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Aleman Islamic Schools

English Diagnostic Exam for 8th Grade

Day/Date:……………………….. Section : A B C
Question one :
Read the following text carefully and then answer all the questions

We must plant more trees .Trees are very important .Trees are home
for many animals and birds .They give us shade in the summer . They
clean the air Trees give us wood and paper .
Every year on 15th January children plant trees. It is an- important
day. We sing song, we take photos, and make videos. We watch the
trees grow.

1. Are trees important? Why ? -----------------------------------------------

2. Where do many animals and birds live?---------------------------------
3. How do trees help us when it is hot?--------------------------------------
4. What trees give us?-----------------------------------------------------------
5. What happens on 15th January ?------------------------------------------

Question two :
Read and complete the sentences:
Bridges - old - birds - big - Madaba
1. Last week Kareem and Samira went to---------------.
2. The map is very-----------------and very------------.
3. The ---------------- are huge .
4. Kareem and Samira saw ----------------and animals in the Zoo.
Question three : Choose the correct answer:
1. What's the time? 02:45
a) It's quarter past three. b) It's quarter to three.

2. We --------------- to London last year.

a) go b) went

3. I ---------------------- the mountains now.

a) see b) saw

4. My brother wants to -------------------- to the sea.

a) go b) goes
5. -------------------- you have a pencil?
a) Do b) Does
6. ---------------------- Laila play computer games?
a) Do b) Does

7. She ---------------- very good at drawing.

a) are b) is

8. Omar ---------------------- very good at singing.

a) is b) am

9. Yesterday, the weather ------------------ hot.

a) is b) was
10. Today, the weather ------------------ warm.
a) is b) was

Teacher : Aroob Aladwan ☺

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