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Far off in the sea, there was a huge rock. This rock was a turning point.

The ship far off was in a rush. The

Regens ship which Dumnorix steered, was already in first. When the rock approached, Dumnorix
suddenly turned to the right. “Look!” said Dumnorix, “We sailed near the dangerous rock, because it was
hidden in the reef. It is necessary that we avoid the reef.” Belimicus however, who did not know of the
reef, lead a straight course. “Friend,” shouted, “we can be victorious, because Dumnorix took a right to
go away. These Regnenses are fearful; it is easy for us to win; because we are brave.” The Cantican sailors
trust Belimicus. Soon the Regnenses ship overcame and became first and approached the turning point.
Belimicus who did not see the reef, Dumnorix made fun of him. Suddenly, the Cantici ship collided into
the reef. The terrified sailors shouted; Water filled the ship. Belimicus and the Cantici were able to do
nothing; Soon the ship sank. Meanwhile Dumnorix, who sailed with the greatest care, steered the ship
around the turning point. The ship arrived to shore safe. Many spectators praised Dumnorix. Regnenses
were happy and the Cantici were sad. Then all their eyes turned to the sea. It was difficult to see the
sailors, because they swam in the waves. However, they were not able to see Belimicus, because he sat
on top of the rock. He was clinging and soaking demanding help.

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