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National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur (HP)

Electronics and Communication Engineering Department
B.Tech. End-Semester Examination, 2017

Branch: ECE ,IIIT Una Semester: 5th

Course Name: Microprocessors-Theory and Applications Course Code: ECD-311
Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 60

Note: All Questions are compulsory.

1. i) List 16 bit registers of 8085 microprocessor.

ii) What is the use of RIM and SIM instructions in 8085.
iii) Differentiate between INR B and INX B.
iv) What is the need of wait state?
v) Differentiate between vectored and non vectored interrupts. (2 x 5 =10)

2. Identify the addressing modes of following instructions:

i) RAR
ii) SHLD 4000H
iii) SBI 02 H
iv) INR C
v) MOV A, M (1 x 5 = 5)

3. Elaborate the function of following pin signals of 8085:

ii) IO/M(bar)
iii) X1 and X2
iv) INTR
v) READY (1 x 5 = 5)

4. i) Write an assembly language program to find the greatest number in a data array of
five numbers. (5)
ii) What will be the status of carry flag, zero flag, parity flag after the execution of
each instruction in the following code:
5. i) If the memory chip size is 256 x 2 bits, then find the number of chips required to
make 2KB of memory.
ii) Connect 4KB EPROM with system lines of 8085 from address space 7000H.
6. i) Explain the operation of 8257 DMA controller with the help of suitable block
ii) Show what will happen if following instructions are executed in 8085
MVI A, 10H
7. i) List the operating modes of 8255 PPI.
ii) Write the control word format for 8255 w.r.t. Port A, Port B and Port C.
8. i) Write mode word format for 8251 USART while operating in asynchronous
ii) Answer the following in reference to 8251 USART:

C/D' RD' WR' Register

0 1
1 0 Transmit Buffer
1 0 1
0 Mode/ Sync Register (2+3=5)

9. Write short note on 8086 microprocessor.


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