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 Relationship vit D gonads

GLYCOLIPIDS  Skin – present si vitamin D sa skin it just
 Carbohydrates + lipids need sunlight to digest and form into D3
 consists of a lipid molecule linked to one or (cholecalciferol)
more sugar (carbohydrate) molecules  Present in bile gallstone
 Bile – digest fat
TYPES OF GLYCOLIPIDS  Gallstone – Cannot digest because of
1. Sphingosine too much fat eating (cholelitiasis)
 Building block of more complex lipids  “ chole”
known as sphingolipids.  Cholesterol ester – acyl CoA – acyl
 Plays a crucial role in various cellular transferase (LCAT)
processes, including cell structure and  Lecithin + cholesterol – LCAT lecithin
signaling. cholesterol acyl transferase – cholesterol ester +
2. Cerebrosides  acyl transferase – helps to absorb fats in
 white matter, transmission of nerve intestine.
impulses  C27H45OH
 consist of a single sugar molecule (usually  Double bond C5 and C6
glucose or galactose)  White or Faint yellow
 important for the insulation of nerve fibers  Odorless
and the formation of the myelin sheath.  Nonelectrolyte – poor conductor of electricity
o cerebron
o nervon STEROIDS
o oxynervon  associated with fats
o kerasin  Complex ring forms - cyclopentano perhydro
phenanthrene (CPPP)
3. Gangliosides
 gray matter of brain. TYPES OF STEROIDS
 Carbs made up of lipid  Sterols- cholesterol
 Galactose  Bile acids- glycocholic acid and taurocholic acid
 neuronal bodies, RBC, dendrites  Sex hormones- estrogen, testosterone
 Galactose, N- acetylgalactosamine, N-  Vitamin D- Vitamin D2 and vitamin D3
acetylneuraminic acid  Adrenocortical hormonal – corticosterone
o GM-1  Saponins- digitonin
o GM-2  Cardiac glycosides- stropanthin
o GM-3
 Influence the metabolic process of  7- dehydrocholesterol / Provitamin D3
circulating hormones  Sterol present in skin, intestinal wall
 Uv rays of sunlight – provitamin
CHOLESTEROL D3/precholecalciferol – cholecalciferol
 Widely present in body Vitamin D3
 Brain, nervous tissue, skin, intestinal mucosa,
adrenal cortex, corpus leteum ERGOSTEROL
 Egg yolk, butter, milk, meat  Plant sterol
 Fungi – yeast – mushroom  chloroform layer + acetic anhydride – color
 Differs from provitamin D3 in the Side chain of change from red – blue
the nucleus
 Uv light – opening of the ring B of the sterol – LIPSCHUTZ REACTION
vitamin D2/ ergosterol  Boil glacial acetic acid with cholesterol + drops
of benzoyl peroxide
TEST FOR LIPIDS  Concentrated sulfuric acid – red oxycholesterol
will react with acid – blue
 Solubility with water – lipids are immiscible in ZAK’S REACTION
water, indicating the presence of oil or fat in  Glacial acetic acid with cholesterol
samples  Sulfuric acid and ferric chloride – red color
 Solubility with alcohol – lipids form a lower
layer in alcohol. Heat them the samples are SAPONIFICATION TEST
dissolved on heating, indicating the presence of  Lipids upon alkaline hydrolysis release glycerol
oil or fat in the samples and fatty acids. Later sodium (Na+) or
 Solubility with chloroform – lipids are potassium (K+) ions combines with fatty acids
miscible in chloroform, indicating the presence to form “soap” (foam).
of oil or fat in the samples  Take approximately 100 mg of oil or fat in test
tube. Add 3mL of alcoholic KOH and mix well.
Principles: due to hydrophobic nature of lipids they Place the tube in a boiling water bath for 15-20
are insoluble in water and are soluble in organic minutes
solution  Appearance of foamy solution indicates
the presence of oil or fat
 Chloroform solution of sterol, ACROLEINS TEST
 Concentrated sulfuric acid + acetic anhydride =  Formation of acrolein or acrylic aldehyde that
grass green color has the characteristics pungent odor is the key
 Cholesterol in the presence of concentrated principle. On general upon heating with
sulfuric acid and acetic anhydride producing potassium bisulphate produce acrolein
colored product which is blue-green  When oil and fats treated strongly in presence of
(chromophore) dehydrating agent like potassium bisulphate, the
 Sterols will give grass green color glycerol portion of the molecule is dehydrated to
 Colorimetric reaction (emerald green) form an unsaturated aldehyde, acrolein which
has a pungent irritating odor.
SALKOWSKI TEST  Take approximately 100 mg of test sample in a
 Chloroform solution of cholesterol test tube and add a pinch of potassium
 Concentrated sulfuric acid – heavier acid layer bisulphate and mix well. Heat the mixture over
below will exhibit a green fluorescence, on the a bunsen burner for 1-2 minutes
upper will be the chloroform that will develop a  Release of pungent odor indicates
cherry red to purple color presence of glycerol


 Chloroform solution of cholesterol  This test is mainly helpful to assess the
 Formaldehyde: sulfuric acid mixture (1:50) unsaturation in. a given oil sample. The two
 Chloroform layer cherry red
principles that will explain the reaction  Babies with this condition usually pass away
mechanism are given below. within two to three years
 Bromine or iodine upon reacting with TYPE 3
unsaturated fatty acids produce di-halo  Worldwide, Gaucher disease type 3 is the most
adducts. Consumption of more bromine common form
indicates the higher percentage of unsaturation.  It appears before age 10 and causes bone and
organ abnormalities and neurological (brain)
 Decolorization of alkaline potassium problems.
permanganate is also an indirect measure of  Treatments can help many people with Gaucher
unsaturation in fatty acids, where unsaturated disease type 3 live into their 20s or 30s.
fatty acids undergo incomplete oxidation.
 Decoloration of KMNO4 or bromine water CAUSES
indicates the presence of unsaturated fats or  Gaucher disease is an inherited metabolic
fatty acids disorder.
 No decoloration indicates the presence of  A genetic change (mutation) in the GBA gene
saturated fats or fatty acids causes the disease.
 The GBA gene is responsible for making an
DISEASES ASSOCIATED WITH LIPIDS enzyme called glucocerebrosidase (GCase).
 People with Gaucher disease don’t have enough
GAUCHER’S DISEASE of this enzyme.
 Gaucher disease is an inherited lysosomal  Enzymes like GCase are proteins that perform
storage disorder (LSD), a that causes fatty several tasks, including breaking down fats
substances (sphingolipids) to build up in your (sphingolipids) in your body.
bone marrow, liver and spleen.  The body doesn’t have enough of these
 The sphingolipids weaken bones and enlarge enzymes, fatty chemicals (called Gaucher
the organs cells) build up in your organs, bone marrow and
TYPE 1  The excess fats cause a wide range of problems
 Gaucher disease type 1 affects the spleen, liver, and symptoms. They affect how organs work,
blood and bones. and destroy blood cells and weaken bones.
 It doesn’t affect your brain or spinal cord.
 For some people, symptoms are mild. Other SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS
people experience severe bruising, fatigue and  Anemia: As lipids build up in bone marrow,
pain, especially in their bones and abdomen they destroy red blood cells. Red blood cells
 Symptoms can appear at any age, from early carry oxygen throughout body.
childhood to late adulthood.  Enlarged organs: spleen and liver get bigger as
fatty chemicals build up, which causes
TYPE 2 abdominal enlargement and tenderness.
 A rare form of the disorder, Gaucher disease  An enlarged spleen destroys platelets leading to
type 2 appears in babies younger than 6 months a low platelet count and bleeding problems.
old.  Bruising, bleeding and clotting issues: A low
 It causes an enlarged spleen, movement platelet count causes people with Gaucher
problems and severe brain damage. disease to bruise easily. Their blood doesn’t
 There’s no treatment for Gaucher disease type 2. clot like it should. They’re at risk of heavy or
prolonged bleeding, even after minor injuries,  Enzyme replacement therapy
surgery or nosebleeds.  People with Gaucher disease need ERT
 Fatigue: As a result of anemia, people with regularly (every two weeks) for treatment to be
Gaucher disease often experience fatigue effective. It is administered thru IV
 Lung problems: Fatty chemicals accumulate in  During ERT, the enzyme is delivered directly
lungs and make it difficult to breathe. into bloodstream from where it can reach organs
 Pain: Decreased blood flow causes pain in the  This will prevent buildup of fats
bones. Arthritis, joint pain and joint damage
are common signs of Gaucher disease. SUBSTRATE REPLACEMENT THERAPY
 Osteonecrosis: This condition, also known as  This treatment decreases fatty chemicals so they
avascular necrosis, results from a lack of can’t build up in the body.
oxygen reaching your bones. Without enough  Take SRT medication orally.
oxygen, bone tissue fractures into tiny pieces  Continue taking the medication regularly to
and dies. prevent damage to the body.
 Bones that fracture easily: Gaucher disease  Researchers are actively developing several new
causes osteoporosis, a condition that occurs therapies using genetic engineering and stem
when your bones don’t get enough calcium. cell technologies
With osteoporosis (and osteopenia, a mild form
of osteoporosis), bones can break easily. NIEMANN PICK DISEASE
Weakened bones can lead to skeletal  Niemann-Pick is a rare, inherited disease that
abnormalities. affects the body's ability to metabolize fat
(cholesterol and lipids) within cells.
PROBLEMS AFFECTING BRAIN  These cells malfunction and, over time, die.
 Neurological symptoms of Gaucher disease  Niemann-Pick disease can affect the brain,
includes nerves, liver, spleen, bone marrow and, in
 Feeding challenges and developmental delays severe cases, lungs.
(in babies with Gaucher disease type 2).  People with this condition experience symptoms
 Cognitive difficulties. related to progressive loss of function of
 Eye problems, specifically when moving eyes nerves, the brain and other organs.
from side to side.  Niemann-Pick can occur at any age but mainly
 Problems with gross motor skills and affects children. The disease has no known
coordination. cure and is sometimes fatal. Treatment is
 Seizures, muscle spasms and quick, jerky focused on helping people live with their
movements. symptoms.

 check for enzyme levels  Niemann-Pick is caused by mutations in specific
 DNA test to see if the gene mutations causing genes related to how the body metabolizes fat
Gaucher disease are present. (cholesterol and lipids).
 Gaucher disease carriers don’t have any  The Niemann-Pick gene mutations are passed
symptoms, but they can pass the disease to their from parents to children in a pattern called
children. Consider these problem if patient is autosomal recessive inheritance.
planning to have a child

 This means that both the mother and the father
must pass on the defective form of the gene for TYPE C
the child to be affected.  People with type C may not experience any
 Niemann-Pick is a progressive disease, and symptoms until adulthood.
there is no cure. It can occur at any age  Niemann-Pick type C is a rare inherited
 The genetic mutations of this type cause
SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS cholesterol and other fats to accumulate in the
 Clumsiness and difficulty walking liver, spleen or lungs.
 Excessive muscle contractions (dystonia) or eye  The brain is also affected
 Sleep disturbances DIAGNOSTIC TEST
 Difficulty swallowing and eating  Diagnostic techniques depend on the type of
 Recurrent pneumonia Niemann-Pick disease.
 For Type A or B. Using a blood or skin sample
TYPE A (biopsy), experts measure how much
 Some infants with type A will show signs and sphingomyelinase is in white blood cells to
symptoms within the first few months of life. confirm the diagnosis.
 Type A occurs mainly in infants, who show  Type C. Experts take a small sample of skin to
severe, progressive brain disease. There is no test for Niemann-Pick to assess how the cells
cure, so most children do not live beyond their move and store cholesterol
first few years.
 Types A and B are caused by a missing or  Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). An MRI
malfunctioning enzyme called of the brain may show loss of brain cells. But in
sphingomyelinase. the early stages of Niemann-Pick, an MRI may
 This affects the body's ability to metabolize fat be normal because symptoms typically occur
(cholesterol and lipids), resulting in a buildup of before the loss of brain cells.
fat in cells. This causes cell dysfunction and,  Eye exam. An eye exam can show signs that
over time, cell death. may be an indication of NiemannPick disease,
such as eye movement difficulties.
TYPE B  Genetic testing. DNA testing of a blood sample
 Those with type B may not show signs for years may show the specific abnormal genes that
and have a better chance of surviving to cause Niemann-Pick types A, B and C. DNA
adulthood tests can show who the carriers are for all types
 Type B usually occurs later in childhood and is of Niemann-Pick disease if the mutations have
not associated with primary brain disease. been described in the first person identified in a
Most people affected with type B survive into family (the index case).
adulthood.  Prenatal testing. Ultrasound can detect the
 Types A and B are caused by a missing or enlarged liver and spleen that's caused by type
malfunctioning enzyme called C. And amniocentesis or chorionic villus
sphingomyelinase. sampling may be used to confirm a diagnosis of
 This affects the body's ability to metabolize fat Niemann-Pick
(cholesterol and lipids), resulting in a buildup of
fat in cells. This causes cell dysfunction and, TREATMENT
over time, cell death
 Physical therapy is an important part of
treatment to help maintain mobility as long as
 People with Niemann-Pick disease need to see
their doctors regularly, because the disease
progresses and symptoms worsen.

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