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2021-2022 Autumn Term Exam

Advanced English

Project / Part 1 - Speaking



Part 1 - Speaking
1. Prepare and give a presentation.
Task: Research a person who has been influential in your professional sphere
Objective: Present a short oral profile of the person (2-3-minute presentation)
To include: relevant biographical information; information about the most important work (publication, theory, research) or/and achievements; how
the work (achievements) has contributed to thinking in the discipline (professional sphere).
Please use relevant transitional phrases (see PPTs in Class Materials), minimizing/maximizing, and evaluative language.
2. Make the video of your presentation.

Use Mebis AND Teams to upload your video file or the link to the video presentation.


28.01.2022 at 17:30

Evaluation Criteria:

Part 1 – Speaking: 50 points

Part 1 + Part 2 = 100 points
Grading Rubric for PowerPoint Presentation
9-10 7-8 5-6 3-4 1-2 0
Content Content is accurate and Content is accurate Content is accurate but Content is questionable and Content is
information is presented but some information information is not information is not presented inaccurate and
in a logical order. is not presented in a presented in a logical in a logical order, making it information is not
logical order, but is order, making it difficult to follow. presented in a
still generally easy to difficult to follow. logical order,
follow. making it difficult
to follow.
Presentation Clear, loud, and Clear voices and Clear voices and some Hard to understand and little Hard to
understandable voices. good eye contact. eye contact. eye contact. understand and no
Good eye contact. eye contact.
Was the topic Yes The topic is identified No
clearly identified at the beginning, but
not clearly.
at the
Were the main Yes The main points of the Not all the main points of the No
points of the talk article were explained, article were explained
but not clearly
Did the Yes The presenter give No
presenter give his/her own views of
the article, but not
his/her own clearly
views on the
Total /50

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