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Unit 2

Graphic Design

Reading Text 1

Graphic Design
Graphic design is versatile. It may their own research. Identifying the needs of
embrace a multitude of diverse design-related consumers is becoming increasingly important for
industries. However, on the whole design graphic designers as they continue to develop
encompasses services provided by professional corporate communication strategies in addition to
artists, designers and image makers. We think creating designs and layouts.
graphic design is not just a beautiful visual
Graphic designers prepare sketches or layouts
representation, but a science in its own right,
-by hand or with the aid of a computer- to
with its own philosophy and history. It marries illustrate their vision for the design. When it
painter’s art and analyst’s precision. After all,
comes to create layouts and design elements in
any graphic design, operating non-verbal and
programming animated graphics, Graphic
visual symbols, may exert great influence on
designers use specialized computer software
the audience. packages. They select colours, sound, artwork,
Graphic designers -or graphic artists- plan, photography, animation, style of type, and other
analyze, and create visual solutions to visual elements for the design. Designers also
communications problems. They find the most select the size and arrangement of the different
effective way to get messages across in print elements on the page or screen. They may create
and electronic media using colour, type, graphs and charts from data for use in
illustration, photography, animation, and publications, and they often consult with
various print and layout techniques. Graphic copywriters on any text that accompanies the
designers develop the overall layout and design. Designers then present the completed
production design of magazines, newspapers, design to their clients or art or creative director
journals, corporate reports, and other for approval. In printing and publishing firms,
publications. They also produce promotional graphic designers also may assist the printers by
displays, packaging, and marketing brochures selecting the type of paper and ink for the
for products and services, design distinctive publication and reviewing the mock-up design for
logos for products and businesses, and develop errors before final publication.
signs and signage systems -called environmental
Graphic designers sometimes supervise
graphics- for business and government. An assistants who follow instructions to complete
increasing number of graphic designers also
parts of the design process. Designers who run
develop material for Internet Web pages,
their own businesses also may devote a
interactive media, and multimedia projects. considerable time to developing new business
Graphic designers also may produce the credits contacts, choosing equipment, and performing
that appear before and after television
administrative tasks, such as reviewing catalogues
programs and movies.
and ordering samples. The need for up-to date
The first step in developing a new design is computer and communications equipment is an
to determine the needs of the client, the ongoing consideration for graphic designers.
message the design should portray, and its
appeal to customers or users. Graphic designers Source:
consider cognitive, cultural, physical, and English for Design Students by Atkina T. Yu. 2013
social factors in planning and executing designs
for the target audience. Designers gather
relevant information by meeting with clients,
creative or art directors, and by performing

English for Graphic Design 6

A. Vocabulary
Read passage above carefully. Match the vocabularies below with their meaning according
to the context given in the passage.
1. Versatile : 6. Copywriters :
2. Encompasses : 7. Approval :
3. Representation : 8. Mock-up :
4. Client : 9. Devote :
5. Cognitive : 10. Equipment :
a. Official permission or agreement for something.
b. The machinery, tools, etc. that you need to do a job.
c. Able to be used for many different purposes.
d. Relating to or involving the processes of thinking and reasoning.
e. To use a space, area, time, etc. for a particular purpose.
f. Someone who writes the words for advertisements.
g. To include several different things.
h. A customer or someone who receives services.
i. A model of something, which shows how it will look or operate when it is built, or which is used
when the real thing is not yet available.
j. The way that someone or something is shown or described.

B. Reading Comprehension
Answer the following questions based on the text above.
1. Graphic designers employ esthetic visualizations only to create influential arts. T/F
2. Various companies need graphic designers’ services to market their products. T/F
3. The printing and publishing processes do not need the help of graphic designers. T/F
4. Demand increases for design projects for interactive media - websites, mobile
phones, and other technology. T/F
5. Some designers need to show their completed design to their clients or art or
creative director to get approval T/F
6. Explain the first steps graphic designers must take to develop a new design.

7. Why do graphic designers use specialized computer software packages?

8. In your opinion, why do designers need to be well-read and open to new ideas and influences?

English for Graphic Design 7

9. To illustrate their vision for the design, what is the process that graphic designers must do?

10. What must graphic designers do if they have their own design businesses?

Language Focus 2

Simple Present vs Present Continuous

Simple Present Present Continuous

Positive: Positive:
Singular Subject + V1 (with s/es) Subject + be + Ving
(3rd person singular: he, she, it) Be:
(I) am
Plural Subject + V1 (without s/es) (You, They, We) are
(I, you, they, we) (He, She, It) is
Singular Subject + does not + V1
(3rd person singular: he, she, it)
Subject + be not + Ving
Plural Subject + do not + V1
(I, you, they, we)
Interrogative: Interrogative:
Do/Does + Subject + V1 ? Be + Subject + Ving ?
never, hardly ever, rarely, seldom,
occasionaly, sometimes, frequently, often,
still, currently, at present, at the
usually, always, every day/week, in the
moment, (right) now, now, today, etc.
morning/evenings, on Mondays, once a
week/year, etc.

English for Graphic Design 8

Basic uses and functions of Simple Present:

1. Use the present simple for a present state (e.g. feeling, opinion) or general facts.
2. Use the present simple for a habitual actions or routines.
3. Facts

Sentence Example:
1. Jack does not work on Saturday.
2. Tom goes fishing every week.
3. The Eiffel Tower is in Paris.

Basic uses and functions of Present Continuous:

1. Use the present continuous simple for something that is happening now or close to
the time of speaking.
2. Use the present continuous simple for a temporary situation.

Sentence Example:
1. Action happening now or close to time of speaking:
Where’s Tom? He’s playing soccer.
Don’t bother the kids. They are doing their homework.
2. Temprorary situations:
Martha and her husband are traveling around Europe for two weeks.
Lisa is living with friends until she finds an apartment.

Stative Verbs
Describe a state, not an activity. They cannot normally be used in the continuous form.
1. Mental/Thinking Verbs:
Agree, believe, disagree, doubt, except, forget, know, realise, remember, suppose, think,
2. Attitude Verbs:
Dislike, hate, like, love need, prefer, want
3. Sense/Perception Verbs:
Hear, see, smell, taste
4. Appearance:
Appear, look, resemble, seem, taste
5. Being, possession:
Be, belong to, consist of, contain, have, include, own, possess
6. Other Verbs:
Cost, fit, matter, mean, owe

English for Graphic Design 9

Complete the sentences by using the words in parentheses. Use the simple present or
the present continuous.
1. Shhh. The baby __________ (sleep). The baby __________ (sleep) for ten hours every night.
2. Right now I'm in class. I __________ (sit) at my desk. I usually __________ (sit) at the same
desk in class every day.
3. Ali __________ (speak) Arabic. Arabic is his native language, but right now he __________
(speak) English.
4. A: (it, rain) __________ a lot in southern California?
B: No. The weather __________ (be) usually warm and sunny.
5. A: Look out the window. __________ (it, rain)? Should I take my umbrella?
B: It (start) to sprinkle.
6. A: Look. It's Youssef.
B: Where?
A: Over there. He __________ (walk) out of the bakery.
7. A: Oscar usually __________ (walk) to work. __________ (walk, you) to work every day, too?
B: Yes.
A: __________ (Oscar, walk) with you?
B: Sometimes.
8. A: Flowers! Flowers for sale! Yes sir! Can I help you?
B: I'll take those-the yellow ones.
A: Here you are, mister. Are they for a special occasion?
B: I __________ (buy) them for my wife. I __________ (buy) her flowers on the first day of
every month.

English for Graphic Design 10

Basic Writing 3

Read both of the text and analyze whether they are a paragraph or not.

Text 1 Text 2

Italy is one of the most historical Italy is one of the most historical
countries in the world and therefore has many countries in the world and therefore has
historical places for tourists to visit. Firstly, it many historical places for tourists to visit.
is the Colosseum which was the place where Firstly, it is the Colosseum which was the
gladiators had to fight each other. Another place where gladiators had to fight each
interesting place is the leaning of Pisa. This other. Another interesting place is the
attraction is interesting because of its unique leaning of Pisa. This attraction is interesting
style. Venice is also a place that attracts many because of its unique style. Other than that,
tourists because of its uncommon city Italy is also famous for its culinary such as
landscape with its canals and bridges that pizza and pasta. Not only that, they also
connects the city. famous for its coffee.

Important Terms

Paragraph: a group of sentences that focus on a single idea

Topic: the one thing a paragraph is about
Topic sentence: the sentence that tells what the paragraph is about
Supporting details: those sentences that explain the topic sentence

English for Graphic Design 11

Visualize Your Understanding!

Take a look on the text 1 and text 2, then read the visual explanation below why one of
them is a paragraph and the other is not.
As it can be seen from the idea map below, text 2 has thesis sentence which does not
have appropriate supporting details. Meanwhile, the topic sentence of text 1 has supporting
details that connect each other. To write a good paragraph, you have to maintain that the
idea focuses on one topic with appropriate supporting details.

Idea Map

Italy is one of the most historical Italy is one of the most historical
countries in the world and therefore has countries in the world and therefore has
many historical places for tourists to visit. many historical places for tourists to visit.

Firstly, it is the Colosseum

which was the place where Firstly, it is the Colosseum which was
the place where gladiators had to fight
gladiators had to fight each each other.

Another interesting place is the Another interesting place is

leaning of Pisa. This attraction is the leaning of Pisa. This
interesting because of its attraction is interesting
because of its unique style.
unique style.

Venice is also a place that attracts

many tourists because of its Other than that, Italy is also famous for its
uncommon city landscape with its culinary such as pizza and pasta. Not only
canals and bridges that connects that, they also famous for its coffee.
the city.

English for Graphic Design 12

Take a look on the reading text in the first page of this unit!
1. How many paragraphs are there?
2. What is the topic of the text?
3. What is the first paragraph of the text?
4. What are the topic sentences of each paragraph above? Underline the topic sentences!
5. Could you find the supporting details of each topic sentence? Highlight your answers.

English for Graphic Design 13

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