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Life cycles of flowering plants:

1.1: Flowering and non-flowering plants

Flowering plants: are those plants which have flower like: apple plant, orange plant.

Non-flowering plants: are those plants which don’t have any flowers like: mosses, pine,
ferns, and plants with cones.

Scent: is the smell that some flowers have it.

What are the differences between flowering plants and non-flowering plants?

Flowering plants have flower and pollen.

Non-flowering plants don’t have any flowers, and some of them have spore instead of
Plant life cycle: is all the changes in a plant, from flower to seeds growing into new plants.
Plant life cycle mainly contain 5 main steps like following:

1. The seed germinates

2. The plant grows
3. The plant flowers
4. The flower produces fruit
5. The fruit releases seeds

seed seedling

bean adult
pod plant


Fruit: is a part of flower that spread seeds and protect them.

Reproduce: is when plants increase in number.

Pollen: is a powder that produce in anther (male part), that join with female part
(ovule) to produce seeds.

Ovules: are eggs that produce by female part to join with male (pollen) part for
producing seeds.
Spore: it is the reproductive part of some flowers which don’t have seeds.

Parts’ of
The parts of flower: flowers have 4 main parts like following: flower

1. Stamen
2. Carpel
3. Sepal
4. Petal

1: Stamen: is the male part of flower composed of: (anther and filament).

 Anther: is the male part that make powder called pollen.

 Filament: is a thin part of the male part that stalk the anther.

2: Carpel (pistil): is the female part of flower that composed of: (Ovary, style, stigma)

 Ovary: is a part of female part that contain eggs (ovule).

 Style: is a part of female part which like a tube that pollen go through to the ovary to
join with ovule.
 Stigma: is a sticky part that catch the pollen.

3: Petals: are the brightly colorful part of flower to attract the insects.

4: Sepals: are small green leaves that protect the flower bud.
1.2: Pollination, fruit and seeds:
Pollination: is the movement of pollen from stamen (anther) of the same kind of

There are two main ways that pollen is moved like: by insect, by wind.

Pollinator: anything that helps the movement of pollen from anther to stigma.

Nectar: is the sweet liquid that consist in the flower that insects come to feed on it.

Pollination by insect: is the movement of pollen from anther to stigma by insects like:
bee, butterfly,……. Etc.

Rose, sunflower, lotus, …etc. are insect pollinated flowers.

The flowers that pollinated by insects are adapted to attract pollinators in the following ways:

 They are white or have brightly colored petals.

 They have a scent.
 They produce nectar.
 They have marks on the petals to guide the insects to the nectar inside the flower.
 Their pollens are not light as much as wind pollinated flower.

Pollination by wind: the pollen blows in the wind from the anther to stigma.

Grass, rice, corn flowers are wind pollinated.

Flowers pollinated by wind have these adaptations:

 The petals are small and not brightly colorful.

 They don’t have any scent.
 They don’t have any nectar.
 They don’t have any marks on their petals.
 Their pollens are smooth and light, the pollens blow easily.

Differences between flowers pollinated by insect and pollinated by wind

flowers pollinated flowers pollinated

by insect by wind
They are white or have The petals are small and
brightly colored petals. not brightly colorful.

They have a scent. They don’t have any scent.

They don’t have any

They produce nectar.

They have marks on the

They don’t have any marks
petals to guide the insects to
the nectar inside the flower. on their petals.

Their pollens are not light as

Their pollens are smooth and
much as wind pollinated
light, the pollens blow easily.
Why must flowers be pollinated:
Plants produce by making seeds, this won’t happen without happening pollination. So pollination must
happen to moving pollen to stigma, then making seeds and increasing numbers of plants.

Fertilization: is a process that pollen and egg (ovule) join to make seeds.

After the pollinton, the frtilisation will happen that allows the eggs to be fertilised.

Fertilisaton only happens if the pollen and the eggs are from the same kind of flower.

Fertilization happens inside the ovary.

The petals and the stamens of the flower will die after happening fertilization. And the
ovary grows and become fruit. The fruit protects the seeds and helps to spread them.

1.3: How seeds spread:

Fruits and seeds:
We have studied that seeds will produce in the ovary and the ovary becomes
fruit, so this fruit has two main jobs:

 To protect the seeds inside.

 Help to spread the seeds.

Why seeds must be spread:

We need seeds to have new plants, so when the seeds spread we can have new plants
in different places.

Seed dispersal: is the process that seeds spread to different directions.

We have different ways for spreading seeds, these are some of the ways of seed dispersal:

1. By animals.
2. By wind.
3. Floating.
4. Some will split or explode.
5. Drop and Rolling.

by animals

by droping
by wind
what are and rolling

the ways
of seed

by spliting
by floating or

Seedling: is grows of seeds to be a young plant.

Seeds need room to grow, they need water and light also. Seedling cannot be a
healthy plant if the seed will be in a small area. It must have enough place to grow

Some seeds are dispersed by animals:

Some fruits spread their seeds by animals, so the fruits must be colorful, juicy, and the
taste will be good to attract the animals, they usually have small seeds.

Birds, monkeys, mice, and elephants are some example for those animals that fruits.

Some fruits and seeds have spine and hooks that stick to the animal’s body, then it will
fall down in another place.
Some seeds are dispersed by wind:
Some seeds will spread by wind, the seeds must be light. Dandelions have
parachute of hairs to help them float in the air.

Some fruits float:

Some seeds spread by water they will float and move away from the plant, the seeds
that spread by water must have a spongy covering that helps them to float. For
example coconut.

Some fruits split open or explode:

Some fruits spread their seeds by themselves. The fruits dry out and let the seeds to
fall out.

Some fruits explode and shoot out their seeds.

Example: (bean pods)

Some fruits drop and roll:

Some fruits are heavy and round. When the fruits are ripe, they will fall and roll away
from the plant.

We have two types of these fruits. Some of them have tough outer shell, and some of
them have softer skin.

1: The fruits that have tough outer shell, they may roll quite far from the plant.

2: The fruits that have softer skin may break open when they hit the ground and
scatter the seeds.
1.4: Seed germination:
How seeds grow:
Seeds might look dead, but they are not dead. They are alive, there is a very tiny plant
inside the seeds, they are waiting for a right condition to grow. Seeds have food store
they must have a proper condition to grow. They must have (oxygen, water, proper

Germination: is a process when seeds start to grow. The seeds use their food store
to give energy to grow.

The seeds must absorb or take in water to start the germination.

The oldest seed that found at the bottom of a lake in china that haven’t germinated for 1300

Here are the stages in germination of a bean seed:

We have 6 stages for bean germination. Here are the key words for memorizing them:

1: water 2: split 3: root 4: shoot 5: above the ground 6: leaves and side root

1. The seed absorbs water and swell.

2. The seed coat will split.
3. The first root starts to grow downward.
4. The first shoot start to grow upward.
5. The shoot grows up above the ground.
6. The first leaves grow and the side roots will grow.

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