RADI 3570 Lab 1

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Faculty of Energy Systems and Nuclear Science

Environmental Effects of Radioactivity

Environmental Field Sampling

Technical Memorandum
Report Number: TM-EER-001
Date: September 23, 2020
Prepared by:
Signature A.P
Alvin Pirabakaran

Lucas Taylor

Reviewed by:

Brendan Smith

Approved by:

Purushoth Theivendirarajah
Team Leader
Table of Contents
Abstract 3

Introduction/Background 4

Materials & Methods / Procedure 5

Analysis & Discussion 6

Conclusion 7

References 8

Appendix 9

For this lab, a field sampling team uses various methods of radiation measurement and
sample collection to measure environmental radiation. The purpose of this was to gain
experience with environmental monitoring that may be used for routine environmental
measurement or in the case of an accident occurring resulting in the possible release of
radioactive material. The sample taken back to the lab for further analysis included vegetation, a
soil plug, loose soil and two water samples. At each location throughout the sampling process,
environmental radiation was measured with a portable detector - the Eberlin E-600 detector with
an SHP-360 probe. Two sets of data points are recorded at the waist and ground level, one with
the probe pointing downward and the other set with the probe facing up. When the probe is
facing down, the probe will receive gamma and beta particles, while radiation from above is
shielded by the probe backing. When the probe is facing upward, only gamma particles are
detected from the ground since beta particles are blocked by the probe backing. Additionally in
the probe facing upward position the radiation from a plume of radioactive material could be
detected and this was not observed in this case. Personal dosimetry was also measured at
every point visited in the experiment with the RadEye6 personal dosimeter and FH40G gamma
dose rate meter. The dose recorded by these devices is within a reasonable range at
approximately half of that estimated for the average Canadian.

In this laboratory, the procedures involved in the sampling of the environment are
replicated to simulate what may be carried out in the case of an emergency situation where
radioactive materials are released into the environment, or alternatively what may be regularly
carried out to monitor the environment, in order to ensure there has been no release of
radioactive materials beyond regulation. During the laboratory, a variety of field sampling was
performed by a team and recorded on worksheets. The samples taken during this lab include 1L
of vegetation, 1L of soil, a stratified (plug) soil sample, 1L of pond water and a small vial of pond
water. While these samples are taken there are also measurements taken of the GPS
coordinates, ambient radiation, personal dose and time. The samples removed from the sample
location are sent to the lab to be further analyzed.
In the case of the ambient radiation, the measurement was made with the Eberline
E-600 survey meter with the HP-360 probe (Appendix C). In this configuration, the background
β+𝛄 and 𝛄 only are measured at the waist and ground level. In order to measure 𝛄 only the
lower penetrating power of β is leveraged by flipping the probe with the back facing downward.
Doing this β is eliminated because it cannot penetrate the backing to be detected by the probe
and so the only 𝛄 is detected. In the case of the β+𝛄 measurements, the probe is used detector
side down so that the β is not eliminated by the shielding from the backing. Comparing the face
down and face up detection at the different heights can provide insight into the location of
radiation plume. If there is no difference between face up and face down at both levels then it
can be assumed that the plume is still above, if the face up is greater than face down at both
levels then the plume is at ground level, and if the face up radiation is equal to face down at
waist, but face up is still greater at ground level, the the plume has passed and there is ground
contamination [1]. In situations where radioactive material has escaped a nearby facility, quickly
determining the plume location can be used to assess what steps must be taken to ensure
public safety.
Personal dosimetry of the field sampling team was measured throughout the exercise
using two instruments, the RadEye 6 personal dosimeter and the gamma dose rate meter
Radiometer FH40G (Appendix D & E). The RadEye 6, which measures either total dose or dose
rate, was used to measure the dose rate in μSv/h at each location. Similarly, FH40G measured
the dose rate in μR/h at each location. Time spent at each location was also measured to get
results for total dose. These measurements are performed to ensure the people that make up
the field sampling team do not receive an excessive dose of radiation.
The samples taken back to the lab including the water, vegetation and soil were to
undergo further detection with more suitable equipment (Appendix F & G). The different
samples can be used to express how radioactive materials Each sample was taken to measure
how radioactive materials accumulate in the environment in different ways such as the
vegetation absorbing it in the tissue which could lead to accumulation in wildlife that consumes
the vegetation. By taking these samples back to the lab more sensitive equipment can be used
to produce a more precise analysis of the radiation present.

Materials & Methods / Procedure
The first step in this lab is filling out a field sampling checklist (Appendix A) to ensure all
materials and equipment required are accounted for. Once all equipment and materials are
accounted for and packed up in a backpack the lab begins and the team makes its way to the
test site. Before leaving the “clean area” outside the test site the background β+𝛄 and β
measurements are made at waist and ground level with the Eberline E-600 with the HP-360
probe and both the dose rate meter and dosimeter readings are taken. Once each of these
measurements is recorded the times and locations are also recorded and the process is
repeated for each location.
Once the sampling team enters the “contaminated area” the background measurements
are taken as previously described and a 1x1m area is marked as the designated sampling area
with a clean tarp laid out to be used for a surface to layout the equipment nearby. In the 1x1m
area, the background measurements are taken as previously described without stepping in the
area. In the sampling area first, the vegetation sample is taken with shears and transferred to
the ziplock bag which is labelled with the masking tape and marker veg-1 (Appendix F). Next,
the soil sampling pipe is hammered into the ground with the hammer and woodblock until its top
is level with the soil level. Once the soil sample pipe is fully driven into the ground the shovel is
used to dig around the pipe to extract the sample and transfer it to a ziplock bag which is
labelled with the masking tape and marker soil-1 (Appendix F). At this stage, the shovel is again
used to collect a loose soil sample from the same area and again transferred to a ziplock bag
which is labelled with the masking tape and marker soil-2 (Appendix F). All equipment used is
placed in the garbage bag to be scanned later and the samples are placed in the plastic tote.
Now that both soil and the vegetation samples are taken the team moves to the pond in
the “contaminated area”. Once at the pond, the background measurements are again taken as
previously described. Next, to take the water samples the dripless baste is used to collect water
while being careful not to disturb the sediment or algae in the pond so that only the water is
taken. The water is first collected in the 1L plastic water bottle and next in a small plastic vial
and the water samples are labelled wat-1 and wat-2 respectively (Appendix G). All equipment
used and possibly contaminated is again placed in the garbage bag to be scanned later and the
samples are placed in the plastic tote.
At this point, all samples have been collected and the tarp, equipment and tote must be
scanned to ensure that they are clean before placing them in the backpack, which is also
scanned. A final measurement of the “contaminated area” is again taken as described
previously before the team approaches the “clean area”. Before entering the “clean area”, each
team member is scanned for any contamination on the body. Finally if clean, one shoe is
scanned and the team member steps in the “clean area” with the shoe if clean and then the
other shoe is scanned and again if clean the team member may step into the “clean area”. Any
contaminated clothing or equipment is removed and placed in the garbage bag for
decontamination. At this point, a final measurement of the clean area is carried out as discussed
previously and the experiment was concluded.

Analysis & Discussion

During the laboratory exercise, a variety of samples are taken for further analysis as well
as radiation measurements made on-site with portable detectors. During the exercise, the
Eberlin E-600 detector with the HP-360 probe is used at each site including the clean zone
before and after the exercise, the “contaminated zone” at the beginning and end of the exercise,
the first sampling zone and the second sampling zone (Appendix C). When these
measurements are made at each site there are four separate data points taken starting at waist
level with the detector facing downward. In the first set of data points, the detector facing down
at waist level detects primarily gamma and some beta while blocking radiation coming from
above which could be from a plume of radioactive materials blown above by wind after some
kind of release. In the second measurement, the probe is flipped upward which ensures that at
this point gamma particles are detected and beta particles cannot reach the detector in any
large quantity due to the shielding of the probe backing. In this case, a plume of radioactive
material may increase the reading which did not occur and instead the readings are all lower
excluding the second sample zone. The same pattern can be seen in the respective ground
measurements except in this case the outlier with a higher reading probe facing up is the
second contaminated area background. In these measurements, small fluctuations are
expected because radiation is probabilistic and this could account for the outliers. The
probabilistic nature of these measurements can be seen in the change between the ground
level measurements (27.4 DPM) in the same “contaminated zone” with the probe in the same
Another type of radiation measurement made is with the RadEye6 personal dosimeter.
The highest dose rate recorded is 0.11 𝛍Sv/h and this is within the expected range. This
dosage, when converted to a yearly total is equal to 0.96 mSv. This is approximately half of the
dose an average Canadian would receive in a year, which is 1.8 mSv [2]. The FH40G detector
also detected a peak dose rate of 15.4 𝛍R/h, which is within the expected range. Converted to a
yearly dose, this is equal to 135 millirems, which is less than the average background radiation
in the United States, which is 300 milirems [3].


The purpose of this lab was to obtain a greater understanding for the process of
environmental field sampling. Students were able to understand the importance of background
radiation measurements and proper sample taking procedures. General field work experience,
from proper radio communication and constant dosimeter readings were also demonstrated
throughout the experiment. When examining the dosimeter readings from the lab, there are no
indications of excess radiation in the environment. Both the FH40G and RadEye G confirm this,
as readings from each location in the lab are normal. For the beta/gamma readings, when the
counts were compared it was found that the biggest difference between the counts were 27.4
cpm. The most likely explanation for this difference is how random radiation can be, since
background radiation may be constant over a large period of time, but can be higher or lower
due at any given time. There were no readings from any of the detectors used that suggests any
sort of miscalibration or device error. Samples of soil, vegetation and water taken from this lab
will require further analysis and will be examined throughout future experiments.


[1] RADI 3570 Environmental Radiation Laboratory E. J. Waller and S. Perera, RADI 3570,

Oshawa, 2019.

[2] English name of the content author / Nom en anglais de l'auteur du contenu, “Natural

background radiation,” Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, 19-Nov-2014. [Online].



[3] “Radiation, how much is considered safe for humans?,” MIT News | Massachusetts

Institute of Technology, 05-Jan-1994. [Online]. Available:

https://news.mit.edu/1994/safe-0105 . [Accessed: 04-Oct-2020].









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