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6, JUNE 2014

CMOS Startup Charge Pump With Body Bias and

Backward Control for Energy Harvesting
Step-Up Converters
Huan Peng, Nghia Tang, Youngoo Yang, Member, IEEE, and Deukhyoun Heo, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—A new low voltage charge pump is developed to help output voltage [2], [3]. Meanwhile, most sensors require high
start up a step-up converter in energy harvesting applications. The operating voltage in several volts. To solve this problem, a
proposed charge pump is the first to utilize both backward control
scheme and two branches of charge transfer switches (CTSs) to
step-up converter can be used to boost a low voltage source
direct charge flow. The backward control scheme uses the internal and to provide a high voltage output to power a load. However,
boosted voltage to dynamically control the CTSs’ gate, and the operating a step-up converter under a low voltage supply is
two branches utilize both NMOS and PMOS to implement their challenging [4]. In steady state operation, a step-up converter
switching structure. The combination of backward control scheme
and two-branch operation allows the CTSs to be completely can use its own high voltage output to power the control
turned on and off. Thus, the reverse charge sharing phenomenon circuitry (self-sustained condition), but initially, a sufficiently
and switching loss are significantly reduced, which effectively high voltage must be applied to start up the system. For ex-
improves pumping efficiency. The last stage is specially designed ample, the S8353D (Seiko Instruments Inc.), tested with a
to improve the charge pump’s charge and capacitance drivability.
Using subthreshold operation and body-bias technique, the charge capacitive load, was found to require a startup supply voltage
pump and its clock generator can operate under a low voltage of 520 mV for 1.7 ms. After startup, the minimum supply
supply. The proposed charge pump circuit is designed in a stan- voltage required to maintain normal operation is 320 mV. In
dard 0.18 m CMOS process. It consists of 6 stages, each with [5] and [6], the reported energy harvesting systems can operate
a 24 pF pumping capacitor (total 288 pF pumping capacitance
area). Under a 320 mV supply, the measured output voltage of from dozens of millivolts, but they need external high voltage
the proposed charge pump can rise from 0 to 2.04 V within 0.1 sources or expensive mechanical active devices to start up the
milliseconds. system, which limits their practical application. Apparently, a
Index Terms—Body bias, energy harvesting, low voltage, startup better approach is to build an integrated startup charge pump,
charge pump, step-up converter, subthreshold operation. which can generate a high-voltage pulse to bootstrap a step-up
converter from a low voltage input [7].
In this paper, a startup charge pump is proposed for low
voltage operation. The charge pump with an integrated ring

I N remote sensing applications, energy harvesting is often

utilized to provide a renewable power source for sensor
nodes [1]. Some energy harvesting sources are characterized
oscillator utilizes subthreshold operation [8] and body bias
technique to enable startup and operation under a low voltage
supply. With a special structure and control mechanism, the
with very low voltage output, which prevents their immediate charge pump obtains performance improvement in some of
usage. For example, to generate maximum power, sediment the key specifications. Unlike traditional charge pumps, a
microbial fuel cells are operated between 300 mV and 500 mV startup charge pump only works during the startup period of
a step-up converter, and it only supports a capacitive load [4].
Manuscript received May 16, 2013; revised September 01, 2013; accepted Therefore, the critical specifications of a startup charge pump
October 07, 2013. Date of publication January 17, 2014; date of current version are input voltage level, pumping efficiency (
May 23, 2014. This work was supported in part by the NSF Center for Design of
Analog-Digital Integrated Circuits (CDADIC), the Korean Government under
is the real output voltage of charge pump, and is the
Grant NRF-2011-220-D00084, , the KFRI u-food project, and the National Sci- ideal output voltage of charge pump), charge transferability
ence Foundation under Grant EECS-0845849. This paper was recommended by (ramp-up current), and capacitance drivability.
Associate Editor H. S. Chung.
H. Peng is with the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science De-
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II sur-
partment, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164 USA (e-mail: veys all of the previous works with cons and pros. Section III
hpeng@eecs.wsu.edu). describes a ring oscillator, which is a key component of the
N. Tang is with the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science De-
partment, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164 USA (e-mail: proposed startup charge pump. Section IV describes the charge
ntang@eecs.wsu.edu). pump’s structure and operation. Section V demonstrates the per-
Y. Yang is with the School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, formance of the proposed charge pump prototype, implemented
Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea (e-mail: yang09@skku.edu).
D. Heo is with the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department, in a 0.18 m standard CMOS process. Measurement results
Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164 USA (e-mail: dheo@eecs. show that the charge pump can operate under a 320 mV supply
wsu.edu). and generate an output of 2.04 V in 0.1 milliseconds. Compared
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. with previous charge pumps designed in similar CMOS pro-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCSI.2013.2290823 cesses, the proposed charge pump offers the best performance

1549-8328 © 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROURKELA. Downloaded on November 03,2023 at 08:57:17 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

in terms of measured minimum supply voltage, pumping ef-

ficiency charge transferability, and capacitance drivability. Fi-
nally, conclusions are provided in Section VI.


Previously, most CMOS charge pumps used two out-of-phase
clock signals to gradually accumulate and push the charge for- Fig. 1. Six-stage Dickson charge pump.
ward in each pumping capacitor along only one branch, such as
Dickson charge pump depicted in Fig. 1. The voltage fluctua- Fewer series stages are needed to achieve the same output
tion at each pumping node (i.e., each pumping capacitor) voltage. However, generating a higher clock voltage re-
of Dickson charge pump can be expressed as quires a complex clock generator, which consumes more
(1) Static charge transfer switches (CTSs) refers to a type of
charge pump that uses dynamic feedback control to eliminate
voltage loss resulted from drop [9]. By using the predicted
where is the voltage amplitude of the clock signals,
high voltage in the later stages to control the earlier stages of
is the pumping capacitor, is the parasitic capacitance at
CTSs, the switches can be turned on/off more effectively, which
each pumping node, is the output current, and is the clock
addresses the third observation above.
frequency. If and are small enough, is large
Wu and Chang’s charge pump [11], shown in Fig. 2, has a
enough, and is the same as the supply voltage, (1) can be
modified CTSs structure for low voltage operation, and it offers
simplified as
a better voltage pumping gain than the Dickson charge pump.
The corresponding waveform of each node is also shown in
Fig. 2. During the time interval T1, the voltage at node 1 is
1 VDD, and the voltage at node 2 is 3 VDD. Thus, MN1 is
However, the diode-connected MOSFETs need to be turned on
off, and MP1 is on. The high voltage from node 2 is borrowed
for the Dickson charge pump to function, and thus must be
to completely turn on switch MS1, which transfers the charge
larger than the MOSFETs’ threshold voltage . The voltage
from the power supply (VDD) to node 1.
pumping gain for each stage is defined as
During the time interval T2, the voltage at node 1 increases
to 2 VDD, and the voltage at node 2 decreases to 2 VDD.
Thus, MN1 is turned on, MP1 is turned off, and MS1 can be
completely turned off to prevent the reverse charge sharing phe-
The following observations are made from the Dickson charge
nomenon between node 1 and the power supply VDD. Suc-
pump’s structure [9]:
ceeding stages of the charge pump operate similarly. Although
1. In every clock cycle, due to drop, there is a remaining
this charge pump offers some pumping efficiency improvement,
charge given by that cannot be trans-
it is not optimal for low voltage operation for the following
ferred from one stage to the next stage. Because the bulk
terminals of the diode-connected MOSFETs are normally
1. Since charge from the power source is pushed into one
connected to ground (GND), this loss gets worse at later
CTSs branch, the “redistribution loss” [12] between the last
stages due to body effect, especially when the number of
stage and the output capacitor, i.e., between C6 and ,
stages increases. Hence, a scheme to eliminate drops
is not negligible. For example, during T2 the output ca-
would allow a nearly full charge transfer in each clock
pacitor might be discharged far below 7 VDD by a load;
cycle and improve charge pump efficiency.
when T3 occurs, the voltage at node 6 is much higher than
2. Each diode-connected switch device has an equivalent
the output voltage, which will cause non-negligible “redis-
drain-to-source resistance [12] estimated by
tribution loss” from the last stage to the output capacitor.
2. When a CTS is turned on, there is conduction loss
(4) in the channel. Increasing the turn-on gate-source voltage
and the device width can reduce the conduction loss [12].
where is the gate-source voltage, is the threshold Although in this charge pump, the CTSs can be turned on
voltage, L is the length, and W is the width. causes by a gate-source voltage of 2 VDD, if the supply voltage
conduction loss, which degrades pumping efficiency and is very low, 2 VDD may not be sufficient. Meanwhile,
charge transferability. A wider diode-connected switch de- increasing the width of a transistor also increases its abso-
vice with a shorter channel length can be used to reduce lute threshold voltage, e.g., in a 0.18 m standard CMOS
, but it will increase in a modern standard CMOS process [10], which is not good for low voltage operation.
process [10]. 3. When the CTSs are turned off, the reverse charge sharing
3. A higher clock voltage can transfer more charge in each phenomenon may not be completely eliminated [12]. If
clock cycle and more effectively turn on/off the switches the device length in the CTSs is short, reverse leakage
to decrease and the charge sharing phenomenon [9]. can occur between adjacent nodes. So, to reduce leakage,
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Fig. 2. Circuit and corresponding voltage waveforms of the six-stage Wu and Chang charge pump [11].

and Chang’s charge pump. The control signals of branches A

and B are intertwined, and their clock signals are out of phase.
Using deep n-well technology, the bulk of an NMOS can be
connected to the source to avoid the body effect. During the time
interval T1, the voltage difference between node 1 and node
7 is VDD, and between node 2 and node 8 is 1 VDD.
Therefore, transistors MP7 and MN8 are turned on to transfer
Fig. 3. Six-stage linear charge pump circuit with all PMOS switches [13]. charge from node 7 to node 8, but transistors MP1 and MN2 are
turned off to cut off the path from node 2 back to node 1. The
longer channel length can be used, but the redistribution of operation in the time interval T2 is similar to T1. Branches A
MOSFETs’ channel charge would also decrease the charge and B can be seen as two independent charge pump circuits, and
pumping efficiency. their output nodes are connected together to drive a capacitive
4. The diode-connected MDO of the last stage still suffers load. The voltage waveforms of nodes 1–6 and those of nodes
from body effect and threshold voltage loss. 7–12 are out of phase, as shown in Fig. 4. Three advantages of
In [13], the author proposed a six-stage linear charge pump using this architecture are:
(LCP), shown in Fig. 3, which was modified from Wu and 1. Using two compensated branches to transfer charge sig-
Chang’s charge pump. With PMOS CTSs, the circuit utilizes nificantly improves pumping efficiency and reduces output
a systematic gate control method to achieve high pumping ripples. Because two pumping branches can provide better
efficiency. To avoid the body effect, all the bulks of PMOSs charge transferability, very large devices are not needed to
and NMOSs (in deep n-well technology) are connected to the build the CTSs, which can lower the effect of the device
corresponding sources. Several improvements are made in this size on the threshold voltage. Meanwhile, the redistribu-
design. First, NMOSs in the branch of CTSs are replaced by tion loss between the last stage and the output capacitor
PMOSs, which reduces reverse charge sharing due to the lower can be reduced, since one of the two branches always pro-
mobility of charge carriers, which are holes in PMOS channel. vides current to keep the output voltage stable.
Second, PMOS size has less impact on the absolute threshold 2. Compared to Wu and Chang’s charge pump, the CTSs in
voltage than NMOS, and thus, wider devices can be used to the TBCP can achieve lower reverse charge sharing. For
reduce conduction loss. Third, when VDD is low, the auxiliary example, during T1, MP1 and MN2 are turned off to block
P7 cannot be turned on effectively if it is connected in the the path of the charge reverse transferring from node 2
same way as PMOSs in the earlier inverters. Thus, P7’s gate (higher voltage) to node 1 (lower voltage). So, the charge
is connected to M6’s gate to guarantee a sufficient gate-source in node 2 has to cross two MOSFETs to reach node 1,
voltage to turn on. As a result, a diode connected NMOS (e.g., significantly decreasing the reverse charge sharing.
MDO in Wu and Chang’s charge pump) is not needed at the 3. The channel charge existing in adjacent PMOS and NMOS
last stage. Therefore, the LCP addresses problems 2, 3, and 4 can be mitigated when they are turned off. For example, if
of Wu and Chang’s charge pump. But if VDD is lower than MP1 and MN2 are large, then their channel charge cannot
threshold voltage, LCP cannot turn on/off switches effectively. be neglected. Because the charge is positive in MP1 and
In [14], a two-branch charge pump (TBCP) was implemented negative in MN2, it will be neutralized when MP1 and
with two CTS branches and a compensated structure in each MN2 are turned off simultaneously. Thus, pumping effi-
stage, as shown in Fig. 4, which solves problems 1 and 3 of Wu ciency is improved.
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Fig. 4. Circuit structure and corresponding voltage waveforms of the six-stage two-branch charge pump [14].

Although the TBCP has many advantages, it is still not suit-

able for low voltage applications. If VDD is only several hun-
dred millivolts, the CTSs cannot be completely turned on. In re-
ality, the voltages of the last pumping nodes, i.e., nodes 6 and 12,
may not be VDD higher than the previous stage or VDD lower
than the next stage, and the charge transfer switches, MN6,
MP6, MN12, and MP12, cannot be effectively turned on.


When a charge pump is designed for low voltage power
supply applications, the first challenge is to build a ring os-
cillator, which can generate out-of-phase clock signals. The
oscillator must be able to work under a voltage supply of
several hundred millivolts. It should have a rail-to-rail output
swing, and the output current drivability (ability to drive the
pumping capacitors of the charge pump) should be as large
Fig. 5. Five-stage subthreshold and body bias ring oscillator with two parallel
as possible. Since in the CMOS 0.18 m process the absolute buffer stages.
threshold voltage of a transistor is around 500 mV, if the
voltage supply is around 0.3 V, the device must operate in
the subthreshold region. However, a device operating in the is the voltage difference between the device’s source and
subthreshold region only permits a very small current flow due bulk.
to a weak inversion channel between its source and drain. This If the voltage difference is decreased to a negative value,
reduces the oscillator’s drivability. the threshold voltage will decrease to below . A similar situ-
Body biasing a MOSFET can decrease its threshold voltage ation also occurs in PMOS when its bulk is connected to a lower
and increase its inversion area, which then effectively increases voltage than its source voltage. Therefore, implementing body
the device’s transient response and current drivability. For ex- bias technique in deep n-well process can allow standard CMOS
ample, the threshold voltage of an NMOS is expressed as devices to function under a low voltage supply. However, a body
bias voltage needs to be carefully chosen to effectively decrease
(5) threshold voltage and properly improve current drivability. If
the body bias voltage of an NMOS is too large, a strong current
where is the gate voltage for which the channel is “as much would flow from the bulk to the source, which can cause a se-
n-type as the substrate is p-type” [15], is the body-effect co- rious functional problem for the device. Normally, the typical
efficient, is the strong inversion surface potential [16], and body bias voltage for an NMOS in a standard CMOS process
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Fig. 6. (a) Circuit and (b) corresponding waveforms of the proposed six-stage charge pump.

is between 100 mV and 300 mV, and it decreases the threshold the small W/L size ratio of the inverters, the current flow through
voltage by approximately 20%. the subthreshold PMOS in inverter 1 is negligible.
The designed subthreshold and body-bias ring oscillator is
shown in Fig. 5. Clk and clkb are two out of phase clock sig- IV. PROPOSED SIX-STAGE CHARGE PUMP
nals. The oscillator has five stages of inverters operating in the The proposed six-stage charge pump circuit and the corre-
subthreshold region. The W/L size ratio of the devices is kept sponding voltage waveforms are illustrated in Fig. 6(a) and (b).
small to lower the [10]. Two phase shifting circuits with The clock signals clk and clkb are generated by the clock gener-
large size buffers are used to improve the clock output swing and ator, as discussed above. Both have peak-to-peak amplitude of
the current drivability because the clock generator has to drive VDD.
a total pumping capacitance of around 288 pF. Also, the buffers As shown in Fig. 6(a), branches A and B employ inter-
help reduce glitches in the rising/falling edges of the clock out- nally-boosted high voltages for backward dynamic control
puts. If the signal clkb was generated by adding a large size in- (all the NMOS’s bulks are connected to the sources in deep
verter after buffer 1, there would be a time delay between clk and n-well, except MN6 and MN12). Branch A consists of NMOSs
clkb. Thus, two buffers are needed in parallel. Body-bias is ap- MN1–MN6, PMOSs MP1–MP6, capacitors C1–C6, inverters
plied to the MOSFETs constructing the inverters, phase shifters, Inv1–Inv5, and output control stage N1 and P1. Branch B con-
and buffers to lower the threshold voltage . The body bias sists of NMOSs MN7–MN12, PMOSs MP7–MP12, capacitors
voltage can be generated by a simple resistor voltage divider. C7–C12, inverters Inv6–Inv10, and output control stage N2
NMOS EN is used to disable/enable the oscillator. The control and P2. The bulks of all devices constructing the inverters are
signal Vstart can come from the output of a step-up converter. connected to their sources. Through the inverter structure, the
During the startup period of the step-up converter, Vstart is low, control signal of each stage in branches A and B is “borrowed”
which enables and initializes the ring oscillator. After startup, from the already established high voltages of the later stages.
the step-up converter can use its own high output voltage (sev- For example, in branch B, the gate control signal of the seventh
eral volts) to power itself, and the high Vstart disables the ring stage is “borrowed” from the established voltages at nodes 3
oscillator to save power. During the disabled period, because of and 1 through inverter Inv1. The “ ” sign indicates the high
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voltage node of the inverter, and the “ ” sign indicates the low
voltage node. The clock signals of branch A and branch B are
intertwined. The operation of the proposed charge pump circuit
is described in detail below.

A. The First and Second Pumping Stages

As shown in Fig. 6(a), the gates of inverters Inv6 and Inv7 are
controlled by node 8 and node 9 of the eighth and ninth stages of
branch B, and the inverters’ outputs are used to control the first
and second stages of branch A. In the time interval T1, the clock
signal clk is low and clkb is high. The voltage levels of node 1,
node 2, node 3, and node 4 are VDD, 3 VDD, 3 VDD, and
5 VDD, respectively, and the voltage levels of node 7, node
8, node 9 and node 10 are 2 VDD, 2 VDD, 4 VDD, and
4 VDD, respectively. The output of inverter Inv6 is pulled up
to node 9 (4 VDD), and the output of inverter Inv7 is pulled
down to node 8 (2 VDD). The gate-source voltage of MP1,
i.e., between the gate of MP1 and node 1, is 3 VDD. The
gate-source voltage of MN2, i.e., between the gate of MN2 and
node 2, is VDD. So, both MP1 and MN2 are tightly turned
off, and there is no chance for the charge to be reversely trans-
ferred from the high voltage of node 2 to the low voltage of
node 1. At the same time, the gate-source voltage of MN1 is
3 VDD, which can strongly turn on MN1 even under a low
voltage supply, and the charge can be directly transferred from Fig. 7. Bulk connections of PMOS in the two branches of the proposed charge
the power supply to capacitor C1.
Similarly, during the time interval T1, the output of inverter
Inv1 is pulled down to node 1 (VDD), and the output of inverter Meanwhile, the bulk voltage of MP1, as shown in Fig. 7,
Inv2 is pulled up to node 4 (5 VDD). The gate-source voltages is higher than the source voltage by 1 VDD, which means
of MP7 and MN8 are VDD and 3 VDD, respectively, that the threshold voltage of MP1 is increased by body biasing,
and so the charge transfer switch MN8 can be turned on even assisting MP1 to turn off so as to reduce the reverse charge
under a very low voltage supply VDD. However, because the sharing. The gate-source voltage of MN7, i.e., between the gate
gate-source voltage of MP7 is only VDD, the body-bias of MN7 and power supply VDD, is 0 V, and thus MN7 can be
technique should be applied on MP7 to decrease its threshold completely turned off, which prevents the charge from flowing
voltage for operation at low voltage. back to the power supply. During the time interval T2, the cir-
For example, in our process, the threshold voltage of PMOSs cuit’s operation is similar to that of operation in the time interval
is about 400–500 mV, and the supply voltage VDD can get T1.
as low as 320 mV. Thus, the size of this PMOS and its bias As illustrated in Fig. 6(a), the third stage in branch A is
level must be chosen carefully, depending on the process. In the controlled by inverters Inv3 and Inv8. In the time interval T1,
proposed charge pump, the bulk of MP7 can be connected to the voltage levels of node 2, node 3, node 4, and node 5 are
node 1 as shown in Fig. 7, which can provide an approximate 3 VDD, 3 VDD, 5 VDD, and 5 VDD, respectively,
body biasing voltage of VDD to reduce the threshold voltage and the voltage levels of node 8, node 9, node 10 and node
in the time interval T1. All the bulks (notated as letter b in 11 are 2 VDD, 4 VDD, 4 VDD, and 6 VDD, respec-
Fig. 6) of the other PMOSs in the two branches are biased in tively. Therefore, the output of Inv3 is pulled down to node
the same way. Compared to TBCP, this structure can transfer 3 (3 VDD), and the output of Inv8 is pulled up to node 11
charge through PMOSs and NMOSs more efficiently under low (6 VDD). The gate-source voltage of MP2 is VDD, and
voltage supply due to the reduced PMOSs’ threshold voltage the gate-source voltage of MN3 is 3 VDD. Hence, the charge
and the lower equivalent drain-to-source on-resistance of both can be transferred from node 2 to node 3. This operation is very
PMOSs and NMOSs. First, the threshold voltage of PMOSs is similar to that of the second stage in branch B. In the same way,
reduced by body biasing to turn on easier, which effectively re- the operation of the third stage in branch B is similar to that of
duces the equivalent drain-to-source on-resistance for the same the second stage in branch A.
gate-source voltage. Second, from (4), the equivalent drain-to- The operations of the fourth and fifth stages are similar to
source on-resistance of NMOSs in the proposed charge pump the third stage. The compensated structures of branch A and
is lower because they have a higher gate-source voltage com- branch B alternatively turn on and turn off the charge transfer
pared to NMOSs in TBCP which has only gate-source switches. Thus, in any time interval, charge is always pumped to
voltage. Thus, when the PMOS and NMOS switches turn on, the output by one of the branches, and the output voltage ripples
the total on-resistance is lower. are reduced.
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B. The Last Stage and Initial Voltage Startup which can transfer more charge and decrease the redistri-
bution loss.
The last stage includes the 6th stage in branch A and the 12th
Third, body biasing is only applied to PMOS and the last
stage in branch B. Their gate control signals come from the in-
stage NMOS to lower the , which can reduce the body
verters N1-P1 and N2-P2. In the preceding stages, the inverters
leakage current.
borrow voltages of later stages to supply their plus terminals, and
Fourth, the two branches utilizing both NMOS and PMOS
so they have 2 VDD between their plus and minus terminals
can reduce the reverse charge sharing loss.
to operate. However, the last stage has no next stage from which
Finally, all previous designs barely described how to gen-
to borrow a high voltage. So, if VDD is low, the inverters do
erate the two out-of-phase clock signals under low voltage
not have enough overdrive voltage to turn on N1/N2 and P1/P2.
supply with a standard CMOS process. Actually, this is a
Therefore, the connection of the last stage’s inverters is modi-
very important part in startup charge pump design. In this
fied, as shown in Fig. 6(a). During the time interval T1, the gate
work, a low voltage ring oscillator is presented and de-
voltage and source voltage (node ) of P1 are 5 VDD and
scribed in detail.
7 VDD, respectively, and the gate voltage and source voltage
of N1 are both 6 VDD. Thus, P1 is turned on, N1 is turned off,
and the gate of the 12th stage is pulled up to 7 VDD. A similar
situation occurs with N2 and P2 in branch A, and the gate voltage A. Simulation and Comparisons
of the sixth stage is pulled down to 5 VDD. The operation in
A startup charge pump only works in the startup period of
the time interval T2 is similar, which guarantees enough voltage
an energy harvesting step-up converter. Its main function is to
to turn on/off MP6 and MP12 to reduce the redistribution loss be-
transfer the charge to a startup capacitor [4], [6]. Therefore, the
tween the last stage and the output capacitor. However, during
ramp-up time and capacitance drivability are important design
T1, the gate-source voltage of MN12 is only 1 VDD, and so
specifications. The pumping capacitors of a startup charge pump
cross-coupling the bulk of MN12 to node 6 is implemented to
play an important part in the charge pump’s performance and oc-
reduce its , as shown in Fig. 6(a). Also, the size of MN12
cupy a large silicon area [14]. Thus, choosing a proper capacitor
and MN6 is larger than that of previous stage switches, in order
size is very important to compare the startup performance of dif-
to improve their charge transferability.
ferent charge pumps under a low voltage supply. Generally, for
In time interval T1, MP6 is turned on to transfer the charge
charge pumps, the charge transferability to a capacitor decreases
from node 6 to the output node, but MP12 is turned off to cut off
linearly with increased output voltage, and so does its pumping
the path from the output node back to node 12. Similarly, during
efficiency [9]. To achieve higher charge transfer-
time interval T2, MP6 is turned off, and MP12 is turned on.
ability at a fixed output voltage, the pumping capacitor’s size
Therefore, in both T1 and T2, output capacitive load is driven
should be as large as possible. For a fair comparison between
by either of the two branches alternatively, which effectively
different charge pumps, they must have the same total pumping
lowers output voltage ripple and improves pumping efficiency.
capacitance [14]. Hence, the total pumping capacitance in the
Also, when output current increases, degradation of the output
proposed charge pump, the linear charge pump (LCP), and the
voltage is less severe than it would be if only one charge trans-
two-branch charge pump (TBCP) is set to 24 pF, 48 pF (24 2),
ferring branch is used.
and 24 pF, respectively. All of these charge pumps consist of six
When the charge pump starts up, the voltage in each pumping
node is not established; initially, most of the devices work in the
Higher output charge transferability results in a faster output
subthreshold region. To help establish the initial state, rather than
ramp-up time for a specified load capacitance [4]. Thus, we
using diode-connected devices as in [11], the threshold voltage
can easily calculate the required linear charge transferability by
of the NMOSs in the earlier stages is made smaller than those in
charging up the output voltage to a specified level within a given
the later stages. In our process, a smaller threshold voltage can
output ramp-up time [9]. The linear ramp-up current can be cal-
be achieved by reducing the width-to-length ratio of the device
culated as
[10]. However, small width-to-length ratio limits the amount of
charge flow through the switches. Thus, the width-to-length ratio
is gradually increased from the earlier stages to the later stages.
where is the output current to a capacitor of the charge pump,
C. Advantages of the Proposed Charge Pump
is the load capacitance, is the output voltage, and
The proposed charge pump demonstrates the following ad- is the output ramp-up time. In the proposed charge
vantages over the previous design, while working under low pump design, the output load capacitor is chosen to be around
voltage supply: 50.7 pF, which is the same as the output load capacitors in the
First, under low voltage supply, body biasing and back- LCP and the TBCP.
ward control can turn on/off the MOSFETs more effec- The proposed charge pump, the linear charge pump (LCP),
tively than TBCP. Higher gate-source voltage and lower and the two-branch charge pump (TBCP) are designed using
threshold voltage largely reduce the conduction loss due the same subthreshold and body-bias oscillator described in
to . Section III. Fig. 8 shows the simulated signals, clk and clkb,
Second, the last stage of the two branches is modified of the ring oscillator under a supply of 300 mV. The clock
to more effectively turn on/off under low voltage supply, frequency is around 450 kHz.
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Fig. 8. Simulated clkb and clk waveforms from the proposed ring oscillator
under 300 mV power supply (clock frequency kHz).

The 0.18 m standard CMOS device model is used to verify

the design of all three charge pumps. Fig. 9(a), (b), (c), and (d)
show the output voltage versus. time of the proposed charge
pump (this work), the two-branch charge pump (TBCP), and
the linear charge pump (LCP) with the same capacitive load
under power supplies of 320 mV, 360 mV, 400 mV, and 440 mV.
As shown in Fig. 9, the simulated output voltage of the pro-
posed charge pump is much higher than those of the other charge
pumps. The ramp-up time of the proposed charge pump is also
the fastest among the three. So, from (5), the proposed charge
pump obviously has the highest ramp-up current, i.e., charge
transferability. Table I shows the calculated ramp-up current of
each charge pump based on simulation results under a supply of
400 mV and with of 50.7 pF.

B. Silicon Verification
Three test chips have been fabricated in a 0.18 m standard
CMOS process to verify the proposed charge pump circuit. The
photographs of the three test chips are shown in Fig. 10. The test
chips include the proposed six-stage charge pump with pumping
capacitors of 24 pF each, the six-stage linear charge pump with
pumping capacitors of 48 pF each, and the six-stage two-branch
charge pump with pumping capacitors of 24 pF each.
Fig. 11 shows the measured output voltages of the three
charge pumps with capacitor load. The measurement results in
Fig. 11 are somewhat lower than the simulated results in Fig. 9,
likely because of the parasitic resistance and capacitance of the
testing environment, such as probes, cables and instruments.
The TBCP and the LCP do not function properly when the
voltage power supply VDD is below 0.4 V. After the voltage Fig. 9. Simulated output voltages with a 50.7 pF capacitor load of the proposed
power supply VDD exceeds 0.55 V, the TBCP performs better charge pump, two-branch charge pump, and linear charge pump with different
power supply voltages (VDD).
than the proposed charge pump. Because VDD becomes larger
than the threshold voltage, the large MOSFETs in the TBCP
no longer operate in the subthreshold region and can turn SIMULATION RESULTS OF CHARGE PUMPS’ OUTPUT RAMP-UP CURRENT AT
on/off normally. Meanwhile, for the proposed charge pump, 400 MV SUPPLY VOLTAGE
as mentioned in Section IV.B, the NMOSs in the earlier stages
are made smaller than those in the later stages. Thus, they
limit the charge flow through the switches. Moreover, as VDD
increases, the body-biased PMOSs in the proposed charge
pump will introduce more body leakage current through the
forward biased pn junction (source to bulk).
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Fig. 10. Photographs of different charge pump circuits: (a) 6-stage two-branch
charge pump; (b) 6-stage linear charge pump; (c) 6-stage proposed charge pump
(this work).

Fig. 13. Measured ramp-up time of the different charge pumps output voltage
with 50.7 pF capacitor load under VDD 0.4 V, where the stages are six: (a) linear
charge pump; (b) two-branch charge pump; (c) this work.

Fig. 11. Measured output voltages with capacitor load of different charge CURRENT AT 400 MV SUPPLY VOLTAGE
pumps versus different power supply voltages, where the stages are six.

Nonetheless, the proposed charge pump has the best perfor-

mance under a supply voltage between the 320 mV and 500 mV,
and its output voltage is close to the ideal value (7 VDD). As a
result, the proposed charge pump performs the best when being
used to start up a step-up converter which harvests from a low en-
ergy source of 300 mV to 500 mV [2], [3]. Fig. 12 shows detailed
Fig. 12. Proposed charge pump’s measurement of pump efficiency information of the proposed charge pump’s measured pumping
. efficiency under different voltage supplies.
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Unlike traditional charge pumps, the available output current Using subthreshold operation and body bias technique, the
level from a startup charge pump is very limited [4]. It is neither charge pump and its clock generator can operate at as low
practical nor necessary to measure the output currents from the as 320 mV power supply. Using internal boosted voltages,
three charge pumps. From (5), the ramp-up time is an important the backward control scheme increases the clock amplitude,
factor in determining charge transferability, i.e., a startup charge and together with a compensated two-branch structure, it can
pump in which output voltage rises to a higher voltage more completely turn on and off the CTSs under a low voltage
quickly to a start up a step-up converter has better charge trans- supply. Thus, the reverse charge sharing phenomenon and
ferability. As shown in Fig. 11, since the LCP and the TBCP switching loss are mitigated sharply. Meanwhile, a modified
have no functionality under 0.4 V, it is difficult to compare them output structure increases the last pumping stage’s drivability
to the proposed charge pump under a power supply below 0.4 V. by avoiding the diode connection, which further improves the
Thus, the output ramp-up times of these charge pumps are mea- pumping efficiency. The experimental results have shown that
sured when the power supply is 0.4 V for fair comparison. output voltage rises 10 times faster compared to previous de-
Fig. 13(a), (b), and (c) illustrate the measured output ramp-up signs with the same total capacitance at 400 mV power supply,
time of the linear charge pump (LCP), the two-branch charge which implies a much better output charge transferability. In
pump (TBCP), and the proposed charge pump (this work) conclusion, the proposed charge pump circuit can be effectively
50.7 pF capacitor load under a supply of 0.4 V. The measure- used to start up a step-up converter in energy harvesting appli-
ment equipment includes a Tektronix oscilloscope (TDS3000B) cations, where the available voltage can be as low as 320 mV,
and American metal probes (Model 72A-C3/05) touching the which is below the threshold voltage of a standard 0.18 m
pads of these test chips. The oscilloscope and the probes added CMOS process. Compared with other charge pumps designed
about 30 pF extra capacitance to the charge pump’s load. Also, in similar processes, the proposed charge pump has the highest
some additional parasitic capacitance (such as cable) was not charge transferability, the largest capacitance drivability and
accounted for. For this reason, the simulated ramp-up time the highest pumping efficiency (89%).
is much shorter than the measured value. However, using
mathematical scaling method, it is still valid to compare the ACKNOWLEDGMENT
ramp-up current of these charge pumps. Table II shows the
The authors would like to thank TowerJazz Semiconductor
calculated values of the ramp-up current of the three charge
for chip fabrication. The authors also wish to acknowledge
pumps based on (5), assuming and including all of
the assistance and support of the NSF CDADIC. This project
the test environment’s capacitors. Although the measurement
was partially supported by an NSF CAREER Award (ECCS-
results are lower than the simulation results, the performance
(ECCS-0845849), KFRI (Korean Food Research Institute) uu-
of the proposed charge pump is still the best among the three.
food project and the Korean Government (NRF-2011-220-
Table III summarizes the performance of the proposed
charge pump and compares it with state-of-the-art designs. The
charge pumps in [4] and [19] could operate at a much lower REFERENCES
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[10] Jazz Semiconductor Design Application Manual. Newport Beach, tracking bias modulators for power amplifiers, high
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1998. Mr. Tang was a recipient of the Royal D. Sloan scholarship from the WSU
[12] L. Su and D.-S. Ma, “Design and optimization of integrated electrical engineering department during his undergraduate study.
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[15] B. Razavi, Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits. New York: Solutions, Inc., Newbury Park, CA, USA, where
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[17] K. Kadirvel et al., “A 300 nA energy-harvesting charger with battery Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea, where he
management for solar and thermoelectric energy harvesign,” in Proc. is currently an Associate Professor and a Director of the RFID/USN Integrated
ISSCC, 2012, pp. 106–107. Circuit Research Center. His research interests include power amplifier design,
[18] S. Matsumoto, T. Shodai, and Y. Kanai, “A novel strategy of a con- RF transmitters, RFIC design, integrated circuit design for RFID/USN systems,
trol IC for boost converter with ultra low voltage input and maximum and modeling of high power amplifiers or devices.
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[19] P. Chen et al., “0.18-V input charge pump with forward body biasing in
startup circuit using 65 nm CMOS,” in Proc. IEEE Custom Int. Circuits
Conf., Sept. 2010, pp. 239–242. Deukhyoun Heo (S’97–M’00–SM’13) received
[20] Y. M. Sun and X. B. Wu, “Subthreshold voltage startup module for the B.S.E.E. degree in electrical engineering from
step-up DC-DC converter,” Electron. Lett., vol. 46, pp. 373–374, 2010. Kyoungpuk National University, Daegu, Korea, in
1989, the M.S.E.E. degree in electrical engineering
from Pohang University of Science and Technology
(POSTECH), Pohang, Korea, in 1997, and the Ph.D.
degree in electrical and computer engineering from
the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA,
USA, in 2000.
In 2000, he joined the National Semiconductor
Corporation, where he was a Senior Design Engineer
involved in the development of silicon RFICs for cellular applications. Since the
fall of 2003, he has been an Associate Professor with the Electrical Engineering
Huan Peng received the B.S. and M.S. degrees from and Computer Science Department, Washington State University, Pullman,
Huazhong University of Science and Technology WA, USA. His research interests include RF/microwave/opto transceiver
(HUST), Hubei, China, in 2005 and 2007, respec- design based on CMOS, SiGe BiCMOS, and GaAs technologies for wireless
tively, both in electrical engineering. He is currently and wireline data communications, battery-less wireless sensors and intelligent
working toward the Ph.D. degree in electrical en- power management systems for sustainable energy sources, adaptive beam
gineering at Washington State University, Pullman, former for phased-array communications, low-power high date-rate wireless
WA, USA. links for biomedical applications, and multilayer module development for
In late 2004, he joined the laboratory of the Sci- system-in-package solutions. He has served as an associate editor for the IEEE
dergraduate Research Assistant. From 2005 to 2008, BRIEFS (2007–2009) and has served as an Associate Editor for the IEEE
he was an Analog IC designer for Asian Microelec- TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES.
tronics Co., LTD, Wuhan, China, where he was responsible for the transistor Dr. Heo has been a member of the Technical Program Committee of IEEE
level design for DCDC converters, power management for low power circuits, Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (IEEE MTTS-S) International Mi-
and analog IC design. His research interests are low power high efficiency power crowave Symposium (IMS) and the International Symposium of Circuit and
management integrated circuits, energy harvesting circuits and analog/mixed Systems (ISCAS). He received the 2009 National Science Foundation (NSF)
signal ICs. CAREER Award.

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