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Lab Session 03

To understand the concept of how to access a memory of trainer 8086 and understand
some Assembly instructions.

How to retrieve data from memory. Put some data on memory location (e.g 200 and 300)
and retrieve data to the specified location.

Sample Code
MOV AX,[200]
MOV BX,[300]
MOV [200],BX

Steps to follow:
1. First store some data on location number [200] e.g(0005)
2. Secondly store some data on location number [300] e.g(0006)
3. Then again set segment :offset (0000:1000)
4. Enter equivalent machine code of the above code.
5. Set again offset 0000:1000
6. Press STP and then REG
7. And verify result.

Lab Tasks
1. Edit the contents of the memory locations 120, 133,122 by 02, 04,03 respectively.
2. Add the contents of the above defined memory location using mov instruction.
3. Subtract the content of 120 location by 133 and then store the result in the120 location
and add the new 120 location contents with the content of 122 location.

4. Edit the contents of the memory locations 200, 250, 300 by 72, AA, 05 respectively AND
200 and 250 then OR 200 and 300 and not 200.

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