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Quation 2

Race is when people are differentiated by their skin colour and by their gender. All this
racism started during the apartheid times when white people come to this country. Black
people were slaves during the apartheid as were working for white people and get peanut of
money for reword. Black people were not allowed to work on the street without carrying pass
which was called doom pass. People were not able to marry outside their culture as in like if
you are a black person, you must marry black person. The places were also in different by
their race black people were not allowed to be found in were the are white people as in toilet
were different whites had their own toilets and black had their own, in restaurants to see a
black people ordering food was a bit of shocking as black people were not even able to make
takeaways in restaurants. Black people had their own school were the were forced to learn
Afrikaans and not their own languages and the materials of leaning were not enough, they
were giving small information and women were allowed to learn how to right their names
and surnames only after than they had to stay at home give birth to children or worked as
domestic works only. This apartheid this ended but not real because the are this that white
people are still doing which show apartheid in private places, but no one is talking about it.

The black of consciousness was the group formed by black man called Steve Biko in 1946.
The aim of this was to be defending the silence in black people. Biko worked with student of
SASO they had a believe that black people need to have their own things than relying on
white people, wanted to be free in minds and mentality. They treated a march in Soweto as
students wanted to end second class status in education and beyond at where many lives of
students were killed by the police at were Biko get arrested in 1977 he was tortured and died
but many continued fighting. The black conscious real flighted for this as in now all this
apartheid thing has stopped. Steve Biko made up the office for black people which was
branch the office was based on creation of jobs, the health of people and the community
development. The were creations of clinic near black people’s areas where the service was
much better than in the past, the were opening of creche of Childrens guidance which was
also a helper for women to be able to go work or to start educating black children at a
younger age. Biko leaved university and started to join black community programs he was
banned for so many times until times goes on at when he continued with other parties at when
everything stated changing against black people even after his death there members who still
fight for a better life of Africans.

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