Case - Societe Generale

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ID: 190334

1. Why did Societe Generale’s managers decide to develop an automated transaction processing system?

The manager of societe generale’s decided to develop an automated transaction processing system
because the transaction processing system provided a time benefit in every business. A transaction
processing system is a type of computer processing system which require a presence of a computer user
and it allows immediate response to the user input or transaction. Some examples of this type of
transaction systems are Automated teller machine (ATM) and trade stocking through Internet. The
management of business deals done through the transaction processing system is very important for
societe generale’s. As the business of societe generale’s grow there will be an increase in number of
business deals and it will result in gathering of huge amount of data. The transaction processing system
will help the societe generale’s to organize the data and this will result in higher productivity, reliability,
increase in performance of the company and reduce operating cost. The benefit from the automated
system can become a powerful motive for increasing service to the end user.

2. Why did managers decide they needed an “intelligent system?” In what way was the new system

As the new technologies are being introduced day to day. It has become important for the society to use
these technologies to ease their problems and to develop themselves further. So, the manager of Societe
Generale’s introduced intelligent system technology because as the time passes the number of businesses
deals a bank do will increase and so the data will increase and if the data from these deals is kept
unorganized it will lead to problem in further dealing with the customers as the data will be unorganized
and the data can corrupt when it is being processed to another level and many other problems can emerge
if the data is not organized properly. For keeping the data organized and to reduce the problems in the
banks the automated technology is used in the bank as it help in keeping the data organized and it is also
time efficient which will led in the progress of the bank. And it can also help the bank in lowering their
operating cost and improve the quality of service provided by the bank to the end user. This will result in
increase in the trust of end used toward the bank.
3. What is the role of human decision makers in the new system?

As we know the human resource is one of the important parts of any organization whether the
organization is using automated technologies or not. For the organization where they are using this
automated technology, the human resource is an important part because humans input the transections or
data or give command to the computer and computer gives the output according to the input that is given
by the human. Same thing also happens in Societe Generale. And the method the automated technology
use is taken from the humans only. The role of humans in the new technology can be what methods the
technology will use to organize the data and they also help in solving the critical errors and can help in
handling a new situation that a system cannot solve. They also can be help in checking whether the
organization is functioning efficiently or not.

4. Why did managers select the Infogix platform?

Infogix platform defined as worldwide data controls and examination Software Company for
organizations to oversee, monitor and screen their data for business operations. Managers select the
Infogix platform because of the system monitors incoming transactions, providing balancing, and reunion
and identifies and recognize and predict fraud and customer behavior. Rather than that, Managers choose
Infogrix Platform, since a standard based framework permitting improvement of complex business rules
for validating integrity. Moreover, through Infogrix Platform in operation, transaction is verified several
times a day so Infogix Platform, can take care of the issue in substantially less time than with the manual
framework. Besides that, manager specify Infogix Platform because of the Infogix framework can
identify the rules and procedures that humans follow can when confirmed the data, and then apply those
rules in PC codes.

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