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Name: Samukelisiwe Mazibuko

Student number: 221080701

Assignment History 201


Shaka Zulu was the former King of Zulu Kingdom who was born by the Mthethwa’s in 1787
his parents was Senzangakhona and Nandi, he died in 1828. Shaka replaced Dingiswayo
become the king of Mthethwa in 1818, he was trying to forget the Zulu kingdom as he was
using the Mthethwa as based. Before he died, he made obviously combination of set part was
in process like ecological disequilibrium, to expand the switch of maize that was a giving
element.1 This essay explains the various of the interpretations of Shaka’s life, his legacy and
the various myths that developed about him.

the rise of the Zulu kingdom was under Shaka in 1820s. the people who was cultivating the
soil and kept livestock moved from east to Africa where they found a good place with water
and fertile soil. This people become many; they keep on moving the khoikhoi from south to
eat this people do not stay in one place for long because of hunting. While Khoisan were out
of the land and out being treated like slaves in southwestern Africa at where the maintenance
development took place in the farmers of southeast Africa. the rising of the Zulu kingdom
was goanna be a factor of maize and having connection but because of Europe it did not


the first interpretation of Shaka that happened before 1824, shaka putted through a sieve
down to cape colony as they hold report of visitors of Delagoa Bay as the port it was close to
Zulu kingdom. When Henry Francine Fynn arrived in 1822 he joined the fane, a bout that
was for the cape trading with Delagoa Bay, he stayed six months. As soon as he had about the
Zulu place under shaka he decided to visit to a Zulu settle the long distant did not get him to
shaka’s capital. The Francine’s visit was extended. In the 1823 the trade that was made with
Zulu from Nourse and co were approving as Francine was able to fix the important of finance
support by cape for investigation a journey to delegoa bay and natal. When the bout arrived at
delagoa farewell went to interview Owen the interview did not discourage him they continue
to the coast of natal in a way to open communication with shaka. When they lost land and
their ship damaged as they lost two ships and loss lot of money in trade goods, farewell move
back to cape to talk about money with Messer and Peterssen they hired a large party to go

Jeff Guy. “Ecological in the rise of Shaka: The Zulu kingdom”. Economy and society in pre-industrial South
Africa. (1989) 4.
Jeff Guy. “Ecological in the rise of shaka: The Zulu kingdom”. Economy and society in pre-industrial south
Africa. (1989)1.
with him and made two ships to take party to the natal. The ship become successful as
farewell and fynn meet shaka as they saw shaka as a good trading partner, as this business of
them continued there were no negative report about the king emanated from the port natal. 3

The arrival of the settlers, farewell explained the what the trades were up to and how they
showed their reactions and the Zulus. They made accusations that natal was party of the
slavery trade activity people did not support this because it had no evidence of seeing the
Zulu doing such trades of slaves. The guy called Cobbing was the one kept arguing that Zulus
were active slavers its even had evidence while there were chiefs who were involved in slave
trade but there is no evidence of them, they only have shaka Zulus evidence. During the
Ndwandwe campaign Fynn said Shaka wanted to take Ndwandwes mother as prisoner and
the child and then kill them but then there is no evidence of that and were calling shaka the
monster. Richard arrived at port natal, the new arrival set camp in another area of Bay, and
they build the ship it aims was to replace the lost and gain a hold in farewell they had nothing
to supply until they meet up with shaka the trade stated working so well after negotiations
they were using Shakas power. During the trades the image of became negative at the cape
these trades wanted British to be involve in natal in a way of colonising. The king also
wanted to still shakas land, but it did not happen as his ways of finding it were very weak
when it comes to shakas power.4

The cape that was firstly made the preparations of to let know the opinion of it cape as try to
make plane to open overland that was realised by trade’s in cape town the letter coming from
port natal to publish African commercial advertiser. The king praised shaka because he
wanted to show a positive way of shaka. The king come with the statement for the authors
aim of Zulu’s consultation he sends someone back to the Zulus to inform shaka and Fynn of
the unexpected shift. The king left everything on shakas hands as this king was using power
of shaka to gain more on his side. Shaka received report about his ambassador and the
chronicle of the king and get the message from British. Some people said the frightful stories
were telling about shaka were the mere fabrications when time goes by they saw shaka as no
Carolyn Anne Hamilton. “The character and object of shaka: A reconsideration of making shaka as Mfecane
Motor”. The cape’s shaka before 1824. (1822) 41,42.

Carolyn Anne Hamilton. “The character and object of shaka: A reconsideration of making shaka as Mfecane
motor”. The trade’s Shaka, 1824-27. (1824) 42-53.

Carolyn Hamilton. The character and object of shaka: A reconsideration of making shaka as Mfecane motor”.
The cape’s Shaka. (1828) 53-57.
The politics are the ones who highlighted the relevance the shakas legacy and the power of
amabutho system. In the 1980’s the image of shaka was greatly developed as central icon.
The Inkatha made a day in a calendar to celebrate shaka’s day it was the first Zulu king
involved in the calendar, shaka was also a founding father of the Zulu kingdom. Shaka also
established Heritage Day.6 The Durban airport is also the thing come up with shaka as it is
called the King Shaka international airport and the Shaka Marine world come up because of
him. The Zulu reed dance which is known as uMkhosi woMhlanga which shaka called it
uMkhosi Wokweshwama.

This people were saying about shaka that was found he never do or say to people. They
explained shaka as monster and said he just kill people if he does not like them. They said
shaka would cut a person’s ear if he is not listening what he is saying and if a person is being
scared during war, find a person hurt would kill him for that he is a coward. They betrayed
shaka by saying he was involved in the slavery trade, but people had no evidence of that, and
they accused him of saying he wanted to prisoner the Ndwandwes mother and the child after
that he was goanna kill them. People were seeing him as blood thirsty and was even a bully at
his childhood this was changed by the white people and other Zulu people. The other Zulus
were explaining him that he was hurtless and cruel, but he had reasons of doing that
sometimes. 7He even killed so many Zulu people and he even off limited the planting of crops
and the use of milk. They said shaka hated pregnant women, if he found women pregnant, he

Carolyn Hamilton. “Zoolacraticism and Cannibalism: Social Dynamics”. A journal of African studies. (2008)6-8.

Carolyn Hamilton. “Zoolacraticism and cannibalism: social Dynamics”. A journal of African studies. (2008)
kills them with their husbands and even claim that shaka was killed by his half brothers than
become the king.

To conclude shaka fight for African country all the sacrifices he made make great economy
of this country, he real deserved to be praised and having a good memorialise about him even
other white people who write about him did not write true stories and made a fake impression
of him in the movie that was made. We are also not sure if it was true or not but confirming
to other people, they said it not true. The above essay explains the interpretations of shaka’s
life, before the arrival of settlers, during the arrival of the settlers and the sending of messages
to the cape. It also includes the legacy of shaka left in the country how people were proud of
him and also how people explained shaka’s bad image after his death.

Hamilton Carolyn. “The character and object of shaka: A reconsideration of making shaka as
Mfecane motor”. the journal of African history. (1992) :41-57.

Guy Jeff and Gump James. “The rise of the Zulu kingdom: ecological factors in the rise of
shaka and Zulu kingdom”. Economy and society in pre-industrial south Africa, (1820): 1-4.

Hamilton Carolyn. “Zoolacraticism and cannibalism: a discussion of historical disposition

toward the shaken mode of social order and political right”. A journal of African studies,
(2008):6-14. May 16.

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