IE Group Project - Guidelines

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Total Marks-30 (15 for project Submission + 15 for Presentation) Submission Date: 8th October 2011
I.Objective Ithasbeenincreasinglyfeltthatstudentsrequireadifferenttreatmentforsubjectsof InternationalEconomicstorelatetheconceptsandargumentsoninternationaltrade. Asapartoftheevaluationprocessgroupprojectonselectcountries(givenbelow) relatedtomajoraspectsofinternationaleconomicshasbeendesigned.Thiswillhelp the participants to interact and develop better understanding on issues and policy debatesrelatingtointernationaleconomicsandtorelatewithothersubjectsingeneral. Participantsareexpectedtodoreviewsuitableliterature,collectupdatedinformation, analysisdataonmajortraderelatedvariablesandinterpretthemwithrespecttothe theoriesofinternationaleconomicstaughtintheclasses.Thereportshouldfocuson particular country and make a diagnostic of its economic and trade fundamentals with

major policy implications. II. Guidelines for Group Project Report: A. Submission of Project Report (group): 1. Writing on the given topic/country should be original and with special focus on recent trade and economic policy and related issues 2. It must be a team/group work 3. Normally the project report should not exceed 25-30 pages. 4. Participants are suggested to refer to country specific trade data, trade policy reviews (TPR), study reports and other relevant materials. Use of material available in IIFT library for preparation of their project report is suggested. B. Presentation: 15-20 minutes will be given to each group for presentation (10-15 minutes) & discussion (5-10 minutes) C. Discussion/Question Answer: Group Presentation will be followed by critical discussion and policy debate on the topic. Participants actively participation during presentation will be noticed and evaluated accordingly.

III. Structure of Project Report - Executive Summary of the Report - Content - Introduction: (Overview of the Country: major issues and trend in international trade, current policy debate) - Data and Facts: (latest available data in common usable form with sources) - Analysis of data: (performance in terms of overall trade (major components, pattern and changes in direction of trade), sectoral performance, participation in major trade block, etc must be covered. Use suitable research method for data analysis, support your arguments/statements with help of the data, facts and analysis) - Conclusion: brief and must be drawn from the analysis made in the report - Suggestions/Recommendations - References: (Detail about the sources, year of publication, data, facts and materials used for the report must be given in the report and during the presentation).

1. Marks will be given individually to the participants who have satisfactorily contributed to preparation, presentation and participation of group project. Performance in presentation & active participation during group presentation will be noticed and evaluated. 2. Course coordinators may be contacted incase of any problem regarding the group project.

Selected Countries Japan Malaysia Srilanka Belgium Germany UK Mexico Canada Argentina, SectionA Group9 Group8 Group7 Group6 Group5 Group4 Group3 Group2 Group1 RollNos Section B Group1 Group2 Group3 Group4 Group5 Group6 Group7 Group8 Group9 RollNos


Trade Policy Review (WTO) World Trade Statistics (WTO) Asian Development Outlook (ADB) Trade and Development Report (UNCTAD) Economic Intelligence Unit: Country Profiles World Development Indicators International Financial Statistics World Investment Reports World Economic Outlook (IMF) Government and Other Web-sites of the concerned Countries

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