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NSQXXX10.1177/0894318420987167Nursing Science QuarterlyAlanizi


Nursing Science Quarterly

The Humanbecoming Concept

2021, Vol. 34(2) 178­–182
© The Author(s) 2021
Article reuse guidelines:
Inventing Model: Feeling Ashamed
DOI: 10.1177/0894318420987167

Amal W. Alanizi, RN; MS1

The scholar in this paper presents a concept inventing model of feeling ashamed. It consists of a literature review across
many disciplines, an exploration of many artforms, dialoguing with others, and a distinctive description of feeling ashamed.
With the humanbecoming concept inventing model, the scholar explored shame and created a novel idea that could
develop approaches in the advancement of nursing knowledge. This exploration advances nursing knowledge within the
humanbecoming paradigm. With the use of humanbecoming concept inventing model, the now-truth of feeling ashamed for
the scholar was raised as unbearable stillness with desired escape arising with isolating affiliations. The ingenuous proclamation as
a theoretical statement was communicated in the humanbecoming sciencing language as languaging the powering of connecting-
separating with the artform of Shame by Rosa Gunasingha.

concept inventing, feeling ashamed, humanbecoming, Parse

The humanbecoming concept inventing model (see Figure 1) “concept inventing unfolds with the all-at-once immersing
is a unique method created by Parse (1997, 2006, 2018) to with explicit-tacit knowings, exploring with pattern prefer-
guide scholars in the exploration of different universal huma- ences, and explicating with pondering possible” (p. 157).
nuniverse living experiences. The conceptual and theoretical Each of these three components of the humanbecoming con-
foreknowings arise from scholars’ experiences with concept cept inventing model (Parse, 2018) is described here with the
inventing. The creative phases of the model advance schol- universal humanuniverse living experience of shame.
ars’ knowledge of a phenomenon of interest from their per- Immersing with explicit-tacit knowings uncovers the
sonal perspective. Parse (2018) called the distinctive meaning from the scholar’s theoretical foreknowings that
scholars’ description of a concept an ingenuous proclama- include experiences and value priorities. Immersing with
tion, “an assertion that incarnates the meaning of the concept explicit-tacit knowings is “an intense deep dive, engaging
for the scholar” (p. 157). intently with the illimitable,” “drifting playfully with the
unbounded,” and “journaling carefully with deliberation”
(Parse, 2018, p. 157). The scholar’s deep immersing with the
Unfolding the Concept
concept creates the valued knowledge that is “recorded by
The exploration of feeling ashamed as a concept began while the scholar over time, as journaling carefully with delibera-
the author immersed herself thoroughly in the meaning of tion preserves the meaning moments of the emerging now
shame. It became very clear that shame is a universal huma- with the unfolding concept” (Parse, 2018, p. 157). When the
nuniverse experience filled with meanings that people avoid scholar immerses deeply, unique ideas surface that require
talking about as it is an unbearable painful emotion. The more exploration. As a result, the scholar recognizes “the
most influential part of this scholar’s journey was learning significance of the immersion” (Parse, 2018, p. 157).
that living experiences are choices that differ from person to Engaging intently with the illimitable originates from the
person. Sartre (2003) considered shame a choice of life when scholar’s unlimited personal experiences and value priorities
he said, “pure shame is not a feeling of being this or that that develop with life experiences. This scholar started to
guilty object but in general of being an object; that is, of rec- engage and dive deeply in the phenomenon of feeling
ognizing myself in this degraded, fixed and dependent being ashamed after immersing with literature about self-stigma
which I am for the Other” (p. 312). To feel ashamed is to with mental illness. Stigma can be defined as shame and
accept the judgment of others. It is to become an object for disgrace; thus, the interest in the concept of shame arose as
another subject. Thus, the scholar decided to explore more
about the concept of shame with Parse’s humanbecoming 1
PhD Student, Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Binghamton
concept inventing method. According to Parse (2018), University, State University of New York, Binghamton, NY, USA
Alanizi 179

Figure 1. The Humanbecoming Concept Inventing Model.

Reprinted with permission from Parse (2018).

significant. As the scholar progressed with time in engaging, in dialoguing with others, interpreting with artforms, and
the experience of feeling ashamed became more clear. It was dwelling with printed material” (Parse, 2018, p. 157). It is a
surprising that shame was an emotion that all people experi- way to explore what is known and not known about a con-
ence but preferably do not talk about because it is not a desir- cept. Pattern preferences allow scholars to select a variety of
able feeling to share with others and is still considered a ideas from multiple media sources.
taboo in most societies. Since shame is a universal humanuniverse experience,
The meaning of feeling ashamed has emerged after the exploring it arises from dialoguing with others, interpreting
scholar drifted playfully with the unbounded. Shame as a artforms, and dwelling with printed material. Dialoguing
concept has different personal perspectives from one person with others presents the scholar with different perspectives
to another, and for this scholar; it is a choice in life and a of the concept. It is significant to ponder deeply and explore
personal experience. This scholar has journaled carefully to discover the distinct meaning of a concept. This scholar
with deliberation, recording the valued knowings of feeling dialogued with others to convey what it is to feel ashamed.
ashamed in the emerging now. According to Parse (2018), An 11-year-old child (anonymous, personal communication,
“the reflective-prereflective deep dive in immersing with a February 2019) said, “Shame means to me when you do
concept is piercing the depths of valued knowings” (p. 157). something that you regret.” A 34-year-old man, a full-time
For this scholar, shame is a mortifying disgrace surfacing student with two children (anonymous, personal communi-
with a sense of embarrassment and humiliation. Shame is a cation, February 2019), stated that “feeling ashamed is to
threat to dignity. When feeling ashamed, the scholar feels feel bad about myself that I did something wrong and unable
exposed to others’ evaluation and judgment. Shame is a per- to change.” Another adult, who is a 46-year-old woman
sonal-evaluation that arises after failing to meet personal and (anonymous, personal communication, February 2019),
others’ standards and expectations. For this scholar, shame is stated that “to feel ashamed is to feel embarrassed like if I am
an unbearable troubling disclosure. People experience a feel- naked and people are staring at me.” A 48-year-old woman
ing of shame as being exposed and unable to move. They doctoral student (anonymous, personal communication,
have the desire to hide and disappear from the eyes of others. March 2019) said, “Feeling ashamed is a combination of
Being trapped and incapable of moving develops a constant feelings of inadequacy and nonacceptance.”
pressure to be unseen. Additional exploration of the concept of shame can be
After immersing with explicit-tacit knowings, the schol- found in interpreting artforms such as paintings, movies,
ar’s personal meaning of feeling ashamed unfolded. Unique music, and books. According to Parse (2018), interpreting
ideas regarding the concept of shame required further explo- with artforms is “engaging with various paintings, films, the-
ration. Therefore, this scholar continued immersing to explore atrical performances, movements, musical compositions,
pattern preferences and discern the significance of the immer- and other media that reflect the meaning of the concept for
sion. Parse (2018) stated that “discerning significance is the scholar” (p. 158). This scholar chose several artforms
structuring the meaning of the emerging now” (p. 157). that reflect the meaning of feeling ashamed for her. Examples
The understanding of shame as a universal humanuni- of these artforms are the song “I Won’t Be Ashamed,” by
verse experience can be advanced through exploring with Robby Busick (2017), and the sculpture “Martin, Into the
pattern preferences. To explore with pattern preferences is to Corner, You Should Be Ashamed of Yourself,” by Martin
“traverse the known with precisely scrutinizing the concept Kippenberger (1989). These artforms helped this scholar to
180 Nursing Science Quarterly 34(2)

find emerging meanings of shame. According to Parse and disappointment that follow are present with the experi-
(2018), “during hours and days of being with chosen art- ence of shame, and it creates a pressure to leave the place to
forms, the scholar cocreates the personal meaning of the con- save face in light of preserving dignity. The face here is
cept with what is shown by the artists” (p. 158). described as a mixture of many aspects, including social stand-
In addition to dialoguing with others and interpreting art- ing, reputation, and honor. Saving face allows people to be in
forms, dwelling with printed material is a unique way to a more comfortable position personally and with others.
explore scholars’ pattern preferences. In dwelling with litera-
ture from various disciplines, more meanings of shame were
Isolating Affiliations
uncovered. Dwelling with printed material assisted this
scholar to identify themes that are “phrases stated at an Isolating affiliation is attending-distancing with others. It
abstract level of discourse, reflecting the meanings of the surfaces when the person is being with and apart from others
concept from many printed sources and others” (Parse, 2018, at the same time. The attempt to isolate and be away from
p. 158). Literature from several disciplines was included: others arises with feelings of inadequacy. It emerges with the
philosophy, sociology, psychology, and nursing. From feeling of being trapped and powerless. Isolation emerges
exploring with pattern preferences, three themes on feeling whether from others’ or from personal choices. The ashamed
ashamed were crafted. The themes are as follows: shame is a individual expresses isolating attempts with overwhelming
threat to dignity; shame arises with unfavorable disclosure; aloneness. Shame surfaces with a wish to disappear or even
and shame emerges with mortifying disgrace. All of these to die. Individuals confine activities to hiding and conceal-
themes illustrate the scholar’s conceptual foreknowings ment. Isolation and hiding could symbolize the shameful
about feeling ashamed. feeling. Lindsay-Hartz, De Rivera, and Mascolo (1995) elab-
After immersing and exploring, this scholar explicated orated, “we wish to hide in order to get out of the interper-
with pondering possibles by “exposing the rare distinctness” sonal realm and escape our painful exposure before the
(Parse, 2018, p. 158) of the living experience of feeling others” (p. 278).
ashamed. With explicating, the scholar clarified webs of
ambiguity as a novel conceptualization of feeling ashamed.
Parse (2018) elaborated, “With explicating, the scholar is
Ingenuous Proclamation
clarifying the webs of ambiguity that were present before the Ingenuous proclamation is “shapeshifting the novel concep-
concept was born as a novel conceptualization” (p. 158). tualization from immersing, exploring, and explicating”
Additionally, unfolding the concept of feeling ashamed (Parse, 2018, p. 158). The scholar’s theoretical statement,
evolved into “explaining the now-truth” (Parse, 2018, p. 158). and chosen artform, is presented as the ingenuous proclama-
The now-truth for this scholar was the following: Feeling tion. Feeling ashamed was demonstrated at the highest sci-
ashamed is unbearable stillness with desired escape arising encing level in the ingenuous proclamation and was written
with isolating affiliations. at the level of humanbecoming paradigm as feeling ashamed
is languaging the powering of connecting-separating. For
the scholar, the painting by Rosa Gunasingha (2014) named
Unbearable Stillness Shame (see Figure 2) best illustrates the universal humanuni-
With feelings of shame, the unbearable stillness grows with verse experience of feeling ashamed.
a desire to disappear. Believing that one has lost honor and
respect makes the experience of shame so painful. When
shame surfaces, dignity is threatened. Peoples’ everchanging
personal knowing is what shapes their honorable way of Unbearable stillness, as an essence of feeling ashamed, can
being and highlights any failure of fulfilling valued goals. be connected with languaging from the first principle of
Therefore, the stillness arises from not tolerating the now humanbecoming. The first principle of humanbecoming is
moment, hoping for the time to stop, and not getting another “structuring meaning is the imaging and valuing of languag-
chance to fix the situation. In shame, the unbearable stillness ing” (Parse, 2014, p. 37). Languaging is “signifying valued
extends to the desire to escape. images with speaking-being silent and moving-being still.”
(Parse, 2014, p. 40). Unbearable stillness is linked with lan-
guaging as valued images that ashamed individuals show in
Desired Escape their living quality as they fortify their wisdom with discern-
Individuals experiencing shame are aware of disclosing to oth- ment and as they live penetrating silence. With languaging,
ers. People expose and do not expose in mysterious ways. individuals symbolize their feelings of shame with speaking-
Others’ evaluation and acceptance are important to them. being silent and moving-being still. Not only moving and
When people choose to recognize their unworthiness in the speaking are symbols to express meaning, but also being
eyes of others, the desire to escape arises. The embarrassment silent and being still are shown with feelings of shame. It is a
Alanizi 181

arises with the preference of being concealed from others’

views and not being seen. The unbearable moment of feeling
ashamed cocreates the desire to be still and without speech.

In shame, people feel their honor and respect are threatened,
and they become mortified from being disgraced. Anguish
arises after being negatively evaluated as dishonored and
unaccepted. Thus, shame surfaces with a desire to escape.
This may be connected with the paradoxes of “pushing-
resisting of affirming-not affirming and being-nonbeing”
(Parse, 2014, p. 48) of powering. Powering is a concept of
the third principle of humanbecoming, “cotranscending with
possibles is the powering and originating of transforming”
(Parse, 2014, p. 47). Powering is defined as “the pushing-
resisting of affirming-not affirming being in light of nonbe-
ing” (Parse, 2014, p. 48). The potential loss of dignity merges
with the desire to escape nonbeing. Being viewed as less in
the eyes of others is an incarnation of nonbeing. Being-
nonbeing surfaces with shameful feelings as in paradoxical
apposition. Shame is cocreated as a personal choice that indi-
viduals experience from their eyes and the eyes of others.
Others’ recognition matters. To escape, people develop a ten-
Figure 2. Shame. sion that creates a wish for leaving the situation to run away
Reprinted with permission from Rosa Gunasingha (2014). from others. Parse (2014) stated, “pushing-resisting patterns
emerge with humanuniverse and are present in every engage-
choice of being quiet and motionless to alleviate the experi- ment, creating tension and sometimes conflict” (p. 48). When
enced unbearable shame. Parse (2014) elaborated, “being people experience shame, the struggle to not be present at the
still is a near motionless stance that appears to be like tread- moment is often obvious and visible.
ing water in one place, yet it is not” (p. 41). The being-nonbeing tension in the painting of shame is
In the artform, the subject is shame and the figure repre- recognized as the figure is pushing-resisting with the becom-
sents an individual experiencing shame. The languaging val- ing visible-invisible becoming of the emerging now. The fig-
ued images of the figure reflect unbearable stillness. The ure appears to be trying to escape by hiding. The face is
individual shows some symbolic expressions that are fea- hidden to avoid the glares of others. Apparently, the figure
tures of the paradoxes of languaging, which are speaking- wants to hide by pushing away unwanted feelings of power-
being silent and moving-being still. The figure seems unable lessness and unworthiness. The intensity of the shameful
to move or speak. The individual in the painting seems to be expression is shown with the deep red flames surrounding
trying to move but is stuck with apparent controlled stillness the head of the figure. The fire in the figure-head calls the
yet is not still. The attempts of moving create an unclear and viewer to recognize the pain and suffering of shame in this
vague picture of the figure. The intolerable experience is artform.
noticeable in the covering of the face with both hands to hide
and avoid saying a word. Silence as a choice is beyond words Connecting-Separating
and a language of shame. In the context of this painting, not
speaking is part of languaging, “languaging is not just the The connecting-separating concept flows from the second
content of what an individual says with words, but it is how humanbecoming principle of “configuring rhythmical patterns
the whole message is uncovered in the context of the situa- is the revealing-concealing and enabling-limiting of connect-
tion” (Parse, 2014, p. 41). The appearance of the figure in the ing-separating” (Parse, 2014, p. 43). Parse (2014) stated that
painting is barely seen with no clear shape. At a distance, the connecting-separating is “living being with and apart from
picture discloses part of an individual trying to conceal the others, ideas, objects, and situations all at once” (p. 45).
face but at the same time does not disclose all the features of Connecting-separating associated with isolating affiliations
the face. Losing face is a threat to dignity and honor and low- that surfaces with rhythmically engaging with others while
ers individuals in the eyes of others, while saving face separating from them all-at-once. Individuals who feel
momentarily raises worth and respect. The need to save face ashamed when engaging with others, ideas, and situations may
182 Nursing Science Quarterly 34(2)

experience humiliation, dishonor, and unworthiness. They sciencing language as languaging the powering of connect-
may prefer being separated and isolated from others, but at the ing-separating with the artform of Shame, by Rosa
same time, they are connected in a different way. In this way, Gunasingha (2014).
the isolating affiliations as an essence of feeling ashamed are
linked to the connecting-separating paradox, attending-dis- Declaration of Conflicting Interests
tancing. The isolating affiliations arise from the painful expe- The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect
rience of not meeting others’ expectations. Feeling ashamed is to the authorship and/or publication of this review.
an individual choice of living. Parse (2014) explained that
“paradoxical living rhythms ]are[ recognized as humanuni-
verse pattern preferences” (p. 44).
In the painting, the isolating affiliations are apparent and The author(s) received no financial support for the authorship and/
or publication of this review.
reflect the concept of connecting-separating. The figure appears
to withdraw from all others and surroundings yet in plain view.
Feeling ashamed is a chosen experience to be away from the ORCID iD
now moment, while the individual still exists with others. The Amal W. Alanizi
figure knows of others’ recognition of shame and that is a way
of connecting that is incarnated with each expression. The con- References
necting-separating surfaces with the becoming visible-invisible Busick, R. (2017). I Won’t Be Ashamed [video].
becoming of the emerging now. Shame surfaces with isolating com/watch?v=ZA-kWzv4yFw
affiliations. The figure in the painting looks to be experiencing Gunasingha, R. (2014). Shame [painting]. https://www.saatchiart.
isolation, being away from others, objects, and ideas at the com/art/Painting-SHAME/728212/2195576/view
same time, yet is still being with others in the pain and suffer of Kippenberger, M. (1989). Martin, into the corner, you should be
shame that “enable and at once limit the opportunities and ashamed of yourself [sculpture]. Museum of Modern Art, New
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Possibilities are enabled-limited with isolating affiliations by
Lindsay-Hartz, J., De Rivera, J., & Mascolo, M. F. (1995).
showing ways of revealing-concealing that create opportunities Differentiating guilt and shame and their effects on motiva-
to live with the feeling of shame. tion. In J. P. Tangney & K. W. Fischer (Eds.), Self-conscious
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Conclusion pride (pp. 274-300). Guilford Press.
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