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And Not a Shot Is Fired How Parliament Can Play a Revolutionary Part in the Transition to Socialism and The

Role of the Popular Masses by Jan Kozak Translated from the original Czech

- Introduction Thomas R. Eddlem Appleton, WI January 1999 ONE MIGHT ask today, years after the fall of the Berlin Wall: "Why would anyone want to read a report by a communist about the revolutionary takeover of Czechos lovakia a country that no longer exists? The Czechs are capitalists now, re- mem ber?" Such a question reveals a number of erroneous assumptions that this document con vincingly refutes not the least of which is the false assumption that the leader s of the former Communist states of Eastern Europe were wedded to ideology. As J an Kozak and 40 years of brutal Communist Party rule in Czechoslovakia so clearl y demonstrate, communism was a tactic employed for the assumption of power, rath er than a sincere belief. These same tactics, modified only slightly, are being used today. Americans who labor under the false premise that communism is either an ideology or a system of economics that died with the Cold War do so at their personal and national peril. Most Americans are falsely conditioned to believe today that elective government s are permanently established and practically invincible to destruction, so long as elections are free from fraud and consumers can buy Big Mac hamburgers in th e market. And Not a Shot Is Fired authoritatively disproves that myth. This docu ment is a "how-to" manual for totalitarian takeover of an elected parliamentary system of government through mainly legal and constitutional means. Kozak did no t pontificate fuzzy theories of how "revolutionary parliamentarianism" might be accomplished. He wrote from personal experience and intimate knowledge of how th is seizure of power actually was accomplished. Kozak's manual is especially impo rtant for contemporary Americans because most of the same methods described in t his book are at work in the United States today, although those methods are not being followed directly under communist ideological auspices. More on that, afte r a little background. Origin of the Document And Not A Shot Is Fired only accidentally made it into the public domain. Writte n between 1950 and 1955 (and revised somewhat after that) as an internal Czechos lovak Communist Party strategy paper, the two chapters which comprise this docum ent were discussed briefly by Communist Czechoslovak delegates to the Inter-Parl iamentary Union (IPU) in London in the fall of 1957. Kozak was a member of the C zechoslovak Communist Party Central Committee, briefly a member of the governmen t secretariat, and later, official historian for the Czechoslovak Communist Part y. A copy of these two chapters, officially entitled How Parliament Can Play a R

evolutionary Part in the Transition to Socialism and The Role of the Popular Mas ses, were requested through IPU channels by British delegates to the conference. The word came back from the Czechoslovaks that the just-published manuscript wa s mysteriously "out of print." It was not until January of 1961 that, according to the original British publishers, "by a mere coincidence, a copy of the report was secured." 1 Once received, Kozak's manifesto was quickly translated into English and publish ed in February of that year by London's Independent Research Centre under a comb ination of the titles Kozak had given them: How Parliament Can Play a Revolution ary Part in the Transition to Socialism and the Role of the Popular Masses. The document became an instant international sensation, and by the beginning of 1962 Kozak's manual was being widely distributed in several languages throughout Eur ope and the United States. Radio Free Europe (RFE) published its own English tra nslation under the original title, and a committee of Congress reproduced and di stributed the RFE translation as well. It is the RFE translation (as published b y Congress) which we have reproduced here. But most Americans who came to know Jan Kozak and his step-by-step program for a totalitarian takeover of a free government read the book under the title And No t A Shot Is Fired, under which the Connecticut-based Long House publishers distr ibuted the original British translation of Kozak's manual. The title of the popu lar American edition came straight out of the superb introduction by John Howlan d Snow. Snow explained that Kozak's document is a blueprint of how a "representa tive government can be made authoritarian, legally, piece by piece. The form rem ains, an empty shell.... And not a shot is fired." 2 Americans with only a little knowledge of post-war Europe are under the illusion that after the defeat of Hitler, Stalin installed his lackeys in Eastern Europe an governments solely by force of the Soviet Army. This was not the case. Stalin had to pledge at least the appearance of free elections at Yalta, even if the c oncessions granted by Franklin D. Roosevelt guaranteed the eventual absorption o f Eastern Europe into Stalin's orbit. Eastern Europe actually enjoyed a short pe riod of relative freedom after the war, during 1946 and 1947, when there were mo re or less free elections. Most of the Soviet-occupied countries elected non-com munist majorities, despite severe harassment of non-communist parties during the election campaigns. This document explains how, after the elections in Czechosl ovakia, the Communist Party insinuated itself into a coalition with Social Democ rats and gained control of the Agricultural and Interior ministries. The value of this book is not that it explained "new" techniques or strategies f or taking over free governments. There was nothing original in the strategies an d tactics for taking over free governments outlined by Kozak, although many Amer icans in the 1960s even among those who thought they were well informed regarded Kozak's blueprint as new tactics and ideology. In fact, most of what Kozak desc ribes had been theorized a generation earlier by Italian Communist Party chief A ntonio Gramsci. But only Kozak has demonstrated how such a takeover actually was accomplished. And Not A Shot Is Fired has enduring value for several reasons, n ot the least of which is that the brief treatise is sufficiently straightforward and comparatively free of communistic dialectical jargon that it can be profita bly read by the casual reader. That the document was written in a form readily c omprehensible by the lay reader can only be chalked up to Communist overconfiden ce in the inevitable ascendancy of their empire. Kozak boasted that the Communis t empire "comprises over 25 per cent of the whole world; 35 per cent of the worl d's population lives in it and about 30 per cent of the world's industrial outpu t is produced by it." (Page 1) To be sure, Jan Kozak prolifically used communist ic patois throughout the manual, drawing from a lexicon that has been alternativ ely termed "dialectics," "wordsmanship," and "Aesopean language." And the docume nt can be read much more profitably with a thorough knowledge of the Communist P arty's dialectic of that time frame. But Kozak's manuscript is one of those rare specimens of totalitarian literature where the main thrust of the document is u

nderstandable on its face even without that knowledge. Ideology as a Tactic, Not a Belief The one, overriding goal stressed by Kozak was the objective of seizing total po wer. There is no concern for the lot of the poor, or the conditions of the labor er, or even the wealth of the industrialist evident in this manuscript; power is the one and only goal: The overall character of the participation in this government was: not to lose s ight, even for a moment, the carrying out of a complete socialist coup. (Page 12 ) By using these methods, this principle was fulfilled in practice: not to lose si ght for a single moment of the aim of a complete socialist over- throw. (Page 18 ) [T]he following may and must be carried out successfully ... concentration of al l power in the hands of the [communist-dominated] parliament." (Page 38) In the course of the fight for the complete takeover of all power. (Page 39) Its [the Communist Party's] aim was ... the definite settlement of the question of power by consolidating people's democracy into a state of the dictatorship of the proletariat. (Page 46) There are more passages in the book about how the leaders of the Czechoslovak Co mmunist Party sought dictatorial power for themselves, but the murderous 40-year reign of this criminal syndicate (a criminal syndicate clothed with the pretend ed legitimacy of state power) makes further elucidation unnecessary. Kozak was n o dreamy-eyed professor embracing a nebulous idea of a future socialist Utopia; he and his confederates were reality-hardened schemers who would use any method available to gain as much power as possible. To power-hungry conspirators like K ozak, Communist ideology was mainly a useful cover for the organizational undert a tactic, not a belief system. The Communists actually di aking of a coup d'etat sdained other socialists, such as social democrats, even though they constantly strove to coalesce with and co-opt these democratic parties. Co-opting Ideological Language The Communists adapted the language of socialist ideology and the political poli cies of socialist regimes for their own internal use on several fronts. Many soc ialist terms were given double meanings sometimes called "dialectics" among Comm unist revolutionaries for furtherance of their coup. Thus, terms like "proletari at" and "worker's class" can have their plain meaning or be code words for "Comm unist Party leaders." Or, "people's interest/' "democratic will of the masses" a nd "decision of the proletariat" could have its ordinary meaning or designate "o rders from Party leadership." The use of dialectic meaning in words was and remains a necessary part of any pl an to overthrow free governments. Outright announcement of the goals and motivat ions of revolutionaries would arouse too much alarm among the people and create too much resistance, resulting in the defeat of the conspirators. The use of suc h double-meaning terms serves as a means of transmitting, indirectly, an action program to fellow conspirators without alarming the general populace. If confron ted with the true dialectical meaning of the terms, conspirators can simply clai m that it is merely ideological belief, and that the accuser is simply a paranoi

d who is falsely reading sinister motivations into the revolutionary's words. Dialectical speech was not unique to Kozak's Czechoslovak branch of the Communis t Party, nor has it been limited to Communism. Mafiosi and other criminal gangs typically have their own language that serves both as verbal handshakes and to c ommunicate without attracting the notice of the law. And like the lingo of gangs ters, Communist dialectics changes frequently in order to preserve its esoteric qualities. (Few would think that "wise guys" today would utilize antiquated term s such as "rubbed out," "greased," or "squeezed" anymore, be- cause they have lo ng been in the common parlance.) In Communist history, dialectical "code-speech" goes all the way back to the beg inning. As far back as 1848, when Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels completed The C ommunist Manifesto, it was widely condemned as being a conspiratorial document. Few literate men then took seriously Marx and Engels' preposterous claim that th e government-power grab which comprised the ten-plank platform in The Communist Manifesto would lead to what the two later promised as the "withering away" of t he state.3 To claim that the state withers away when you give it more power requ ires profound stupidity or brazen dishonesty. And, by all accounts, Marx and Eng els were not stupid. The Communist Manifesto, like Kozak's manuscript, is simply a manual of how to take control of a government, the latter having laid out the scheme in both more openly brazen terms and greater mechanical detail. Tactical "Ideology" for Would-Be Dictators: Socialism To a Communist conspirator like Kozak, socialist ideology offered advantages bey ond mere discreet communication with fellow revolutionaries. Revolutionaries fre quently promote socialism because a socialist economy even socialism under a par liamentary system of government heavily concentrates power in the hands of the f ew people who run the state. Concentration of power in the hands of a few govern ment leaders makes the state easier to seize by a determined conspiracy. To cons pirators, socialism serves as a control-the-wealth program, not a share-the-weal th program. Thus, none should be surprised that Hitler and Mussolini took over f reely-elected parliaments in their countries legally and constitutionally, as Ko zak and his co-conspirators later accomplished only after posing as socialist id eologues of one form or another. Some may contest the assertion that Hitler and Mussolini arose out of socialism because of popular notions that these dictators stem from the "right" wing of th e ideological spectrum. Such illusions have no basis in fact. The very name "Naz i" was almost never used by the Nazis themselves; it was merely an acronym for H itler's "National Socialist Party" which created such socialist institutions as the government automobile industry. (Volkswagen, which originated as a governmen t program under the Hitler regime, means "people's car" in German.) And Mussolin i's deep socialist roots date back to before World War I, with his editorship of the socialist news- paper, Avanti! From a power politics perspective Mussolini' s fascism, after being imposed upon Italy, differed only superficially with outr ight socialism. Mussolini had completely adopted the notion that government shou ld be fully involved in controlling property, even if he did allow nominal priva te ownership. Il Duce's program that the state would be the "supreme regulator o f the relations between all citizens of the state"4 fits hand-in-glove with the political program instituted by Kozak and his co-conspirators after they had tak en power for themselves. Economic fascism, which is simply heavy government regu lation and control of what is only nominally private property, serves essentiall y the same purpose for conspirators as outright government ownership under socia lism. And fascism is the economic program increasingly being followed in the Uni ted States and the formerly socialist nations of East- ern Europe today. Economi c fascism offers a number of ad- vantages for the modern conspirator over the so cialism used by Kozak but only because fascism is typically called some other ne bulous name such as "Third Way" or "public-private partnership," or (even worse)

falsely represented as "privatization," or "free trade," or "free enterprise." The fascist economic model does not carry all the public relations baggage of St alinist socialism, and, over the short term at least, it can be more economicall y efficient than outright socialism.* Thus, it should be no surprise that the sa me conspirators who ran the governments of former Soviet "Republics" of Eastern Europe have readily exchanged their Communist Party posts for "elective" posts, or that the brand of state control they are now pushing is called "privatization " and "economic reform." Pressure from Above, Pressure from Below *Under fascism, the "private" property owner may be heavily controlled by govern ment rules and regulations, but he is often still under the illusion that he "ow ns" his property. Thus, he may still strive to improve his property as a propert y owner would in a laissez-faire system. This is particularly the case when the fascist state, in its benevolence, allows the propertied class to keep some of i ts wealth or to make some decisions(within government guidelines, of course). A socialist or fascist economic policy is necessary for dictatorial revolution i n an elective government and not simply because socialism or fascism concentrate s the physical power of the state in the few who run the executive branch of gov ernment. While these policies certainly enable the state to acquire power (and t o shift power away from the legislature) their chief role as necessary ingredien ts for revolution is that they give the state hegemonic control (leadership) ove r the various non-governmental cultural institutions institutions which may have enough strength to resist and overthrow a political coup d'etat. Kozak uses an excellent example in this text of the hegemonic leadership manufactured by the C ommunists over agriculture in Czechoslovakia. Farmers and ranchers have traditio nally been very conservative, independent, and resistant to tyranny. In a heavil y agricultural state such as war-devastated Czechoslovakia, farmers and ranchers would have been a strong counter-revolutionary force. Indeed, Stalin had found fanners to be the chief anti-totalitarian force in pre-war Ukraine. But in Czechoslovakia, Communist cadres "from below" infiltrated and co-opted th e conservative leadership of the agricultural interests, giving the misleading i mpression that farmers were divided on the revolution or perhaps even supportive of it. Meanwhile, "parliamentary socialism" - the "pressure from above" used the power of the state, under the pretext of yielding to pressure from "farmers" (r epresented by these Communist infiltrators) to break up the economic base and st rength of the independent farmers. As the preceding example illustrates, Kozak outlined the main thesis of a giant pincer's strategy for transforming a parliamentary system of government into a t otalitarian dictator- ship the strategy of combining "pressure from above" with "pressure from below" to effect revolutionary change. In essence, under this pla n, the Communist minority in parliament (in coalition with socialist parties) se rves the revolution by initiating policies and legislation which strengthen the hand of grassroots revolutionaries and punish threats to the coup (i.e., the Rig ht). Meanwhile, grassroots revolutionaries whip up the appearance of popular sup port for the legislative program to advance the revolution through strikes, rall ies, petitions, threats, and sometimes sabotage. The "pressure from below" by th e small number of revolutionaries and their larger number of dupes is then used to "justify" the centralization of power in the hands of the executive branch of the state. Wishywashy politicians are intimidated, and the "pressure from above " intensifies. Each legislative victory results in new demands (the "pressure fr om below") for even stronger legislation, which is relentlessly pursued by commu nists and their dupes in parliament who claim, of course, that they are acting i n the name of the popular will. The cycle continues until opposition is complete ly powerless, intimidated, or liquidated and the revolution is a fait accompli.

The theory for using "pressure from above" and "pressure from below" in order to acquire power, explained in this manual by Kozak, first emerged in the writings of an obscure Italian Communist thinker named Antonio Gramsci. Gramsci had plen ty of time for contemplating the reasons why his Communist Party had lost Italy to Benito Mussolini, since he spent the last years of his life in Mussolini's ja ils. Gramsci concluded that in order to capture the power in a state, one must f irst capture the culture. By culture, Gramsci meant the powerful non- government al institutions of great influence throughout the nation, specifically: churches , unions, mass media, political parties, universities and educational centers, b usiness organizations, foundations, etc. Gramsci explained that, in hindsight, i t was unreasonable to expect the Communists to have seized power in pre-World Wa r II Italy in the same way that the October Revolution had succeeded in Russia. "In [totalitarian, Tsarist] Russia the state was everything," Gramsci explained in his Prison Notebooks. "[C]ivil society was primordial and gelatinous; in the West, there was a proper relation between state and civil society, and when the state trembled a sturdy structure of civil society was at once revealed."5 In the West, Gramsci explained, family loyalties, faith in God, and lawful limit s on governmental power were thoroughly represented in the cultural institutions . Gramsci wrote that "there can and must be a 'political hegemony' even before a ssuming government power, and in order to exercise political leadership or hegem ony one must not count solely on the power and material force that is given by g overnment."6 Gramsci argued that without a successful "war of position" for "cul tural hegemony" (cultural leadership) within these institutions, a revolutionary even by a well-organized conspiracy is impossible. Ultimately, the I power grab talian Communists were outmaneuvered in the cultural war by Mussolini's black sh irts. Belief in God, family, and limited government in the developed nations of the West constitutes a cultural system of "fortresses and earthworks" against re volution, according to Gramsci. A coup d'etat, without having first subverted th ese "fortresses and earthworks" through the acquisition of political/cultural he gemony, would only be temporary and result in a quick and successful counter rev olution. The revolutionaries of today are well aware that their struggle for con trol of the culture cannot be won overnight. Gramsci follower and Frank- fort sc hool of socialism apostle Rudi Dutschke explained the Gramscian struggle as a "l ong march through the institutions"7 to win Gramsci's "war of position" over any cultural institutions which would stand in the way of a coup d'etat by a conspi ratorial faction. To revolutionaries like Kozak and Gramsci, all cultural and governmental institu tions constitute battlefields. Kozak explained that the Czech Communist Party cr eated "mass organizations" to form that pressure from below, and used the power of the state to take over, eliminate or isolate the old conservative institution s: "[T]he 'pressure from above' was applied in an ever-increasing measure for th e direct suppression and destruction of the counter-revolutionary machinations o f the bourgeoisie [the middle class]. Let us recall the signal role played in th e development and extension of that pressure by the Ministry of the Interior, fo r instance, which was led by the Communists and the units of the State Security directed by them." (Page 13) As the state passed draconian gun control laws thro ughout Eastern European countries in the aftermath of World War II, the Communis t Party armed itself and together with its control of the police organs of gover nment obtained a monopoly on force in these nations. "The necessity of arming th e most mature part of the workers' class for re- pulsing the counter-revolutiona ry machinations of the bourgeoisie ... has been proved, incidentally, again by t he later formation of the workers' militias in peoples' democratic Hungary and P oland," Kozak emphasized. (Page 25) That victorious revolutionaries would need a monopoly on force to consolidate control of a country is an obvious necessity, and it highlights our Second Amendment-protected right to keep and bear arms as an obvious "earthwork" against revolution. But in Czechoslovakia, it should be e mphasized, the monopoly on force mainly served a more subtle purpose than a viol

ent over- throw; it created a helpless feeling among the increasingly isolated n on-communist opposition. The clash of arms was never necessary. Many elements of the "pressure from above" and "pressure from below" stratagem e xplained by Kozak are being used against Americans on a variety of fronts toward the consolidation of power in the hands of the state. Kozak explained that the revolution also "breaks through the onerous circle of intimidation and spiritual terror of the old institutions, the Church, etc." (Page 19) Modern activists an d would-be revolutionaries attempt to isolate and outmaneuver those churches tha t cling to traditional teachings by (for example) using Kozak's tactics to effec t change on the issue of birth control and abortion. Both the U.S. government an d the United Nations (as well as tax-exempt foundations) fund private organizati ons such as Planned Parenthood that perform abortions and distribute birth contr ol devices. At the same time, these organizations lobby governments and create t he appearance of popular support for government-subsidized abortion on demand an d (eventually) coercive population-control programs. The United Nations uses a N on-Governmental Organization (NGO) caucus of left-wing organizations to create g rassroots (pressure from below) to justify its authoritarian agenda, which (on t he population-control front) includes support for China's population-control pro gram of forced abortion. The NGOs, of course, by no means represent the grassroo ts. But that does not prevent the movers and shakers at the top including the fo undation heads and governmental officials who lavishly fund them from representi ng them as such. There are dozens of other modern examples of how the "pressure from above" has created and funded the "pressure from below," from the environme ntalist movement to the international gun control movement, the details of which could fill many pages. The U.S. Constitution a formidable "earthwork"

The U.S. Constitution by way of contrast with parliamentary socialism/fascism of fers a formidable series of barriers to would-be dictators, with its separation of powers, system of checks and balances, reserved rights, delegated powers, and free enterprise-based economy. James Madison explained in The Federalist, #47, that the division of powers in the U.S. Constitution was devised with the follow ing guiding principle of politics constantly in mind: "The accumulation of all p owers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self- appointed, or elective, may justl y be pronounced the very definition of tyranny." Gramsci strongly felt that "the whole liberal [i.e., classical, laissez-faire li beralism] ideology, with its strengths and weaknesses, can be summed up in the p rinciple of the division of powers, and the source of liberalism's weakness beco mes apparent: it is the bureaucracy, i.e. the crystallization of the leading per sonnel, which exercises coercive power..."8 In other words, Gramsci was saying t hat revolutionaries can make use of ambitious individual politicians - who need n ot necessarily be revolutionaries at first - to usurp power and break down the di vision of powers which limits government in constitutional systems. Madison conc urred in The Federalist, #10, that the main problem in free governments was the tendency to faction and ambition among the ruling personalities. "The friend of popular governments never finds himself so much alarmed for their character and fate as when he contemplates their propensity to this dangerous vice," the Fathe r of the Constitution explained. But the Founders constructed the U.S. Constitut ion to ameliorate this very problem. As Alexander Hamilton ex- plained in The Fe deralist, #9: The regular distribution of power into distinct departments; the introduction of legislative balances and checks; the institution of courts composed of judges h olding their offices during good behavior; the representation of the people in t he legislature by deputies of their own election: these are wholly new discoveri

es, or have made their principal progress towards perfection in modern times. Th ey are means, and powerful means, by which the excellencies of republican govern ment may be retained and its im- perfections lessened or avoided. What Can Be Done? To a large extent, many of our cultural and governmental institutions have alrea dy been captured by forces in favor of the centralization of government power an d, opposed to limited government and the traditional morality of the churches. F ew Americans are even aware that an invasion of our institutions has been ongoin g or that the invaders have won several engagements. Author and political commen tator John T. Flynn has already been proven partly right in his 1941 warning tha t "We will not recognize [American totalitarianism] as it rises. It will wear no black shirts here. It will probably have no marching songs. It will rise out of a congealing of a group of elements that exist here and that are the essential components of Fascism.... It will be at first decorous, humane, glowing with hom ely American sentiment."9 Several of the constitutional "fortresses and earthwor ks" which the Founding Fathers threw up to block revolution in our constitutiona l system have given way to decay in recent decades. The marginalization of gun o wnership through federal legislation, the progressive lack of respect for the fe deral system of states rights by both political parties, and the assault on free speech rights protected by the First Amendment through so-called "campaign fina nce reform" are but a few of many examples. Part of the "long march through the institutions" has already been completed. But it is not yet too late. There are still cultural and structural layers of "f ortresses and earthworks" which continue to protect Americans against the kind o f quasi-legal revolution this book outlines. There are still some checks and bal ances and division of powers left in our system, and there is still vigorous org anizational opposition to consolidation of governmental powers. But these defens es are under siege. The only way to guarantee continued free government is for A mericans to get active in restoring those political and cultural "fortresses and earthworks" which support the principles James Madison and the rest of the foun ders put into the U.S. Constitution. We can guard this principle of the division both directly and especially through those cultural inst of powers by insisting itutions where we can have any influence that our elected officials revive the s eparation of powers and consistently vote for a reduction in the size and scope of government. And not a shot was fired With neither a whimper nor a bang, the Constitutional, commodity-based monetary system of the United States has been completely replaced, not just debased, by b anker barons, government officials who fictitiously lay claim to the sub-title o f public servants, and unscrupulous opportunists who have reaped the benefits, w hile at the same time leaving the average American with, not only few assets, bu t mounting debt resulting from the production of the fiat currency which we know today as the U.S. Dollar. The 1913 creation of the central bank known as the Federal Reserve System, was n ot only planned in a clandestine manner, but was deceptively publicized as a pro sperous monetary system, while actually removing wealth from the very citizenry that it was proposing to assist. 1913 was not yet a time of war for the United States, as it would not be until 1 917 that an official declaration would be made. Wars have a tendency to greatly distract the populace, especially when virtually every citizen has a loved-one o r acquaintance who has left the comforts of home in order to play a role, and of course, the life and death risks associated with combat tend to cause much anxi ety on the home-front. As we know from the bold headlines daily emblazoned across the front pages of ou r own local newspapers, as well as the shocking nightly television news broadcas

ts, the stories relating to overseas combat typically overshadow those of mundan e domestic issues, forcing stories of Congressional activity, and financial mach inations, into smaller spaces on the subordinate pages. The fact is that wars sell papers, while complex governmental austerity measures manifested by Congressional Acts, simply do not generate as much interest, espe cially at Christmas time. And yet, it was indeed an act of economic warfare which took place December 23rd , 1913, when a skeletonized Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act. This was no shot across the bow, but was instead an un-Constitutional death-blow , and rendered by no less than our own, elected representatives themselves. As we have witnesses in the recent passage of the Patriot Act, certain congressi onal activity can be approved without a single member of Congress having read th e details. Political arm-twisting, compromises, and even bribery, are the order of the day, and sadly, even 100 years ago, those same techniques were deployed b y some of our elected representatives, lobbyists, and of course, their financier s. By passing the Federal Reserve Act, our own Congress, whether knowingly or unwit tingly, effectively mortgaged our nation, providing the labor of We the People, and the natural Resources of our land, as the collateral. Private bankers gained control of our nation s assets, and immediately began the p rocess of issuing the new money, or bills, so that they could also start collect ing interest on the creation of that same money. Like all fiat monetary systems implemented before and after, the volatile effect s of the new central banking system were not long delayed in betraying their ins idious side. When Congress declared war and the United States officially committed its sons a nd daughters to the muddy trenches, it was the new, debt-based money, which fina nced those efforts, and it was at this point of significant indebtedness, that o ur nation was surrendered in perpetual servitude to the banking industry. Our enemy has stolen our nation, incrementally and with great care, in order to hide its true intent, all the while distracting We the People with wars, rumors of wars, and more wars. Civil Rights: Tool of Communist Deception (1) Ezra Taft Benson September 29, 1967 "There is no grievance that is a fit object of redress by mob law. In any case t hat arises. . . one of two positions is necessarily true; that is, the thing is right within itself, and therefore deserves the protection of all law and all go od citizens; or, it is wrong, and therefore to be prohibited by legal enactments ; and in neither case, is the interposition of mob law, either necessary, justif iable or excusable." (Abraham Lincoln, January 27, 1838; Collected Works 1:113) In the Book of Mormon the Prophet Nephi exclaims: "O Lord, I have trusted in the e, and I will trust in thee forever. I will not put my trust in the arm of flesh ; for I know that cursed is he that putteth his trust in man or maketh flesh his arm." (2 Nephi 4:34) Prophecying of our day, Nephi said, "They have all gone astray save it be a few, who are humble followers of Christ; nevertheless, they are led, that in many in stances they do err because they are taught the precepts of men." (2 Nephi 28:14 ) Yes, it is the precepts of men versus the revealed word of God. The more we foll ow the word of God the less we are deceived, while those who follow the wisdom o f men are deceived the most.

Increasingly, the Latter-day Saints must choose the reasoning of men [or] the re velations of God. This is a crucial choice, for we have those within the Church today who, with their worldly wisdom, are leading some of the members astray. Pr esident J. Reuben Clark warned that, "The ravening wolves are amongst us, from o ur own membership, and they, more than any others, are clothed in sheep's clothi ng, because they wear the habiliments of the Priesthood. . . We should be carefu l of them." (Conference Report, April 1949, p. 163) The Lord does not always give reasons for each commandment. Sometimes faithful m embers, like Adam of old, are called upon to obey an injunction of the Lord even though they do not know the reason why it was given. Those who trust in God wil l obey him, knowing full well that time will provide the reasons and vindicate t heir obedience. The arm of flesh may not approve, not understand, riesthood on women or the seed of Cain, but God's oes not have to justify all his ways for the puny tune with the Lord he will know that God's course he may not know all the reasons why. why God has not bestowed the P ways are not man's ways. God d mind of man. If a man gets in of action is right even though

The Prophet Joseph Smith understood this principle when he said, The curse is not yet taken off from the sons of Canaan, neither will be until it is affected by as great a power as caused it to come; and the people who interf ere the least with the purposes of God in this matter, will come under the least condemnation before Him; and those who are determined to pursue a course, which shows an opposition, and a feverish restlessness against the decrees of the Lor d, will learn, when perhaps it is too late for their own good, that God can do H is own work, without the aid of those who are not dictated by His counsel. (Prop het Joseph Smith, 1836, History of the Church 2:438) The world largely ignores the first and great commandment--to love God--but talk s a lot about loving their brother. They worship at the altar of man. Would Neph i have slain Laban if he put the love of neighbor above the love of God? Would A braham have taken Isaac up for a sacrifice if he put the second commandment firs t? The attitude of the world is reflected in a phrase of falsehood which reads, "Pr esume not God to scan; the proper study of mankind is man." (Alexander Pope, Ess ays on Man) But only those who know and love God can best love and serve his chi ldren. For only God fully understands his children and knows what is best for th eir welfare. Therefore, one needs to be in tune with God to best help his childr en. That's why the Church, under the inspiration of the Lord, encourages its mem bers to first look to themselves, then their family, then the Church, and if nee d be to other voluntary agencies to help solve the problems of poverty, unemploy ment, hunger, sickness and distress. Those who are not moved by that same inspir ation turn instead to government. Such man-made course of action does little goo d compared to the Lord's approach and often results in great harm to our Father' s children even though the intentions seem to have been noble. Therefore, if you desire to help your fellowmen the most, then you must put the first commandment first. When we fail to put the love of God first, we are easily deceived by crafty men, who profess a great love of humanity, while advocating programs that are not of the Lord. In 1942, President Heber J. Grant, J. Reuben Clark, and David O. McKay warned us about the increasing threat to our Constitution, caused by the revolutionists w ho, the First Presidency said, were "using a technique that is as old as the hum

an race--a fervid, but false solicitude for the unfortunate, over whom they thus gain master, and then enslave them. They suit their approaches to the particula r group they seek to deceive." (First Presidency, Conference Report, April 1942, p. 90) That timely counsel about a "fervid, but false solicitude for the unfortunate" c ould have saved China and Cuba if enough people knew what the communist "master of deceit" really had in mind when they promised agrarian reform. Such timely co unsel could help save our country from communism, as the same "masters of deceit " are showing the same false solicitude for the unfortunate in the name of civil rights. Now there is nothing wrong with civil rights--it is what's being done in the nam e of civil rights that is alarming. There is no doubt that the so-called Civil R ights movement as it exists today is used as a communist program for revolution in America, just as agrarian reform was used by the communists to take over Chin a and Cuba.(2) This shocking statement can be confirmed by an objective study of communist lite rature and activities and by knowledgeable Negroes and others who have worked wi thin the communist movement.(3) As far back as 1928, the communists declared that the cultural, economic, and so cial differences between the races in America could be exploited by them to crea te the animosity, fear, and hatred between large segments of our people that wou ld be necessary beginning ingredients for their revolution.(4) Briefly, the three broad objectives were--and are--as follows: Create Hatred Trigger Violence Overthrow Established Government 1. Create Hatred. Use any means to agitate blacks into hating whites and whites into hating blacks. Work both sides of the split. Play up and exaggerate real gr ievances. If necessary, don't hesitate to manufacture false stories and rumors a bout injustices and brutality. Create martyrs for both sides. Play upon mass emo tions until they smolder with resentment and hatred. 2. Trigger Violence. Put the emotional masses into the streets in the form of la rge mobs, the larger the better. It makes no difference if the mob is told to de monstrate "peacefully" so long as it is brought into direct confrontation with t he antagonist. Merely bringing the two emotionally charged groups together is li ke mixing oxygen and hydrogen. All that is needed is one tiny spark. If the spar k is not forthcoming from purely spontaneous causes, create it.(5) 3. Overthrow Established Government. Once mob violence becomes widespread and co mmonplace, condition those who are emotionally involved to accept violence as th e only way to "settle the score" once and for all. Provide leadership and traini ng for guerrilla warfare. Institute discipline and terrorism to insure at least passive support from the larger inactive segment of the population. Train and ba ttle-harden leadership through sporadic riots and battles with police. Finally, at the appointed time, launch an all-out simultaneous offensive in every city.(6 ) Police and national guard units will never be adequate to handle such widespread anarchy--especially if a large part of our men and equipment are drained away i n fighting a foreign war. In self-defense, larger numbers are brought into fight ing on both sides. The appearance of a nationwide civil war takes form. In the c onfusion, potential anti-communist leaders of both races are assassinated, appar ently the accidental casualties of race war.

Time the attack to coincide with large-scale sabotage of water supplies, power g rids, main railroad and highway arteries, communication centers, and government buildings. With fires raging in every conceivable part of town, with wanton loot ing going on in the darkness of a big city, without routine police protection, w ithout water to drink, without electrical refrigeration, without transporation o r radio or TV, the public will panic, lock its door in trembling fear, and make it much easier for the small but well-led and fully disciplined guerrilla bands to capture the power-centers of each community. Overthrow the government! After complete control is consolidated, (and that may take many months, as in Cuba), o nly then allow the people to discover that it was a communist revolution after a ll. If communism comes to America, it will probably not happen quite like that. Even though this is the basic formula used in so many other countries now part of th e communist empire, there is one very important difference. In China, in Cuba, a nd in Algeria the segment of the population which the communists used as the "ba ttering ram" of their revolution of force and violence was the makority segment. (7) In America, though, the Negro represents only 10 percent of the population. In any all-out race war which might be triggered, there isn't a chance in the wo rld that communist-led Negro guerilla units could permanently hold on to the pow er centers of government, even if they could capture them in the first place. It would be a terribly bloody affair, with all Americans suffering mightily, but with Negroes paying the highest toll in human life. And the communists know thi s better than anyone else. They do not really expect to take America with a "War of National Liberation," (which is their term for internal conquest through for ce and violence), unless the aggressive revolutionary force can be broadened to include, not only the minority of Negores, but migratory farm laborers, the poor , the unemployed, those on welfare, other minority groups, students, the so-call ed "peace movements," and anyone who can be propagandized into mob action agains t established government. But unless and until they manipulate an overwhelming m ajority of the population into at least sympathizing with their revolutionary ac tivities, they will use violence, anarchy, and sabotage, not as a means of seizi ng power, but merely as a support operation or a catalyst to an entirely differe nt plan. In such countries as Czechoslovakia, the communists have used an entirely differ ent method of internal conquest. Instead of the force and violence of a bloody r evolution (a "War of National Liberation") parliamentary and political means wer e used to bring about a more peaceful transition to communism. The communist sym pathizers call this alternate plan a "Proletarian Revolution."(8) The plan is as follows: Using unidentified communist agents and non-communist sy mpathizers in key positions in government, in communications media, and in mass organizations--such as labor unions and civil rights groups--demand more and mor e government power as the solution to all civil rights problems. Total governmen t is the objective of communism. Without calling it by name, build communism pie ce by piece through mass pressures for presidential decrees, court orders, and l egislation which appear to be aimed at improving civil rights and other social r eforms. If there is social, economic, or educational discrimination, then advoca te more government programs and control. And what if riots come? Then more government housing, government welfare, govern ment job training, and finally, federal control over police. Thus, the essential economic and political structure of communism can be built entirely "legally" a nd in apparent response to the wishes of the people who have clamored for some k ind of solution to the problems played-up, aggravated or created outright by com munists for just that purpose. After the machinery of communism is firmly establ ished, then allow the hidden communists one-by-one to make their identities know

n. Liquidate first the anti-communists and then the non-communist sympathizers w ho are no longer needed in government. The total state mechanism can now openly and "peacefully" be transferred into the hands of communists. Such is the so-cal led Proletarian Revolution. Such has happened in other once free countries. It h as already started here. The communists are not entirely certain whether force and violence or the use of government or a combination of both would be best for the internal conquest of America. At first, there was talk of splitting away the "Black Belt," those Sout hern states in which the Negro held a majority, and calling that a Negro Soviet Republic. But, as conditions changed and more Negroes migrated to the Northern s tates, they applied this same strategy to the so-called "ghetto" areas in the No rth. It now seems probable that the communists are determined to use force and v iolence to its fullest, coupled with a weakening of the economy and military set backs abroad, in an effort to create as much havoc as possible to weaken America internally, and to create the kind of psychological desperation in the minds of all citizens that will lead them to accept blindly government measures which ac tually help the communists in their take-over. Some wonder if it can happen here. Just take a good look at what has been going on around us for the past few years. IT IS HAPPENING HERE! If it is to be preven ted from running the full course, we must stop pretending that it doesn't exist. Let us consider some suggestions for our survival. The hour is late. The communist program for revolution in America has been in progress for many ye ars and is far advanced. While it can be thwarted in a fairly short period of ti me merely by exposure, the evil effects of what has already been accomplished ca nnot be removed overnight. The animosities, the hatred, the extension of governm ent control into our daily lives--all this will take time to repair. The already -inflicted wounds will be slow in healing. But they can be healed; that is the i mportant point. 1. First of all, we must not place the blame upon Negroes. They are merely the u nfortunate group which has been selected by professional communist agitators to be used as the primary source of cannon fodder. Not one in a thousand Americans-black or white--really understands the full implications of today's civil right s agitation. The planning, direction, and leadership come from the communists, a nd most of those are white men who fully intend to destroy America by spilling N egro blood, rather than their own. 2. Next, we must not participate in any so-called "backlash" activity which migh t tend to further intensify inter-racial friction. Anti-Negro vigilante action, or mob action, of any kind fits perfectly into the communist plan. This is one o f the best ways to force the decent Negro into cooperating with militant Negro g roups. The communists are just as anxious to spearhead such anti-Negro action as they are to organize demonstrations which are calculated to irritate white peop le. 3. We must insist that duly authorized legislative investigating committees laun ch an even more exhaustive study and expose the secret communists who are direct ing the Civil Rights movement. The same needs to be done with militant anti-Negr o groups. This is an effective way for the American people of both races to find out who are the false leaders among them.(9) 4. We must support our local police in their difficult task of keeping law and o rder in these trying times. Police should not be encumbered by civilian review b oards,(10) or asked to be social workers. They have their hands full just trying to keep the peace. Recent soft-on-crime decisions of the Supreme Court which ha

mper the police on protecting the innocent and bringing the criminal to justice should be reversed. Persistent cries of "police brutality"(11) should be recogni zed for what they are--attempts to discredit our police and discourage them from doing their job to the best of their ability. Salaries should be adequate to ho ld on to and attract the very finest men available for police work. But, in ques tions of money, great care should be taken not to accept grants from the federal government. Along with federal money, inevitably there will come federal contro ls and "guidelines" which not only may get local police embroiled in national po litics, but may even lead to the eventual creation of a national police force.(1 2) Every despotism requires a national police force to hold the people in line. Communism is no exception. Our local police should remain free from federal cont rol. 5. Further encroachment of government should be stopped and the entire process r eversed. The solution to most, if not all, of the currrent problems involving ci vil rights is less government, not more. 6. Lastly, we need a vast awakening of the American people as to the true nature of the communist blueprint for revolution. Considering the degree to which the controlling influences of the federal government and the communications media ar e now furthering this communist revolution, it is unrealistic to expect our pres ent leaders or the networks to bring about this awakening. In fact, they may be expected to resist it. That means individual citizens must stand up and assume m ore than their share of the responsibility. The speaker's platform, and distribu tion of literature, study clubs, home discussions--all must be pressed into serv ice. All of us should read the new book, Communist Revolution in the Streets, wr itten by Gary Allen, with an introduction by W. Cleon Skousen. Each of us must be willing to discuss the problem openly with our friends--espec ially those of the Negro race. The success or failure of Americans of all races to meet this challenge may well determine the fate of our country. If we fail, w e will all lose our civil rights, black man and white man together, for we will live under perfect communist equality--the equality of slaves. As President David O. McKay has stated, "The position of this Church on the subj ect of communism has never changed. We consider it the greatest Satanical threat to peace, prosperity and the spread of God's work among men that exists on the face of the earth." (Conference Report, April 1966, p. 109)(13) He has also coun seled that, "next to being one in worshipping God, there is nothing in this worl d upon which this Church should be more united than in upholding and defending t he Constitution of the United States!" (President David O. McKay, The Instructor , 1956, p. 94) May we unite behind the Prophet in opposing the communist conspiracy and preserv ing our freedom and our divine Constitution, I pray. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Notes 1. An address delivered on September 29, 1967, at the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in the Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, Utah, and printed in pamphlet form by Deseret Book Company. 2. "From the beginning of the so-called Negro Revolution and the insane antics i dentified with it. . . I had opposed all of the marches on Washington and other mob demonstrations, recognizing them as part of the Red techniques of agitation, infiltration, and subversion. That was included by the fact that invariably the

y were proposed, incited, managed, and led by professional collectivist agitator s, whose only interest in the workers was to exploit them; backed by the prolife ration of 'liberals' of position and influence who always run interference for t hem by 'explaining' and defending their course." (George S. Schuyler, Negro Jour nalist; Black and Conservative, p. 341) 3. Manning Johnson, now deceased, spelled out this blueprint in his book, Color, Communism and Common Sense (Western Islands, Belmont, Mass.). Leonard Patterson , Mrs. Julia Brown and Mrs. Lolabelle Holmes are currently active on lecture tou rs carrying this unhappy truth about the Civil Rights movement to as many of the American people as they can reach. 4. The two classic communist manuals explaining this diabolic plot are American Negro Problems, by John Pepper (1928) and Negroes in a Soviet America, by James Ford and James Allen (1935). Both originally were published by the Communist par ty and now may be obtained as photographic reprints from American Opinion, Belmo nt Mass. 02178 [Note: The American Opinion magazine has been renamed, "The New A merican," and is published under authority of the John Birch Society, which has moved headquarters to Appleton Wisconsin] 5. "At this moment in history, the communists are ecstatic over their success in helping to retard our progress in improving racial relations in this country. . . The present dangerous decline in black-white relations in the United States c ould well lead us into a disastrous racial civil war, which is exactly what the communists want and are willing to gamble on at the present moment. A racial civ il war in the United States could only breed one thing--anarchy. And once anarch y sweeps this country, the battle will be over to all intents and purposes. . . Certainly while the rest of the country was involved in trying to salvage itself from a civil war, the communists would remain intact as a functioning revolutio nary cadre and would await the chance to seize power from a government incapable of governing or defending itself from internal tyranny." (Phillip Abbott Luce, ex-communist; The Intelligent Student's Guide To Survival, p. 60) 6. The Communists are counting on the premise that most Americans will discount the probability of a guerilla war in their country. The notion of a guerilla war in the United States is so outrageous and improbable to Americans that they wou ld receive it as the product of a deranged mind. The Communists are fully aware of this and are counting heavily on the fact that most of our citizens will be m entally, as well as physically, unprepared. The shock effect of the initial onsl aught will work in favor of the guerillas." (Phillip Abbott Luce, Road to Revolu tion: Communist Guerilla Warfare in the U.S.A., p. 13) 7. There is nothing more odious than the majority. It consists of a few powerful men who lead the way; of accommodating rascals and submissive weaklings; and of a mass of men who trot after them without in the least knowing their own minds. " (Johann Wolfgang Goethe, 1749-1832; Great Quotations, p. 624) 8. For a detailed understanding of this phase of communist strategy, the student is urged to research the Party's official pronouncements on the subject of Prol etarian Revolution. Perhaps the easiest and best place to begin, however, is wit h one of the actual textbooks used to teach communist cadres in Czechoslovakia. It is entitled, About the Possible Transition to Socialism by Means of the Revol utionary Use of Parliament, written by Jan Kozak, official Historian of the Czec h Communist Party and member of the National Assembly. Reprints of the pertinent parts of this textbook may be obtained from the U.S. Printing Office in the for m of a government pamphlet entitled, The New Role of National Legislative Bodies in the Communist Conspiracy, published by the House Committe on Un-American Act ivities, December 30, 1961. 9. It is the proper duty of a representative body to look diligently into every

affair of government and to talk much about what it sees. It is meant to be the eyes and the voice, and to embody the wisdom and will of its constituents. . . T he informing function of Congress should be preferred even to its legislative fu nction." (Woodrow Wilson, quoted by Justice Frankfurter at the October 1952 Term of the Supreme Court) 10. "A questionable move currently being championed in some localities is the es tablishment of civilian review boards to hear complaints against law enforcement officers. . . When carefully considered, it is clear this drive for external bo ards is an ill-advised maneuver. It amounts to the usurpation of authority right fully belonging to the police commander. It is a practice which could damage eff ective law enforcement and reduce the orderly processes of community life to pet ty bickering, suspicion, and hatred. The police executive cannot become a mere p awn of bureaucratic committees. He must have full responsibility for the perform ance, discipline, and control of his officers. . . Such panels represent a backw ard step for law enforcement toward ineptness and mediocrity. Moreover, one of t he major weaknesses of these boards is their inherent political overtones." (J. Edgar Hoover, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, January 1, 1965) 11. "We know there is a calculated and deliberate attempt by some groups to infl ame hostility against law enforcement by charging 'police brutality' without cau se. To a large degree they have succeeded. The term is bandied about in all medi a of communication without serious consideration as to its true meaning or its h armful effect on a profession which is charged with enforcing the basic rules of civilized living." (J. Edgar Hoover, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, June 1, 1966 ) 12. "America has no place for, nor does it need, a national police force. It sho uld be abundantly clear by now that in a democracy such as ours effective law en forcement is basically a local responsibility. In the great area of self-governm ent reserved for States, counties, and cities, the enforcement of the laws is no t only their duty but also their right. Law-abiding citizens and local officials should vigorously oppose concerted attacks against law enforcement and the devi ous moves to negate local authority and replace it with Federal police power. . . Since local law enforcement represents the first line of defense of our social order, it becomes a primary target of those who challenge established authority ." (J. Edgar Hoover, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, February 1, 1968) 13. Statement concerning the position of the Church on Communism, made by Presid ent David O. McKay at the general priesthood session of the 136th Annual Confere nce of the Church held in the Salt Lake Tabernacle, Saturday, April 9, 1966, at 7:00 p.m., read by Robert R. McKay. The full text is as follows: In order that there may be no misunderstandings by bishops, stake presidents, an d others regarding members of the Church participating in non-church meetings to study and become informed on the Constitution of the United States, Communism, etc., I wish to make the following statements that I have been sending out from my office for some time and that have come under question by some stake authorit ies, bishoprics, and others. Members are free Church members are at perfect liberty to act according to their own consciences in the matter of safeguarding our way of life. They are, of course, encouraged t o honor the highest standards of the gospel and to work to preserve their own fr eedoms. They are free to participate in non-church meetings that are held to war n people of the threat of Communism or any other theory or principle that will d eprive us of our free agency or individual liberties vouchsafed by the Constitut ion of the United States.

Church is politically neutral The Church, out of respect for the rights of all i ts members to have their political views and loyalties, must maintain the strict est possible neutrality. We have no intention of trying to interfere with the fu llest and freest exercise of the political franchise of our members under and wi thin our Constitution, which the Lord declared he established "by the hands of w ise men whom [he] raised up unto this very purpose" (D&C 101:80) and which, as t o the principles thereof, the Prophet Joseph Smith, dedicating the Kirtland Temp le, prayed should be "established forever." (D&C 109:54.) The Church does not yi eld any of its devotion to or convictions about safeguarding the American princi ples and the establishments of government under federal and state constitutions and the civil rights of men safeguarded by these. Communism greatest threat to peace and the spread of God's word to men The position of this Church on the subject of Communism has never changed. We co nsider it the greatest satanical threat to peace, prosperity, and the spread of God's work among men that exists on the face of the earth. In this connection, we are continually being asked to give our opinion concernin g various patriotic groups or individuals who are fighting Communism and speakin g up for freedom. Our immediate concern, however, is not with parties, groups, o r persons, but with principles. We therefore commend and encourage every person and every group who is sincerely seeking to study Constitutional principles and awaken a sleeping and apathetic people to the alarming conditions that are rapid ly advancing about us. We wish all of our citizens throughout the land were part icipating in some type of organized self-education in order that they could bett er appreciate what is happening and know what they can do about it. Citizens should educate themselves Supporting the FBI, the police, the congressional committees investigating Commu nism, and various organizations that are attempting to awaken the people through educational means is a policy we warmly endorse for all our people. Communism's atheism and hate The entire concept and philosophy of Communism is diametrically opposed to every thing for which the Church stands belief in Deity, belief in the dignity and etern al nature of man, and the application of the gospel to efforts for peace in the world. Communism is militantly atheistic and is committed to the destruction of faith wherever it may be found. The Russian Commissar of Education wrote: "We must hate Christians and Christian ity. Even the best of them must be considered our worst enemies. Christian love is an obstacle to the development of the revolution. Down with love for one's ne ighbor. What we want is hate. Only then shall we conquer the universe." On the other hand, the gospel teaches the existence of God as our Eternal and He avenly Father and declares: ". . . him only shalt thou serve." (Matt. 4:10.) Communism debases and destroys Communism debases the individual and makes him th e enslaved tool of the state, to which he must look for sustenance and religion. Communism destroys man's God-given free agency. "And Not A Shot Is Fired!" Transition To Socialism Albert V. Burns September 25, 2002

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------To the average American, those words would not make much sense or have much mean ing. They are, however, a very accurate description of just how our governmental system has been and is being changed before our eyes. The technique is not new, in fact it dates back millennia. The current name give n to the technique is called "parliamentary revolution." Nikita Krushchev in his report to the Communist 20th Congress, February 14, 1956 noted: "In this connec tion the question arises of whether it is possible to go over to socialism by us ing parliamentary means...." About a year later, a conference on theory was held at the Communist party s polit ical University in Prague, Czechoslovakia. The results of that conference became a communist document which British intelligence heard about and tried hard to o btain. They tried through several channels but were always advised that it was " out of print." Three years later, a copy was finally obtained in 1961. It was tr anslated into English and was published in the United States in October, 1961. The English title assigned to the document is : "And Not A Shot Is Fired." The o riginal Czech title, translated to English is: "How Parliament Can Play a Revolu tionary Part In The Transition To Socialism, And The Role Of The Popular Masses. " Certainly not something you would pick out at the local bookstore for an eveni ng s casual reading. The author of the document was Jan Kozak, a Czech. At the time he wrote the docu ment he was a member of the Secretariat of the Czech Communist Party. It is not easy reading by the furthest stretch of the imagination. Its enormous value lies in its complete authenticity. The dull text presents a fascinating story of the peaceful revolution which transferred Czechoslovakia over to the Communists. In an ideal world, once the information became known, it is a tale which would h ave been taught to every American citizen in high school or even earlier. The fa ct that it has been denied to the American people is an indictment of our mass m edia and our education system. To quote from the Introduction to the U.S. version of the book: "How does the technique work? It may, for instance, be applied to some easily di scoverable public concern. To answer the need, a piece of "enabling legislation" is suggested, carrying no authority, expressed or implied. It sets up an "agenc y." The agency, once established, follows normal agency behavior. The need becom es more precisely defined. A modicum of authority is requested. Pressures are or ganized, artificial and real, from "above" and from "below." The requested autho rity is voted, and pressures wane. In due course, further authority is suggested , and new coalitions of pressure appear. All in good time an Authority is there, self-contained; a new instrument of power has arisen, sufficient unto itself. T his instrument may be local, regional or nationwide. Its key word is Authority. In the beginning, this word is seldom employed. "By such parliamentary means a democratic and representative government can be m ade authoritative, legally, and piece by piece. The form remains, an empty shell . Its philosophy and its content are gone. The person, the individual, who one y ear is free and independent, is next year just a little more restricted. Then a little more, and a little more. Suddenly, overnight, he no longer is a person. H e is a cog, being moved inexorably by the monolithic machinery of the State. "And not a shot is fired!" The Founding Fathers clearly understood the dangers of placing power in the hand

s of Congress. In The Federalist, No 47; Par. 5, Madison wrote: " is agains t the enterprising ambition of this department [the Congress} that the people ou ght to indulge all their jealousy and exhaust all their precautions." Those who wrote the Constitution based their hopes for the future of this countr y on the people. They placed an inescapable responsibility on the citizens: the will of the people, who would elect legislative bodies, to watch over and restri ct the activities of those they would elect. As long as the balance between legi slative greed for power and the will of the people to restrict that thirst remai ned active, no legislative body whether national, state or local, could vote the people s freedoms away. The technique Jan Kozak wrote about takes those opposing forces and uses them fo r exactly opposite ends. Both the legislature AND the people are deliberately ma nipulated to destroy the balance. To quote again from the Introduction: "Parliament" (the legislature) is slowly m aneuvered "into a direct instrument for the victory of the socialist revolution" , and the technique is precisely illustrated. (P.15) "First, the legislative power, at all governmental levels, local, state and nati onal is manipulated as pressure from above ; then the people s power is manipulated a s pressure from below . Concurrently, a wide popularization of the demands and sloga ns of the policy of the Communists is promoted, serving as a means of revolutionar y education of the popular masses. (P. 19) Gradually, and by cooperative legislat ive action, business, industry, agriculture, finance, the professions, and even living conditions come under the domination of The State. (P. 20) (Emphasis in t he original.) "Thus, by a democratic and constitutional course , the legislature is reconstituted into an instrument of the transformation of the whole state and its machinery... [and the] revolutionary transformation of capitalist society into a socialist on e...[proceeds] absolutely legally." (P. 33) The brilliant mechanisms of self-government our Founding Fathers established for us have been (and ARE) being used to destroy its very character. The revolution has been developed very quietly and stealthily with due respect for the legal f orms. None of this is dramatic. Indeed, those who have been knowingly subverting our government and stealing our freedom avoid publicity and drama like the plag ue. Slowly, insidiously, one bit of our governmental structure has been removed and a different piece slipped unobtrusively in its place, ALWAYS maintaining the appearance and form of the original. Does anyone out there recognize just how f ar this process has been advanced in the United States? In our next column, we w ill examine just how this technique is applied. AND NOT A SHOT IS FIRED! In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, any copyrighted work in this mes sage is distributed under fair use without profit or payment for non-profit rese arch and educational purposes only. Pressure From Above... And Pressure From Below Albert V. Burns October 1, 2002 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Back in the 1930s when I was a teen, (yes, I m that old) we would cut grass, deliv er papers, sell magazines, shovel snow and other things to make a bit of money. One of the prime causes of the need for money was to have a dime to go to the Sa turday movie matinee. For the ten cents we got two feature length movies, a news reel, a cartoon and, most important, that week s installment of the current seria l. We just had to find out if the hero or heroine, the good guys (White Hats) ha d been able to escape from the intentionally fatal predicament which the bad guy s (Black Hats) had placed them in. Waiting a whole week was torture to our young minds. The Black Hats were always trying to injure, maim or kill the White Hats . One day the realization finally came to me that BOTH the good guys AND the bad g uys were being PAID by the same people, along with all the others connected with the movie, and that after the day s filming was done, both the White Hats and the Black Hats were really good friends. Somehow that knowledge changed how I viewe d the movies. In talking about pressure from above and pressure from below, as described by Ja n Kozak in his treatise "And Not A Shot Is Fired," it is likewise extremely impo rtant to keep in mind that in the majority of cases BOTH groups applying the pre ssure are being funded by the same shadowy influences. You didn t really believe t hat most of the left wingers in Congress got there using their own funds, did yo u? Similarly, has the question never entered your mind how so many supposedly gr ass root organizations can suddenly appear full blown from nowhere? Somebody is putting up a lot of money to finance the organization and operations of these gr oups. It is known as "playing both ends against the middle!" From a condition where the federal government could only own enough land for for ts, magazines, dockyards, and then only with the consent of the state involved, we have "progressed" to a situation where the federal government supposedly "own s" over 43% of the nation s land. If we add in the land owned by state and local g overnments, the people now own LESS than 50% of this nation s resource base. The most rapid increase in the ownership and CONTROL of land and resources has c ome since the establishment of the so-called "environmental" movement. Under the guise of "protecting" endangered species, endangered habitat, wild rivers, old growth timber, clean water, clean air and myriad other frauds, the American peop le have been led to accept the spurious dogma that resources, in and of themselv es, possess some mystic values, not previously recognized, and that only collect ive control by government can protect them. Private property, wealth and persona l freedom are being confiscated by the federal government at an accelerating rat e. Most Americans have forgotten, if they ever knew, that the Environmental Prot ection Agency was created, not by Congress but by EXECUTIVE ORDER in 1970. The environmental movement has achieved two major objectives since 1960: it has been largely successful in driving domestic mining, oil and timber companies off the land and transferring ownership into the hands of international companies w hich do NOT have the interests of U.S. citizens at heart; second, it has been in creasingly effective in forcing the transfer of private land into the ownership of government. Few of those who are activists in the environmental field have ev er thought to look into the financing of the groups which they belong to. When y ou follow the money trail, you find that these groups are, in general, being fin anced by major corporations, banks and foundations. This is where the money come s from to finance the litigation, legislation and propaganda which is forcing th is country ever closer to socialistic totalitarianism. It is critically important to keep ALWAYS in your mind the truth that left-winge rs, including the Communists themselves, are NOT against capitalism. Their main disagreement with constitutionalists is WHO is going to CONTROL the capital! Hen ce the financing of legislators to enact into law the controls which have been "

forced upon the legislators" by public pressure generated by the non-governmenta l organizations also financed by the same internationalist financiers who gain m astery over people and countries through the laws they have maneuvered into exis tence. Sometimes it is strange where you find confirmation of your knowledge. Not too m any people today would remember the name James Simon Kunen or how he came to the public s attention. In 1968 the Students For A Democratic Society (SDS) virtually brought Columbia University in New York City to a halt. They occupied various b uildings on the campus, disrupted classes, etc. Mark Rudd was one of the leaders . James Kunen was also directly involved in the troubles. Later he wrote a book about his experiences titled "The Strawberry Statement." The book was later made into a movie which was not too popular. In the book, Kunen quoted a report about a convention which the SDS had had duri ng the Columbia unrest. The quote stated that: "Also at the convention, men from Business International Round Tables the meetings sponsored by Business Internat ional for their client groups and heads of government tried to buy up a few radi cals. These men are the world s leading industrialists and they convene to decide how our lives are going to go. These are the guys who wrote the Alliance For Pro gress. They re the left wing of the ruling class. "They want McCarthy in. They see fascism as the threat, see it coming from Walla ce. The only way McCarthy could win is if the crazies and young radicals act up and make Gene look more reasonable. They offered to finance our demonstrations i n Chicago. "We were also offered Esso (Rockefeller) money. They want us to make a lot of ra dical commotion so they can look more in the center as they move to the left." ( Emphasis added.) Can you imagine a better one-line description of pressure from above and pressur e from below? Now we come to the real core question of why these internationalists would be do ing these things. Are they after more money? Do they really believe that sociali sm is the wave of the future? I am sure that virtually every person who reads these columns is abundantly awar e that every place where socialism has been tried, for millennia, it has been a colossal failure. It produces nothing but shortages, hunger, misery and death. I f WE know this is, is there any possibility whatsoever that these captains of in dustry, controllers of the mass media, bankers, etc. DON T know it? Are they stupi d? Uninformed? Do they truly believe that socialism can be made to work by THEM? I seriously doubt all of those possibilities. The possible exceptions might be the leftist professors at our institutions of higher leaning! (Misspelling delib erate!) I leave you with the question: WHY are these world leaders so hell-bent on impos ing socialism on our country and the rest of the world? In my next column, we wi ll examine what I believe to be the real reasons for their actions. The Evil That Men Do... Insiders Work Toward Socialism Albert V. Burns October 2, 2002 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The vast majority of Americans, indeed people all over the world, have been care fully indoctrinated with the idea that the existing political spectrum has Nazii sm on the right end and Communism on the left end with the doctrine of "democrat ic socialism" somewhere near the middle. An extremely clever propaganda ploy! If you remember, Naziism was National Socialism, Communism is international social ism and democratic socialism is just that. Accept that spectrum and you will hav e socialism anywhere along it. A more correct political spectrum, and one which I believe in, has total governm ent on the left and zero government on the right. Note that total government inc ludes Naziism, Socialism, Communism and any other form of total autocratic contr ol. Zero government would be anarchy which really isn't a form of government at all but which is used to institute some form of total control. The political spe ctrum is closer to being a horseshoe than it is to a straight line since the jum p from anarchy to dictatorship is a very short move. Using this form of political gradation, the constitutional republican form of go vernment which our Founding Fathers gave us would lie closer toward the no gover nment end of the spectrum. We Constitutionalists are NOT far right wing, we are actually middle-of-the-road. The second thing which needs to be looked at before getting into the discussion of just WHY the internationalists, bankers, etc. are moving the world toward soc ialism is a discussion of logic. Somehow logic isn't being taught much any more for obvious reasons: if you can think logically you are not as easy to control. There are three basic rules in beginning logic: 1. If you start out with a valid premise and use correct logic your conclusion must be correct; 2. If you start out with an invalid premise and use correct logic your conclusion must be false; 3. If you start out with either a valid or an invalid premise and use faulty lo gic you cannot know whether your conclusion is true or false. There you are: Col lege Logic Course 101! Now to get to our question of the day: Why would the super-rich and other Inside rs want to subject the world to socialism? Don't they know it has failed everywh ere it has been tried? Are they uninformed, misinformed or stupid? Inherent in those questions is the unspoken premise that these people are dedica ted to improving the lot of the poor, downtrodden masses; that they want to stam p out poverty, ignorance and disease, etc. as we are told over and over. If you start with this premise and use ordinary logic then their actions make absolutel y no sense whatsoever, hence the confusion in the minds of thinking persons. Remember the second rule of logic above? Believing that those who manipulate the world's affairs behind the scenes really want to improve the living standards o f the world is, in my opinion, a totally false premise. These people KNOW that s ocialism is a failed economic system, which is precisely WHY they are driving re lentlessly toward its establishment. That sounds totally paradoxical and insane, doesn't it? Perhaps that is because you don't understand how their minds work! The United States became the world's mightiest economic and military power preci sely because our people were free to innovate, invent, work hard and KEEP the be nefits of their ingenuity. We became a nation of plenty with millions of salesme n trying to move the "too much." After almost 6000 years of man's history of rec urrent famines suddenly here in one place on the earth we have never had a famin e! (Yet!) I have read that between 1860 and about 1920 the gross national product of the U nited States was DOUBLING every eight years in a geometric progression which mov

ed us from being essentially an agrarian economy to being the richest nation in the world. We were on a roll! Unfortunately, by 1920 the seeds of destruction of that economy had already been sown. By about 1908 the idea of "tax free foundations" had been established to protect the wealth of the rich from the devastating effects of their own plans f or this country. In 1913, a disastrous year, three things took place which were to prove catastrophic for us: the 16th Amendment was passed to allow for an inco me tax on the American citizen's wages; the Federal Reserve was instituted to co ntrol all banking in this country, and the 17th Amendment was passed to change t he manner of election of Senators who were supposed to represent the individual states rather than the people in the states. These changes to our system were ma de deliberately and with malice aforethought! The big question is still WHY? Aga in, the answer comes from an unusual source. In 1937, Leon Trotsky, one of the b ig three in the Russian revolution of 1917, wrote a book called The Revolution B etrayed." On page 112 of that book he stated: "The basis of bureaucratic rule is the poverty of society in objects of consumption....When there is (sic) enough goods in the store, the purchasers can come whenever they want to. When there is (sic) little goods, the purchasers are compelled to stand in line. When the lin es are very long, it is necessary to appoint a policeman to keep order. Such is the starting point of the power of the Soviet bureaucracy. It "knows" who is to get something and who has to wait." I submit that there you have a perfect explanation of why these Insiders work to ward socialism. In place of an economy where there are millions of salesmen tryi ng to move the "too much," you will have an economy with millions of ration cler ks trying to apportion the "too little." These megalomaniacs promote socialism b ecause they know that socialism MEANS control over people! If we become dependen t on the government for our food, clothing, housing, transportation, all means o f commerce, then we will be totally at the mercy of the government. We will be c ontrolled much more effectively than if they used guns. G. Edward Griffin made a 16mm movie of a speech he gave back in the late 60s cal led "More Deadly Than War." In that talk he reported on an anti-Communist refuge e he had talked with. In that conversation the refugee explained how the Communi st regimes, after the first burst of violence, didn't need soldiers everywhere b ecause the people were controlled much better through economic means. Then the r efugee said, and this is aimed at everyone reading this column: "You know, I cam e to America expecting to find a nation of free men. But, instead, I find exactl y the same thing. Everywhere I look I see men and women who know that the Commun ists are making headway in this country. They know that something must be done a nd that someone must stand up to them. But they, themselves, do nothing. They re main silent, because they're afraid that if they speak out or take a stand publi cly, it'll be bad for business. They may lose a client. They may even lose their jobs. Or perhaps they're already receiving a regular government check, and are already too dependent upon some of the very people and programs they know they s hould oppose. "These men have voluntarily gone behind the Iron Curtain. They're already taken over by the Communists. The only difference is that, for the present at least, t hey can still get out anytime they really want to. We could not." (Remember that was way back in 1969!) It is long, LONG past time for the American people to wake up to the reality of the fate which is rapidly approaching them. Every dictator must have control ove r the economic life of his citizens. That is true of all such regimes, whether t hey be Fascism, Naziism, Communism and, yes, Socialism! Total government control is totalitarianism that's what the word means. Are you going to spread this message far and wide among all your friends, relati

ves and acquaintances? Or are you content to try to live out your own remaining time span in the hope that it won't affect YOU too badly? As a first step in furthering your own education and then that of those around y ou, I highly recommend that you purchase your own copy of "More Deadly Than War" now available on video tape. Although it was originally produced in 1969, it is even more valuable today since it covers precisely what we have been talking ab out in these last three columns. Mr. Griffin is in business as "Reality Zone", P .O. Box 4646 Westlake Village, CA 91359. You can also order by phone at 1-800-59 5-6596 or via the internet at The last I knew, the video wa s selling for $19.95. You really should consider also getting his video "The Gra nd Design The Hidden Plan Behind U.S. Foreign Policy." Although this was origina lly given in 1968, it is incredibly pertinent today as he shows how BOTH politic al parties have been working toward world government ever since World War II. Th e last I heard, if you buy both at once, each is cheaper. Albert V. Burns writes from Utah and is a regular columnist for the Spanish Fork Press. He has an extensive knowledge of the conspiracy which has been working s o hard to destroy this nation and incorporate it into a one world government. He has developed an extensive personal research library and the knowledge to find what he needs, to write his columns. He is a regular columnist for Ether Zone. Albert V. Burns can be reached at:

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