singer uses instead of their real name X. Read the advertisements for courses and do the tasks that follow. Perform Learn how to set up lights for a performance. We look at different positions for lights and their special effects, including the use of colour. During the course, you'll design and build the lighting for the town’s summer show. There are ton weekly classes on Saturday mornings Create This course on Mondays (18.30-20.30) is for anyone who wants to explore their creative skills digitally, especially those who enjoy internet gaming. We look at 3D techniques, cartoon drawing, and how to make a model and bring it to life. There’s also an opportunity to learn about music and video editing. Boa star Do you enjoy performing in school plays? This weekend course provides practical tips for future careers in the theatre or television, and helps you prepare for that important first role. This is a weekend course for anyone who wants to be a star. Meals and refreshments are included in the course fee Images Learn how to improve your photography or turn your old family albums into amazing digital books with easy-to-use software. The course includes some trips to beautiful places, where you'll get expert advice on taking better pictures. It is open to alll ages and takes place on Saturdays over eight weeks. Online 2 This course continues from Online 1 and in the same way it offers excellent support material to work on at home, following this half-day Saturday class. Building a website and communicating online isn’t difficult these days - but we can direct you in making improvements to your website or online space, with help on technical things. Design and play Do you love playing computer games? Do you have ideas for your own games? If the answer to these questions is yes, then this course is for you. It runs two afternoons a week during the school holidays. You'll leave with a game designed by you Get practical You must have your own digital camera and be an experienced photographer to attond this practical evening course. Learn how to take high-quality photos of items such as clothes and make-up, for use online. Afterwards, you may even be ready to earn some money. Style time Do you know what looks good on you? Do you know how to choose the right make-up and hairstyle? In this fun Saturday workshop, you'll get answers to all these questions, and more. We also offer celebration lunches if you're here for a special occasion! Discounts available for two or more people. Task 1. The people below all want to do a course. Decide which course would be the most suitable for them. 1. Alison and her grandmother Nell both love working with cameras and computers, and want to do a course together every weekend. Nell can drive them to different locations. 2. Jasmine loves working on school plays and wants to leam more about technical things in the theatre. She needs a course at weekends, where she can help on a local project 3. Tom wants to improve the design of his blog and add some stylish effects. He'd like a course lasting a few hours, with additional practice to take away with him 4. Susan wants to invite her best friend on a full-day course as a present. They enjoy anything about clothes and personal appearance. Susan wants to have a nice meal afterwards, too. 5. Nelson wants to learn about developing online games on an evening course He's like to add music and animation to his own games site Task 2. Match the words and phrases in bold in the advertisements to the meanings. 1.__tolating to oxporiences or real situation rathor than ideas or imagination 2. think about something in order to find out more about it 3. What you need for a particular activity 4. images in a film which seem real but are created by artists and technical experts 5. make changes to a fim, deciding what will be removed or kept in XI. Read the text, and mark the sentences T (true), F (false) or NM (not mentioned). A young man dreams of a career in music. He gets a chance to record two albums, but they don't sell. For many years, he lives on very little money. He has no idea that in the meantime his songs have become extremely popular in other countries, and that his fans believe he’s dead. It sounds like the stuf that fairy tales are made of, but it isn't. It's an incredible but true story and this 1s only the half of t Sixto Rodriguez was the son of Mexican immigrants to the US. He released his first album, Cold Fact, in 1970, and his second, Coming trom Reality, a year later. But nobody bought his music, so he had to do all kinds of jobs to survive. Life was hard for him and his family In the meantime, his music was becoming a huge success in three countries on the other side of the world: Australia, New Zealand and, in particular, South Atrica. There, Rodriguez was a huge star, more popular than the Rolling Stones. But there were rumours that he was dead, and he himself had no idea about the success of his music. Then, finally, in December 1994, 28 years after he released Cold Fact, a young South African fan named Stephen ‘Sugar’ Segerman and Craig Bartholomew, a journalist, wanted to find out more about Rodriguez. They started a website call The Great Rodriguez Hunt, and had his face put on milk cartons in the US, with the question ‘Have you seen this man?’ Rodriguez's daughter saw one and the restis rock history. In March 1998, he was invited on a big tour across South Africa. Rodriguez played six concerts all over the country, in stadiums filled with thousands of young people who knew every word to every one of his songs. In 2012, Swedish fim maker Malik Bendjelloul released the documentary film Searching for Sugar Man. When the film got a nomination for an Oscar, the director asked Rodriguez to come to the ceremony, but he refused because he feared all the attention would be on him and not the film-makers. The film has helped to make his music successful around the world, but Rodriguez has remained very modest. He's been living in the same simple house in Detroit for 40 years, and he doesn't have a car, a mobile phone or a TV. 1. Sixto Rodriguez's parents were Mexican and he was born in Detroit, USA. 2. Lots of people knew his music in South Africa 3. His daughter put a picture of him on milk cartons. 4. Twenty-eight years after Cold Fact, he played in front of thousands of fans in South Africa 5. Many people knew the lyrics of his songs 6. The film about Rodriguez got a nomination for an Oscar, but it didn’t win. 7E. Speaking + Everyday English |. Choose the correct response. Then practise the short exchanges in pairs. 1. A: There're an art exhibition in our town B: a/ Let's go and enjoy the scenes b/ Let's go and see the paintings. 2. A: Do you like pop music? B: a/ I'm too busy to go to the concert. b/ I'm a big fan of Vpop. 3. A: Are you in hard rock? B: a/ My brother loves it much. b/ To be honest, it's so boring 4. A: What are you reading? B: al | like the lead character much. b/ It's a bestseller of fantasy 5. A: Why do you recommend the book? B: a/ It has a good message of love. b/ Itdoesn’t get good reviews. 6. A: Do you think graffiti is an art form? B: a/ It is made by vandals. b/ Itdepends on how artistic it is 7. A: What are the themes of Dong Ho paintings? | B: a/ They are animals and everyday life. b/ They are made with natural colours. 8. A: I think Adele has gota sweet voice. B: al I'm not either. b/ Me too. 9. A: How about the film review? B: al Critics say the film is fantastic. b/ Critics wrote a lot of comments. 10. A: Why didn’t he sign his names in his | B: al Because he's a forger. paintings? b/ Because he's sold it + Photo comparison and role-play Il. Look at the photos and read the texts describing each photo, and then complete the dialogue below. Photo on the left: ‘Its a live concert in a very big park in the city centre. The stage is decorated with many lights, and the sound system is very good and moder. Thousands of people can attend the show like that. | think itl be a stunning performance.’ Photo on the right ‘It's a classical concert in the City Theatre. The theatre can hold over three hundred people The orchestra and the conductor are very well-known and professional. They'll perform wonderful pieces of music composed by internationally famous composers. But we don't understand or enjoy them, so we'll easily get bored and frustrated." A. Look at the two photos of two different types of performance. Both photos show music performances by professional musicians. B Whereas the photo on the left shows , the = photo. = on_—sthe_~—sight — shows A At the live concert, the stage B_ You'te right. For a performance at a park, thousands of people can attend the show like that while the theatre can A | think for the classical concert, the orchestra and the conductor are B But we don't understand or ~— enjoys them, += so. we'll -_ easily ‘ I'l think the live performance at the park will be” A_ agree with you. We'll get two tickets for the live show. Il. Your penfriend is staying with your family in Ha Noi. Your family have offered to take him / her to a show. Look at the photos and discuss with your friend which show is more appealing and the reason to choose one show. Read the texts and complete the dialogue. Photo on the left: "The show of mime or dumbshow is held in the local art theatre. It is performed by a mime team from a nearby college. The artists have their faces painted white or they're wearing masks. The stage settings are very simple because the artists can transform themselves into different objects through postures and movements. We'll have an experience of ‘actions speak louder than words’. Photo on the right: "The water puppetry is a traditional art form, and it's considered a distinctive culture identity of Viet Nam. It came into existence, developed and civersified over a thousand years ago in the Red River Delta. Water puppetry shows the daily life of villagers such as farming, fishing, romance and children playing. Now, the topics of the plays are also chosen from ancient legends, myths and history.’ A Look at the two photos. Both of them show artistic shows in Ha Noi. B_ | see. The photo on the left is the mime performance or a dumbshow. It has the origin trom the West. A The mime is performed by The artists have B We can see that the stage settings are very simple because the artists A_ Right. We'll have an experience of ‘actions speak louder than words’. I'm just joking B_ But I'd like to have an experience of Vietnamese culture like puppetry. A OK. The water puppetry is * __, and it's considered It came into existence, § B Whatare the topics or themes of the puppet shows? A Water puppetry shows Now, the topics of the plays are also chosen B I’m in water puppetry now. Are both of us going to a show tonight? IV. Complete the dialogue with the phrases below. doesn't appeal kind of thing particularly interested really love sounds Boy So, which acts do you want to see at the music festival? What about that new folk group? | love that * Girl No, thanks. It just * to me. What about that jazz funk group? That * more fun. Boy I'mnot+ in that sort of thing. There must be something we both like Girl What about that singer-songwriter? I'd * to see him. Boy OK. As long as you come to that rock group with me. V. Complete the dialogue with the words below. climate exhausting historical preservation result sanctuary sites seitiements so used Phong What are you doing your geagraphy project on? Nick — Well, I'm facing a bit of problem at the moment. I've found three UNESCO * but | can't decide which one | like best. What about you? Phong Woll, 'm writing about the MZab valley in Algoria. Nick Where? Phong The MZab valley. | found it on the UNESCO website. It says there are five * which were built in the 10° century in the Sahara desert but they're ina porfect stato of * And the people have also preserved their 1000-year- old heritage. As a it's an important * place Nick — It sounds interesting but it would be too hot for me. Phong Well, it says here ‘The criteria * for the construction of the towns meet the needs of people living in a hot 7 Nick What does that mean? Phong That the towns are surrounded by big walls and the streets are narrow, ° the people are protected from the sun Nick Even so, the heat must be * Phong Yes, but the local oasis acts as a © from the sun. | think it sounds fascinating 7F. Writing + A school magazine entry I. Read the book review and do the task that follows. One of my favorite books is The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, a novel written by Mark Twain. Published in 1884, it's set around 1840 in various locations along the Mississippi River. The novel is written in the first person. Although it's a kind of adventure story, it follows the moral development of young man surviving difficult circumstances. The main character is the narrator, Huckleberry Finn. He's a wild teenager from an impoverished family that has abandoned him. He is adopted by a widow, who does her best to turn Huckleberry into a respectable citizen. Although the hero of the novel finds his new lifestyle unbearable, he puts up with it. There is a turing point when Huckleberry’s aggressive father takes him away from his new home. Huckleberry manages to escape from his father and sets off on a journey of exploration down the Mississippi River. On his travels he meets Jim, a man escaping from slavery. They share a lot of incredible adventures and Huckleberry starts questioning the values of a society that treats fellow human beings as inferior. Allin all, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is an appealing story. And although it is full of light-hearted moments and gripping action, the author also uses the novel as a vehicle to expose the stupidity of prejudice. This makes it an entertaining and thought-provoking story that | would thoroughly recommend to anyone who is a fan of the classics. Underline the detail in the text which is used to: 1. talk about the book's message 2. explain the plot 3. give factual information about the book 4. express an opinion of the book Il. Read the book review, and do the tasks that follow. The Old Man and the Sea a book review by Mai Nguyen 1 The Old Man and the Sea is a short novel by the famous American writer Ernest Hemingway. He wrote it in 1951 when he was 52 years old and it is one of his best- known works. Three years later, Hemingway received the ‘coveted Nobel Prize in Literature 2 It's the story of an old fisherman called Santiago. After 84 days without catching a fish, he is hungry, impoverished and alone. The other villagers avoid him because they think his ‘disastrous luck might make them unlucky too. Finally, his luck changes and ho hooks a ‘huge marlin. After a long and ‘exhausting struggle, he eventually manages to bring it on board his boat. But his troubles are not over. During a ‘terrifying attack sharks try to steal his catch. He succeeds in fighting off the attackers. However, they eat the marlin, leaving him only the fish's skeleton. In the end, he loses the marlin but regains his pride and his friends. 3 | ked the book because the story is ‘fascinating. | admired the character of Santiago because he showed a lot of courage and perseverance. The moral of the story is thought-provoking and the style of writing is simple and poetic. | would definitely recommend it to you Task 1. In which paragraph does Mai: A. give her opinion of the book? B. describe what happens in the book? C. give information about the book and its author? Task 2. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false sentences. 4. The main character in the book is 52 years old 2. In the story, Santiago catches a large shark 3. Mai found the character of Santiago admirable 4. Mai says the book has funny and serious parts Task 3. Match the adjectives in bold in the text with its meaning. a.frightening e. poor b. tiring f. desirable c. interesting 9. large d.bad Read the notes about the film and complete the review. Film watched recent Friends Forever? (drama) Setting: Preston, England Main characters: Daisy Jennings, Layla Evans Details: Daisy moves to Preston Layla becomes Daisy's friend Layla: very popular Layla starts to be horrible to Daisy Daisy feels very sad Film shows how relationships change Opinion: Really liked the film Positive ending / very happy I'd like to recommend a film that | watched recently called “Friends Forever?”. The film is a and the setting is Preston, England The main characters are * In the film, Daisy moves to Preston, and Layla * Layla is, at school, but soon, Layla starts * Daisy feels very sad. However, Daisy ‘ and starts to feel better. On the whole, 17 The film shows how relationships change. The thing | liked most is ® because it's * IV. Write the film review, using the following cues. AFilm Review What kind the film is: a Disney cartoon film What the title of the film is: Atiantis. The Lost Empire Who the film is directed by: Gary Trousdale and Kirk Wise Who the main character is: a scientist named Milo Thatch Who the characters are played by: Milo’s voice is played by Michael J. Fox A short description of the plot (the story): A rich man gives Milo a submarine and a team of people to help him find the Lost Empire of Atlantis. After some exciting adventures, Milo and his team find Atlantis. But Atlantis is in trouble. Milo has to save it. Details of special effects/ costumes/ music, ete.: The music in this film is amazing What we think is good or bad about the film: The film is sometimes scary, but it is very exciting A recommendation (advice about whether your classmates should watch this film and who will enjoy it): If you like action films and cartoons, you will love Atlantis: The Lost Empire. Answer: Atlantis: The Lost Empirés V. Write the film review of Yellow Flowers on the Green Grass, using the notes given below. Paragraph 1: - |/ recently / watched / a film / Yellow Flowers on the Green Grass - it/based on / Nguyen Nhat Anh’s best-seller / the same title Paragraph 2: the main characters / the two brothers / Thieu, a 12-year-old boy / and / is little brother / Tuong, a 7-yeat-old boy - the plot / the memories ! the poor childhood the brothers / do everything together / playing in rice paddles / playing games. - their days / filled / curious adventures - then one day, Man, Thiou’s classmate / come / stay / their house for a while / because / her house is on fire - because of jealousy / Thieu / do physical harm / Tuong / Tuong can’t stand up. - in order to meet his classmate, Nhi / Tuong / try to walk again / one day / he J run / to find Nhi Paragraph 3 - | particularly enjoy / characters / theme of friendship - many of the scenes / memorable / because / they / filmed / the beautiful countryside / Phu Yen Province. Paragraph 4 - Allin all, |/ really enjoy / the film - I'd like / recommend this film / everyone ! because / | think / all of us / to recall our childhood. | have recently watched a film called The main characters are the two brothers: | particularly enjoy the characters and Allin all, | really REVIEW Unit 7 Vocabulary |. Complete the sentences with the words below. concert stage gallery still performance 1. Some people don't really understand art. 2. There’s a lovely life painting in the dining room 3. The first musical | saw was Lion King. 4. The new hall is beautifully designed 5. The art has an exhibition of Van Gogh’ paintings this summer. Il. Complete the sentences with the words below. There are two extra words that you do not need. poems composed playwright novels sitcom scriptwriter drawing sculptures 1. It must be difficult for a to convert the words of a novel into the screenplay for a film. 2. The novelist Thomas Hardy wrote some fairly depressing 3. That sculptor creates enormous of overweight figures

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