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Andy Lloyd

Skigh Athletics At-Home

Monday & Thursday Leg Day

Full Body Warm-Up

Take 90 Seconds Rest between every set and superset.
• Ankles (1-Minute Side-to-Side)
• Superset the next 3 Exercises:
o Scap Pullbacks (3 Sets x 15 Reps)
o Open Shoulders w/ Towel (3 Sets x 15 Reps)
o Lat Pulldowns w/ Towel (3 Sets x 15 Reps)
• Jefferson Curls (3 Sets x 8 Reps)
• Superset the next 3 Exercises:
o Hip Flexor Raises (3 Sets x 5 Reps for 3 second holds)
o VMO Reverse Extension (3 Sets x 15 Reps each leg)
o Groin Activation Squats (3 Sets x 12 Reps)

The Workout:
Take 90 Seconds Rest between every set.
• Glute Bridge / VMO Abduction (3 Sets x 8 Reps)
• “Rocking Chair” Abs (3 Sets x 30 Second Holds – Rest 10 Seconds Only)
• Superman Front & Back (5 Sets x 5 Reps each way)
• Seated Good Mornings (3 Sets x 8 Reps)
• 1/4 Constant Tension Squats (3 Sets x 30 Reps)
• Single Leg Towel Deadlifts (5 Sets x 5 Reps for 3 second holds)
• Regular Towel Deadlift Max Out (5 Sets x 5 Reps for 3 second holds)
• Elevated Lunges for Knee Over Toe (3 Sets x 8 reps each leg)
• Single Leg Tuck Jumps (3 sets x 5 Reps each leg)
• Single Leg Balance (3 Sets x 20 seconds each leg & get creative!)
• Quad Extensions (3 Sets x 8 Reps)
• Assisted Nordics (5 Sets x 5 Reps)

Lower Body Stretches

Take 90 Seconds Rest between every set.
• Elevated Glute (3 Sets x 15 Seconds each leg)
• Shin Raises (3 Sets x 12 Reps)
• Couch Quadriceps (3 Sets x 5 Reps for 5 second holds)
• Butterfly à Hamstring (3 Sets x 5 Reps for 8 second holds for each stretch)
• Low Back, Turning Hip Stretch (3 Sets x 3 Reps for 10 second holds each leg)
• CSI Hips (3 Sets x 8 Raises OR 15 Second Holds each leg)
• Lizard Spine, Open Chest (3 Sets x 5 Reps for each side)
Andy Lloyd
Skigh Athletics
Tuesday & Friday Upper Body

Upper Body Warm-Up

Take 2 minutes rest between each Set and Superset.
• Superset the next 3 Exercises:
o Scap Pullbacks (3 Sets x 15 Reps)
o Open Shoulders w/ Towel (3 Sets x 10 Reps)
o Lat Pulldowns w/ Towel (3 Sets x 12 Reps)
• Superset the next 2 Exercises:
o Open Up Chest (3 Sets x 10 Reps)
o Open Up Chest Pt. 2 (3 Sets x 10 Reps)
• Superset the next 2 Exercises
o Shoulder Circles – Forward (3 Sets x 30 Reps)
o Shoulder Circles – Backwards (3 Sets x 30 Reps)
• Superset the next 2 Exercises
o Mountain Climbers (3 Sets x 50 Total Reps)
o Dying Bug (3 Sets x 20 Reps)
• Superset the next 2 Exercises
o Russian Twists (3 Sets x 30 Total Reps)
o Lying Obliques (3 Sets x 30 Reps)


The Workout:
Take 90 Seconds Rest between every set.
• 7 Set Max Out Push-Ups (Max Out, Rest 90 sec., Repeat)
• 7 Set Max Out Lat Pull-Downs (Max Out, Rest 90 sec., Repeat)
• Tricep Couch Dips (5 Sets x 15 Reps)
• Back Flies / Rows (3 Sets x Failure, 60 sec. rest, Repeat)
• Lower Chest “Flies” (3 Sets x 20 Reps)
• Tricep Hand Resisted Extension (3 Sets x 8 Reps each arm)
• Bicep Hand Resisted Curl (3 Sets x 12 Reps each arm)

Upper Body Stretches

Take 90 Seconds Rest between every set.
• Chest Reach (3 Sets x 5 Reps x 5 Sec. Holds)
• Lat Stretch (3 Sets x 5 Reps x 5 Sec. Holds)
• Upper Body Floss (1 Set x 15 Reps each arm)
• Child’s Pose / Lat Stretch (1 Set x 15 Reps)

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