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2021-2022 Autumn Term

Midterm Exam

Advanced English




I. Read an article “Sustainable Fashion” in The Economist, which discusses issues related
to the use of sustainable materials in the fashion industry.
a) Identifying the main ideas. Read section headings 1-7 below and match them to sections 1-6
in the text. You will not need one of the headings.

Heading Section
1. A more sustainable fur
2. Popular now, but not in future?
3. The most sustainable leather sources
4. Unsustainable natural fur?
5. Dilemmas facing customers
6. Decline of North American wildlife
7. The search for sustainable alternatives

b) Short-answer questions. Re-read the text and give short answers to questions (1-10 words).
1. Why is it difficult for fashion to be sustainable?
2. What was apparently wrong with the sustainable-fashion style of the 1990s?
3. Which part of processing cotton causes the greatest pollution?
4. Why are organic cotton farmers criticized in the text?
5. What ecological disadvantages do bamboo and linen have as materials?
6. Identify a garment produced from recycled materials by Patagonia.
7. What can polyester now be transformed into because of the modern advances?
8. Why have companies such as Tesco gained a good reputation with environmentalists?
9. Where in the USA has an important renewable leather industry developed?
10. What official verification of sustainability is being issued to customer buying such goods?
11. Which term in the text refers fashion items which can be repaired.
12. Where does the vicuna originate from?
13. What do some clothing shops sell rather than muskrat or beaver furs?
14. Name the little-known source of fur mentioned by the writer.
15. To what extent are fashion designers taking note on sustainability issues? Find an appropriate
expression in the text.

II. Re-read the article “Sustainable Fashion” once again and write an abstract (130-150


III. Watch the TED talk on human behaviour “How to stay calm when you know you’ll be
stressed” and write brief answers to the following questions:
1. What problem does the speaker face in the anecdote he tells at the start of the talk?
2. What were the results of his clouded thinking?
3. What are the 2 practical pieces of advice he gives for common problems?
4. What are the 2 questions he recommends asking to a doctor before they prescribe you medicine?
5. What was the historical advantage to the brain releasing cortisol being stressed?
6. What do you think of the talk?
7. In what situations is it good idea to predict the possible problems that could occur? Give your


26.11.2021 at 17:30

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Evaluation Criteria:

● Task I a) : 7 points (7X1point)

● Task I b) : 45 points (15X3 points)

● Task II : 20 points

● Task III : 28 points (7X4 points)

Total: 100 points

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