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Herschkowitz Encountered

Author(s): Viktor Suslin, Dmitri Smirnov, David Drew and Gerard McBurney
Source: Tempo, New Series, No. 173, Soviet Issue (Jun., 1990), pp. 39-43
Published by: Cambridge University Press
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Accessed: 19/06/2014 19:14

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Herschkowitz Encountered

His influence on new Russian music was

An apostlesent by Webern... immense. I would not like to say that, if
Herschkowitz had not been there, then nothing
(Extractsfrom an interview with the composerViktor Suslin, would have happened: that would of course be
conductedin London duringthe 1989 Almeida Festivalfor BBC an exaggeration. But if he had not been there,
Television's films about Soviet music, Think Today, Speak
then everything would have happened differ-
Tomorrow, directedby BarrieGavin.)
ently, becauseit was thanksto him that a number
Herschkowitz ... was a quite brilliant theoretic- of Moscow composers received, as it were, a
ian and an interesting composer, who through thread which led back directly to Webern, to
horrifying and unimaginable circumstances Schoenberg and to Berg.
found himself in the Soviet Union in I94I. He I did not study with him for very long, only
had lived in Vienna for some years ... and had for about three months. He would not accept
been unable to emigrate to another country. I money for teaching me, and would not engage
do not know why this was so, but I think there in analysisof I2-note music. Insteadhe analysed
was a quota for Rumanian citizens going to the Beethoven. In particularhe analysed the struct-
USA. So he turned to the USSR. He found his ural significance of the pause in Beethoven, and
way to Central Asia and later came to Moscow. the connexion in Beethoven's music between
Of course, he spoke not a word of Russian, the motive and the pause. This was a complete
and many times during the War he was stopped revelation to us, because the system of analysis
and his documents were examined because in used by Herschkowitz was, you might say,
his outward appearance he was terribly like the some kilometers away from the analytical
picture of the typical German spy in the poster system practisedin the Moscow Conservatoire.
that was hung on walls everywhere - he had a It was the deepest possible structural analysis,
hat, spectacles, and because he was always cold the analysis of, as it were, the most minute
he always had his coat collar turned up, just like details ofmusical form.
in the picture. He looked very suspicious!
Filipp Herschkowitzwith Elena FirsovaandDmitri Smimov (photos:DmitriSmimov, courtesyofGerardMcBurey)

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40 HerschkowitzEncountered

He did not just work in Moscow, he went to what had become ofRadu Lupu?What was the
Erevan and to Leningradand readlecturesthere. concert repertoirelike in England?
He had material published although unfortun- Only when the tea things were cleared away
ately very little. But I think it will all be did Herschkowitz consent to answer my
published in time. questions. He quickly dismissed his period of
I consider that he is one of the most important study with Berg as valueless, except for its
theoreticians. It is thanks to their acquaintance having led him to Weber. Once he began to
with him that many composers (especially in talk about his real teacher, however, his eyes lit
Moscow, of course) came to understand what up; his face was taut and slightly staring into the
musical form is, and began to concern them- dark night outside the window. I sometimes
selves with it on a quite different level. This was found it hard to follow his Russian and was
not some kind of quantitive addition to their distracted by the curious sing-song of his soft
knowledge, but a great leap forward, into a new old-man's voice. But I remember being fascin-
order. I think that without Herschkowitz we ated and moved by his overpowering devotion
would not have works that are really interesting to Beethoven, and struck by his sense that the
from a formal point of view, such as certain really unhappy course his life had taken had
works by Schnittke, for instance, or Gubai- meant that he had writtenless than he would
dulina. Everything would have been quite have liked.
different. He was the seed. I saw Herschkowitz and his wife at one or
I myself would say that you could describe two concerts after that and visited them again at
Herschkowitz as an apostle sent by Weber to home before leaving for England in June. The
teach the barbarians. I do not think that the conversation always returnedto the same areas,
Russians are barbariansin a negative sense; but although I gradually became aware of others of
as far as comparison goes with the Central his enthusiasms - Mahler, especially - and of his
European, Germanic culture which produced betes noires:Soviet music being a particularly
for us men such as Wagner, such as Schoenberg, comic victim of his sarcasm.
Berg and Webern, what was happening in the In the autumn I returnedto Moscow for three
Soviet Union in the middle I950s can, I think, days and did not have time to see him. I was
without exaggeration be described by the word most surprised, about three months or so
'barbarism'. Herschkowitz helped many to tear afterwards, to receive a letter, apparently from
themselves free of this, and to stand up. a French diplomat, but written in Russian in a
Translatedby GerardMcBumey culturedbut almost illegibly crampedhand. The
diplomat had merely been the postman.
Herschkowitz began in a tone of high offence.
Why had I not been to see them during my last
When I first arrived in Moscow in September visit? I had been rude and inconsiderate. He
I984, the name of Filipp Herschkowitz was then asked me to write from time to time -
unknown to me. But little by little, through my Write in English... we will understand - to tell
first winter in that city, I heard him spoken of him about musical life in the West, what music
more and more. Gradually I began to form was being played and how. I did not do this.
some impression of how important was this When I returned to Moscow in 1987 I felt
Jewish Romanian pupil of Weber in the musical guilty and avoided contacting him. Once I
life of Moscow - not the official musical life, of travelled on a bus with him for a mile or so and
course but the hidden life: 'our real life', as Sofia he stared at me balefully although I don't think
Gubaidulina has called it. he recognized me. Then quite suddenly came
But it was only in the spring of the following the news that after all these years he had been
year that I was finally introduced to him. Dmitri given permission to leave with his wife for
Smimov and Elena Firsova had arranged to Vienna. For Herschkowitz the opening of
take me to the tiny one-room flat on the Western perestroika had come late.
edgc of Moscow where he lived with his artist One day Dima Smirnov told me that
wife, Elena, and several cats. Herschkowitz had Herschkowitz had heard that I was there and
no telephone, and was notoriously wary of had asked me to ring him. Ironically, at the very
meeting foreigners. time that they were preparing to leave, he and
A formal Russian tea was laid on a miniature his wife had been allocated a slightly larger flat
table and we six squashed round. Conversation and a telephone. But before I could get a chance
was stiff. Where was I from? No, he had never to ring I met Filipp Moiseyevich and Lena at a
heard of any English composers. Did I know concert. They were polite but insisted that I

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HerschkowitzEncountered 41

should ring to make arrangements. Rather national copyright. He claims no intimate

gauchely, I told Herschkowitz that I was knowledge of the aims and achievements of
particularly keen to talk to him because nearly modem Soviet music, but confesses to being a
all the most interesting contemporary comp- jazz fan, and gratefully endorses a Three Minute
osers in Moscow had studied with him and I Plan formulated after the discovery that it is
wanted to hear about that aspect of his work. possible to stand in the shadowy entrance to the
Both he and Lena were furious. 'In the first gallery of the Tchaikovsky Hall, and either to
place I have never taught anyone in my life and slip out unobserved, or quietly to take a seat.
in the second place there are no such people as The Plan is eminently democratic: after the first
Russian composers anyway so how could I have three minutes of any new work, either party has
taught them!' Lena chimed in: 'It's a complete the right to signal a tactical retreat to the 'bar'
mystery to Filipp why everyone wants to claim where tea and a lugubrious fruit juice are
that they studied with him.' available. But if, before any given piece, either
When I did go and see them, however, such party can convince the other that there are
irritations were forgotten. They were in the musical or extra-musical reasons for staying the
midst of packing for Vienna and both the course, the escape-clausesare suspended for the
atmosphere and everything Herschkowitz said duration. To just such an arrangement- the first
were fraught with mingled diffidence and of several- P. owes the pleasureof hearing in its
excitement at returning to the city of his youth entirety a new concerto by Khrennikov.
and of Webern (not to mention Beethoven). He Four days later, sitting with Firsova and
talked of his plans with all the enthusiasm of Smirov in their apartment on the outskirts of
someone half a century younger. Moscow, I happen to ask, naively, if they have
* * *
any knowledge of or acquaintance with
Herschkowitz. Of course we do, they cry - he's
Within a year he was dead. And now the most a dear friend of ours, and he lives in this same
recent news is that his widow has reappearedin housing development a few minutes' walk
Moscow with, it is said, the manuscript of a across the mud and puddles. How few? About
book, apparently over 500 pages long. Those fifteen, they reply, I sigh: in less than twenty,
who had doubted that he had actually been P. is due to take me back to a series of appoint-
ments and engagements that will last until 11 pm
working at anything over the years have been
or later; and the only gap in the arrangements
proved wrong.
Amidst the accidents of war, Filipp Hersch- for the following day - my last complete one - is
kowitz had been swept East to spend nearly 50 too shortfor a returnvisit to thatremote quarter.
Aside from the honour of meeting Hersch-
years in a country where he did not want to be
and in which he could not be at home. But kowitz, however briefly, the problem, I explain,
is that I had promised a colleague that I would
despite that, he succeeded in bringing to many
Soviet musicians an immense richness of try to contact him and discover whether he had
received a letter of musico-biographicalenquiry
thought, of musical ideals and aspirations.
Listening to Filipp Moiseyevich I was quite regarding his friend and fellow Webern-pupil
often reminded of Hans Keller, another Leopold Spinner. But how is he to be reached?
musician from the same tradition. Certainly Like everyone else in that cluster of unclad
both men brought a belief in the highest tower-blocks, Herschkowitz is still without a
standards and an unflinching faith, which they telephone and has to use a basement call-box.
were determined to pass on to others, in the Smimov generously suggests that the only way
music of the great tradition. of my reaching him in time would be via a
GerardMcBumey handwritten note which he would deliver that
very afternoon. On the understanding that
Herschkowitz is a night-bird and is not known
to rise before midday, I scribblea note in halting
German, suggesting that he call me at my hotel
around midnight that evening.
Autumn 1986 On the way to our afternoon appointment,
A first visit to Moscow, in the first year of the ever-courteous P. listens sympathetically to
Gorbachev: at the airport on arrival, a familiar a brief account of Herschkowitz, and agrees
friendly face, and an unfamiliar one. that there will be no chance of meeting him
P., my official escort for the next six days, before my final hour or two in Moscow. Since
speaks several languages and is expert in inter- street maps are unobtainable and evidently a

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42 'Herschkowitz

soberportraitsof militaryandpoliticalpersons,
donein pencilor ink, anddoubtlesstracedfrom
'.it t^ I.Y .a . photographs.Few of the facesareeitherrecog-
nizableor appealing,but one of them bearsa
strikingresemblanceto a certainlong-departed
and in this context highly controversialpoli-
tician. Returningto the queue where P. is
keeping my place, I tell him, with studied
nonchalance,whatI believeI havejustseen:not
a ghost, buta portraitof Trotsky.
P.'s shockeddisbeliefis so sternlyexpressed
that I feel impelledto attemptan emollientif
feeblejoke. As the assistanthandsme the great
gun-barrelof my wrapped-upposters,I turnto
P. with a smileandwonderaloudwhetherMrs
Thatcher'scustoms officialswill allow me to
importsuch dangerousgoods. P. searchesmy
facefor some clue, but misconstrueswhatever
he sees there: 'I think', he says slowly and
E- gravely,'I thinkyou arebeing ...' (hehuntsfor
::~ themotjuste) 'satirical'.
0 1=~~~~~~~~~~~ii~i;:
. .X : i:

Everythingon the morningof the last day

takesslightlylonger thanit shouldhave done,
state secret, I ask P. whether the road to Moscow with the resultthat by middaywe are already
Airport leads anywhere near Herschkowitz's farbehindschedule.Undaunted,P. insiststhat
home, and am hardly surprised to learn that it ourdrivercanbringus to Herschkowitzbefore
does not. Nevertheless P. insists that a detour the2 pm deadline.But he hasn'treckonedwith
will be practicable so long as the morning's theuncharted wastesbetweenthetower-blocks.
programme is completed more or less on Ten minutes past the deadlineour car is still
schedule, and provided we leave Herschkowitz's lurchingfrom potholeto potholeas I suddenly
apartment for the airport no later than 2 pm. realizethatI forgotto tellHerschkowitzaboutP.,
The phone in my room rings precisely at who in anycasespeaksno German.Nevermind,
midnight. 'Hier Herschkowitz', announces a saysthetactfulP., I'lltakeyou to his apartment
cavernous voice. On a purely pragmatic basis andthenreturnin about 5 minutes- you won't
and hence without inappropriate emotion, we miss your plane. At precisely 2.20 we arrive at
agree to a 2 pm deadline: if I haven't arrived by Herschkowitz's door and ring the bell.
then, Herschkowitz must assume that the plan Smirnov and Firsova have told me of
has misfired, and that I am already on the way Herschkowitz's happy marriage with a young
to the airport. Lithuanian painter; but it is Herschkowitz
The timetable for my last complete day has himself who opens the door, 20 minutes after
the kind of gap in the middle that Westerners our agreed deadline, and sees two raincoated
tend to associate with food. Having discovered men, one older than the other. The frozen
by the second day that Moscow is unfamiliar second that elapses before I can identify myself
with Western concepts of lunch in any form, I seems interminable.
have persuaded P. to accompany me on a While stuttering my apologies for our late
shopping errand - not, as he hoped, to the arrivaland imminent departureI am led through
tourist shops, but to somewhere specializing in the small hallway, with its Lithuanianpictures,
posters. 'You mean scenic posters?' he asks, books, and crucifixes, into a room that seems
brightening. 'No', I reply, 'political ones'. He familiarless becauseof Vienna itself than because
looks anxious, and I haven't the heart to tell of the familiar rooms of musicians who half a
with what motives a student-friend had begged century ago and more left that city and others
me to bring back a selection of current rubbish. like it.
The emporium to which the reluctant P. has Tell me, tell me, is Spinner still alive? What
led me is surprisingly busy, but is not designed has he composed in England? Do they play his
for Western tourists and plainly doesn't attract music? Pity.
them. After selecting about a dozen suitably The questions are as sharp and dry as a page
bombastic and strident items, I notice some of Fux, but the hands and eyes speak of

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'HerschkowitzRemembered' 43

innumerable other questions for which there double-basses in Spinner's string section, joins
will be no time. in, and is teased. No, he replies, you're quite
The doorbell rings. It is P. again. As we drivewrong, I like the piece very much; of course it
across the plain towards the airport our 'comes from' Webern; but for me it sounds
conversation is mercifully undemanding, for closer to late Stravinsky.
there is nothing in my thoughts but the look in And how would it have sounded to you, to
the eyes of a man who has experienced those whom - had we met againand become acquaint-
ed - I might eventually have dared to put the
dangers to liberty and even to life itself that can
be signified by the unexpected arrival on a thirteenth question*? For myself at this stage I
cloudless afternoon of two strangersin raincoats. only know that Ricercatawas written, by a
master, in indelible ink, without aspiration
Konzerthaus,Vienna,8 March1990 towards extramusical success and without
thought or fear of failure; that it sounds new
Although I certainly told Herschkowitz about because it is
original and original because of the
Spinner's last completed (though never fair- manner in which it
develops, extends and
copied) score, the op.28 Kammersymphonie,I the possibilities of what was otherwise,
didn't even mention his last work for full enlarges
at the time of composition, a lost art. In short, it
orchestra, the Ricercataof I965. Today, a quarter is successful in the
of a century later, Heinz Holliger conducts its only relevant sense; and I
believe you would have felt at home with it.
world premiere with the Austrian Radio
David Drew
Symphony Orchestra. 'It's great music' he
exclaims after the Generalprobe, and there
ensues a many-sided discussion about the
Webern relationship. Gruber, who has been free * See 'Spinner, Die Reihe,and Thematicism: Notes towards a
to listen to the rehearsal because there are no thirteenth question', Tempo No. I46, pp.9-I2.

Musica Nova 90 For further information
concentrates on the work of please contact:
four composers -John
Scottish National
Cage, James MacMillan, Orchestra
Wolfgang Rihm and Nigel 3 La Belle Place
Osborne. The festival will GLASGOW
include four world G37LH
Tel: 041332 7244
premiere performances. In
addition to the SNO, other
orchestras and ensembles
involved are the BBC iation #l the Uni-

Scottish Symphony versity'fGlasgow

and. BC Scotland.
Orchestra, the Scottish
Chamber Orchestra, the \qO
Paragon Ensemble,
Cappella Nova and the
Whistlebinkies. The
Festival also hosts the 15-2253 199?
Annual Composer's Forum
of the Society for the Scotland's Eighd, Festival of
Promotion of New Music. Music
- I ILI - I -

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