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 Injuries to the Hand and Fingers constitute 30% of all injuries experienced in

 It is easy to see why as the hands and fingers are forever reaching/stretching
out to feel/lift/push/move/wave/grab/pick up/take hold of/etc. In doing this they
come into contact with sharp edges, hot, cold or rough surfaces, they have
things dropped onto them, they drop things, etc.

 From the above it is clear that we have to pay attention and think when we
move our hand or fingers – think about what we are doing, where we are
placing them, what we are exposing them to.

 Remember! Your hands and fingers are extremely useful tools without which
your life will be much more difficult. Try eating without hands or tying your
shoelaces without fingers. You could achieve it, but with how much more

 Protect your hands and fingers with gloves or mittens when you have to place
them in situations where they may be injured. The correct hand protection will
prevent or minimise injury and spare you considerable pain and suffering.

 Fall prevention is mandatory e.g. the use of safety belts for scaffold/formwork
erectors. Working in elevated positions requires the use of safety belts in
general. It may be a bit of discomfort but a moment of dizziness, slipping or
support giving way can mean the difference between life and death. Statistics
reveal one fatal falling accident per every working day in S.A. and in most
cases it could have been avoided if workers didn’t have equipment fatalistic
attitudes and general failure to use appropriate personal fall protection. It is
wrongly perceived that fall protection is for the newcomers to the industry and
that experienced men don’t need protection. It is also revealed by statistics
that the majority of victims are old experienced workers. Another myth is that
the lower the fall e.g. 2m is less dangerous than a 3 or 4 m fall. It is the
opposite. The bodies usually from a 2-meter distance don’t get a change to
turn and result in a fatal head landing. From 3 to 4 meters the body can
sometimes turn and results in knee and feet landing with fractured bones but
still alive.


1. Hands are the most useful tools you will ever own. True or False

2. A 2m fall is less dangerous than a 4m fall. True or False

3. Fall protection is for newcomers to the industry. True or False

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