Cia722 Lo3

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Learning Objective 3 - Objective test items

1 Briefly discuss the mistakes made by evaluators when phrasing true-

false items.
• Using trick questions
• Using double negatives. Highlighting important/negative words with italics,
underlining or uppercase
• Using absolutes - Using the words “always, all, never, only” indicates that a
statements is not completely true or false.
• Combining two test items into one (double barreled)
• Using verbal clues
• Using ambiguous statements
• Using indefinite terms
• Taking statements directly from the text
• Stating opinions and not facts

2 Briefly discuss the mistakes made by evaluators when phrasing

matching items.
• Using non homogeneous lists (hetrogenuous)
• No title for a list
• Ordering the lists wrongly. Longer statements on the left side and short
answers on the right side.
• Making the lists of equal size.
• Not writing specific directions for the question. Not indicating how the
matches should be shown
• Giving one statement more than one correct answer.
• Making ambiguous lists. Words that can mean more than one thing or last
names without first names.
• Not numbering the descriptions in the list
• Not making list in alphabetical or chronological order

3 Briefly discuss the mistakes made by evaluators when phrasing

multiple- choice items.
• Giving grammatical clues
• Using multiple defensible options
• Writing questions that doesn’t match the instructional objective
• Not making options in alphabetical or chronological order
• Using the same words in the stem and the options – giving “stem clues”
• Stating opinions and not facts
• By not focusing the stem or not presenting a problem within the stem.
• Using more than one correct answer
• Indicating the same word in all the options
• Not highlighting important/negative words with italics, underlining or
• Making one/correct options longer than the order options
• Using phrases like “none of the above” or “all of the above” too much
• Not rotating the position of the correct answer
• Logical inconsistency

Annie Nolan 96006758 – CIA 722_2007

4 Briefly discuss the mistakes made by evaluators when phrasing
completion items.
• Using more than one blank per statement
• Allowing for more than one possible correct answer
• Not being specific enough when writing a statement
• Using more than one word/concept per blank
• Statement is not presenting a problem
• Answers is not factually correct
• Using blanks in the beginning of a statement
• Not indicating the units in which a numerical answer should be.

5 Briefly discuss approaches that can be followed when phrasing

higher level multiple-choice items.
• Using stimuli like pictures, drawing, graphs, tables that requires students to
• Using analogies that demonstrates relationships among terms
• Require the application of previously learned principles or procedures to
novel situations

Questions Yes No
Is any of the questions, trick questions?
Is double negatives used in one or more of the statements?
Is important/negative words highlighted with italics, underlining or
Is absolute words(“always, all, never, only”) used in any statements,
indicating that a statements is not completely true or false?
Is any statement combining two test items into one (double
Is any statement using verbal clues?
Does any statement contain ambiguous statements?
Does any statement contain indefinite terms?
Does any statement take statements directly from the text?
Is any statement stating opinions and not facts?

Annie Nolan 96006758 – CIA 722_2007

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