Victory Daily BEAUTY OF PRAISES August 2023

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As the end of the age is drawing closer, one of the virtues of God that
the devil wants to take away from the sons of men is Praises. That is
why things are going to get harder for so many people. Praises as it
were, is a major virtue in God that guarantees the presence of God
(Psalm 22:3). Praise is what will help man to approach the throne room
of God (Psalm 100:4). It is only as people keep a life of praises that they
will enjoy God’s intervention in their ways in life.

The devil, having known what is in praises for humanity will do all things
to discourage the act (Joel 1:12). For this reason, the Lord had laid it in
my heart to give attention to the subject of Praises in this devotional.

I will like you to therefore be available to study the word of God with
me to grow in a praise life. By the strength of praises, we shall
overcome (2 Chronicles 20:20-25). By it, we shall be strong in the Lord
to welcome the Messiah’s second coming. Peace.

Pst. Remi Agbabiaka


Scripture Reading: Isaiah 43:16-21
“This people I have formed for Myself; They shall declare My praise”
(V. 21)

It’s important you realize that you are made to praise the Lord. In other
word, God created you for His praises. He made you to be your best as
you praise Him all the days of your life. It is in praises that we are able
to overcome the limitations of this world and by praises we are able to
connect with the supernatural for our testimonies in this world.
The word of God says we are formed to show forth the praises of God.
We are to see this in different dimension. God made us to enjoy His
best as we engage in praises. Whenever we become praiseful, God can
connect with us, God can pour Himself into us, Man and God can work
together (Acts 16:24-26). It is as we praise God that God can join in the
battle of our lives. It is as we are praiseful that our case can turn out to
be a testimony.

That is why we must not allow anything to hinder our praise life. The
enemy will always want to confuse us to be sorrowful. He will always
make us feel that God is not good to us. The truth is that parents are
always good to their children. The same is God to us. All we are passing
through are to turn to His glory at last (Luke 21:13). So, braze up. Don’t
allow what you are passing through stop you from getting to where you
are going to. Your case shall turn to testimony in Jesus name. Peace.

PRAYER: Lord, help me to be praiseful notwithstanding.



Scripture Reading: 1 Peter 2:4-10
“But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation,
His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who
called you out of darkness into His marvelous light” (V. 9)

God saved us that we might live a praiseful life. This is because, that is
how He can be part of what we are doing to fulfill our assignments on
earth. If God is not part of what we are doing, then the enemy is bound
to see the loopholes to have his way. That way, he has hindered many
from fulfilling their destiny. You will fulfill your destiny in Jesus name.

The word of God talked about the greatness of our destiny. In our
destiny, God sees us as a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy
nation and His own special people. The purpose of it all is that our lives
might bring praises to His name. It is when our life brings praises to the
name of God, that God is perfecting His plan in the world. It is therefore
important that we allow the Holy Spirit to make us vessels of His

When Jesus says God is looking for those who will worship Him, He is
simply looking for those who will open up to Him through praises and
He can work through them. So, make up your mind to make God glad.
This is by opening up to Him in praise (Revelation 3:20). That will give
Him the permission to join with you in your journey. And your life will at
last result to testimonies. Peace.

PRAYER: Lord, let my life be for your praises.



Scripture Reading: Psalms 92: 1-15
“It is good to give thanks to the Lord, And to sing praises to Your
name, O Most High” (V. 1)

Praises is an act of fellowshipping with God to give Him honour and

glory. Praises is the act of humbling self to fellowship with God. It is
recognizing God as the maker and the owner of all things. It is allowing
God to take the glory in all things (1 Corinthians 10:31). Praises is an act
of total submission to God for His glory (Isaiah 42:8).

The word of God says it is good to give thanks and praises to God the
most high. Most people see the goodness of praises for their own profit
and not from the purpose of God. So, praises look like what they do to
enjoy. Thank God for the privileged of musical instrument and good
music but the best of praises are when our heart can appreciate Him in
all things (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

Praises is the act of giving what God need to Him to give man the best.
Praises is what open the door of the heart of man to God. Praises is
what connect God into the situation of man. Praises is an act of man
handling over their battle to God (2 Chronicles 20:20-25). It is humbling
self to allow God to step into your matter. It is permitting the host of
heaven to work in our situation. Peace.

PRAYER: Lord, give me grace to be humbled to always give you praise



Scripture Reading: Isaiah 6:1-7
“And he touched my mouth with it, and said: "Behold, this has
touched your lips; Your iniquity is taken away, And your sin purged."”
(V. 7)

God created us to praise Him for the purpose of Him been able to
influence us. Every man is influenced by one thing or the other. It is
either a man is influenced by the Spirit of God or the spirit of the devil
(Job 32:8). At creation we see God pouring Himself into man (Genesis
2:7). God made us to be an influence over all His other creatures. But
we can see from the life of Adam and Eve, how the devil came to
influence them to sin against God. He seeks to do the same to all man
and woman till now.

Isaiah was in the spirit and he saw the Lord (Isaiah 6:1). This was
possible because He was in fellowship with God (Psalm 22:3). He saw
the angels of God singing Holy, Holy, Holy. Prophet Isaiah said he saw
himself unclean, but one of the angels took a coal of fire to touch his
lips. That way, God influenced him to be a quality vessel for His glory.
Friend, until God keep influencing you for His glory, life will be with
much difficulty. He influenced us by pouring Himself into us (Joel 2:28).
He influences us by cleansing us (Isaiah 1:18). He influenced us by
instructing us into destiny (Acts 13:2). He influences us by inspiring us to
act in faith for achievements (Job 32:8). He influences us to be strong to
conquer and to fulfill our destiny (1 Samuel 17:32). All of these acts of
influencing happen in the places of fellowship and praises (Acts 13:2).

PRAYER: Lord, help me to always enjoy your influences over my life

through praises


Scripture Reading: Psalms 145:8-13
“The Lord is good to all, And His tender mercies are over all His works”
(V. 9)

Praises is when man can see God as being good to them. No heart will
be willing to sincerely praise God except they see God being good. Man
passes through different season in life. All of them are to work out a
good end for us (Romans 8:28). In the midst of our challenging
experience, no one enjoys it. Even Jesus asked God to make
amendment in the midst of challenges (Luke 22:42; Hebrews 12:11).
But God allows us to pass through it all that it might turn to a testimony
for us (Luke 21:13)

The Bible says, the Lord is good to all. His tender mercies are seen in all
His works. If not for the mercy of the Lord, what shall we be saying
today (Psalms 124). If it is not the mercy of the Lord, where shall we be
today? We all need to know that God is good to us. You need to always
see Him good to you. He is never wicked. It is in seeing His goodness
around you that your heart activates His goodness in your life.
You need to know that God will be to you as you see Him (Exodus 3:14).
Let your heart always consider Him good (Psalms 135:3). You will find
praises of God flowing through your heart to your mouth when you
consider Him good to you and He will be able to perform His goodness
through your life. Peace.

PRAYER: Lord, give me the understanding to see your goodness in all


Scripture Reading: Lamentation 3:20-27
“They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness” (V. 23)

It in the faithfulness of God that the generation of men have been

preserved. Praises is going to be possible when you consider God to be
faithful. In His faithfulness, He has always forgiven your sins (1 John 1:7-
9). In the faithfulness of God, we have not been casted out in His sight.
Even in our unfaithfulness, God has been faithful.

The word of God says, because of the mercy of the Lord, we are not
consumed. God renew His faithfulness towards us daily. The faithfulness
of the Lord is great. God is faithful to fulfill all His promises in our lives
(Hebrews 10:23). By His faithfulness, we are permitted in His presence
(1 Corinthians 1:9). By the faithfulness of God, we are always protected
from evil (2 Thessalonians 3:3).

To be faithful is to keep to one’s promises. In the faithfulness of the

Lord, He has always kept to his promises to perform them. That is why
we are alive today. Praises is considering the faithfulness of God.
Everyone who acted in faith is because they consider God to be faithful
(Hebrews 11:11). Friend, you need to always consider the faithfulness
of God to you. That way, you will be full of His praises and thanksgiving
always. Peace.

PRAYER: Lord, help me to always appreciate your faithfulness.



Scripture Reading: Psalms 29:1-11
“Give unto the Lord the glory due to His name; Worship the Lord in the
beauty of holiness” (V. 2)

We are made to give glory to God in all our lives (1 Corinthians 10:31).
The glory of God is in His honour and praises. Whenever we are praising
God, we are bringing glory to Him. This is a major thing God desire from
the sons of men. Among all that the Lord had made, only the falling
demons and man that does not always give glory to God. This is
because the devil always wants us to lose focus on the importance of
God to our lives. So, man prefer the way of sin (Romans 3:23).

The word of God says, we should give unto God the glory due to His
name. To give glory to God means, we recognize Him as our maker and
owner. He is the maker of everything that is existing (Revelation 4:11).
We give glory to God when we praise Him (Psalms 29:2). We give glory
to God when we love others that He made (John 13:34-35; 1 John 3:14).
We bring glory to God when we grow His attitude and character to be
like Him (2 Corinthians 3:18). We give glory to God when we are serving
Him with our gifts (1Peter 4:10-11). We bring glory to God when we
bring others to God (2 Corinthians 4:15).

Friend, your life will only reflect the beauty of the Lord when you are
bringing glory to God. The reason we should bring glory to God is that
God might also glorify Himself in us (John 17:4-5). When the glory of
God is on you, all that you do will bring testimony and praises to God.
And you will be God’s special person. Peace.
PRAYER: Lord, give me the grace to bring glory to you in all I do.


Scripture Reading: Romans 12:1-8
Devotional: Romans 12:1
Romans 12:1
“And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies
to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and
holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to
worship him” (V. 1) NLT

Praises is an act of surrendering to God. When people surrender in

battle, they hand up. That is why we lift up our hands when we are
praising God. It's a pity people do that today without knowing the
meaning neither do they mean that (Psalms 63:4; 134:2). Lifting up of
hands mean to surrender to an authority recognized as superior.

The word of God ask us to surrender our bodies as a living sacrifice,

holy and acceptable to God. The word of God says this is the true way
to worship God (Romans 12:1)NLT. So, it means worship and praises will
not be sincere if we don't first surrender. People who worship without
surrendering are known as pretenders. Their heart is not true. Their
intention is corrupt (Mark 7:6). But this is what most people do often.
They lift up hands in the place of worship but they disobey God at will.

Friend, the time has come to make up your mind to surrender to God.
Give yourself sincerely as a living sacrifice to God. This means you have
to be dead to self but alive to God (Romans 6:1-6). Self is the mentality
we have grown up with in our culture and tradition that is contrary to
the will of God (Romans 12:2). The Bible says we should unlearn those
things. To be dead to self means to be separated from the lifestyle that
is contrary to the word of God. This is what it means to be praiseful.
This is what it means to be obedience to God and to live in
righteousness. Peace!

PRAYER: Lord, help me to truly surrender to you



Scripture Reading: Psalms 105:1-15
“Remember His marvelous works which He has done, His wonders,
and the judgments of His mouth” (V. 5)

The act of praises is the act of recognizing the deeds of God in your life.
It is the act of recognizing Him as the doer of great things in your life. It
is recognizing Him as the hidden strength behind your progress. It is
recognizing Him as the one who is your help in trouble.

The word of God says, he that comes to God must believe that He exist
and that He will reward those who seek Him diligently (Hebrew 11:6).
To recognize God is not to praise Him on a Sunday morning alone but to
praise Him all the days of our lives (Psalm 113:3). The word of God says,
remember His marvelous works which He has done (Psalms 105:5). So,
whenever you are giving praises to God you are recognizing His mighty
works. By this, you provoke Him to do more. God will be to you
whatever you call Him.

Friend, it's time to walk in the light of this reality and let nothing stop
the praises of God from your mouth. Whenever you recognize God in
praises, He will always direct you to further miracles (Psalms 37:23). So,
choose to live a praiseful life. That way, you will invoke the involvement
of God in your situations by recognizing Him as your strength. And you
will start to make meaningful progress. Peace!
PRAYER: Lord, help me to always recognize you with my praises


Scripture Reading: 2 Chronicles 20:14-30
“Now when they began to sing and to praise, the Lord set ambushes
against the people of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir, who had come
against Judah; and they were defeated” (V. 22)

God had made man from the beginning to be a free moral agent. Which
means we are created to make choices. God does not get involve
directly when man is making a choice because He has created in us the
system to be able to make choices. When we are faced with any
trouble, we make choices of where to receive help and who to involve
in the battles of life.

Judah was confronted by three nations in battle. They see themselves

inadequate, so they sought the Lord. This is what happen when we
praise the Lord. We are praising Him because of who He has been to us
and what we know He can do for us (Exodus 15:1-11). As the children of
God obeyed the Lord to praise Him, God set ambush against their
enemy and they destroy themselves. This is what happens whenever
we praise God.

Praises is getting God involve in your battle. He who take to fear get the
devil involve, please learn to get God involve. Whenever you are giving
praises to God, He will join you (Psalms 22:1-3). God often send angels
to bring answer to prayers but He get involve when you choose to give
Him praises even in the midst of your battle. That is why it is dangerous
when a child of God is not praiseful. It is wisdom to live a praiseful life.
It will get God involved in your affairs. Peace!
PRAYER: Lord, give me understanding to always get you involve in my


Scripture Reading: John 4:19-26
“But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will
worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to
worship Him” (V. 23)

Praises is bringing pleasure to God. This is what God expect from us

always. Just like a wise son will bring joy to his father, so is God our
maker is expecting of us. Whenever a son makes the father glad, the
father will willingly bless the son, so it is with God and man. We bring
pleasure to God whenever we are praising Him.

The word of God says, God is seeking those who will worship Him.
Remember, praises and worship are the same before God. God is
seeking those who will worship Him because it is in this, He can inject
us with the supply of His Spirit and His grace (Philippians 1:19). When
He made us, He didn’t make us to live without Him (John 15:5). That
was the reason He put His Spirit in us (Genesis 2:7). He didn’t do this for
another creature. It is His Spirit in us that made us to have His likeness
(Genesis 1:27). So, we are to keep quality relationship with Him to be
able to fulfill our purpose of creation. So, He is seeking our worship like
a man seeks a woman. This is because the man has something to
deposit in the woman before she can fulfill her purpose on earth.

So, we bring God relational pleasure when we praise Him (Isaiah 43:21).
We bring pleasure when we trust Him completely (Proverbs 3:5-6). We
bring God pleasure when we obey Him wholeheartedly (Psalms 119:33-
34). We bring Him pleasure when we praise Him continually (1
Thessalonians 5:18; Psalms 119:164). We bring Him pleasure when we
serve Him (Psalms 33:15). Peace

PRAYER: Lord, help me to bring you pleasure in all I do



Scripture Reading: Exodus 15:1-11
"Who is like You, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like You, glorious in
holiness, Fearful in praises, doing wonders” (V. 11)

Praising God is celebrating His power and His wonderful works. The
wonderful works of God is seen in our lives on daily basis. It is seen in
the sun and the moon that shine daily (Psalms 19:1-3; 136:7-9). It is
seen in the plant that grows for our food and respiration. It is seen in
our going out and coming in, sleeping and waking up (Psalms 3:5). It is
seen in His protection over us and all the members of our family
(Psalms 12:1-8). God’s goodness is seen in the help we receive from Him
daily (Psalms 68:19).

The word of God says, there is no one like our God. There is no one as
glorious in holiness like our God (Exodus 15:11). He is fearful in praises
and always doing wonders. This is an act of celebrating the power and
the mighty works of God. The devil doesn't want us to remember to do
this. The reason is because whatever you are celebrating will be
multiplying in your life. That is why you must learn to celebrate your
God, your progress, your peace and your health. This is the act of

Friend, you have celebrated your challenges and sorrow enough. It is

time to celebrate God, your strength and your helper. It is in doing this
that God will continue to do wonderful things in your life. It is in this
that you will begin to see His miracles in your life. Peace!
PRAYER: Lord, help me to keep celebrating your power in my life

Scripture Reading: 2 Samuel 6:12-23
“Then David returned to bless his household. And Michal the
daughter of Saul came out to meet David, and said, "How glorious
was the king of Israel today, uncovering himself today in the eyes of
the maids of his servants, as one of the base fellows shamelessly
uncovers himself!" (V. 20)

Praises demand humility for it to be genuinely giving to God. Man has

been so brainwashed to think there is no need for God, so much, that
this pride does not make us to praise Him. The truth is that praising
someone will demand that one humbles himself. But in the course of
trying to maintain our self-esteem, we often find it difficult to praise
God at the expense of our ego.

As David and the children of Israel were bringing the ark of the Lord to
the place prepared for it, this was done in much music of praises to
God. David the king, then danced in praises to His maker. But this does
not fit in to the human mode for a king. We expect kings to behave
kingly, but David humbled himself and danced unto God so much that
one of his wives, the daughter of King Saul mocked him and the woman
remain barren all her lifetime.

Friend, God is not the age mate of any mortal man. So, we must be
humbled in other to be able to praise Him. No matter how highly placed
a woman might be, when she is with her husband, she is number two
and she must be humbled in other to be able to honour the husband
(Ephesians 5:23-24). Among ourselves, we can play a kingly role, but
when we are with God, please humble yourself that your praises may
be acceptable. Peace

PRAYER: Lord, give me a humble heart to praise you

Scripture Reading: Psalms 100:1-5
“Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, And into His courts with
praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name” (V. 4)

Gratitude is one of the attitudes of mature people. Gratitude is an

attitude that proves a man to be wise. As simple as gratitude is, so also
as difficult as it could be for many people to demonstrate. The truth is
that, the praise of God demands that we are thankful and to be
thankful we will need a grateful heart.

The word of God commands us to be thankful unto God (Psalm 100:4; 1

Thessalonians 5:18). Disobedience to this often leads to barrenness and
stagnancy (2 Samuel 6:20-23; Malachi 2:1-2). The progresses some
ought to have made are hindered by ingratitude. So many people sing
praises to God daily but they are not thankful (Matthew 15:7-9). A
grateful heart is a heart that is humble to appreciate what God is doing.
People lack a grateful heart because they are highly ambitious. Their
plans are higher than that of God. So, whatever God is doing is not

Friend, God’s plan for you is good and He has the best time to bring
them to manifestation (Jeremiah 29:11). Comparing yourself with
others is not wisdom (2 Corinthians 10:12). No matter how great is your
desire, wisdom demands that you take one step after the other to get
there. So, every little step should be appreciated and soon you will get
to your place (1 Peter 5:6). And everyone will rejoice with you in Jesus
name. Peace.
PRAYER: Lord, help me to be humble to be grateful

FAITH Day 15
Scripture Reading: Romans 4:16-25
“He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was
strengthened in faith, giving glory to God” (V. 20)

The true praises of God can only come from a heart of faith. This is a
heart that strongly believes God for a miracle. This is a heart that put
his hope in God like Abraham did. This is a heart that is not fixed on
what is available presently but what the promises of the word of God
say. This is a heart that is willing to wait to see the manifestation of the
word of God (Job 14:14).

The word of God says Abraham did not waver or doubt God’s ability to
fulfill His word in his life. Instead of doubting, he was rather giving glory
to God (Romans 4:20). This was really possible because Abraham had
made up his mind not to doubt God. The word of God says doubters
will receive nothing from God (James 1:6-8). So, Abraham had decided
that instead of doubting, he will rather praise God. You should learn to
do the same. Thank you Lord! You are able to help me! I know you are
faithful! etc are ways to praise Him

Friend, learning to give glory and praises to God in any situation is a

great way to help you overcome doubts. Instead of thinking negatively,
you quickly remember the faithfulness of God and give Him praise.
Since you have made up your mind not to doubt God, this will always
help you out. Make up your mind to trust God till your change come like
that of Job (Job 14:14). Decide not to turn to other God (Psalms 16:4).
Remember, God has been faithful to the fathers and He will be faithful
to you too. Peace.
PRAYER: Lord, sustain me in faith of your faithfulness


Scripture Reading: Psalms 149:1-9
“Let them praise His name with the dance; Let them sing praises to
Him with the timbrel and harp” (V. 3)

Praises become deep when it is done with a dance. Just as people could
sing from their lips and not with their heart, so also it is possible for
people to dance a show dance and not a dance of praises. As emotional
being, we always love to express what is sincerely coming from our
heart. Whenever we are truly praiseful, it will show in our expression.

The Bible commanded us to praise the name of the Lord with a dance.
This is because God take pleasure in seeing us dancing. True dance and
not a fake or the one to impress people are genuine expression of our
heart. When we remember the goodness of the Lord to us or when we
have received a blessing from the Lord, such time our soul becomes
glad and we feel like dancing. Believe, God will make you to dance this
year in Jesus name.

Friend, with a humble heart, it is important to learn how to express our

heart with a dance. God is always happy with us when we dance
sincerely from our heart. Our faithful dance could make the angel dance
with us. This is because the spirit of joy at work will always attract the
heavenly host (Psalms 16:11; Acts 16:25-26). When our dance is from
the heart, it makes God happy at our praise. Peace!

PRAYER: Lord, give me a heart for a danceful praises.

Scripture Reading: Psalms 63:1-11
“My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness, And my
mouth shall praise You with joyful lips” (V. 5)

It is going to be difficult for a sorrowful heart to praise God (Proverbs

25:20). That is why we must always fellowship with the Holy Spirit so
that we can always bear the fruit of joy. The reason why many people in
Church and even in the choir do not always praise God is sorrow. It will
be challenging to combine sorrow and praises (Psalms 137:1-6). So, we
need a joyful heart to be able to praise the Lord.

The word of God says, my soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and
fatness and my mouth shall praise you with a joyful heart. To maintain a
joyful heart, we must allow the Spirit of God to rule over our heart. It is
then we can bear joy as one of the fruits of our lives (Galatians 5:22).
We must also take pleasure in the will of God and putting our hope in
God. Be patient and be satisfied with God. The Psalmist says, my soul
shall be satisfied in God.

Friend, not many things give us joy in this world. We sometimes put
ourselves in sorrow when we don’t have corresponding action of faith
with our expectations. So therefore, any time the expected result is not
coming, we easily get disturbed. But we are the one who did not act in
obedience to God. When our hope and expectations become delayed,
we become discouraged (Proverbs 13:12). We must be willing to keep a
consistent work of faith with the Holy Spirit. Then we can keep a joyful
heart to be praiseful. Peace.

PRAYER: Lord, give me unending grace for joy


Scripture Reading: Psalms 113:1-3
“From the rising of the sun to its going down The Lord's name is to be
praised” (V. 3)

The praises of God should be 'always' in our mouth. A mouth that is not
always praising God is likely praising people, situation or problems.
Remember that God created you for His praise (Isaiah 43:19-21).
Remember that you are saved to praise God (1 Peter 2:9). This is
because it is in praise that God can be part of your life. It is in praises
that He will be enthroned in your heart and in all your situations
(Psalms 22:3). It is in praises that God can take over the battles of your
life (2 Chronicles 20:20-24).

The word of God says, we should praise God from the rising of the sun
to it’s going down. This simply means from morning till night. The word
of God says, in everything, we should keep giving thanks to God (1
Thessalonians 5:18). This is because we need the presence of God 24/7
round the clock. This is because, God wants to always inspire us to
action for our progress and keep leading us into His plan and purpose.

King David who understands the importance and the power of praise
said, he praises God seven times a day (Psalms 119:164). Praising God
always means you are conscious of His presence with you and giving
Him praises (Psalms 16:8). Thank you Lord! You are worthy of my
praises! I am grateful! etc. are words of praises anytime, anywhere.

PRAYER: Lord, put your words of praises in my mouth always

Scripture Reading: Matthew 22:34-40
“Jesus said to him, "'You shall love the Lord your God with all your
heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.'”’ (V. 37)
For us to be able to worship God effectively demands that we love Him
supremely. To love God supremely means, He is higher than all men and
all things in your life. Praise goes beyond singing or playing instruments.
It goes beyond dancing and clapping of hands. It springs right from our
heart. So, the state of our heart is so vital, if our praises will be
acceptable to God. That is why Jesus said, we must worship God in spirit
and truth (John 4:24).

The word of God says, we should love God with all our heart, our soul
and with our entire mind. Then, we are to love our neighbor as
ourselves. God’s love must be vertical and that of man horizontal. So,
the love of God in our heart must be different from the dimension at
which we love men. It must be far greater than it all. To love Him
supremely means you are willing to drop human offer to obey and
praise Him.

The level we place God in our heart determines the state of our heart in
worship. Our praises must be from a heart of true love. We are
commanded to love Him and allow His love to determine our thinking,
our decisions and our actions. This is the true act of praises. In this, our
praises can be strong enough to bring God into our situations. Peace.

PRAYER: Lord, plant the seed of your love in my heart.

Scripture Reading: Psalms 40:1-8
“He has put a new song in my mouth — Praise to our God; Many will
see it and fear, And will trust in the Lord” (V. 3)

Our act of total trust in God is an act of honour and worship to Him.
When children trust their parents, the parents are pleased. So, also is
God. Today, many feel it’s a waste of time to trust God. Many mocks
when you say you are trusting God. This is because they don’t know
what it means to trust God. It is not an irresponsible statement, neither
an idle statement.

The word of God says God take pleasure in those who trust in Him
(Psalms 147:11). The word says, in God I will praise His word, in God I
have put my trust. Trusting God is an act of praises to God (Psalms
56:4). To trust God completely mean you put your hope and faith in
Him. The word of God says concerning Abraham that he hoped in God
even when there is no reason to hope (Romans 4:18-22). The word of
God says this pleases God and was counted to him for righteousness.

Friend, you need to observe the areas of your life where you need to
trust God. You must be willing to put your hope in Him. This pleases the
Lord just like an hundred songs of praises. This is living by seeing God
capable of performing His words in our lives. Trust in God is trust in His
words to act on his instructions. This is the responsibility of trust and
faith. You will not fail in Jesus name (Psalms 125: 1-5). Peace.

PRAYER: Lord, help me to always trust on you



Scripture Reading: 1 John 3:1-5
“And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is
pure” (V. 3)

The act of obedience to God is an act of love and the act of love is an
act of worship. A child that is always obeying the parents enjoys the
favour of the parents. So, also as we obey the Lord in all that we do we
gain the favour of God (Psalms 5:12). So, singing songs of praises to God
while we are disobeying Him is not worship.

The word of God says, if you love me, you will obey my commandment
(John 14:15). The word of God says, this is the love of God, that we keep
His commandment. The importance of we keeping His commandment is
that He guides us into His way of favour and we willingly follow Him to
our blessings (Isaiah 48:17). The instructions of the Lord is for our good
(Isaiah 1:19). The challenge with man is that the devil often wants him
to feel that the way of God is not pleasurable.

Friend, we need to ask for the grace of God to help us to always obey
the instructions of the Lord. This is love and this is faith. Every moment
of our lives, we should allow the Holy Spirit to guide us (Proverbs 3:5-6).
We should not put God’s instructions aside. He knows more than we do
and He can lead us to success. Peace.

PRAYER: Lord, give me the grace to always obey you in all my ways.

Scripture Reading: Psalms 16:1-6
“Their sorrows shall be multiplied who hasten after another god;
Their drink offerings of blood I will not offer, Nor take up their names
on my lips” (V. 4)

Another factor that removes praises from the life of people is idolatry.
This is an act of following other god apart from the Father, the Son and
the Holy Spirit. Idolatry has trapped the destiny of many people. People
follow other gods because they take to suggestions from the ungodly.
Ungodly way may look profitable, but the end is always destructive
(Proverbs 14:12).

The word of God says, “those who follow other gods shall have
many sorrows”. Idolatry is an optional way offered by the devil for those
who can no longer wait for the Lord (Psalms 37:7-11). The devil always
deceives people with material things till they will bag sorrow. The
reason why idolatry looks better to some people is that it works fast.
But this is deception of the devil to take people away from their joy.

Friend, all that glitters are not gold. Be happy following the Lord. Be
patience to learn the way things work in God (Luke 8:15). Refuse to
follow the devil or any wicked advice. Such will lead to sorrow at last.
Do not because of money seek the devil (1 Timothy 6:10-11). Don't be
offended in God (Matthew 11:6). Humble yourself before God and you
shall be lifted in due season (1 Peter 5:6). Keep serving God with joy
(Deuteronomy 28:47-48). Peace!

PRAYER: Lord, sustain me in your righteousness



Scripture Reading: Isaiah 51:9-16
“So the ransomed of the Lord shall return, And come to Zion with
singing, With everlasting joy on their heads. They shall obtain joy and
gladness; Sorrow and sighing shall flee away” (V. 11)

It is important you learn to overcome what destroys a praiseful life and

a major one is sorrow. The sorrow of the heart is caused by many
factors, part of which is hopelessness (Ecclesiastes 9:4), and sorrowful
company. Everyone you will ever see on earth is a product of the people
they associate with. A praiseful life demands a praiseful company.

The word of God says, the ransom of the Lord shall return and come to
Zion with singing, the word of God says everlasting joy will be on their
head. They shall obtain joy and gladness. Their sorrow and sighing shall
flee away. This is the company of joy. It is at Zion sorrow is terminated.
So, be careful not to play with the house of the Lord. That is the house
of praises. The devil will do everything in this end time to remove
people from the church, be careful.
Friend, anything that get you offended from the church of Jesus cannot
be of God. It is of the devil. Do not desert the house of God because it is
your joyful company (Hebrews 10:25). Don't associate where God’s
presence will not be, this is going to take the praises of God from your
life. You should learn to distance yourself from a sorrowful company.
And your life shall be full of the praises of God in Jesus name. Peace!

PRAYER: Lord, help me not to be a victim of sorrow any more.



Scripture Reading: 1 Timothy 6:11-19
“Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty,
nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us
richly all things to enjoy” (V. 17)

Another enemy of a praiseful life is being high minded. To be high

minded is to be proud, ambitious and dreaming above your capacity.
Instead of some people willing to grow gradually, they will want to grow
to the top one day. So, people’s definition of breakthrough is growing
up in a day. A high-minded man cannot praise God. He will always see
God “not good enough” No matter what God might have done for him;
God will not deserve his praises.

The word of God says that people with high mind should be warned. Do
not trust in money. Put your trust in God who is able to provide all
things. What some are looking for will not let them be grateful to God.
High mindedness will make a man proud. The word of God says pride
goes before destruction (Proverbs 16:18). High minded people want to
gather everything to themselves alone (Luke 12:15).

The word of God says we should be happy with what God has given us
(1 Timothy 6:6-8). This does not mean that we should not desire more
but believe in growing through process and gradual growth. High
mindedness will make people carry spirit of heaviness. It will make man
step on others to rise. If you humble yourself, God will lift you up
(1 Peter 5:6). Peace!

PRAYER: Lord, help me not to be victim of pride.



Scripture Reading: Psalms 22:1-11
“But You are holy, Enthroned in the praises of Israel” (V. 3)

One of the major reasons we should always praise God is to enthrone

Him over our lives. It is where God is praised that He will reign and rule
over. This is because if God is not ruling over a heart, devil through flesh
will be ruling there. A heart ruled by God will always be guided and
influenced by God. That is why it is only those who are ruled by the
spirit of God that are sons of God (Romans 8:14)

The word of God says, God is enthroned in the praises of Israel. This
simply means, you give the throne of your heart to God when you are
living a praiseful life. This means, living a praiseful life makes you enjoy
the rulership of God over your life and situations. The word of God says
in the presence of God, there is fullness of joy (Psalms 16:11). So, when
a heart is full of joy, then, God is then welcome and can rule there. Joy
and praises are the oxygen of God and He cannot do without it. That is
why heaven keep praising God.

Friend, please know that just as joy enthrone God, sorrow also
enthrone the devil. Therefore, make your choice to live a praiseful life
and God’s rulership will be over your life. He will rule over your family,
your career and your businesses. This means He will be the controller
and He must always be obeyed. That way, there will be no throne for
the devil over such life any more. Peace!
PRAYER: Lord, help me to enthrone you alone over my heart


Scripture Reading: Acts 16:20-31
“Suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of
the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened
and everyone's chains were loosed” (V. 26)

Wherever God is praised, His presence will always be there. This is

because He inhabit the praises of His people (Psalms 22:3). God gives
attention to His praises. In other words, praises is an invitation that God
cannot ignore, especially when it comes from a right heart (Psalms
24:3-4). If any one wants to keep the presence of God with him or
herself, the secret is praises.

Paul and Silas were on their mission field for God in Philippi. As the
custom of the devil is, he entered some people to stand against them
and they were put in prison. But in the middle of the night, Paul and
Silas prayed and began to sing praises unto God. This action brought the
presence of God into the prison. The prison foundation began to shake.
Since no door could lock against God, all the prison doors were flared
opened and all the prisoner’s chain were loosed (2 Corinthians 3:17).

Friend, all this happened because the servants of God prayed and sang
praises to God. The presence of the Lord came into the prison and set
everyone free. Whatever cage of life you may find yourself, learn to
embark on praise galore. The Lord will step into your situations and
destroy all factors of limitations. The Lord will fight for you and no one
will hinder you anymore. Peace!

PRAYER: Lord, strengthen me to praise you in my situation.



Scripture Reading: Psalms 69:30-36
“This also shall please the Lord better than an ox or bull, Which has
horns and hooves” (V. 31)

Praises make a man’s life to please God. This is because praises involve
humility and the fear of the Lord (Psalms 25:9-14). Praises open
the door of the life of a man to God. Praises make God to be enthroned
in the life of a man (Psalms 22:3). Praises make God to guide a man into
his destiny (Acts 13:2). Having all of these experiences make a man to
please the Lord in praises.

The Psalmist says, I will praise the name of the Lord with a song and
magnify Him with thanksgiving. This also shall please the Lord better
than an ox or bull. In other word, a sacrifice of praises is more
pleasing to God. The word of God says our worship become reasonable
or acceptable when we praise Him from a surrendered heart (Romans
12:1). So, praises is an act of righteousness before the Lord.

The word of God says, when a man’s way pleases the Lord, even his
enemy will be at peace with him (Proverbs 16:17). That is why the Bible
says, if God be for us, who can be against us (Romans 8:31). If praises is
therefore what makes us please God, then sorrow and anxiety makes us
displease God (2 Corinthians 10:12). So, chose to always praise God and
your ways will always be pleasing to God. So that He can make your
way prosperous. Peace!

PRAYER: Lord, let your praises terminate all that displeases you in my
Scripture Reading: Malachi 2:1-7
“If you will not hear, And if you will not take it to heart, To give glory
to My name," Says the Lord of hosts, "I will send a curse upon you,
And I will curse your blessings. Yes, I have cursed them already,
Because you do not take it to heart” (V. 2)

The seed of a man or a woman contain the power of the future. A single
seed could contain a tree. The trouble in the life of most people is the
problem of the corruption of their seed. The devil having known the
power of seed to the future and destiny of a man, seeks to always
destroy the seed. A man’s labour is his seed for wages. A student time
of study is the seed for success in the examination hall. Just like the
capital invested plus wise labour are seed for the profit of a business
man. Children are also seed for the future of a family.

The word of God says, when people are not praiseful, they allow their
blessings to be cursed. When any blessing is cursed, the blessing will
definitely turn to a curse. We saw in the scripture that what makes a
man's blessing to be cursed is lack of praises. When the presence of
God is not with a man at the time of sowing, the seed will be cursed
and the harvest will be meaningless.

Friend, if you want your blessings to be preserved for future bountiful

harvest, then, you need to take it to heart to live a praiseful life - a life
that is always thankful to God. Time of labour is not always pleasant but
a wise man will sow with joy (2 Corinthians 9:7). This is the way to
please God in our labour and our future harvest can be guarantee.

PRAYER: Lord, nothing will tamper with my seed of joy in Jesus name.
Scripture Reading: Proverbs 17:19-24
“A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the
bones” (V. 22)

One of the struggles people have on the earth in all ages is health. No
one can have a good time in this word with a bad health. This is because
the body came from the earth and as it grows, it will be decomposing
back to the original state. That is why you must live by faith in the word
of God. The word of God says “As your days are, so shall
your strength be (Deuteronomy 33:25). By this you will keep living
strong because your immune system grows strong enough to keep you

The word of God says, “A merry heart does well like medicine” this is
talking about the function of an effective immune system. This is
possible only by a merry heart which is a product of praises. So, living a
praiseful life makes your immune system strong enough to keep you
healthy. This is the secret that kept the patriarch of faith in health
(Romans 4:18-20).

Friend, the world will not tell you this, but this is the revelation of the
word of God. Praise will keep your heart merry. Praises will make a
merry heart strong. This will be, because God is involved in the state of
the heart and the immune system (Palms 22:3). You will keep
growing stronger in Jesus name. Peace!

PRAYER: Lord, ordain my heart for your praise to live above sickness.


Scripture Reading: Proverbs 15:10-15
“A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance, But by sorrow of the
heart the spirit is broken” (V. 13)

It is always said that beauty is in the eyes of those that sees it. This
means, when you have a beautiful heart, you will have a beautiful eye.
And when you have beautiful eyes you will see beauty in every one that
you see. But many don't see beauty in others. This is because of how
they are.

The word of God tells us how we can build a beautiful heart, a beautiful
eye and a beautiful face. This is by keeping a merry heart and this come
through praise. The word of God says the state of the heart of people
determines the state of their look or their beauty (Proverbs 23:7). That
is why I am encouraging you to choose to be a praiseful believer. It will
enlist you among the beautiful.

Praises produces beauty better than powder and all the manicure etc.
Anytime you are going out, don't ever forget to praise God before you
go out. Always put praises in your bag as you go out. There are many
people out there with a bitter heart. Don't let them contaminate you
with sorrow. When you hear information of sorrow, quickly bring out
your praises and continue your beauty. Peace!

PRAYER: Lord, strengthen me to overcome the spirit of sorrow with



Scripture Reading: Psalms 67:1-7
“Then the earth shall yield her increase; God, our own God, shall bless
us” (V. 6)
When people have a seed to sow, they are happy because they have the
expectation of a coming harvest. But sometimes people are
disappointed that the harvest does not match their expectation. This is
because the enemy destroys the process of their harvest by planting
weeds into their wheat. The harvest here could mean all good

A powerful weapon of increase of harvest is praises. When a Sower is

praiseful, the word of God says the ground will yield her increase for
him/her. This is because the presence of the Lord will be with the seed
and the ground must give her best (Psalms 65:11).

Man has no power over germination and increase of harvest. We can do

our best to add fertilizer but God determines the state of the harvest (1
Corinthians 3:6-7). Friend, to start seeing increase in all areas of your
life, you need to bring the presence of the Lord through praises (Psalms
22:3). And your path will have abundance (Psalm 65:11). Peace!

PRAYER: Lord, launch me into increase as I praise you daily.


Scripture Reading: Isaiah 12:1-6
“Therefore with joy you will draw water From the wells of salvation”
(V. 3)

A praiseful man will always enjoy a creative mind. A creative mind is a

mind that is able to produce good and excellent results for the good of
others. A creative mind is a mind capable of producing solutions at any
given time or situations. A praiseful life will always enjoying the good
state of mind.

The word of God says, with joy, we can draw water out of the well of
salvation. Joseph will not be able to reason at the level of speaking to
Pharaoh as a prisoner, except his mind was resourceful. Daniel as a
slave boy would not have been able to stand before the king if not for a
heart full of praises (Daniel 1:20).

Friend, to have the best of your mind, you need to live a life full of
praises. It is by praises that we can operate a free mind because of the
presence of God (Psalms 22:3). The word of God says where the spirit of
the Lord is, there is freedom (2 Corinthians 3:17). A mind where God is
present, joy will be present (Psalms 16:11) A heart where the spirit of
joy is present, it will be easy to connect with divine ideas and the
inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Peace!

PRAYER: Lord, strengthen my mind with the spirit of joy and praises.

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