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For Loop

• It executes a block of statements a specified number

of times. The number of iterations is controlled by a
loop variable which is initialized to a certain value by
the for statement then is incremented for each
iteration of the loop. The statements in the body of
the loop are repeatedly executed until the loop
variable exceeds. The loop variable can be of any
numeric type.
• i= 1
• For i= 1 to 10
• i = i+ 1
• Next.
Iteration cont.
• For Next Statement
• Ideal for loops that require a counter, pretest form only
• For Next loops provide only:
• Counter-controlled loop
• Pre-test loop
• Initializes counter variable
• Automatically increments counter
• Simplifies and shortens code
Iteration cont.

Format of a For Next loop

Iteration cont.

Flowchart of For Next loop

• Identify the statements that are correctly formed and
those that have errors. For those with errors, state
what is wrong.
(i) For decIndex = 3.5D to 6.0D, step 0.5D
Next decIndex (invalid)
(ii) For intIndex = intBegin to intEnd step 3
Next intEnd (invalid)
(iii) For 4= 1 to 10 step 2
Next For (invalid)
(iv) For intIndex = 100 to 0 step -25
Next intIndex (valid)
(v) For intIndex= 0 to -10 step -1
Next intIndex (valid)
(v) For intIndex = 10 to 1
Next intIndex (invalid)
• How many times will the body of the loop be
executed for each of these examples? What will be
the value of the loop index after normal completion
of the loop.
(a) For intCounter = 1 to 3
(b) For intCounter = 2 to 11 step 3
(c) For decCounter = 3.0D to 6.0D step 0.5D
(a) For intCounter = 1 to 3
Ans: will be executed 2 times, intCounter will have an
ending value of 4

(b) For intCounter = 2 to 11 step 3

Ans: will be executed 4 times, have an ending value of
14 in intCounter.

(c) For decCounter = 3.0D to 6.0D step 0.5D

Will be executed 7 times, decCounter will have an
ending value of 6.5
Iteration cont.
• Example: Computes the exam average program above using For Next
• Solution
Iteration cont.
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim sum, average As Double
Dim numberOfExams As Integer = 5
Dim counter As Integer
Iteration cont.
' begin loop
For counter = 1 To 5 Step 1
Console.WriteLine("Enter an Exam Score: ")
sum = sum + Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine())
' compute and display the average
average = sum / numberOfExams
Console.WriteLine("The average is: " & Math.Round(average, 1))
End Sub
End Module
Iteration cont.
• Nested loop
• One iteration structure placed inside another

• Can place iteration inside selection

• And vice versa
• Assume 80 students sat for 5 courses in the first semester
examination, write a For… Next statement to computes the average

• Write statement to sum the odd integers between 1 and 99 using a

For…Next statement. Assume that the Integer variables sum and
count have been declared.

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