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Japanese Tool Box

Your Name: Hamza Miakhil

EMD #1
Your Drawing of the box- with dimensions
Multiple Pics of your box
Your finished product
Tools used to create your product
And description of how you built it

I cut the big pieces of wood with the miter saw then cut the wood into shape
with the back saw then glued it together then i scrolled it with the scroll saw
and drilled it with the impact driver then used the planer tool to sand it then
used the sander edge to sand some of the piece so it could fit together and at
last Beeswaxed it so it looks nice.
Narrative of what did you learn
Rephrase the questions in your narrative and be descriptive

• What went well and what was difficult- Well lots of the piece that i did with the
back tool saw was not perfect it was difficult to get it perfect but at last it
came together.

• What was important on building your piece Screwing it together so it stays

together and the pieces if you don’t got the pieces then it is useless.

• What would you do differently? not much i would do what i did the first time.

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