U1 Symbolism Claim Practice

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10H Literature

U1 Freedom

Symbolism Claim Practice

Task: For each passage, write a claim statement using the symbol as your literary choice. The
table will grow as you write in it.

Prompt: In one paragraph, analyze how Dante uses the symbol to develop one of his thematic

 I should NOT see the word symbol or symbolism or symbolizes in your claim 😊

Summary of Identification of Claim Data to support

passage: author’s statement: claim:
Forest: Dante finds The author uses Dante’s idea of “Death could
himself in a the forest to the forest scarce be more
forest of indicate Dante’s showing bitter than that
darkness and hopelessness hopelessness place!”
Virgil, his and uses Virgil and going on the (Alighieri, 17)
inspiration, as a source of wrong path
finds him and hope to help presents the idea
leads him to the Dante that sinning is
light and unacceptable
journey of
She-Wolf: The three beasts The author uses She-wolf’s “She seemed a
of worldliness she-wolf to intention is to rack for avarice,
approach Dante. define greed signify the greed gaunt, and
Each one of the because no and craving.”
beasts represent matter how incompetence (Alighieri, 5)
a certain sin, the much she that a person
she-wolf is devours, she is may have.
presented as never fulfilled.
Mount of Joy: Dante The author uses Mount joy is “Next you shall
approaches a mountain to used to signify a see upon a
Mount Joy represent a journey of burning
where he knows journey of change to form mountain souls
as he progresses change so Dante Dante into a in fire and yet
up the can become a better person consent in fire,
mountain, he finer person than he was knowing that
will find than he was. before. whensoever it
happiness and may be they yet
atone for his will mount into
sins. the blessed
(Alighieri, 7)

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