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Self-Assessment Assignment

Marlene Grossman

Vanessa Filippelli

Student Number: 1870240

Course title: Career Preparation 603-101

Section Number: 1

September 25th 2018

1. Introduction

Choosing a career at a young age can be extremely difficult, especially when you’re deciding the

occupation that will stick beside you until the age of retirement. Many students and adults have a

strenuous time on their journey of trying to find an occupation that they aren’t only interested in, but that

represents them as well. Myself, for example, am still uncertain about which path I want to follow.

Exploring various personality and career activities can unquestionably be a great support as it helps me

start putting employment ideas in mind.

This assignment will be presenting my personal strengths, weaknesses and my learning profile within

the information that has been introduced and gathered throughout the many learning styles exercises that

took place within class. This data can possibly aid me into preparing to make a career choice, as it not

only sets out and categorises what I’m best at, but also introduces many different techniques that may

help me succeed in studying to my best capability.

2. Multiple Intelligences and Personality Spectrum

One of the many activities that took place within Career Preparation class are the questionnaires. They

guided me into getting to know more about my personality type, and assisted me with getting more

familiar on the different categories of intelligence that I’m stronger in. In the first questionnaire, called

‘The Personality Spectrum’, many questions were being asked about what I enjoy doing during my free

time, how I handle different situations, and how I express myself in various conditions. The test

described my personality as an introvert; someone who is serious, quiet and who works best by being

concentrated and by paying great attention to detail. It also exclaims that I’m a dependable person, who
likes taking lead, and who stays loyal towards my own thoughts, without being influenced by the

protests and the distractions of others. I can unquestionably state that these qualities define my character

perfectly, as not only do I describe myself with the same traits, but my surrounding folks do as well.

The second questionnaire is called ‘Multiple Intelligence Ratings’. This activity helped us get a better

idea on how we express ourselves and how we cope with difficult situations that are being thrown at us.

The category of intelligence that I was able to relate to the most would have to be the verbal/linguistic

intelligence. What this says about me is that I enjoy being the leader of most things, whether it’s a group

project or a conversation. I can be described as someone who enjoys writing and literature, and I create

fun within activities that the majority of people don’t like, such as reading and memorizing. I can

certainly state that this questionnaire relates to my character quite precisely; I was always known as the

girl who always loved books and taking lead in any situation.

3. Study Strategies for your Learning Profile

The next activity that took place during class, called “Learning Style Inventory”, helped us students

distinguish which study strategies work best for a person with our learning profile. Based on the results

that were given to me, it informs me that I’m someone who refers to watching and thinking as a mode

for learning. While studying, I try to highlight which ideas and techniques are most important for

success and work with those. I’m always seeking for more information and answers, so that I can have a

better picture about the topic and comprehend the bigger picture. I’m most skilled at creating models,

defining problems, and planning.

Referring to the VAK system (From Master Student to Master Employee, Dave Ellis’, 2015, page 51), it

demonstrates methods that may enhance my preferred way of learning. It assumes that I should preview

reading assignments by looking for elements that are visually highlighted such as headlines, graphs,

pictures and photographs. It also exclaims that before writing an exam, I should quickly sketch out a

diagram and use it to summarize the key formulas or facts I want to remember.

Throughout my many years of schooling, one of the techniques above that I always took advantage of

has to be the last one. To organize myself before an exam, I would always write the most important

elements that are useful or that should be kept in mind on paper numerous times. Since I retain

information best by writing it down or by sketching it, this strategy really assisted me in reducing

anxiety levels during a test, as it reduced problematic situations of me forgetting key elements that are

needed to be remembered. Another strategy that has always helped me retain information was by

copying the teachers notes given on the board word for word. Examining the phrases and rewriting them

in my own notes has always been a perfect way of recalling relevant facts.

4. Dealing with Problem Courses

Two required courses that I’m not looking forward would have to be humanities, and a language course

such as English or French. Referring to my learning-styles profile, there are many characteristics

provided that can help me understand this lack of enthusiasm. Since I’m someone who comprehends

best by defining problems and by visual learning, these two courses will be a bit more difficult for me to

do well in, since they don’t involve these traits. For example, I enjoy math and science most because it
revolves around planning, developing theories, brainstorming, and sketching; unlike humanities, English

and French, which only provides information without any use of reasoning.

To help me get the most out of these classes and enjoy them more, there are many study techniques that

can be used. Firstly, during class time when the teacher is teaching a lesson, I can sketch out images of

the topic to not only help me understand the situation at a different perspective but also help me retain

information. Secondly, I can create my own problems and solutions of the subject, so that it can help

keep me satisfied throughout class.

5. Looking Ahead

Throughout all the handouts given, I’d have to say the skills that are associated with a person with my

learning profile are positively accurate. Since a young age, I’ve always stood out as someone who is

brighter with planning, developing theories and defining problems. Two college programs that can relate

to these skills are the Health Science program and Psychology. These programs are mainly based on

solving situations, and developing theories to define problems, which is exactly the areas where I’m

most strong in. Three careers that associate with these problems is a Physician, a Psychologist, and a

Radiologist. They are all related with analyzing complications and finding the solutions that would most

likely suit the situation.

6. Conclusion

After all the activities that took place within this assignment, I learned many new things about my

character, such as the way I deal and cope with comprehension and educational situations. I also never

related my methods of learning to the career path that I should take in life, which is one thing that this

activity made me take into consideration.

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