L4 B1PLUS U2 Vocabulary Higher

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2 Vocabulary

Describing personal qualities 3 Most of my r_________ live in the UK, but

my uncle and aunt live in Canada.
1 What negative personal characteristic is
4 My basketball t_________ and I won the
each sentence describing? The first letter
championship in our last match!
has been given to help you.
5 I suppose you’d call Daniel my
1 Paul is always lying. He never tells the r_________ as he’s always trying to beat
truth. d_______
ishonest me at everything.
2 Mateo seems a lot younger than his age. 6 The person I trust most in the world
He’s very silly sometimes. i_________ is my b_________ f_________ , Lucy.
3 My granddad doesn’t like change at all. 7 I wish my r_________ would pick up
He hates everything new! i_________ his dirty socks!
4 My neighbour never says hello to me. 8 Our teacher gave me and my c_________
She’s quite rude! u_________ more time to finish our homework.
5 Sandra told everyone my secret.
I thought she was my friend! d_________
Things that friends do
6 My brother makes jokes about
me in front of my friends. u_________ 4 Complete the questions with the correct
form of the verb.
7 My uncle never arrives on time. He’s
always late! u_________ 1 When was the last time you _________
8 I really hate waiting in a queue. It’s so out with someone? Why?
boring! i_________ 2 What’s the best way to _________
someone up when they’re feeling down?
Friends and acquaintances 3 Have you ever decided to hide the truth
and _________ for a good reason? Why?
2 Read the definitions and complete
the sentences. 4 Who _________ you laugh the most?
What do they do that’s so funny?
1 someone who competes against you
opponent 5 Is there anyone in your life you wish
at sport _________
you had _________ in touch with?
2 someone who takes the same journey
6 Who _________ you the most when you
with you _________
need help with your studying? How?
3 someone you work with _________
7 Why is it sometimes difficult to _________
4 your brother or sister _________ someone who has let you down?
5 someone you don’t know at all _________
6 someone you’ve met but don’t know well Extra challenge
5 Choose five questions from exercise 4 and
7 someone who lives near your house
answer them below.
8 someone who you share a house with
(but not family) _________

3 Complete the sentences. The first letter has

been given to help you.
1 Batman has lots of _________
enemies , but
I suppose the Joker is his most famous one.
2 I’ve made lots of c_________ f_________
since moving to my new school.

Influence 4 · © Macmillan Education Limited 2020 · Your Influence B1+ Higher

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