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Health + Mobility 27

How can we design for

health through mobility

Design protocol

Planning and design

should contribute BENCHMARKING
positively to creating IDENTIFYING SYMPTOMS
How is the area currently performing?
an environment that What vital signs could be improved?
promotes health.
The mobility + health design protocol SYMPTOMS
is a guidance procedure to help design AND
and assess mobility infrastructure in ASSESSMENT
relation to health outcomes.
The design protocol is based on
Health Impact Assessments (HIA)
processes (see appendix A. Existing SYMPTOMS ASSESSMENT
tools and methodologies) and Why is the area performing like this?
the framework (Chapter 2) which What are the opportunities and
describes the relationships between constraints?
the built environment (mobility
infrastructure) and health outcomes.
The protocol helps to highlight:
• Which particular health areas can

• What mobility infrastructure design


It is intended to be a supplement to
current planning and design processes INTERVENTIONS AND PRESCRIPTION
such as visioning, masterplanning What are the design options?
or strategy development to ensure What should be prioritised?
that opportunities to create an TREATMENT
environment which promotes health
through mobility infrastructure are
considered alongside other key PRESCRIPTION
outcomes. AND
The guidance procedure is based
on the following steps which are
interrelated and can be taken
sequentially or standalone: CHECK UP
How is the area performing after
Are there further areas to improve?
Health + Mobility 29

Diagnosis For the benchmarking process to have Treatment

value, measures and indicators from
BENCHMARKING at least two of the framework areas SCENARIO TESTING
Benchmarking helps identify how should be evaluated such as mobility Design scenarios can be based on the
something measures up against the infrastructure and health impact outcomes of the Opportunities and
average or a standard. Accordingly, areas. This can then give an indication Constraints assessment. The scenarios
for each indicator or measure that is of which relationships need to be that are developed can either be:
used in the benchmarking process, further investigated and which built • A series of design options
a relevant and appropriate standard environment areas could help improve which respond to the various
is required to allow comparison and the outcomes. opportunities and constraints
assessment. simultaneously; or
The benchmarking process is intended • A series of design options which
to help identify potential issues or address only a single goal issue or
be considered in the benchmarking ‘symptoms’ in a ‘mobility – health’ opportunity (i.e. scenario where
context that should be taken to the the only goal is to create better air
next stage of the protocol. quality).
scales (i.e. walking on a local scale)
resulting to health impacts being OPPORTUNITIES AND CONSTRAINTS The scenarios can then be qualitatively
This stage assesses the issues/ assessed against a number of health
geographic scales should consider outcomes relationships which can be
the type of project and mobility benchmarking process to understand
infrastructure which is being designed. the related opportunities and by understanding the wider and
Suggested scales include: constraints and potential solutions. interrelated relationships.
• Street (micro)
Comparison with best practice Using the framework, the FOLLOW UP
• Precinct (study area) After the chosen design has been
Comparison to best practice or through the benchmarking process implemented, the outcomes should
surrounding neighbourhood can highlight the relationships be monitored periodically to check
averages which need to be further examined. whether they meet the expectations.
• City (metropolitan area) Once these relationships have been The outcomes can be monitored in
Comparison to similar or best relation to lifestyle/behaviour, health
practice cities undertaken. These studies can involve impacts or health outcomes.
• Region (macro) further focused data collecting and
Comparison with national average. benchmarking to drill down to the key This step helps to close the gap
issues to identify key opportunities between knowledge/design intention
The areas to be benchmarked are and challenges. and actual outcomes. The results from
derived from the four areas of the the follow up should be fed back into
framework: The outcome of the assessment the Health and Mobility framework,
• Mobility infrastructure provides input for a design brief of contributing in this way to further
Availability/type/condition and improving or transforming the areas develop the health and mobility body
performance that require attention according to the of knowledge.
• Lifestyle and Behaviours (including
demographics) The Health and Mobility framework
• Health impact areas is a continually evolving piece
• Health outcomes of research and does not aim to

A list of potential measures and

indicators can be found in ‘Chapter through the literature review. As
2: Health + Mobility Framework’ the relationships are complex and
alongside discussion around of issues still being actively researched,
related to data. it’s expected that the framework
also evolve as new information is

the Design

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