Income Tax Delhi Notification 2017 WWW -

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Office of the i Principal Chief Commissioner of = Income Tax, Delhi Central Revenues Building, .P. Estate, New Delhi-110002 Subject: Recruitment of Meritorious Sportspersons to the posts of Income Tax Inspector, Tax Accistant, Stonographer Grade Il and Multi Tasking Staff. Applcations are invited from the metitericus sportsperson fling the eligi ctor 25 per particulars mentioned in Annesure fr appointment to the poss of Income Tax Inspector, Tax Assistant, Stenographer Grade Il and Multi Tasking Staft ‘Thewling and eligible cancidates oan send ther opplication form as er Annexurest fon oF before 30.08.2017 to the Assistant Commssione’ of Income Tax (Hare.- Personne!) ltd Floor, Room No. 278, Central Revenues Building, LP. Estate, New Delhi 110002 (14.07.2017 for candidates coricied in North Eastern Slates, Andaman Neobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Jammu & Kashmi). {PUGALIA CHANDAN RAJENDRA) ASST. COMMISSIONER OF INCOME TAX (HQ -PERS.) (NG) NEW DELHI ANNEXURE RECRUITMENT OF MERITORIOUS SPORTS PERSONS IN THE OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL CHIEF COMMISSIONER OF INCOME-TAX, DELHI REGION The Principal Chief Commissioner of Income Tax, Deh, invites appleations forthe Recruitment of mertorous Sportspersons in eferentgamesispors as iste below for the foloving poste 'S.No.| Post PayBand | Grade Pay | Remarks 1. | Income Tax Inepestor [91300-34800 | 4600- | Pre-revised 2. Tax Assistant 5200-20200 | 2400; | Preevised '3.__| Stonographer Grade | 620020200 | 2.400" | Prevevised ‘4.__| Matti Tasking Staff (MTS)| 6200-20200 | t.800- | Pre-evised ‘The pos are ternporary but ikely be permanent. The probation panod is of2 years ELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS 01, AGE LMT Minimum 18 years and maximum 80 years as on 10082017. Accordingly, the ‘applicants mist have been bom not eae than 10.05.1999 ane not later than 40.08.1987 Relaxation '5 years for GeneralOBC candidates 410 years in case of SC/ST candidates. (is per Gout of India instructions for mestaous Spertepereons), 02, ESSENTIAL EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION 1. For income Tax inspectors: Degree ofa recognized Universiy or equivalent 2, For Tax Assistant (0) Degree of a recognized University or equivalent. {i) Having data entry speed of 8,009 Key depressions per hour, 3.For Stenographer Grade I {0 12 class pass or equivalent rom a recognized board or Univers, {i) Dictation: 10 minutes @ 0 words por mirute. {ii) Transcription: £0 words per minute (English) or 65 words per minute (Hind) {Only on Computer) 4. For Mult Tasking Stat ‘1th class pass or equivalent trom a recognized board or Univers, 03, NUMBER OF VACANCIES Posts No. of Vacancies (Income Tax inspectors oo (i) TaxAssistarts 19 Ui) Stonographer Grade 1 a (iv) Muli Tasking Stat 2 Total 56 04, SPORTS ELIGIBILITY : Appointment can be made ofa sportsperson considered mertorius with reference to the folowing erteria: ‘The proficiency of the sports persons will be evaluated on the basis of their partcipation in recognized touramenslevents for which details should be furnished es Annexure-ll The tournamenislevents wil be evaluated in the following descending order of importance =~ {0 Isterational Tourramentsvents lke Olympics & World Championships. (i) International Teurnaments/Events. of regional importance like Asian ‘GamesiCammonveath Gamesiafo Asien Games ee {li} Other Intemational Tournaments/Evers Ike SAF Games ete {iv) Domest Tournaments/Events of national seniors level ike, Nationel Games, National Federation Games ett Note: The best of three performances in the calend descending order) 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014 and afer 14.2013 sh considered for evaluation 05, EVIDENCE IN SUPPORT OF MERIT IN SPORTS EVENTSIGAMES Onl corticates awarded by the authocties montioned here under wil be taken into account a8 evidence in suppor of having paricipated in competitions in ary of the above Sports EventsiGames wile consicering eigbilly ofthe appcant. A caneidate who eannat produce se atested copies of atleast one certificate Issued by one ofthe futhortes mentioned here under slongwn application need net apply. ‘S.No, | Competition | Authority awarding certificate | Intemational | Secretary ofthe National Federation of he gamlsporis concerns. 2 | National ‘Secretary ofthe National Federation or he Secretary of the State Association ofthe gamelsports concerned, 06, SELECTION OF THE CANDIDATES: Sulbct tothe futling of the qualication against SI. No. 02 above, the applications shall be sorutnizes ang sutabie candidates wil be shortsted for further selection procedure, For selection, the shortsted candidates wil be requved to appear for Interview and if further required, the players may be reauired to undergo ‘Success in the above test confers no right to appointment unless Department is Satisted after such enquiry as may be considered necessary that the candidate Is sulable inal respect for appointment to the post 07. LIST OF PREFERRED GAMESISPORTS :- S.No. | Game/Sporte ‘Atteties Kabadeh Football Badminton Table Tennis Volley Bal Basket ball Lawn Tennis Grioket Chess ‘Swiring 1, Body Bulding 3. Hockey Note: in ease sable candldates are not avaliable in any of the above Games!Spors, the Department wil reserve is ight roto consider such gamesisprts and to allot he vacancies reserve for such games/spors to any ofthe remaining gamesfsports in the ‘ove ist or garmes notified by DoPT as per Annexure'A’ of OM. No, M4O1S/1/T6-Est () detec ain August, 1680, Pare 1 of OM. No, 14034I4/95-Eet, (0) dated 1th ‘September 1985, Appendix to OM, No. 14034/1/01-Est (D) dated 2ist March, 1991 4 Para 3 of OM No. 14084/172000-Est (0) dated 24th Novernber, 2006). 08, HOW TO APPLY: Applications must be submited In specifed format 2s per Annexute-l, addressed t0 The Asstt. Commissioner of Income-tax (Hars.~ Personnel) (Non Gazetted), Room No, 378, CR. Bullding, LP. Estate, New Delhi 110002 by postiby hand on or before 30.06.2017 Also clearly wrte on the envelope; "APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF _INSPECTORITAX ASSISTANT! ‘STENOGRAPHER GRADE Il MULTI TASKING STAFF UNDER SPORTS QUOTA. NAME OF THE SPORT. * 08, The candidate on appeintment willbe Table for posting at anyplace in D 10. Tho applicant shall enciose atest copies ofthe folowing cetfcates (i) Matvieulation’SSC or equivalent certificate for proof of age. (i) Educational quaiteations. (i) Sportsigames certfeates as mentoned at S, No, 05 above {is) SCISTIOBC caste certicate ‘The candidate must be in possession of the requisite quaficaton for the eoncemed post a on 10-06-2017. Further, latest colores photogragh duly attested by a Gazetted (fee should also be pasted on the application for ‘1, Sports persons who are aeady employed in Central Government or State Government or PSU should eubmnt an NO from the present employer which shoud be enclosed with the application, 412, The selected cancidates wil be on probation for 2 years or such period as per the extant instructions. of the Government of India. Hisiher partiepation in the ‘oumamentimeets on behalf ofthe Depariment vill also be a deciding factor in the ‘eclartion of hsMher probation The selected candidate wil be requited to represent the Income Tax Department, Delhi Region in the touraments/ meets 2s decided at least for 05 years, The salected candidates wil be requited to ve an undertaking nat to apply for Inter charge transfer for a minimum patie of OS years 13. Tho decaration to ths effect to work at any place under Pr. CCIT (CCA), Doth Region, should be submited alongwith the application +14, Appleation duly signed ana complted in all expects should reach the Ofc ofthe Lnderagned by 20-08-2017 by postby hand (14.07 2017 for candidates domiciled in North Eastern States, Andaman Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Jammu & Kashi) 45. Applications received afer the due date vill not be entertained under any Cercumstances. Incomplete, unegned and application without annexures wil be {ejected and no corespondence inthe matter willbe made wth the appbcant Egitie Candidates wi be called fr hterview The date and venue for tests ana interview wil be intimated to the eigie candidtee in due couree by he authored Oftoer 416, Ary form of canvassing by any candidate il render his her eancidature labo to be rejected summaniy at any sage ofthe recrutment process, 17. The Pr. Chief Commissioner ef Incame Tax, Dalhi has got the right to cancel the fecrutmant procaes at any stage without esignng any reason 41, in the event of ary te the decision of the Appointing Authority Le. Pr Chiat CCommissionor of Income Tax, Delhi shall be fina slalala|gls siz als|s i Region ‘Assietant Commissioner of ncome-tax (ges -Pers.) (NG), New Det "ANNEXURESI APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF INSPECTOR! ‘TAX ASSISTANTISTENOGRAPHER GRADE-IVMULTI TASKING STAFF Tnoome Tax inspector Post applied for | Tax Assistant, ‘ize colour photograph of ‘Stenogrepher Grade I Lp bgear ly ‘Mu Tasking Sith Signature (Please tick (7) in above, ‘ek the relevant CColumn(s), mark (3) in the column which ‘Tho blank column shall be considered as (x). In case a candidate ticks (¥) all columns his/her preferonce shall bo takon inthe above mentioned order. (Please fil the form in black ink in Capital Letters) Fist Name [Middle Name: not applicable. Fu Name TeaiRame B) Fathers Name First Name | Middle Name | Last Name C) Gender (Male/Female) D) Permanent Residential Address E) Address for Communication F) Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY) (Please enclose proof) G) Age (as on 10-06-2017) (Please enclose proof) H) Whether General/OBC/SC/ST (Please enclose proof) |) Educational Qualification J) Sports event/game (Give detailed information alongwith certified copies) K) Details of Best Performance : (Please enclose proof) a) International (mention the name Year Achievements of event, year & month when event (in descending Order) was heid and position secured) (i) 2017 (ii) 2016 (iil) 2015 (iv) 2014 b) National (mention the name of event, year & month when event was held and position secured) (only after 1.4.2013) L) Details of latest performance (Proof to be enclosed) M) Documents to be submitted : a) Graduate/Post Graduate Marks List and Certificate of the University (as applicable) b) Age proof (as per matric Certificate) ¢) Sports Certificates d) Caste Certificate (in case of OBC/SC/ST candidates) N) Telephone No. ©) Mabile No. P) E-mail ID. DECLARATION | hereby declare that all statements made in this application are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. | understand that in the event of any information being false or incorrect or ineligibility being detected before or after the tests/interview my candidature/appointment is liable to be cancelled/terminated. | have not submitted any other application for this post. | am aware that if | contravene this Rule, my application will be rejected summarily by the Department, and no further communication shall be entertained by the Department in this regard. | further declare that | fulfill all the conditions of eligibility regarding age limit, educational qualification & sports eligibility, etc., prescribed for the post. Place : Date : Signature of the candidate FULL NAME

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