A Case of Anorexia Nervosa in A Preadolescent Male

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Case Report

A Case of Anorexia Nervosa in a Preadolescent Male

Prajakta Patkar, Ichpreet Singh, Suprakash Chaudhury, Daniel Saldanha

Department of Psychiatry, Anorexia nervosa (AN) is one among the severe psychiatric disorders of

Dr. D Y Patil Medical
College, Hospital and
adolescence. AN in boys is often overlooked by both physicians and psychiatrists
Research Centre, Dr. D since it is predominantly seen in females. Teenagers usually get over the disorder,
Y Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune, but in some cases, AN can cause serious complications, including chronicity and
Maharashtra, India death. AN is often encountered among females and more so in the affluent class.
Here, we present an 11‑year‑old boy belonging to a middle‑class Indian family,
referred for psychiatric evaluation from the pediatrics department after ruling
out all medical causes for the weight loss. The patient complained of loss of
appetite along with weight loss of 14 kg in the last 3 months. In‑depth psychiatric
evaluation revealed significant distress of gaining weight as well as an intense
disgust related to his body shape. A cluster of determined food refusal and weight
loss triggered the exploration of other symptoms of AN. The patient responded to
antidepressants and well‑planned cognitive behavioral therapy. Results were seen
in the form of return to the normal range of body weight, shape, and size along
with its confident acceptance.
Submission: 25‑09‑2020,
Decision: 30‑04‑2021, Keywords: Anorexia nervosa, body image, cognitive behavioral therapy, eating
Acceptance: 28‑05‑2021,
Web Publication: 28-01-2022 disorders, preadolescent male

Introduction However, owing to later onset of puberty and distinctly

different social images, males often tend to present at a
T he term anorexia nervosa (AN) was coined
in 1873 by Sir William Gull in London and
Dr. Charles Laségue in France who referred to it as
later age than females.[5] Men are seen to be reluctant
to seek treatment out of shame, and clinicians too are
“anorexia hysterique.” Both physicians described less likely to recognize the syndrome in male versus
cases of individuals presenting at markedly low body female patients. Moreover, while AN has been thought
weights and engaging in self‑starvation behaviors. of historically as a disease of white, wealthy women,
However, the initial medical description of the condition it impacts individuals of all racial and socioeconomic
was by Richard Morton in 1689.[1] AN is a serious backgrounds.[6,7] Hence, the prevalence of this disorder
physical and psychiatric disorder that carries a crude in the Indian setting is very less and more so in
mortality rate of 5%.[2] AN is most commonly seen preadolescent males. Considering this, we present this
in the Western world and has a significantly lower case to discuss a slightly uncommon form of presentation
incidence in developing countries like India. The and moreover in an unusual profile.
prevalence in India was reported as 0.18%, which is
much lower than in Western countries.[3] This disorder
Case Report
is predominantly seen in adolescent females of the age Our patient was an 11‑year‑old boy, studying in the
group of 15–19 years of age. The clinical presentation of 6th grade, referred to the psychiatry department for
AN among males is rare.[4,5] Males and females tend to
share similar clinical presentation and psychopathology Address for correspondence: Dr. Suprakash Chaudhury,
except for amenorrhea. In addition, males are disposed Department of Psychiatry, Dr. D Y Patil Medical College, Hospital
and Research Centre, Pimpri, Pune ‑ 411 018, Maharashtra, India.
to vigorous exercise, have sexual concerns, and suffer E‑mail: suprakashch@gmail.com
comorbid psychiatric disorders more often than females.
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Commons Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 4.0 License, which allows others to
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DOI: How to cite this article: Patkar P, Singh I, Chaudhury S, Saldanha D. A case
10.4103/mjdrdypu.mjdrdypu_539_20 of anorexia nervosa in a preadolescent male. Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth

© 2022 Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow 1
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Patkar, et al.: Anorexia nervosa in a preadolescent male

unexplained weight loss. The pediatrics department patient had always been a bright child who would be
had ruled out all the causes for the unexplained weight among the class toppers and, hence, disagreed with the
loss. The patient’s parents gave a history of refusal of rebellious and careless attitude of his brother and was
food and weight loss for the last 2–3 months. It initially never very close to him emotionally. Automatically,
started off as decreased food intake owing to a feeling this made him the favorite and pampered child in the
of being bloated, which made the child reduce his meals household as he always was an obedient and bright
as he did not feel hungry very often. At first, the boy child. He had a very demanding nature and used to get
would only avoid the amount of food he would take extremely upset if things did not go according to him.
and then the number of meals. He gradually started His parents described him as a perfectionist especially
avoiding sweet foods and even fried or oily foods. His when it came to things related to school. He had a
parents said that he would often read up on the internet few friends in school and around home and would get
about the caloric content of various food items and keep along fine with them, although he had not gone out to
sharing this information with everyone at home. Later, play much in the last few months. The boy thought
he stopped eating any kind of bread and rice to avoid that his parents had a lot of expectations from him,
any carbohydrates. The child would often taunt the other especially because his brother would not entertain their
family members about their food habits and even asked concerns about his callous attitude. Apart from this, his
them to eat less on multiple occasions. A lot of times, developmental history was normal with no significant
he would stand next to his mother in the kitchen and medical or psychiatric history. There was no history of
supervise her cooking to make sure that she did not use any psychiatric illness in the family.
any unhealthy ingredient. On further questioning, his On examination, he was averagely built boy with
parents revealed that they had observed him deliberately a cachexic body [Figure 1]. Blood pressure was
inducing vomiting on a few occasions and even asking 90/70 mmHg and pulse 70/min. He had dry skin and
them for laxatives saying he was experiencing some cold extremities. Some proximal muscle wasting was
stomach discomfort. When advised by the family or seen and he was too weak to sit upright in the chair
friends to have a proper meal or questioned about his for long. Apart from this, the systemic examination
sudden weight loss, the parents complained of irritability was normal. On mental status examination, he
and anger outbursts. was very guarded in the beginning and it was very
Due to all this, he rapidly started losing weight. His difficult to establish a rapport with him. In subsequent
weight drastically dropped from 34 kg to 20 kg, a 14 kg interviews, he confided that he was teased by a few
or a 40% weight loss in a mere 2 ½–3 months. His kids in school about his weight and they called
BMI came down to 10.36 kg/m2, making him severely him names saying he was fat or plump. Having felt
underweight. The ideal weight for his 140 cm height very hurt by this, he started dieting to lose weight.
should have been 38 kg. Due to sudden weight loss, he He revealed that he used to be preoccupied with his
weight and admitted that he checked it after every
became weak, complained of intolerance to cold, fatigue,
meal. The patient had significant distress related to
and constipation at times. Off late, this boy became
his body image and believed that he was “fatter and
so weak that someone had to assist him in doing his
chubbier” than his friends at school. When questioned
day‑to‑day activities such as bathing, dressing, or toilet
about his ideal weight, he agreed that he had lost
activities. The child was unable to attend school in the
weight because of his food restriction and said it is
last 10–12 days before admission. There was no history
suggestive of binge eating or excessive exercising to
lose weight. There were no symptoms suggestive of
depression or psychosis.
This child belonged to a joint family and was the second
son to his parents. They lived in a small apartment
located in the outskirts of a tier two city. His family
included grandparents, parents, a widowed aunt, and
an elder brother. Both the parents had formal education
up to the 8th grade. His father worked as a clerk in an
office, mother being a homemaker. His brother was a
below average class 10 student, who was not interested
in studying and would always be spending his time with
his friends in spite of being scolded by his parents. The Figure 1: Anorexia nervosa patient before treatment

2 Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth ¦ Volume XX ¦ Issue XX ¦ Month 2022
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Patkar, et al.: Anorexia nervosa in a preadolescent male

very good that he weighed less now even though it

was below the ideal weight for kids his age as he
would not be teased now at least. The child very
rigidly said multiple times that he should always
weigh <25 kg and it would be a disaster if at all his
weight would be more than 30 kg. When asked as to
why he would not attend school, said he felt weak
and had difficulties being attentive and concentrating.
Routine investigations such as hemogram and liver
and renal function tests were normal. Hormonal
levels such as growth hormone, cortisol levels,
thyroid function tests, and sex hormones such as
follicle‑stimulating hormone, LH, and testosterone
were normal. Magnetic resonance imaging brain and
abdomen revealed no abnormalities. Hence, all other
causes of weight loss were meticulously ruled out.
Figure 2: Anorexia nervosa patient after treatment
After establishing a diagnosis of AN according to
the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental his misconceptions about his weight and body image
Disorders, 5th Edition (DSM‑5), treatment was and how harmful they were to him. The child weighs
initiated with an SSRI, namely, tablet sertraline. It around 36 kg over the last 3–4 months and has been
was started at a low dose of 12.5 mg in the beginning well maintained on treatment.
and slowly uptitrated to 50 mg. Multivitamin and
other nutritional supplements were also added to Discussion
ensure replenishment of the body stores. The main
In today’s world, size and appearance is unfortunately
focus of the treatment was cognitive behavioral
one of the biggest parameters to assess beauty.
therapy (CBT). Detailed structured sessions of CBT
by a trained psychotherapist were planned for the Societal and peer pressure to be and to look the best
child. It first focused at understanding the child’s creates undue stress in children and adults alike.
cognitive distortions about his weight and body Beauty lying in the eyes of the beholder is a concept
image. There were also sessions planned to get a that has acquired an almost antagonistic effect on the
better understanding of his dynamics with family and minds of the people. Other’s opinion of our body
friends, who would later be involved in the therapy. image has become of greater value than one’s own
After getting a better understanding of all this, the comfort and health as was seen in our patient. AN
child was slowly made aware of the faults in his way is invariably linked with a fear of fatness and issues
of thinking and the problematic effects it was having with one’s own body shape. The current guidelines
on his mental and physical health. After developing an of psychiatric disorders, namely, ICD‑10 and DSM‑5,
insight into his illness, he was convinced to work on also corroborate with it. It is defined as a disorder
his attitudes toward his body image and subsequently characterized essentially by a restriction of energy
gradually alter his food habits. Along with this, his intake, intense fear of fatness or gaining weight, and
family had to be educated in detail about his disorder. misconceptions or preoccupations with one’s body
Family counseling sessions were carried out to shape and image. Invariably assumed to be a disorder
explain how they could support us in treating him and affecting the adolescent females of the affluent class,
how reinforcement could help achieve better results. it is most commonly seen in the Western world.
A well‑balanced diet was chalked down with the help Eating disorders in males are often overlooked
of a dietician with inputs from the patient as well. and diagnosed late as physicians often keep it as a
Slowly and steadily the boy started gaining weight. diagnosis of exclusion as was clearly highlighted in
He gained 6 kg by the end of 1½ months and 14 kg by our patient. Studies now reveal that male‑to‑female
the end of 3 months [Figure 2]. Since this all started prevalence ratio of AN is about 1:10.[8] In addition,
with the child being affected by the school bullies and physicians may have a lower index of suspicion for
the name calling, he was also counseled on how to eating disorders in boys compared with girls. It is
better deal with similar incidents in future. Even after postulated that eating disorders are only diagnosed
6 months, the patient and parents have maintained in males when significant psychiatric comorbidity is
a regular follow‑up to the hospital. He now realizes present.[9]

Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth ¦ Volume XX ¦ Issue XX ¦ Month 2022 3
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Patkar, et al.: Anorexia nervosa in a preadolescent male

There are differences in predictors of eating disorders reported in the journal. The patients understand that their
in studies. One study observed that eating disorder names and initials will not be published and due efforts
cognitions in girls were predicted by childhood body will be made to conceal their identity, but anonymity
dissatisfaction in girls but only in interaction with BMI in cannot be guaranteed.
boys.[10] Another study reported that symptoms at 12 years Financial support and sponsorship
of age were greater body dissatisfaction for both sexes but
higher depressive symptoms only for girls. Other studies
have identified early feeding difficulties, parenting styles, Conflicts of interest
anxiety symptoms, and perfectionist traits as risk factors There are no conflicts of interest.
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4 Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth ¦ Volume XX ¦ Issue XX ¦ Month 2022

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