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Base calling is pivotal step in DNA sequencing; in here the goal is to determine the nucleotide sequence

of a DNA strand.

The term "base caller" refers to the software or algorithm used to interpret the raw data generated by a
sequencing instrument and assign a specific nucleotide (adenine, thymine, cytosine, or guanine) to each
position in the sequence.

During the DNA sequencing process, the sequencing instrument records signals corresponding to the
incorporation of nucleotides into the growing DNA strand. These signals are then processed by base
calling software, which translates the signals into a nucleotide sequence. The accuracy and reliability of
base calling are essential for obtaining an accurate representation of the DNA sequence.

Different sequencing technologies and platforms may use distinct base calling algorithms tailored to
their specific methodologies. Advances in base calling algorithms contribute to improvements in
sequencing accuracy, enabling researchers to obtain more reliable and high-quality DNA sequences.

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