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athe to S- 2005} = Suara TANTRA (As pex_Sydlabus pointe) PAPER | j |] eet ore ee Ima © ee = Tey SAA — FIAT HET SI 8), Ow Ha eens ses fay bm m= — 2 er 5 ee maw za = sae ST (Ay. Sweat aS] (i=) BATU (earde Salat) | liv) ort = acta a Si wy) ZSATIAR ZT = | le _ SR 2 Wal 7 16 | Serra SS] (13) a) ait SA ITS] j ‘6 | 5m op rer eaters alesy Ty ® sq atA aroha (17+) TEA SH TET HT, OT, OT saa ST (14,18 & FARA — IE, HAA (eee Fe Sab II ‘ty @ Ser i (ic) ' Date Page ° eos =p = GS! [is “Rotgee (seal) S/n — 3 4,14 Sm || © Stersization —Types =? |! fe ~_ |® Auteclave sterilization >| a) Serene Arsathaata) 3m=|© Ketamine — Dose Action >| (4) z sthaste. — Drugs useol => | 16 (2 Loco anesthoso. — Types =! Fy 5m || Fetch bleck => | ) ~~ |® becok anesthasin = Types = faa (5m @ Spinal Anesthosia description , its complicoctions i J ond 46 treacttmarct = (4 | Z) Anosthosia Types + me Lael dot Gen. Anesthain | + Spinal Anesthoata > | ® Anosthasta “Types + Sfinak Anasthasia, in dekait > | @® Anosthesia “Def” + Stages of Gen, Anesthesia => | ie Anexthosia types + (enero Anesthesia indetol > fh 6) Anesthesia, Del” + Druga wed fn Gen anasthasia with indications anck Contrainclicatiens Sl CD Anasthosta Dy? + Spinal anosthosian procedure , Complications tase ot tide g Cord vaindieaki cops =“ ey biter aut age Ber er cat J _ @ Be ot UES a Sy (i F @axea SRA = SOA -HG A HG SS] (Os) =a aa ST (a) EnalO Baer at tase ST (ie, 14) “|[D FOC AE SAH = TIT CMO ROAST [1a] ene AA Sahuaing makeralys| Wy —Desribe all ? kana 31 (le TRA FETT Capes of satuairg)> | (8) Bm @ Bea Sar in dated SI (16) = @ wae op ACMA Sj (@) g] whoa Tae (expeioantal saagery) & 3m/ lomo — Ed © ater eh eo neon) eT — i ad aga (Shook woded oO] 340 aaicttae IOS Ft Sq (e = S aH Herd 1 (Ft Sd @ FS TIT SI (4 \ Bm] — Class Monitors.’ c=—=9) SEE ee Bmal) SR Ges 1 Wes on Dae Prod eS (it, 16) lof —yenz; BaaHsT ST (5) [5m > © AIS) Hoa pH = PaO AIS (4) Bre anor eet 31 (5) 2 FUT TET, VERS FATA ROT | (16) (QT FaaTOT ene » Indicotions » Controindfeation, Methed of application & compotion of #S1 (A) |B FRA — Newt, Importance, Guna, Doha, Types » Indications ,Contraindictions, Conglictows! [18] [> - 7 1 (© FH — Nike, Guna, Desh, Types, Karyn. | A Khar Pracdhorta explain <> | (f ORT 2 ACT + BRE Gn debail SI 19] Se — Treparcttion method , “Inclitations 7 I Contraindiiotions , Applicaction , Complications And tb maregimarck = | oi Class Monitor, © Date. Boge. : Satenet =hdkaliow © Conbraindicattoes 1 “Hl aa = Heca S] i HH a © ast Con plications & Ts emant >| 15 = SI . © 2 > Crcticactions) Ext © on — HG + ARORA (er al \l4 TO TSA — Ae Pb Comapltcastion & managentat dusaske tn detetl >| fie) @ Fann — Tnghurments aed 5 Types, Indication [os Conbraindications , Complications , Monoqemade =>! (i) 9 Eee a Ci gee ret ST (ig) n= RO ATS ie a> = O ata a aate a BAO 4 FETS i I DzaarEOTS HEA Soret atten ree 2] Explain fokte. 0 TPF dosha. -+ Raktamekshon © be in del [it i) Se wate | | == T re alo Paes aan HET 1 {4} @ aa Rat 1 sHUT ae = 1 sacay ae T ets alta, al (13-] Any 5 Band =>! Sn Gata et (with dliagrons) =I (1a] IO Sear STE, TT (SHG, = Dh ae conelation usith Modern bondi = 18,20] a SEN (in detoit) = | tg } | ast oe | Bm a ART TEM FARSI SIT SY (| 1 ™, Q a wer ott 1 ‘Ga Be ol) Faas Me _VAIIO SMA | fy & Maw see PAE saa S| ig] (5m3||'—— a i3) Fluid ,tlectrolytes , Adtl Base belance & Nutvitions- 3m lO R-L solution — Contents 2 Uses = Il {15,12) 5m > DDekyaracen = Monogemart | (#] ® Dehydration — — Curses Sia ~Syrogterns 7 re FR L elution (descaibe) © => | 14 a — 7 4 TACPATSN (Hawmonhage) ad THA STF TO otis tN crs © Reactionary haamerabage SI © Primer hoamavrthage | ie O=—=O “6m >I © Bieod tranrluston — Complication A Treatment >| (14) © zeae “sa 1 (7) 15m © Concept ef Hoomershage , Haomeastants — Blooa transfusion > | (al @itaied zara — Her, Aa + cy treatmoct of Micra = | U5] @® Harnwabage , Haomestost , Bloc olorations! (16) @D Blssd grodps + Block tranpuston , compactibility Traicotions alndicaction , Complitations \ ustth management = 1 (7) © < dey” Cowses , Symptoms i “Types Manooemnarct Si Ayia) ~ \ i | 15 Emergency ‘deugs in Practica a Bm =O Abopinn 1 (4 ] Fm al © Arctibistic drugs = Any 5 — Dose Strebieation = Il ((16,18 20) _ | Any 5 emarganey crags with lenge = ‘(ia I @ Easergincy drugs (Ary 3) + Anadgate (fy) athdaeol_ (1 a i Lo | is | Diegnostic techniques $= c 3m =|. Senegraphy =) vo @® CT Scan | tmpartone =I! Tes) @ USG — ony Guses =F! (ie) @ Mai — any Sues =>! (20) 4 , Bima] O TV-P — Rete io Ategness ef Urinony ayer dances vl 2 @® X- oy = Tmportance en seagie oh practi. si (isan , i ie {5m — ap we faa = _—2n2 yet + Tmpertance in Si a torte ST Ma) Smal O [Sm © TOA a, cede SI 6 a Seer seta ae ahh ior = forge T cH CIAIOT tl Bm a0 FORT = era gO = 7 = FEST ATS] te ert @ ie => Cold abscors >] Ta i lin Abscess) Abscors — Features 2 Trestinant = | i] - 2 amo Bae = | i S ft B) ASIST SS OTe FT Sy (ee lO caine Kelofa (het nate) 3 | Tie |@ arreane : : ® Gheery Vas0-v. shock S| 4] i => Shock - Clonif, ‘cadtion 3 1 © a> jorge Del", Gusen, i 3 N ees ST fig I —N@® step = et aorta (iJ Fo OFS iba aa SF ST ae © ASH =F hacite ce SI (ie TI PATENA Choa) > Shock “Type 7 | 1H Oa Gage) sar= ker or Cis | Do oD ae CGyat) sah fara ater ate >I © Costa, aaa, [ a, WA) = Debacepua cyst! — Guwes ij Feckune jlrectmact =! (ey. oon sae eS es Ema AOR a _ FUORI in debeih =| ie] 1S CHa TTA 5 MenIR fale = | te oie Check) = Shack — De”, Guess 4 _— ft : Type Feettunes Maregemant 3M (R2e]__— “OTS CRs pox Syllabus ports) (Treludes Burns] Cy aS AO IAM AAT I (igie) ean Gre =p aeraen ST @ CHRO! aA) — RAH =>} = Any 3 FT omerg co => | lg e ® EITGAOT 7 “ . r ;— : - healing => | fi] . nd healing = Stages of ae 7 @ Hotind healirg (ace: ds Sushrut ) = ® Fre AT > Vesrbe ct => 1 he , © GET A Burry) ere al 5 i ‘ SOT SF SIT RS Cae + Melony | Ls Sm O SAO eT + ATTA SHR Te ao = SO HOTT S] ie) - = Gy SOT ARATE SONIC ST es) Sp ao any Sarasa errr eS Te) a = PTAT —~ VRS => TI Gu 3 =? Rule of F- Bans => I { ([2] a Oe healing =? Stags of heating (Ayu + Moder) =) | 8 1 > Stages Pl healing (Moolern) 31 (17 ] (sma) SGT OT renee > aT IT ST (sey |B Saye em Soar Steer ST ifs 2) |e Bar = 3m © Cebit =| [16 ® Bow = abate a FIO Sy Me => PAR — AAT atlas} (7) BAD PO ( —|@ Clube =! (4 [5m -— nt) | et Ba Sam > Bm D Cervical Iyophadenttis — Any 5 one 31 (i) fAarteaar = —— 22) ie $ 3m7 | ~ Ba=t © Veaicexe veins = Tnvestigastions sTeetimat #1 16) © Deep \lein Thremboms — Gives , Featwe >! (lt [5m>¥ © Define Vasiemity a] Veo + Vario wine debi | (Coser , Feectiras , tniestigations y Treatment) =91M 12,14 i ~ L pat “Bae = j = JrtQ® Buorger!s dinerrxe — Canser ,dymptons ee ee 3m 4 f 4 5n=3|O rauds direrse — Fecctires Marogemonck = | iS @_ Aneurysm — Fectures Types =>! . (22) oO gv r Bm al@) Descatbe Dhomans vikor + ® (s dizeore =) (14) =e “saiceash t ; =i] Bm=> O Conglion — feotirws => | aT Bar = Sm /i5m > — ie a Core of AIDS ~HIV Hepatitis inJected patients 2n> (O Precautions taken usding suagen | do HIV paiient | fia} @Dsafety “precastions cto aust HIV tection | (ay Sm3|O Precautions taken during surgery i i HIN patient: => | u [le ] [5m — 1 26) Others & 3m =O) Udor rege —Delina + Badhaqualeddar Baer (Papor-2 pe Uden rg) | PAPER - 2 Wea (Frachue) 3 an © Fradise = Del" Te pes =i 14 — SHS Asa — Tahir 1 14 pot — Sa S| is @ Aue aa S| Tie] © Shoulder dvlocotion—featines Treatmats! (It @_ Rb fracture — Manogemanck =>! (18 ) ri T) Fractoe — Stages ef Hepling =! 18 i feta — vere > | : 14 N @ Dislocation of ‘pints —Cliniah fection =| 20) 1 Saal O24 platen Bara Ss TeT = (roa em TT ST tie) af ® Chawicle fracture — Marogemact =) 14 &) Fractuas ~Genaral maroapmudt | 20) [Sm-4] O)_Feactias. Types with diagram (Ryu 4 Podases) + Callen fractuae in detail =! (ia) a GES Haat — UMTS , CAAT OT, HUH Tete ++ wefar wat= 8a ca, TaseT 1 Lis) | (Rib Fackiaay @ Trternot & Sterna Fixation of frockoe + mee SN NNN NNN REST FOF (Covida Fecha) wm detal = 1 (16) aa = oR TET, Sra Tah aT a Sa (Scapela Frade) wy deel 1 (i) © yon — Med CARI S WebIy aT =a 3 Cass Monitor GEO + 6) Fracture — a ae Types certcls Jem an) in dete 31 [l] 2 Diseases of Bona 3 Sm/l5m 7 —— Sina ODsleamyelitis — De!” , Jungioms => | ay 3} Cranio - Corebrall infuaies 3m>10 extradural haematoma — Fecturoa > | Es @ Head tafury — Stgn—Syratoms Tnestigatins! (2 @) Head tf = = “Investigations => 1 Ue Sm3/1O Head 4 infusyy = Sgn ~Jyritorns Sil (ime ] Ena O Head i injuay — Curses , Unwifration + Eplain Epidural haomatema voit i suagicoh monagimarct = | (e) Diseases ef Spina 3 3m [15m => —— y Smt (D) Names” of Si Sogicel cliseare of vertebrae 3 | (Wy 4 5] | Diseases of Breast = 3m 3] © Breast Aba Te ® ma 8 Cord aot = P Breast ‘unas Teo cass Monitor Smt | © Fibreadinoma. of breast — Symptons “Trestmast = Il ue 4] Ss (Sm=t oO Benign & Matignar ct Breast Tumouas difpronce | bebosan & Mode of tresttmack 3 () D Conctnama ef Breast — Canues, Fecituses Diagneats , Surgical bextra => Ill (ear o Diseases ef Chast i 5m/15m = — “e 3m=p © Pleural elfusten — use = | (ie iE ©) Pleural eljusion — Features Lnveittion | Us) 3) | Diecses of Ocsophogus LE 3m © Oevrephageo.) uleor = 1 Be Le ® © keg acthog Clinicas deatiures 1 =i A 5m 21 hogegh varices — Signs - atoms => i sft 4 geen TH a er ST i i nO opr aber sii (Ree “4 : i 7 | (0m cial al 1] Sn —_— # . Class Monitor. : Os ) 4 ae 2 Sl 14 + “Coe alagres) | jer Fal SHIM TS [1] ReglD SH eT HT SI cy © Paitonttis te) , f Tetussarcption — Symptons. Treatmont Gi (ie aS = I® Tetestinal Sep ees — @uues Tonstigaton | (iy I. i (2) Tetestinad sbsbuction — Guses, Featres = | f (3 le Ucar. re — Guser Types DD =! iSw3] © Tehestinal Olsbucion — Guses, Feakuaes, : Types 2 ape Treatment =>! (is ( Csuaqical), Ut} ||[Diseasxes ef Stemach 2 Dusdenum i i i =p fee ulcer — Causey =>! : 16] + : paitol pyloric sbenests =! ia My Sm) (patric ulcer. — clinical fechoos 1 6) & 3% Sted dusdonal ulcer “Sagal ubestnoct—+1_[) om Congorital pyloric stenguis = Sung caltradbat I oa © Ramstedtts poration (Rotic derats) = | (8) clas Monitor, © Upper. I bleeding = Causes => | (ia) © Piplerie "stencais Treatment =>! [9] [5m> O Gaatita Ulcer. — Gunes, Fentiner jTreatmont >! (ie 12 Diseases of Smo Ywteakina 2 3m/ 15m > — Bm aD rtunuscaption — Symptons , Treatment > | (a] ra) Diseazes of Large intestine 2 j Bal © Rousing sign CAgensicikin) =? | (ig) © Musgha’s Leta (Mppenclicthis) > ll (is, 18) | © Aute “apendicitin —Synptons =| (ee) Sina © Crohn's divese => | (ie) @Appendicitis — Complication => Tr) [Ems O Agpendicitis — Guses Jumptons , Tnvestigation , Suagicol preatimonk =Sttul (i414, 16 Bate] i) Diseases 2] Reckare & Anal Gnal 3m > DO Gonkas ale (Fritidlo-tn-ara) =¥ (ta) ~ | @ Sat = yan 1 Tia) 8 qorga — Hane, aor =? | is TG) Thieasch epnction [Rectal prolops) = | 16 J (©) Fessuas-m-ane Featiaos =? 1 Tia fo) ; (ane = ed 5 TS | (4 i ae PASAT (oct Samet) I 19 S Anavecdal abscess — Peactroct = Bmat 0) Fistula -in-ane — Gudea, Trendrwort > ath |@ Rectal prolapse — Treatment al i] ® Fessuag —tn-ane — G@ues Jynptons tea aa — Gases, Teeatrannt Sl 16 (8 ® Periansl abscow — Quer, eatin +1 a © son een >! 4 QD FAT FFA RT cc: to Sushut) = | (ig (5m © Hoamsrahsis — Guner, Featir0s Complication, Susgial-heatmoxt 100 [[l4,tR, @ Fertito-in-ans. — (uses features, 7 Diagnatis, 7 Godel nal Readtmoct = | iia [BFPKGT = CT, ROY, Mani? | fa | (16,18) i iit 5) Abdominal iniuaies Amanogomsnct: 5 3m/5m /l5m 3 — ‘Diseases of Liver. g 3m Hydatial cyst_ 1 1 ® liver abscoss —Synoptions =! i 5nd O Gechan > Guses S Heats cat yreplins , Treatment (Id, 16,15} e Hepatemess ly ~ Chin’ col festinres SI te (5m | Fy I Disenses of Gall bladder 3m © Choluuystitin = Diyf- lagna =I Surgical treatment > Mtl (5rae]O Chole lithtants — Causes, Featires rvestiqgtio, i e3, 7 Toyat ie U5 I/F ‘|® Chelacystibes = Coser, Symptoms 1, Aiwertignstion, | Stagical ‘hreockmon tT Si C4] 18] | Diseases ef Poncreos 3 3m © Pancseatitin —Siquymptoms 1 © Bacreatitia — Causes >| Saal Pancacatity — Clinical Jentiaas 1 ® Acute. Rncreatibis — Gres, Clantlication Diagnosis =) “T_ Acute Pannrentitin = Managiusint | mal O Rncreatitin — hootesl 1 I9] | Diseases of Splenn = Sol Slacanapaly, = Cowes 2H (aa) 5n3|O _aplenemogaly >! Ee 20} | Diseases ef Kidney & Ureter ad 1D Congenital defermittes od Kiley a! © _Hydtenophrosts ~ Causes > | Small Renal calcul? — Ger, Teatment 31 (J ]@ Renod colcuti = Types <2 sé) @ Renal coleul? —Tivestigatina =! i ® enol calewli — = Types 5 Features | " © Ureterte calouli = Syptons Treatment st (14 !5m3])_ — z 21] Diseases ef Urinary bladder 2 anal D AAR — sq Sy [ta 16 i i 2 AATRART — Tear Fete Suttud) j] (1,02) 5m sf © Hoomatia’ Diy. di fate [5m] Veatch ale, " ae: = [ Feats Investigations Se mont — I —sall_ Be =. 32 FATA ey Ina] © FATA Sa ST a imal WEES — FST 7 HATE = TTS] 7s @ BATENA — 05 Hae Sy] {ia @ BARKED — FH? Sj ma i 23) [Diceses of Prostate = 3m|@ BPH — Clinical fortis Il (19,17) 5m2|O Namo of Prostatectomy Surgeries = ti : ® Freyen's mothadk af Veartatectony 21 iis E [Sin © BPH — Gwe, Jymptonua , Thvestigations Suagreal Hrekmant =Siiil © 15,16,18,29 ¥ y 24 } Diseoses ot Urethra = 3m al@ Strickan, wsethaa. — Monagemunt =| ihe) Cousens, Treatmoxt = | 18) 5m O Retenston ef vddne = \Sm||_ — 25) | Diseases of Penis Glatt _|@ Feemere_— rarer - nN 16,18. ® Paraphingacs ~Svogicol trent <2 1) ter @ wauilat => | ; ) - 7 ° imets — Causes, Sumpter = | 2 Roanphtenasi - a oor Ge) Small © Primed — Guser, Rahiaw , Treotmont > | (2) I Pha _ oct. =} la] ® Raaphinedia — ¢ 1 = [5m © Phimesd — Featines Diagnosis Suagical dreckmont <> | ] 26) | Diseases of. Scrotum & Testis 3m} 0 Tesi Touuien ¢f “ests — Fentnias 1 (al Sm) Underconded & Stepic Textin Dy behsnn al (iz) fad DB Torson ol Teutts — Ferture, Manmaanct sl U (3) Vosiescole =! (+ Demi = 31 20 [5m —_ =] aes 2rat a J ina WE BB gy @ TrfanEl hydrowla 7 “tte i Glass Morton E=I¢ . CE) Sm © Hydiscate — Treatmant > Wl (13,20 © elersion efaae Sl > U3] : [Grasp (1) Hudrecals — Causes, Typer, Feation Diagnosis, | Susgical trectmont => TL ‘ (4 14,05, (19,14 ] ze | STA (Heaniaty = 3m = ba Sm = © Umbilical hernia — Cowes Treatment > | [iy) @ Direct - Trlivect inguuinoh harnia~ DY} baron! (14) ® Hernia — Types =I 12) © Lnguinal. hernia, = ig =! 9 o Tnguirol hoanta = Cowes , Pectires Types 16,18 (5m =| “Suagicol Breached: =

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