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State Construction Office Roy Cooper | Governor

Michael J. Shumsky, P.E. | Director Pamela B. Cashwell | Secretary

February 10, 2023

Equinox Environmental Consultation & Design, Inc.

37 Haywood Street, Suite 100
Asheville, NC 28801

RE: Department of Natural and Cultural Resources

Parks and Recreation
Pisgah View State Park - Master Plan
SCO # 22-24549-01
Code: 46714: Item: 4B19

Enclosed are four (4) copies of the proposed Letter Agreement for the above referenced project. If you are in
agreement, please execute the documents on behalf of your firm and forward to the Owner (Department of
Natural and Cultural Resources - Parks and Recreation).

By copy of this letter we are requesting the Owner, if they concur, to complete the execution, return one copy
to you, forward one copy to us, and retain the remaining copies for their files.


Ryan M. Scruggs
Design Contracts Coordinator

CC: Erin Lawrence (DNCR)
Jerry Howerton (Parks & Recreation)
David Head (Parks & Recreation)
*** This page left intentionally blank ***
February 9, 2023

NCDNCR-Division of Parks and Recreation

121 West Jones Street
Raleigh, North Carolina 27603

Attention: Dave Head / Planning Program Manager

Reference: Pisgah View State Park – Master Plan

Mr. David Head

Equinox is excited to provide this proposal for the Pisgah View State Park – Master Plan. The following
defines a scope of work based on our on-site meeting and the request for proposals.

Project Understanding
It is understood that the Division of Parks and Recreation intends to have Equinox craft a master plan
for the approximately 1,600 acres of Pisgah View State Park in Buncombe County. Equinox will
develop a plan that explores the needs of the park, the opportunities and constraints of the properties
and make recommendations for the future of the park. This plan will include an assessment of the
buildings and facilities located on the property. In addition to a standard site documentation and
planning process, Equinox will oversee a public involvement process and document the outcomes. At
the culmination of the planning process the final planning document will be prepared and one final
presentation of the plan’s recommendations will be scheduled with the Division.

The following Planning Process consists of six (6) core tasks that include:

• Task 1: Project Discovery: Kick off, Data Acquisition, Desktop Analysis

• Task 2: Project Analysis & Assessment
• Task 3: Trail Analysis & Trail Plan
• Task 4: Preliminary Master Plan
• Task 5: Master Plan
• Task 6: Stakeholder & Public Engagement Process

These core tasks are further described in more detail below.

Task 1. Project Discovery: Kick off /Data Acquisition/Desktop Analysis

The project will get started with a meeting between North Carolina Division of Park and Recreation (NC
State Parks) personnel and Equinox to establish points of contact, share project information already
collected, discuss developing the program for the park, define deliverables and formatting, and
establish a schedule for each of the project milestones. This assumes that NC State Parks will form a
steering committee of key staff to help direct and provide input during the master planning process.

The kickoff meeting will include a visioning exercise with the steering committee. A survey to obtain
input on the vision for the park will have been sent in advance of the meeting so there will be findings
to discuss. The kickoff meeting will also include the following:

• Visioning & Goal Setting

• Review of program elements mentioned during the initial site visit
• Review Project Schedule
• Confirm Point(s) of Contact/Communication
o Outreach & General Questions: Thomas Gull as the Project Manager
o Site Visits: Tyson Phillips Superintendent of Pisgah View State Park

• Identification of Steering Committee and Stakeholders/Contact Information

• Transfer of Project Data
• Share a summary from the on-site “scoping meeting”
• Discuss the format of the Master Plan deliverable
• Discuss what success for the master plan looks like

Data Acquisition, Identification of Data Needs, and Desktop Analysis

Equinox will begin by collecting as much existing data on the Pisgah View State Park (Property) as is
available from all identifiable sources. We understand that certain site-specific data will be provided
by NC State Parks such as DWG survey files for trails, fire/logging roads, and structure locations. We
also understand that information may be provided by Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy
such as Drone Flyover information. Other data to be collected and analyzed is housed primarily in local
or statewide GIS (Geographic Information Systems) databases, and can include, but is not limited to:

• Elevation, slope and topography

• Aerial photographs (current and historic)
• USGS topographic quadrangles
• National Wetland Inventory (NWI) data
• Connectivity to federal, state, or land trust protected lands
• Rare species and natural community element occurrence (EO) data
• Anthropogenic data such as parcels, utilities, soils, hydrology, land uses, and roads
• National Hydrography Datasets (NHD)
• NC surface water classifications
• Cultural/Archaeological resources (work with the State to identify)
• Available biological surveys and biotics data (completed by various NCSP staff)

Information regarding park programming, estimated visitation of the park, and any other relevant
data will also be reviewed. Equinox will also summarize key elements of reference parks provided by
NCSP staff.

Reference Park Review

Equinox will review reference parks that could serve as examples for Pisgah View State Park. These
reference parks will include Hanging Rock, Carvers Creek, Haw River, and South Mountain State Parks.

This will include a summary of key aspects and “lessons learned” that may be shared by NC State
Parks staff such as Elizabeth Sterchele, Revenue and Conference Center Manager and other steering
committee members.

Drone Fly-Over and Still Images

Equinox has reviewed the available Drone Fly-Over video and still images provided by Southern
Appalachian Highlands Conservancy. The video is sufficient but the still images may not capture the
areas needed for the creation of renderings. Therefore, obtaining still images in the front country
areas is included in the scope.


• NC State Parks will provide information on reference parks that our team should investigate
such as Hanging Rock, Carvers Creek, Haw River, and South Mountain State Parks.
• Two of Equinox Team will attend the kickoff meeting in person which will be held somewhere
such as Lake James or Pilot Mountain, the remaining team will attend remotely via Microsoft
Teams or other video conference system.
• NC State Parks will provide contact information for steering committee members.
• NC State Parks will provide available GIS and AutoCAD data pertinent to the project.

Task 2. Project Analysis & Assessment

Suitability Assessment
The desktop analysis will be used to understand the suitability of the park for a range of development
opportunities and provide focused study on the most developable areas for the front country while
also exploring backcountry opportunities. We understand that the master plan will focus on “Front
Country” and we will start by completing a detailed site analysis and assessment to create a suitability
plan to determine buildable land for the front country experience. This will include
• Slope analysis
• Streams and Wetlands
• Open space/fields and forested areas.

We will use this analysis to focus the Master Plan. We understand that a complete and detailed
analysis of the full 1,600 acres that will become Pisgah View State Park is not a requirement of this
scope for the Master Plan.

Inventory and Analysis of Existing Site Conditions

Following the suitability assessment, a more detailed and focused assessment will occur on areas for
front country usage and park feature development. The site analysis will provide the existing site
condition of the property as it relates to slopes, soils, and physical features that impact the
development potential of the property for park infrastructure. We will identify the significant
conservation values of the property based on a combination of on-site and desktop analysis of the
property’s natural resources. The focus of the on-site analysis will be on the front country areas and a

potential 10-acre flat area above the current location of the inn. This assessment will include looking
in detail at existing roads, parking lots, and pedestrian walkways in the front country area and only
include a desktop review for the back county areas. Cultural and historic resources will be analyzed
during this period as well, because we understand there may be cultural resources on the park
property including grave sites. This scope anticipates two field days by our team’s ecologist as well as
our trail designers/planners, outdoor recreation planners, and landscape architects. During
fieldwork, the following elements of the Property will be documented. Please note that this on-site
analysis will not be a comprehensive assessment of the entire property.

Field Assessment

• Anthropogenic Features:
o Document existing human modifications and other disturbances, such as structures,
pastures, roads, trails, dikes and impoundments, ditches, wells, fences, utility lines
and corridors, cemeteries, dumps, clearings, and any evidence of historical
o Identify structures and impervious surfaces (paved roads, concrete pads, etc.)
o Document the type and condition of any known or encountered archeological,
cultural, and/or historical features (e.g. chimneys, foundations).

• Natural Features:
o Flora & Fauna
 Determine the acreage of all land use areas, including cleared areas (pasture,
agricultural, developed land, etc.), forestlands, and others.
 Document incidental observations of flora present within the canopy,
understory, shrub, and herb layers, where appropriate. These are made
incidental to other fieldwork and will not represent a comprehensive
evaluation of the property’s flora.
 Evaluate and map, to the extent feasible, natural communities on site;
determine their quality and significance based on field and GIS data. This is
not meant to be a comprehensive natural community survey, but rather to
shed light on community types around various use areas and trails.
 Note the relative presence and abundance of invasive exotic species and
purported modes of transport.
 Record observations regarding fauna and potential habitat, including direct
sightings, incidental observations, and supportive ability of habitats.
o Hydrology (Assessment focused on the front country area which includes the former
campground area)
 Evaluate the presence and quality of typical intermittent and perennial
aquatic resources (such as ponds, wetlands, and streams) that are typical
within the park. Please note this will not be a technical delineation of streams
or wetlands and will be based on desktop review and field verification.
 Map potable water collection points along backcountry hiking trails.
o Significant Elements/Conservation Values
 Evaluate and map rare, threatened, and endangered species and habitats.
 Document typical structure and condition within rare habitats.

 Identify topographical points of interest (e.g., summits, outcroppings,
viewshed areas, etc.).
 Evaluate potential threats to significant elements/conservation values.

Architecture / Structures Assessment

As a part of the site analysis, the architects on the team will conduct an architectural and a structural
assessment of all the existing structures on the Property. This will include:


• Conduct visual observations for assessment of existing structures.

• Conduct programming exercises with Equinox and NC State Parks.
o Facilities condition assessment and recommendations with regards to code
compliance and life safety.
o Design recommendations related to energy saving and water conservation strategies.
• Provide a Structures Assessment Report/Inventory to be included in the Master Plan
document with the following:
o Existing structure inventory
o Structural assessment
o Historical/archeological assessment/opinion
o Community significance survey
o ADA Access assessment.
o State Construction Office assessment for visitor use
o Septic review – Will be based on available and existing information and if possible,
locations of drainage fields. This does not include a due diligence assessment of the
function or capacity of the current septic systems.
o Roads, parking, sidewalk assessment


• Conduct visual observations for assessment of structural stability of existing structures.

• Conduct structural input for feasibility of renovation and/or demolition.
• Provide assessment report including list of structures, summary of structural systems, opinion
of potential uses, opinion of monetary scale of required renovations.

Opportunities & Challenges/Site Analysis/Programming

This step is a synthesis of the existing conditions and the site analysis by our interdisciplinary team to
identify opportunities and challenges of the park property. This task will also include meetings with
key stakeholders. The opportunities and challenges process will identify suitable areas for
infrastructure improvements. This information will also be used to help inform potential
educational/interpretive opportunities of the property. Information on the allowable uses and
restrictions based on LWCF funding will also be included as part of this task.

During this task a draft of park program elements will be developed. Once this task is complete
Equinox will schedule a review of the information with the Client, this may be conducted as a web-
based meeting.

This task will include:

• Stakeholder interviews (one-on-one interviews with key stakeholders)
• Client progress meeting to discuss findings from Task 2- will be held remotely via Microsoft
• First public informational meeting (Near Pisgah View State Park or during an event or in that
part of Buncombe County held with a local partner such as SAHC.)


• NC State Parks has a side by side and two (2) ATVs that State Parks employees can use to take
our team around and into the property. We understand state park staff will have to attend
and drive the vehicles.
• NC State Parks will provide associated restrictions based on the funding sources for the park
for the different sections of the property based on LWCF funding.
• NC State Park does not have information on the existing septic system. Some septic system
information may be able to be gathered from interviewing former employees of the property
such as Spud.
• NC State Parks will engage SHPO regarding archaeological resources.

Task 3. Trail Analysis & Trail Plan

Trail Analysis
Desktop Trail Analysis/Trail Slope Analysis

Our team will review the existing trails through desktop analysis including the Pisgah View Ranch
Trails Map (to be provided by client). A Slope Analysis Map will be developed by NC State Parks to
assess which current trails/logging roads meet sustainable trail guidelines and which trails exceed
those grades. Equinox will provide input as needed. This information will be used to prioritize what
trails may need to be decommissioned or used for emergency access and which trails can be
incorporated into the new trail system.

Further analysis will be done to assess if any control points (negative or positive) are observed
through desktop analysis to inform field investigation.

At this point, NC State Parks may choose to develop a more in-depth Trail Condition Assessment
Report. If done, this report can provide more details to inform the trails plan, like confirming sections
of trail that are unsustainable, where culverts are failing, and which trails are sufficient for trail use.

Field Investigation

Using desktop analysis and the Trail Conditions Assessment Report develop by NC State Parks trails
staff, we will investigate in the field further control points and assess trails recommended for inclusion
as part of the trail system. We will also explore new trail connections that should be made.

Trails Opportunities/Constraints Mapping

Alta will compile field and desktop data to be compiled into the opportunities and constraints
mapping by Equinox. Some of this data could include:

• Control points: areas to avoid or areas to connect to with more detailed information on why
• Existing unsustainable trails
• Existing trails to be incorporated into final trails plan
• Connections needed (broad stroke)
• Wayfinding nodes/potential trailhead locations

Initial Development of the Trails Plan

Assessment of Initial Public Input & Development of Trails Recommendations Memo

Based on input by trail stakeholders and the public, we will formulate into a memo some early
recommendations for the trail program that suggests what type of trails, length of trails, and trail
amenities are needed, as well as other specific recommendations. This will also include the
identification of legacy trails onsite that should remain. This will be shared with State Parks during

Development of Draft Trail Plan & Workshop/Collaboration

Our team will develop a rough trails plan. We will use the Opportunities & Constraints Maps to
determine which areas should be avoided for trails and we will vet trail routes for natural and cultural
resource considerations. It is our understanding that the State Parks would like to see 8-10 miles of
equestrian trails and is open to other trail uses like mountain biking but will not be considering
motorized trails. This plan will also consider separating uses such as biking and equestrian trails.

The plan will be developed as a draft and taken to a collaboration session with State Parks’ Planners,
Trail Specialists, and other knowledgeable staff who can provide feedback on other control points to
consider as well as provide feedback on the draft trail plan and trails recommendations memo. This
workshop will be conducted virtually and led by Alta.

Finalizing the Trails Plan

Draft Trails Plan Developed

The draft trails plan will include trail alignments, trail typology, trail length, a narrative description for
each trail, and trail difficulty. It will provide recommendations on existing trails to decommission and
trails more suited as fire breaks and/or emergency access. Maps and graphics will be created to
illustrate the various trail typologies, and an explanation of trail typologies and user experiences will
be provided.

Trails Feedback

One round of changes per State Parks feedback will be provided. We will provide an initial review to
State Parks. Input from the public and stakeholders on the draft Trails Plan may also provide some
suggested changes or considerations which could result in revisions. Our team will provide up to one
set of revisions per these comments.


• One round of revisions for Trails Plan based on State Parks feedback
• One round of revisions based on public and stakeholder input
• Trail workshop will be held virtually
• Trail Slope Analysis to be performed by NC State Parks

Task 4. Preliminary Master Plan (50%)

During this phase, the consultant will gather additional input from the public to assist in shaping the
plan. Equinox will develop more detailed conceptual plans for the front country areas (dude ranch
and old campground) within the park as well as an overall concept that includes back country areas
for passive recreation. Equinox will conduct an internal workshop with the design team at the start of
Task 4. This task will also include:

• Second Informational Public Meeting

• Concepts Creation for Master Plan
• Client Progress Meeting (50% Review-Remote)
• Site Visit to verify Preliminary Master Plan

Up to three concepts will be developed for the front country area around the current location of the
inn and two concepts for the old campground area. Concepts will be informed by a comprehensive
stakeholder and public engagement process. One concept can also address the role a concessionaire
could play at Pisgah View State Park. Our team’s strategic advisor who oversees two US forest Service
recreation areas will provide recommendations about elements to consider for a park that could be
run by a concessionaire including operational and management strategies. Once the park program
elements and features are determined for both front and back country, conceptual plans will be
developed. Compared to historic use trends, Pisgah View State Park will have a greater volume of
visitors and may not have as many repeat visitors. The Master Plan will be based on a carrying
capacity of 150 vehicles and may also consider accommodations for overflow parking for events.

The “Front Country” park elements may include but are not limited to the following:

• Visitor gathering and event spaces

• Restaurant(s)
• Rental facilities: picnic shelters, wedding venues, overnight stay facilities (hotel, retreat like
• Camping – tent/trailer, cabins/camper cabins, and RV
• Trailheads and trails

• Equestrian and associated facilities
• Interpretation and education areas
• Open/natural play areas
• Parking lots
• Visitor Center/Contact Station
• Restrooms/vault toilets
• Park maintenance facilities
• Recreation facilities (Equestrian, Mountain Biking, etc.)
• Recommendations regarding the existing pond
• Heritage interpretation of the site (display of historic photographs and artifacts, stories of the
past, Vanderbilt markers, etc.
• Wayfinding and placemaking that play on cues from the past (i.e., Cogburn House at Pisgah
View State Park)

The plans will also provide general planning for Backcountry areas for passive recreation such as:

• Equestrian, hiking, mountain biking

• Nature enjoyment
• Primitive back country camping and group camping
• Emergency Management Access

Resiliency & Sustainability Overlay

Equinox will produce an additional map that identifies opportunities for resiliency and sustainability.
Recommendations for increasing resiliency to climate change will be included. In the western region
of the State, climate change is impacting the hydrological cycle (flooding and droughts) and fire.
Therefore, the focus of this overlay will include recommendations that pertain to flooding and fire. It
will also address biodiversity and threats to biodiversity that property may incur or is already
incurring. Ways to mitigate new impacts from new infrastructure will be provided and green
infrastructure recommendations will also be provided.


• Planning for the Preliminary Master Plan will consider that the target capacity for planning
purposes as provided by State Parks is 150 vehicles with ideas for future expansion when
necessary to accommodate higher levels of visitation.

Task 5. Master Plan

The master plan will be a graphic rich document, not heavy on text and will be crafted so it can be
posted on the website by the NC Division of State Parks.

Draft Master Plan

During this task, Equinox will draft the master plan document and seek comments on the draft
document. Once the draft Master Plan has been reviewed by the client, Equinox will craft a survey that
can be posted by NC State Parks on their website along with the draft Master Plan for public comment.

This task will also include a client progress meeting to review the Draft Master Plan and the third and
final public meeting. The Master Plan Document may include some or all the following:

Draft Master Plan Document

Executive Summary-place holder (for Final Master Plan document)

1) Existing Conditions
• Buildings Summary (Architectural and Structural Findings)
o Existing Structure Inventory
o Structural Assessment
o Historical/Archeological Assessment
o ADA Access Assessment.
• Cultural Resources
o Historic & Cultural Resources Themes and Resources
• Natural Resources
o Natural Communities/Flora and Fauna/Threatened and Endangered Species,
Steep Slopes, Water Resources, Viewshed, Soils,
• Site Conditions and Features
o Existing Conditions Photo Inventory
o Structure/ Man-made Features Inventory (roads, utilities, etc.) and Condition
• Site Analysis Maps/Suitability Assessment /Opportunities & Constraints

2) Regional Context and Planning

• Recreation Resources in the Region
• Regional Connectivity Planning (trails, bicycle routes, etc.)
• Surrounding Land Use
• How the project can meet the goals of the Division’s Statewide System Plan

3) Park Master Plan

• Vision, Goals, and Objectives
• Recommendations for adaptive use and/or reuse of existing building, facilities &
• Master Plan Concepts
• Master Plan
o Master Plan Map (overall)
o Detailed Concept Areas (Front Country)
o Overall Back Country Plan (Tail Connectivity Plan)
o One or two Artist Quality Perspectives that will help show potential park
o Planning Level Cost Estimates for front country with rough order of magnitude
(ROM) of cost for road or other infrastructure improvements.

• Resiliency & Sustainability Overlay

• Recommendations
o Recommendations for Phasing
o Operations
o Connectivity for Potential Acquisitions
4) Public Process
• Summary of Stakeholder Process
• Summary of Public Process (Overview with key notes and highlights)

Final Master Plan

After final comments of the draft have been provided to Equinox the final Master Plan document will be
developed. During this phase the Final Master Plan will be created, and a final optional meeting will be
held at DPR to present the final recommendations. The final document will be delivered to DPR. This
task will include:

• Final Deliverables Production

• Final Project Meeting with Client
• Project Close Out


• NC State Parks will compile all NC State Park, stakeholder, and public comments for Equinox to
make final revisions to the master plan.

• One round of revisions.

Task 6. Public & Stakeholder Engagement Process & Services

Stakeholder Outreach
Our team will develop a stakeholder/public input schedule that includes a list of tasks and events that
will occur through the life of the project. At the kickoff meeting our team will share the schedule and
receive feedback.

We will begin stakeholder outreach with one-on-one virtual meetings where Alta will prepare a list of
questions (vetted by Equinox and State Parks) to help inform what amenities and park program
elements should be considered. Up to 10 stakeholder meetings will be conducted and meeting
minutes for all meetings will be provided. Once finalized, our team will develop a page that can be
incorporated into the master plan that summarize key findings of stakeholder input and a list of
stakeholders. A full set of meeting minutes will also be provided as part of the appendix of the master
plan. This task also includes coordination with stakeholders to promote public meetings and provide
information on future involvement. We will coordinate with NC State Parks Public Information Office
as needed. Some of the stakeholders that could be considered include:

• Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy or any other relevant conservation groups

(such as Mountain True or the WildLands Network.

• Friends of Pisgah View State Park

• NC Outdoor Recreation Industry Office

• Surrounding neighbors/community

• Trail user group input: Identify representatives for equestrian, hiking, mountain biking,
adaptive use trails. There are non-profits/volunteers who can stand in for these different
• Regional stakeholders: Buncombe County Parks & Recreation, Town of Canton/Haywood
County for Chestnut Mountain Park connection, USFS for Pisgah National Forest connection,
Buncombe Visitors Bureau

Public Engagement
Our team will provide materials for the public meetings such as information for the front country areas
and information on the Trails Plan for the public meetings. Information and boards will be created
specifically for interactive feedback. Equinox Team will work with NC State Parks to coordinate
meetings to minimize, as much as possible, conflicts with local and state meeting schedules. The
Equinox Team will specifically check the Buncombe County schedule for commissioner and planning
board meetings and NC State Parks will advise on possible state legislature meeting conflicts. The
following will occur to solicit public feedback.

Public Meeting #1
This meeting will occur in the early stages of the public engagement process to provide basic
information on the project, vision, and goals for the park, and gain initial input on what kind of
recreation facilities the public would like to see. This meeting will be in-person, and Alta will lead
coordination with Equinox and State Parks on venue. Equinox and Alta will each provide two staff
members to this meeting.

Public Survey
Our team will develop a public survey that is promoted by State Parks and stakeholders. We will
summarize the results into key findings.

Public Meeting #2
This meeting will provide a chance to review some initial recommendations and high-level
(diagrammatic) concepts for the park. This could include optional scenarios for the public to weigh in
on. The meeting will provide an opportunity to gauge the public’s interest on what amenities they
would like to see for the front country and gather feedback on the trails plan. Equinox and Alta will each
provide two staff members to this meeting.

Public Meeting #3
This meeting will be a final chance to review the plan at 80-85% completion. Feedback at this stage will
be limited to identifying phasing priorities, gathering general feedback/comments, and sharing
information on next steps. Equinox and Alta will each provide two staff members to this meeting.

Summary of Public Input
Our team will provide a summary of public input to include in the final Master Plan. This will include a
timeline of public/stakeholder process, key takeaways from stakeholder input, and key findings and
input from the public.

Equinox will develop a GIS StoryMap for the project. StoryMaps are a useful way to tell a story and
educate the public with custom maps, text, and multimedia content. This tool will live online and will
be another way to help build awareness, support, and interest in the park project. It is a great tool for
communicating the plan in a simple, graphic, interactive, and easy-to-read nature. The StoryMap can
be embedded on any website and can also be easily edited, which makes it a dynamic, living
communication tool. Equinox will host the StoryMap on its ArcGIS Online account unless client
chooses to host on its own account.

Equinox will provide the above services as described in this proposal for a fixed fee of $181,662. This
fixed fee includes expenses. Below is a breakdown of costs per task.

Task Cost

Task 1: Project Discovery: Kick off, Data Acquisition, Desktop Analysis

• Prepare for meeting $12,203
• Client/Steering Committee survey
• Info for Vision & Goals
• Assess steering committee survey responses
• Refine stakeholder list
• Conduct kickoff meeting (remote)
• Meeting Summary
• Data Acquisition, Identification of Data Needs
• Review reference parks and summarize
• Conduct desktop analysis
• Project Management

Task 2: Project Analysis & Assessment

• Base mapping for fieldwork $49,745
• Fieldwork Prep
• Fieldwork + travel time
• Structures / Architectural
• Mapping/Site Analysis/ Suitability Analysis (Slope & hydrology)
• Opportunities & Challenges Mapping
• Map Revisions
• Draft Program Elements
• Documentation of Task 2
• 25% Client Progress Meeting to Discuss Task 2 Findings (remote)
• Drone Photos
• Project Management

Task 3: Trail Analysis & Trail Plan
• Trail Analysis $23,266
• Trail Fieldwork
• Integration of trail info into Opportunities & Constraints Map
• Assessment of Initial Public Input & Development of Trails
Recommendations Memo
• Trail Plan & Workshop
• Draft Trails Plan Developed
• Integration of trail Input
• Project Management

Task 4: Preliminary Master Plan $27,984

• Conceptual Plan & Recommendations
• Conceptual design for 3 front country and 2 for campground area
• Concessionaire Guidance & recommendations
• Resiliency & Sustainability Overlay & Recommendations
• Client Progress Meeting (50%) to discuss Concepts
• Fieldwork to vet Preliminary Design after 50% client review
• Project Management

Task 5: Master Plan

• Draft Master Plan (90%)-Existing Conditions, Regional Context & $32,548
Planning, Park Master Plan, Maps, Documentation
• Draft Master Plan Revisions
• Final Master Plan/Final Deliverables/Document Production
• Final Client Meeting to present that final Master Plan or a draft review
meeting (remote)
• Renderings/ Master Plan Graphics
• Project Management

Task 6: Stakeholder & Public Engagement Process

• Develop Stakeholder/Public Input Schedule $35,916
• Stakeholder Outreach Preparation
• Stakeholder Outreach
• Stakeholder Outreach Meeting Summaries
• Coordinate with State Parks Public Information Office (as needed for
public meeting preparation)
• Public Meeting 1
• Public Survey
• Public Meeting 2
• Public Meeting 3
• Summary of Public Input
• StoryMap and hosting
• Project Management

Total (including expenses) $181,662

Additional Services
Any service not described above will be considered and additional service outside this scope of work
and proposal. If additional services are needed, they will be issued by negotiated agreement.
Additional work will not be provided without approval from NCDNCR – Parks and Recreation.

We look forward to working NCDNCR – Parks and Recreation in the development of the Master Plan for
Pisgah View State Park.

David Tuch- Equinox President and Landscape Architect

Date: 12/12/2022


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