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Yeganeh behboodi

Bachelour of English language translation

Dialogue language institute

Avesta language institute

Part A/B : In my opinion, it doesn’t have any problem and base on students level it can be good.

Part c : with removing wrong items we will find the answer. (Lack of harmony)

Part D : there isn’t enough space for drawing.

Part E : it doesn’t notice exactly which part and which picture, it can be bewildering for them.(in
general it can be a good question because, it examined just one case )

Part F : it can be challenging and also interesting too (base on their level )

Part G : first it should answer one of it as example.(maybe students confused, it just write yes
its not enough it should write yes she can.)

Part H : I think it was better to write more letters 2 or 3 , it can help students to remind the
answer easier.

Part I : it was better to write an example,it helps them to write the answer better.

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